Will and Me

By Robert Foust

Published on Jan 14, 2005


This is a work of fiction by the author. It is based on true events, but names have been changed and events have been re-arranged or altered to make this a more cohesive narrative. Naturally, some poetic license has been taken in the writing of this story. Be safe in the new year and enjoy.

I have just recently taken a job in Nashville, which brings me back home after nearly a decade away from Tennessee. My job allows me to travel within the rural areas south of Nashville, which just happens to be where I was born and raised. Let me describe myself so you will have a better idea of me before I go any further.

My name is Grant and I grew up in Middle Tennessee in an upper middle class family that was fairly prominent in the community. I was a popular kid in school, but I was definitely more of a scholar than an athlete. I am six feet tall and solidly built with brown hair and hazel eyes. I am in my late twenties, and have managed to keep myself in very good shape through a combination of hiking and yoga.

As I said, my new job makes me travel through the small communities south of the Nashville metro region. My third day on the job, I was bringing the company car back to the office late in the evening and found that the gas tank was nearly empty. I did not want to incur the wrath of my co-workers by leaving the car out of gas, so I pulled into a gas station to fill 'er up. My company uses a fleet fuel card, which I had no idea how to use. Hoping that the store clerk would have fueling instructions for the car, I went into the store.

When I entered the store, all my breath left me as if I had been knocked in the gut. Will was standing there behind the counter. He recognized me instantly, as I had recognized him.

"Well, well, well... I never thought that I would see your bitch-ass face again," Will said, causing several people in the store to look confusedly at me. They seemed to be trying to figure out if Will's greeting was playful or not. I blanched, which tipped everyone off that this was no playful greeting between old chums. After what seemed like an eternity, I lamely stammered back "Hey Will, it's been a long time."

Will had not aged all that well. It had been about twelve years since I had broken free from our intense relationship, though relationship is not a very good word to describe Will and me. The last time that I had seen Will, he was in the flower of youth. A total jock. Long and lean, but with a chiseled body. Now he was a bit overweight and balding.

After Will checked out the person in front of me in line, he walked past me and locked the door. He still cut a strong figure even though he was no longer in the best shape. Will was still tall, about six five, and still broad, though not as tight. His thinning hair was still jet black and his ice blue eyes still made me weak in the knees. As he flipped the open sign to closed, the bottom fell out of my stomach. My legs and my mouth refused to move. I knew what was coming next.

"Man, you know, my cock has been aching for some action all week. Lucky that you walked back into my life. You remember the drill, right?"

I was still frozen in place.

"Well, let's have a little refresher them, shall we? You drop onto your knees, crawl over to me and beg me to allow you to suck my cock. If you can do that correctly, then we might go on from there," Will said casually.

I was still unable to move. Will gave me a withering look, the same look I had seem so many times before. "Get on your fucking knees, cocksucker. Now."

And I sank down. I looked over at Will, who was leaning against the counter. He smiled broadly and ordered, "Crawl over here to me."

And I crawled to him. He took his cock out and I gasp. It was bigger than I had remembered and he was still not even hard yet. He began to smack me with it. "You're still the slut that I remember from high school. I certainly taught you very well."

His dick grew with every beat from his heart. I gawked at it, mesmerized by this cock that had ruled my life for two years. Will's cock is a thing of beauty. It's long, nearly nine inches, but the best thing about his cock is that it's fat. Fat as a beer bottle. The girth makes it look obscenely big. Will has a big, fat cock and he knows from past experience that I'm powerless to resist it.

"Your mouth is still watering for me after all these years, huh? Let me hear how much you've missed me and my big'un," Will said expectantly.

"I want it, Will. You've always known that I was yours anytime you needed it. Give it to me," I pleaded, looking directly into his eyes. He was getting off on the domination, he always had. He held my stare for several seconds. Then picked up his dick and outlined my lips with the crown of his fat dick. His pre-cum was flowing and the familiar taste began to percolate into my mouth. I kept my eyes on his as he began to dick slap me with his searingly hot cock.

"In all these years, I've never found any bitch that would let me dick slap them like you did." He paused and those forceful blue eyes looked directly into the darkest depths of my being. "You're also the only one who has ever been able to take my cock to the hilt. That took us a very long time to get right, as I remember it," Will's voice triggered a part of me that I thought was gone. The praise that he was giving me about my cocksucking abilities washed over me like a wave of warm water. And I began to get hard.

"You can suck my dick now." And I did. I took the fat dick into my mouth with wanton abandon. I tired to take the whole thing down at once, but my throat muscles don't seem to have the memory that I have. As I gagged on his fat cock, Will chuckled. I looked up into his eyes as my eyes began to water and he said, "Looks like we'll have to work on that some more."

And with that he total took command. He grasped my head and began a long, slow fucking of my mouth. With each thrust, he would penetrate me a little more, both physically and emotionally. Before long, Will's cock slid down my throat and back into my soul.

After my throat muscles had relaxed to his satisfaction, Will began the battering ram approach to my mouth. His thrusts were almost enough to knock me off balance, so I had to grab a-hold of Will's legs for balance. I looked up and Will captured me in his eyes. He brushed the hair out of my eyes with his thumbs and said, "Just like the old days, bitch. You can still work it hard."

The battering from his cock quickly began to cause my jaw to ache and the muscles in my throat began to spasm as I attempted to swallow the accumulation spittle in my mouth in between thrusts. The throat spasms caused Will to climax earlier than he intended.

"Oh, fuck," he gasped as he threw his head back. His first volley of cum went straight to my belly as his cock was still lodged down my esophagus. He withdrew in time for the second volley to coat my tongue. By the third and forth volleys, my face and hair were covered in his cum. I had forgotten about the copious amounts of cum that churned out of Will's balls.

"That was fucking sweet," Will panted, sweat on his brow. I looked up at him with a string of cum dripping over my left eye. "I had forgotten how pretty a fag you are covered in my cum," Will said.

He took his thick index finger and began to collect and feed me his cum. I hungrily sucked it as he offered it to me. I was harder at that moment than I had been in many years and through many relationships. Will brought out a part of my sexuality that, apparently, no one else could. As this realization hit me, I felt as if the ground had fallen from beneath me. It had taken me years to rebuild myself after Will. I felt unmoored from reality, set adrift on a sea of utter confusion and self-doubt.

A loud knocking snapped me back into reality. A large elderly woman was rapping on the locked door to the convenience store and trying to peer in through the glass. Will nonchalantly hoisted his softening cock back into his pants and moved to unlock the door. I flung myself behind the counter to hide from the steady stream of customers who began to enter the store. Will joined me behind the counter and looked down at me with amusement. "You look like that Mary chick in that Ben Stiller movie," Will said after the line at the cash register dwindled, referring to my spiked hair.

"Alright cocksucker, everyone's gone. So get the hell out of here. I have to get back to work before the night manager gets here. I don't want her to find a cum-covered cocksucker cowering behind the counter. She might not get a kick out of that," he chuckled.

I gathered myself up and made my way out of the store. "By the way, are you living in Nashville now? Last I heard, you were up in Virginia," Will inquired. I looked back at him ready to say that I was still living in Charlottesville, but when my eyes met his, I gave way, "Yeah, I just moved to Nashville."

"That's good. We'll get a chance to get to know each other again then," Will said with an ominous look. And with that he turned away, obviously done with me, for the present.

A flood of memories hit me as I was fleeing driving out of the gas station, dried cum on my face and in my hair. Suddenly, I was back in Mrs. Holt's junior advanced English class, where Will and I had first encountered one another. A horn honk hurled me back into the present. As I drove into the office parking lot, I realized that I had failed, after all that, to put any gas into the car.

"Fucking hell," I muttered as I sank back into the car seat and drove off to find another gas station.

Next: Chapter 2

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