Will and Me

By Robert Foust

Published on Feb 1, 2005


The bell rang, and I was late for class, yet again. I slinked through the door into Mrs. Holt's English class, hoping against hope that I could make it to my seat without drawing the wrath of the teacher for being tardy.

"Grant, how many times to you have to be reminded to be in your seat when the bell rings," Mrs. Holt thundered from behind her desk. This particular schoolmarm was a very large, grandmotherly type who very rarely left her seat, except to go to the bathroom to piss or to the lunchroom to eat.

"Sorry, Mrs. Holt. It won't happen again," I gruffly replied, trying to make it sound like the truth.

"Grant, I swear that you'll be late to your own funeral. Next time it happens you're going to have to see Mr. Kerny," Mrs. Holt replied. There was a hint of a threat in her otherwise sweet, southern voice. Mr. Kerny was the principal of my high school. He also happened to be my next door neighbor. Mrs. Holt knew, as well as I, that in a small town, every misstep that a 'good kid' makes becomes the fodder for the ravenous, small town grape-vine. Such information, however trivial, would travel far and wide within the confines of my small town. Her implicit threat was that my parents would become directly involved, if I did not clean-up my act.

"Fucking shit. Why the hell does she taking being tardy so seriously?" I whispered to Mary Lynn, who sat behind me, as I plopped into my seat and got out my well worn copy of Huck Finn.

"Jesus, Grant. I think that by now you'd be used to all the pressures to be the picture perfect son and student. By the way, cool pictures in the paper last night," Mary Lynn giggled softly.

"Please don't remind me," I muttered. Mary Lynn, or ML as I had called her since we became inseparable in Middle School, was referring to the spread that the local paper ran on my Eagle Scout ceremony last night, which caused me to be repeatedly heckled in the hallways throughout the day.

Mrs. Holt began her boring lesson on the intricacies of grammatical structure of the English language that we, as honor students, had to be subjected to repeatedly. And painfully.

I looked out the bank of windows and marveled at the glorious weather. It was late October and today was one of those magnificent autumnal days in Middle Tennessee. The sky was an intense blue, the air was crisp, and the trees were aflame with gold, orange, and red leaves. My mind began to drift out of the confines of this room, this school, and this small town. I began to think of my life after I could leave. Leave these petty teachers, these petty cohorts, and this petty town. My junior year in high school was approaching its mid-point, and I could just barely begin to see my future on the horizon. My future to be free to my true self.

A loud knock at the door caused my daydream to vanish into the ether.

A secretary from the front office opened the door and announced, "Mrs. Holt, we have a new student for your Honors English class. His name is Will Ashden and his family has just moved here from Mississippi."

I, along with the rest of the class, looked gawkily at the door to catch a glimpse of the new kid. Instead of a kid, we were all greeted with the makings of a powerfully built man. As Will sauntered into our English class, a couple of the girls audibly gasped at the seventeen year-old Adonis who entered our presence.

He cut quite a figure. He was tall, about six feet five inches, but his body was also filled out, which was a rarity in our still maturing age group. His black hair was a little longer than was customary in our town, which only added to his cache as an outsider. His face was punctuated by a prominent Roman nose and full lips. But his most striking by far were his eyes. They were a shade a of blue so piercing that when he returned your stare, it felt as if it went straight to the soul.

ML let out a cat call, which caused a few giggles, but drew no scolding from our teacher who seemed mesmerized by her new pupil.

"Welcome, Will. My, you are certainly a tall young man. Which sports do you play?" Mrs. Holt asked as she rose from her seat.

ML poked me and said, "The fat cow is actually getting up. Holy shit, even she must think that he's a total stud."

As Will made his way to the empty seat across from me, he replied in a deep baritone, "I play baseball, soccer, and football, ma'am."

"Well, I'm sure all our coaches will be glad to have such a strapping young man to join their teams," Mrs. Holt exclaimed.

ML poked me again and softly whispered, "I think the old goat is getting all hot and bothered by this 'strapping young man.' I'll bet ten bucks that she jumps his bones any minute."

ML's hilarious comment cause a wave of laughter to erupt from me, which earned me the ire of our smitten teacher, as I drew her attention, reluctantly, away from Will.

"Grant, I don't know what's gotten into you lately. You've always been such a good boy. You evidently find something very humorous. Perhaps I should give you something purposeful to occupy your mind. Take Will to the storage room and get him all the books that are on our course reading list for the remainder of this year."

Mrs. Holt looked at me with fire in her eyes as she handed me the key to the book storage room.

"Yes ma'am," I sighed as I rose from my seat. "Follow me, Will." I said as we left the classroom.

As we made our way to the book storage room, Will said, "So I see that y'all've got so hot pussy in this school."

"Um, yeah we do. I guess..." I stammered as I turned my head to look at him. He was handsome, but not immediately so. Will he had another, indefinable essence about him that was magnetic. He projected a commanding presence. Everything about him seemed to screamed alpha male.

Every time we reached a door, his body language insisted that I go first. Every time I went through the door he would hold it open, just as if I were a girl. As we talked a little more, I began to think, and hope, that maybe he was just being extremely polite to me.

I unlocked and pushed the heavy door to the book storage room open. Will moved to turned on the lights.

"This is a really cool, old room," Will said as he looked around.

"Yeah, this is the old auditorium. They built a new one on the other side of the building, so they, inexplicably, turned this room into storage," I said as I perused the great gothic stylings of this old room.

"We have a shit-load of reading yet to cover this year," I began to tell Will, trying to bring him up to speed on the joys of Mrs. Holt's English class.

Will ignored my jovial overture and replied flatly, "Just find my damn books, kid."

And I followed his commandment. I began to gather the large stack of classics that Mrs. Holt insisted that we be exposed to in her class. I found the multiple Faulkners straight-away, then the Canterbury Tales, then the compellation of poetry, and then the book of collected Shakespeare histories.

"I can't find 'A Farewell To Arms' in all this mess," I said as I looked around trying to find Will, who had disappeared from my view. "Oh, there it is. It's on the bottom of this pile of textbooks."

I kneeled down to pull the Hemingway classic from underneath the pile of history books. I heard Will walk up behind me as I wrestled the book out from under the dusty stack of books.

I looked up and Will was towering over me. A wicked smirk on his face revealed his gleaming, wolfish white teeth.

"You look like a natural. Being on your knees, I mean" Will exclaimed. I was stunned by his innuendo. There had been rumors about my sexuality since Middle School, but no one had ever confronted me directly about my gayness.

I wanted desperately to protest his assertion, but his entrancing eyes seemed to melt away my inhibitions. I remained on my knees, looking up at him, damningly silent.

"I think that I just might have me a fag here. Are you?" Will persisted.

"Yeah, I think that you are. I knew there was something about you from the moment I saw you. Are you a cocksucker?"

"Yeah, I thinking that you are. You know what, let's us find out if your a cocksucker or not," Will said coolly as reached down and squeezed my cheeks with his right hand.

I was frozen in place, unable to move. My mind was screaming for my legs to move, but I stayed motionless. I was lost in Will's ceaseless gaze.

Will released my face from his vice-like grip and unzipped his jeans. He reached into his underwear and fished out the biggest cock that I'd ever seen. Granted, I had not seen many cocks at that point, but his cock was massive, nevertheless.

My breath caught as I looked up from his ginormous cock into his boundless blue eyes.

"Yeah, you're a cocksucker, alright. How many dick's have you sucked before?" Will demanded.

"Just a couple," I rasped. My mouth was totally dry. I looked back at Will's cock and my eyes grew wide as I watched it slowly grow even fatter, even longer. It topped out at nine inches long and beer bottle fat.

"You are a total cock slut, huh?" Will said as he grabbed the base of his baby's arm. He waived it in front of my face a couple of times and on the third pass, I pounced at it.

"Not so fast there, faggot. You want my cock, you gotta earn it. You gotta beg me for it." Will said as he sadistically moved his fat cock out of the reach of my grasping lips.

And I begged for his cock. I pleaded with him to allow me to suck it. He was pleased that I reacted so earnestly to his demands and that I debased myself so easily and so freely for his personal amusement.

Will began to smack me with his dick. And I reveled in it. His fat cock was so large that I began to worry that it would leave welts on my face. His was leaking pre-cum freely, giving my cheeks a light, moist coating.

Finally, he brought the fat head of his fat cock to my mouth and began to outline my lips. Will commanded, "Ok bitch, open."

And I opened my mouth as wide as my jaws would allow for him to enter me.

And he filled me up with five inches of his cock still to spare outside of my mouth. I immediately noticed that the girth was almost as difficult to handle as the length, as my jaw began to ache from the stretching.

"You've got a sweet mouth, bitch. Can't take much cock, though." Will said. He then sinisterly forced his cock deep into my mouth. My gag reflex hit back hard, as my jaws involuntarily clamped down on his cock.

"Fucking hell, watch the damn teeth, bitch." Will yelped. "Next time I'll knock those teeth out of your fucking mouth," Will griped as he withdrew his cock from my watering mouth.

I looked up at him, mouth agape, slobber running down my chin, and blubbered, "Will, please. I'm sorry. You pushed too hard, it was just a reflex."

He took two fingers and shoved them into my pliant mouth. I let him have his way with me. For some reason, I knew that I would allow this man to do with me whatever he wanted, with no regard for myself.

Will was such a big guy that his thick fingers were bigger and longer than the other two cocks with which I had previously had experience.

As he forced his fingers into my throat, the gag reflex hit again.

"That is something that we'll have to work on. A cocksucker who can't deep throat ain't worth shit," Will said as he withdrew his fingers from my mouth. He grasped his cock, slapped me a couple of times about the face with his fat dick coated in my spit, then re-entered my waiting mouth.

Will began a forceful face fucking, the likes of which I had never experienced. His large hands enclosed my head, which he used as a tool to jack himself off. As his fat cock began to plow into my mouth, I realized that I had never been this horny, ever.

He worked me so hard and so long, that I lost all track of space and time. I have no idea how long he fucked my face. But I know that he fucked me. And I know that he fucked my mouth good.

Will came in torrents. The first eruption coated my tongue. By the second and third, his cum coated my face. The last few eruptions landed in my hair. I looked up at Will as he tilted his head back and let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

He looked back down at me and said with a chuckle, "Damn cocksucker, I've covered your face in my kids."

I licked some of the cum off of my mouth as he said, "We are going to get to know each other mighty well, Grant, my boy, mighty well."

I was in a dazed state, unbelieving of what I had just experienced.

Will began to scoop the cum off my face and feed it to me on his long, thick fingers. And I greedily licked ever single ounce of his cum that he offered to me.

The blaring alarm clock hurled me out of my intense dream. I looked bewilderedly around, unaware of my surroundings. As my wits slowly returned I found that I was in my new house in Nashville. I had to get to work and I was already a half hour late.

Next: Chapter 4

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