Will and Mark

By giixnc90

Published on Jun 14, 2008



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High School Story.

Author's Note: this chapter is extremely small, but gets to the point rather quickly.

Main Characters:

Will, 16, sophomore

Mark, 16, sophomore

Chapter One: Just a Tease

Mark walked into his English class and sat down. He was beat and tired. It was hot, he was miserable and worst of all, he was hot. It was the hottest day of the year so far. They hit 97. So it was with great displeasure that Mark sat in his last day of classes, sweating his balls off.

His english teacher, Ms. Smith, gave back their grades. Mark passed with a 87, his highest grade of the year. He passed by one of his friends, Will.

"Yo, Will, meet me at my locker after school, I gotta talk to you about some shit." Mark said.

"What floor?"

"This floor, the third."

"Okay, I'll be there, but what's it about?" Will asked.

"Tonight." Mark replied.

Tonight?, Will thought. Oh well.

"Yeah, just meet me." Mark said, and walked away, hiding his blush. Blushing?, he thought. Why is he blushing? He wasn't even sure.

The periods seem to fly by and finally, the school bell rang, after what seemed like an eternity to Will. He walked out of his eighth period class, and walked up the flight of stairs to Mark's locker. Mark was already there, standing there waiting.

"Yooooooo, Will." Mark said, walking up and embracing him in a brotherly manner, but somehow feeling stimulated. Why the fuck would he be stimulated?

"Yo, what's goin' on, Mark?" Will asked, curiously.

"Nothin', nothin'. I'm havin' a little thing at my house tonight, to celebrate school endin'. Beers and shit. You comin'?" Mark asked. "I'm not sure who's coming, or who can stay cuz of the basketball tournament this weekend."

"Yea, I can come. I'll need a place to crash cause I can't go home drunk." Will said. "You know my parents will shank me."

"I gotta bed, haha." Mark smirked. "If you don't mind sharin'."

Will blushed and Mark decided to give him a look over. He was rather attractive. He was pushing six feet, if not six foot, and had curly black hair. He had huge muscular arms, a tight chest, and six pack abs. He had a nice bulge in his pants and muscular legs. He had a cute face to top it off.

Mark was about the same height. He had piercing blue eyes, an awesome body with a six pack, and tight pecs. He had musclar, tanned arms and thick legs. His bulge was a little less prominent in his overly baggy pants.

"Okay, dude, just come to my house." Mark said, and he left school.

Later on that day, Will was laying in his big bed. He picked up his cell phone and texted Mark.

Will: yo im bored

Mark: yea me 2

Will: wut you doin

Mark: layin down u?

Will: same about to take a shwr

Mark: dats cool me 2

Will: yeaaa aha

Mark: jus save water and come to ma hous n shower wit me haha

Will: no homo

Mark: ahah brb ima go shower, cum over wen ur done

Will had a raging boner as he stood up off his bed. He scratched it and it bounced. He grabbed a fresh wife beater and a pair of boxers, and walked to the bathroom. He stipped his boxers off and his seven inch monster was freed. He grabbed it and then decided to just wash off. He quickly washed and got out. He dried off, paying special attention to his dick, just to tell it that he'd have some attention soon.

He threw on a pair of basketball shorts and a white tee. He put on deodorant and sprayed some cologne on. He left his house and started walking to Mark's. Knowning Mark he wasn't anywhere near ready. He texted him.

Will: yo im comin

Mark: iight, i jus got outa the shower

Will: k ill be there in lik 5

Mark: jus knock ma mom will answer...don't worry she's leavin soon

Will arrived at Mark's house and knocked on the door. His mom answered.

"Oh, hey, sweetie! Ohhhhh, your getting so big!" she said, hugging Will. "Mark said you'd be over. We're going to Atlantic City, you boys behave yourselves."

She grabbed her purse and her husband got up off the couch. She kissed Will and walked out the front door and Mark's dad shook his hand.

Will jogged upstairs and went into Mark's room. He wasn't there. He could clearly hear water running. That idiot wasn't ready, as usual. He layed down on Mark's bed, getting comfortable. He threw his change of clothes down and rolled over. He rolled back over to see Mark standing there, fully naked.

"Oh...your here...." Mark said and he started to slowly approach Will. Will's eyes traveled down Mark's body to his soft cock, which was easily 3 inches soft, with a tuft of light hair. Will's cock twitched.

Mark reached out and touched Will on his shoulder. Will shuddered.

"Hey." Mark huskily whipered.

"Hey." Will croaked back.

"Your laying on my clothes." Mark said. Will blushed furiously and jumped quickly up.

"I'm sooo sorry." Will said. Mark pulled on his boxers.

"Nah, its cool. I sleep naked anyway." Mark said. He looked at Will, and winked. He then turned and went back into the bathroom.

End of chapter one!


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