Will and Me

By Robert Foust

Published on Jan 20, 2005


Thanks for all the feedback. Enjoy.

After the encounter in which Will and I became re-acquainted, I was completely thrown off course from my erstwhile upbeat new life. I had just taken a very lucrative new job, moved back closer to my childhood home after living away from Tennessee for many years, and had just gotten involved in a new relationship with a great guy I had just met. Everything was looking up, that is, until Will and his fat dick barged back into in my life.

The day after I had been used by Will, I was a total mess at work. Indeed, several of my new co-workers suggested that I take a sick day, as I was such a mess. Lane, my office neighbor, dropped by after lunch for our usual gossip session. Lane and I were actually old college friends, so we were both very excited to be back together again.

"What the hell happened to you?" Lane exclaimed as she strolled into my office. "You look like seven miles of bad road," she went on, using one of the colorful southern saying she frequently peppered into her conversations.

"Hey, Lane. I really, really don't want to talk about it right now," I replied with a pleading look. She took the clue that I was not in the mood to chat, and turned to leave.

"Well... I'll be next door if you need me," she said, as she moved to close my door.

"Lane, wait. I ran into Will last night." The words exploded from my mouth, even though I really, really did not think I wanted to talk about it. Apparently, some part of me did want to get it out in the open.

"You remember, Will, from my high school?" I said as Lane closed the door and pulled a seat up to my desk with a very consternated look on her face.

"Of course I remember that motherfucker," Lane exclaimed.

"What to you mean by ran into?" Lane looked at me with concerned, but I also could see some traces of disappointment in her expression. Lane and I had met as freshmen at the University of Tennessee, just as I was beginning to re-establish myself after Will had usurped nearly my entire identity. Lane was one of my saviors. She had comforted me late into the night many times, as I recounted the long, sorted tale of Will and me.

"Well," I began, "he was working at this store I went into last night, and I... I mean he..." I trailed off, letting Lane's very active imagination fill in the blanks. "Goddamn it, Grant," Lane said, shaking her head.

"Lane, please. I feel awful enough about the whole thing without you adding to it." She soften immediately, and rose to give me a long hug. I tried not to, but I started to cry. And I felt a great relief to let out some of my simmering anguish.

Lane knelt beside my chair, and held my hand. "Tell me the whole thing, and don't leave out one kinky detail," she said with a smile.

And I recounted the story of my re-acquaintance with Will.

"I swear, you are the biggest fucking size queen I know," Lane said with bemusement. "So Will's gotten fat and lost his hair? Serves the sadistic son-of-a-bitch right," she went on.

"It's just like alcoholism, man. You've fallen off the wagon, now you have to pull yourself up, and get on with your life. It's just one blowjob in, what, ten years? You are totally over that asshole," Lane said as she paced up and down in my office. She was in full-blown counselor mode, and I knew from experience that it was best to simply let her go on with her, absolutely unscientific, diagnosis.

"Don't you have a date tonight with Nick? That's just what you need to get your mind off of Will and his big dick," Lane said with the satisfaction of a completed analysis. I was, momentarily, moved beyond the quagmire that Will had through me in, as I had completely forgotten about my pending date with Nick. The nervous anticipation of another date with a newfound love began to burn off the fog of my lingering, conflicted emotions about Will.

Was Lane was right? Perhaps I was, finally, over Will. Perhaps, but I a creeping doubt lingered in the depths of my thoughts.

"You're right, Laney. Nick is just what I need to help me to move on," I said more to convince myself than to convince her.

I made it through the long slog of the afternoon at work by focusing on my eagerness of seeing Nick again. Later that evening, I entered the coffeehouse where I was to meet Nick with butterflies in my stomach. The place was semi-crowded, but I did not see my date after a cursory view, so I found a cozy table in the back with a direct sightline of the front door.

Just after I had seated my self, I spotted Nick walking in and, much to my pleasure, he turned many heads of both sexes as he made his way to me. Nick is drop-dead gorgeous. He is six feet three and about 230 pounds of solid muscle. He is thick, but not in that nasty, bulked-up muscle-head way. One of the strongest elements of his magnetic good looks has to be his smile. He has the sexiest smile imaginable, complete with dimples. His sandy brown hair is invariably mussed and you can lose yourself in his haunting green eyes.

"Hey, Grant. I was worried that you were going to bail on me after you didn't call last night. Is everything going o.k.?" Nick asked, innocently enough, after we had kissed hello.

"Um, oh, about last night, I was just really tired after the meeting so I just went home and crashed pretty early," I lied. I began to feel twinges of guilt. I had promised myself that I would not lie in another relationship, especially one as promising as this. I was drawn out of my self involvement by Nick's smile.

"That's cool. Hey, let's get our coffee to go. We can get to the show early and meet some of the guys in the band," Nick suggested. As long as he kept smiling at me, I would have done most anything. Nick, besides being totally hot, has one of those cool Nashville jobs. He manages bookings for promoters for one of the larger record companies in town. So he always has the tickets to the best shows, country or otherwise.

As we walked to the club where this up-and-coming alt-country band was playing, Nick grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "You look like you need to let some steam off, tonight will be a total blast. These guys will be known pretty soon because they are such amazing performers," Nick said, then leaned in to give me a quick kiss. I felt so re-assured in his presence that I did begin to let go of some of the swirling emotions in which I had been caught over the last day. Tonight would be a blast and, maybe, Nick and I would finally move beyond making-out like horny teenagers.

Nick and I had met at a dinner party, just after I had moved back to Nashville, a little over a month ago. We were introduced by mutual friends who, like all match-makers, were just sure that we would hit it off. Much to my surprise, we did hit it off. I felt an instant connection to Nick. We ended up leaving the party together and we managed to hit a few hot night spots. Just as I was about to invite him back to my place, Nick brought up his last relationship. After hearing him pour his heart out, it was clear to me that he was not ready to move as fast as I. So we went to the coffeehouse and simply talked until they closed.

After the show was over, Nick and I walked back to our cars talking very loud because of the ringing in our ears. "They were great, Nick. Wow, what a show. The lead singing was a total hotty, by the way," I said to try to get a re-action out of Nick. And he bit, things were looking promising.

"Oh, he was a hotty, huh? Did you notice that I got hit on by three guys and two gals?" Nick retorted with a sly smile. "I did notice that, but there's no accounting for taste, is there?" I said laughing. Nick gave me a swift slap on the ass and said, "You've got quite the smart mouth, don't you? I'm thinking that it's time I gave your mouth something to focus on besides your witty repartee." I just smiled demurely and replied, "Why sir, whatever do you mean by that?"

"I mean that you're coming home with me tonight," Nick said with determination. I replied with satisfaction, "I'll follow you home, then." The drive, though only about five minutes, seemed to last forever. When we finally arrived at his condo, I raced into the bedroom and shed all of my clothes.

"A little over-excited, are we? Come over here and help me undress," Nick commanded, which got me very excited. I sauntered over to him and began to unbutton his blue oxford. I then lifted his undershirt, revealing a beautifully cut chest. I lowered my mouth to his nipples and nibbled with glee.

"I can't believe how good you smell, au natural," I purred as I gave his underarms a tongue bath. Nick grabbed my face with his large hands and pulled me into a very passionate and very wet kiss. After we finally came up for air, Nick gently, but firmly pushed down on my shoulders. And I gladly slid down to my knees. I looked up and was greeted with Nick's million dollar smile. I melted. In short order, I had loosened his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and pulled down his boxers.

And a very large, very angry-looking cock saluted me. I looked up at Nick and gasped, "I thought you might be a big boy, but holy shit." His dick was about eight inches long and nicely thick, topped with a beautifully large crown. My mouth began to water in anticipation.

"You think that you can take me all?" Nick questioned me, looking down with his mesmerizing green eyes. I looked away from Nick and thought back to the countless times that Will had battered my mouth, throat, and ass with his monster cock that was even larger than Nick's fat cock.

"All I can do is try, big boy," I finally managed to get out. I was crestfallen that Will had barged his way into this passionate moment. No matter who I got involved with or how great they were, Will was constantly there. His present always abiding with me.

A light smacking on my cheek brought me back to the present. I looked up to see lust in Nick's eyes. He was dick slapping me, but ever so gently. Sexual desire took over, and I engulfed Nick's thick cock. Nick was a bit taken back by my blowjob skills and he moaned in appreciation as I began to deep throat him. Before long, Nick moved his large hands around my head and began a forceful but tender face fucking.

I was lost in the motions of sucking Nick, but he broke the action by withdrawing his cock from my mouth. I looked up at him with a pleading look of need for his cock. "All right, let's move this show into the bedroom," Nick ordered and I obeyed. He ordered me onto the bed and offered me his long index and middle finger. I let them enter my hungry mouth. After they were sufficiently wet, he moved them to my ass.

"Easy there, big guy," I winced as he forcefully shoved his index finger into me. "Sorry, Grant. You've just got me so hot..." Nick apologized. He loosened me up for a while longer, adding more fingers and, to my slight discomfort, using more force. I looked up at my lover and whispered, "I think that I'm ready for your big 'un. Give it to me nice and slow."

Nick was incredibly sweet and gentle, but before I was fully adjusted to his substantial girth, Nick began to fuck me in earnest. The pain dulled a bit as I was worked out by his fat cock. Nick would gyrate and occasionally hit my hot button, which would send me through the roof. Nick grabbed my raised legs and pushed himself totally into my gut, causing me to let out a moan of pleasure and pain. I looked into his eyes and clenched my ass muscles.

"Oh fuck, you've got an awfully sweet ass," Nick grunted between forceful thrusts into me. His powerful fucking was, literally, a jarring experience. He began to bring his full weight into each thrust. "Your next door neighbor must totally hate you," I said, as the wrought iron head board clanged against the wall. He moved in and began a to kiss me with more force than I had ever been kissed before. Nick took control of my mouth with his tongue and my ass with his cock.

I grabbed my rock hard cock, which is, by the way, about six and one-half inches and also nicely think, and began to jack-off hard. "I'm going cum," I yelled just as the first squirt erupted. My orgasm was very intense and precipitated Nick's. I felt his cock expand, then volley after volley wet my gut. Nick collapsed onto me and we held each other for a long time, his fat cock softening inside me.

As the haze of the orgasm began to lift, Will popped back into my thoughts again. Sure I had enjoyed the sex, but I regretfully admitted to myself that I was no where near as hot as I had been last night: on my knees, being commanded, and being used. Will brought out some sort of raw sexual heat in me that no one else could, and this seemed to prove it.

Nick kissed me and pushed Will out of my thoughts, yet again. "That was amazing. You are going to stay the night, right," Nick asked as he stroked my hair.

"No, I really shouldn't. I'd have to get up way early to go home for clothes. And you know how I hate getting up early," I replied, trying desperately to sound light-hearted.

"You sure? I'll get you up early," Nick offered. "Nah, thanks though. But I do think that I'd like to lay here for a little longer, if that's all right," I said.

And with that Nick draped his arms around me and pulled me close, engendering in me a feeling of total contentment and safety.

Next: Chapter 3

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