Wild Wedding weekend, 2016, a TG Story

By Joyce Devries

Published on Apr 7, 2018



Saturday October 15th, 2016, A Wild Wedding Day

By Joyce Devries, joyce_devries@hotmail.com Yahoo Chat ID: joyce_devriestv@yahoo.com

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure, no this was not a TV/TG event. My spouse knows about and totally supports me as "Joyce"; she is an incredible GG, as you will see. I am 5'0", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this was a very different experience, I have been a Lesbian Bride for real in 1990, but this was yet another chance to live as a Bride all over again wearing one of my 7 Wedding gowns, on a Saturday with a man, and of course jumped at the chance, but this time there was several twists as you will see. It was with a couple, and both wanted to experience some of the things I wrote about over the years in my real life diary entries, and include me in very unique fantasies they BOTH had. ===========================================================================

The incredible weekend I will never forget started out with an out of the blue email from a supposed woman to my hotmail account, here is what it said:

"My husband and I loved the latest Nifty entry about the Wedding weekend 2015, and we both have been huge fans of your writing for years, you sound very confident and experienced, is it possible you could show us a couple of pictures, so we can put a face to a name?".

Now this was an email to my hotmail account, and this was the internet, so you never know who or what the other person is on the end of an email, but since I look nothing like my male self when dressed, I sent same older and newer pictures with no worries.

The next morning I got this email from the person that wrote the first and it read:

"OMG!, are you THE Joyce Devries?, the one that had the Bridal Salon Web site in the 90's?. My husband and I have all your pictures from that site we loved it!, or have you sent us HER Pictures".

I wrote back and explained they indeed were my pictures and that I took the site down for many reasons, and then proceeded to take a selfie of me with a 2016 calendar in my hands to prove it was me. I sent her that picture and about 8 hours later got a response from her:

"Holy crap it really is you!, I live in Burlington and would love to get together with you for lunch and meet you in person, and I know how much you love GDO's, please let me know, I am in real estate so I can be flexible".

Again, after having met many people on the internet, I knew to be cautious, so I sent her my Yahoo IM chat name and then we started to chat on a nightly basis, and almost every time she was telling me over and over how she and her husband were huge fans, as well as lots of recent pictures and she could not get over my wardrobe. She told me her real name was Wilma and her husband's was Fred. One afternoon, I had her call and I was able to check the caller ID to verify it was her, and she could hear my voice and I could here hers and she asked, "so when can we meet?". I checked my work calendar and I told her Wednesday's were the best days, that way it was the middle of the week so a woman in a skirt or dress would not look out of place. She told me, "knowing all I know about you, I would expect no less". So about a week later while we were chatting on-line. She said the following Wednesday was free, and I checked my calendar and said that would be fine. Then she asked where I wanted to meet and I told her there was a bistro on the Oakville waterfront, Planko's, and that we could go there, and she knew of the place. She asked the time and I said, "let's do an early lunch at 11:30am". She agreed and I told her that I would meet her there and no need to pick me up. Now as our chatting continued, I was getting possibly a little bit concerned, as well, it seemed her and her husband seem to know me, better than I knew myself and I started to find out my very detailed diary entries were revealing allot about me that I did not realize I was divulging, like, my favorite food, colour, etc., and was wondering what other things I revealed about myself without knowing.

So, I told my husband, Sharon, about the meeting and she knew we were meeting in a public place, and I was getting there on my own and not getting picked up and would be safe, and she asked me to tell her all about it when it happened the following week, and lastly, "how can you resist a GDO?, have fun picking what to wear, I know you have about a thousand choices". Well she was right, one thing was for sure I certainly did have limitless choices, but it was going to be the weather that would determine what I would be wearing. The date was October 5th, and the way the summer was going, it was going to be not too hot or too cool, and still would be able to wear something appropriate for the summer still. Then I thought about the situation, and since she knew so much about me and how I liked to present myself in public if I wore something way out of character, I would perhaps look fake?. Or then again, they had seen a ton of pictures of me back in the 90's, when I wore totally different things than I do now in public, ie., more conservative looking as I age and want to look my age and not beating it off with a stick. I then started going through the closets, and then wrote down combinations of things I could wear and stopped at 30, and then after about 4 days of doing that, I decided on a compromise. Since the weather looked like into the low 70's, and it was during the work day, so a woman from the office was not going to look out of place, and as always I wanted to wear things I had never worn in public before. I decided on a new floral chiffon blouse that my husband was given by a co-worker and did not fit her, but fit me, and a new midi length tight black body con midi pencil skirt, to spice up the look, was going to be new "tulle" nearly back pantyhose, almost fishnet but you have to look up close to see that they are fishnet, they look like super sheer nearly black hose further away. Heels?, I thought long and hard about and since it was just a lunch meeting, was not going with the 5 1/4" black patent heels, it was not going to be my black 3" patent heels, she would be expecting higher, but decided on the 4" black kid heels, never worn in public. The rest of the outfit I decided was going to be a "game day" decision, but was going to plan on a dress rehearsal for the essentials before the lunch date.

Wilma and I continued to chat back and forth almost every night and I could tell she was getting excited to meet with me saying, "I am dying to see what you are going to wear, and let me guess?, never before in public?". Again, I was worried that she knew way too much about me and told her I would look "appropriate" for the meeting.

So the Monday night before, I pulled everything out of the closet and started to get dressed to make sure the look was going to be right. I started with the panties and for special occasions like this, I always put on my first pair of red silk and lace panties given to me by a GF before I met my husband. Then the foundation garment. Now since the pantyhose I was going to be wearing were not only temperamental, but expensive, they would not be worn for the rehearsal. I pulled out a ultra sheer nearly black pair, runs and all and slipped them on. I then went and tried to decide on a bra and picked a new black satin and lace push up bra and slipped it on and loved the way it gave me an extra cup size. I then slipped on the sheer chiffon floral blouse and looked in the mirror then realized I had a problem, it was very sheer and obviously needed a camisole the bra was clearly visible. Of course I had my fair share of choices for a black camisole, but took the blouse off and pulled out a custom made black satin and full front bodice lace camisole and the slipped the sheer floral blouse back on and then looked in the mirror and loved the look the fact the lace of the camisole at the top was clearly showing, but the way the blouse buttoned up, it was not obviously showing, outward, only underneath, the look was perfect. I then pulled out the black midi body con pencil skirt loved the feeling of the satin lining on my silky legs, and tugged it up my legs and over my hips, it certainly was form fitting and made sure the blouse was tucked in and thought to myself I was glad I was not climbing allot of stairs in it as the knee movement was restrictive. I then slipped on the 4" black kid heels and then had to decide on what hair to wear. Now one hairpiece I had gotten recently was a very long, "Dolly Parton" style, very long and full, curly, I loved it, totally out of character for me, but I was determined to wear it, as it made me look so different, and had never been worn out in public. I looked in the mirror and said, "yes, this is it", but knew I needed help to make it right. Sharon was home from work and I grabbed a hair pick and went upstairs. Then realized walking up the stairs in the skirt, was tough as it was so tight around my knees and had to tug it up a bit to free up movement. I went to he living room and Sharon was in her usual place reading her book, in the living room. She saw me coming and said, "oh my, very chic and lovely, you are wearing the blouse I gave you. I love the lace under the blouse and the skirt I have never seen, so tight and again chic a little sexy and the hose, hope you are not wearing those!, I told her what I planned on wearing, and she said that would be quite the look. Then she said, "what a change in looks with the hair". I asked if it was too much and she said, "no, don't be silly, not at all, come and sit down and let me work on the hair". As she worked on the hair she said, "so this is what you are going to be wearing for your lunch date on Wednesday?", I told her it was and then she said, "I want to hear all about it when we get together next". I told her I would and as she worked on the hair she told me to wait and went and got a couple more hair clips and then put them in and told me that with the hair, I was going to make sure it was presented right all the time, which meant fussing over it more than any of the other hair pieces I wore before. She stood me up and we went to the front hall full length mirror and she stood behind be and showed me how the hair cascaded well over my shoulders partly and equal on both sides in the front, and then down the back, and I was going to have to be sure it was like that all the time or else it would not look right. She had me walk around a bit and turning my head back and forth and them showed me how to discreetly "fluff" and "play" with my hair to be sure it looked right in a natural way. I thanked her and then went back to my bedroom and took everything off and carefully put the hairpiece away.

Wednesday October 5th, 2016, Lunch meeting with Wilma

So the day came and I woke up and puttered around my bedroom, checked the weather and the temperature, and it was going to be a perfect day, no rain and low 70's for temperature. I heard my husband leave for work and call out, "have a great GDO my dear", and she left. I went upstairs and took a long shower and got nice and clean and made sure everything was perfect and then went down to my room, and checked the clock and it was 9:30am, so I had plenty of time. I slipped on my panties for the day and then the foundation garment and my blue terri cloth robe. For makeup, I first sat down and worked on my nails to ensure they looked as good as I could get them and then put on the matching deep red polish my husband and I both have, and waited for them to dry. I decided to get dressed for the day before I put on the rest of my makeup. First, I grabbed a pair of white satin gloves and opened a new pair of the tulle fishnet panty hose and VERY carefully slipped them on. Next was the camisole and blouse, and finally the skirt, and I had fun again carefully tugging it up and tucking in the blouse. I then grabbed the 4" black kid heels and found I had trouble slipping them on, and when I sat down to try and put them on, due to the tightness of the skirt, had to tug it up around my knees to put them on, and realized only then, there was no back kick pleat. I got the heels on and then headed towards the bathroom to put on my makeup, again, realizing walking in this skirt was going to be fun all day. I grabbed my hair for the day and carefully put it on, and made sure not to move any of the hair clips Sharon had put in, then walked to the bathroom.

Colours for the day were going to be my standard "office" application, so a moderate application of eyeliner and then dark blue for the lower lids and then light pink for the upper and a healthy application of my new Mascara. I put on my blush, just lightly, just to enough to give a little more colour to them, and decided on leaving my lipstick till last. Then what perfume to wear?, well my formal scent was out, but I had three others to choose from, and decided on my old favorite, Halston's, and applied some to my wrists, and neck. Then it was time to determine what accessories I was going to wear, and since I had gone a little more than I usually do decided not to stop there. So I was going with an all out Lesbian theme, starting with the Pride ankle, with the Lesbian charm, Lesbian Pride silver watch, Lesbian Pride bracelet, then the Lesbian Pride earrings. Then to top it all off my silver necklace with the double Lesbian symbol charm, tucked it in under the collar and looked great just above my breasts and framed but the lace that could be seen through the blouse. lastly was my rings, I wore the larger Wedding ring (looking) set on my left hand and then my Lesbian pinky ring and then a new Pride ring on my right hand. I then went and checked the time, I had 30 minutes before I had to meet Wilma and then went and grabbed my purse for the day which my newer pink patent leather looking purse. I checked to ensure I had enough money for a cab and then all of the essentials, and they were all there and called for a cab. I then went and put on my lipstick and gloss for the day which was one of Sharon and I's matching and then texted Wilma, to say I was coming, and she texted back and said she was just pulling in to the restaurant and would get a table and wait for me.

I went upstairs and since the weather was so nice, no need for a coat and about 5 minutes later the cab pulled in the driveway, I slung my purse over my body and left the front door and locked up and went and got into the back seat of the cab. I told the driver where I wanted to go and we were off, now the restaurant was only about 10 minutes away and we were there in no time, and since the ride was short, I opened my wallet and handed the cab driver a $20 bill and told him to keep the change. WELL, I guess a big tip from a woman means something and he came and opened my door. Now I did not have to worry about exposing myself as the skirt was long and tight enough and carefully slid out. I thanked him and then started towards the restaurant entrance, I noticed it was a tad bit cooler down by the water, but knew after lunch the noon day sun would warm things up.

I entered the restaurant and was greeted by a rather attractive hostess that was dressed in a knee length black skirt, 2" black patent heels nude hose and a white blouse, very well made up about my height in her heels. She smiled at me and I told her I was meeting someone and she said, "is your name Joyce?", I told her it was and she told me to follow her. I was nervous and very self conscious and as we walked to the table, I took my purse off from across my shoulders (bad move) and very quickly had to adjust my hair as we walked along to make it look like Sharon told me it should and slung my purse over my shoulder. We got to the far end of the restaurant the part with windows over looking the lake and large enclosed booths to allow for a private setting, there was no one around us. The waitress said, "here you go", I exchanged a smile with her and thanked her, then went to the booth and for the first time saw Wilma.

Now on-line, she had shown me her picture, but also told me that she does not like her picture taken and the pictures she showed me were very old, so I really had no clue but made the first move. I said, "hello Wilma?". she looked at me strange and said, "can I help you?". I smiled and said, "it is Joyce, so nice to meet you", she again looked at me strange and said, "sorry you must be looking for someone else, I am waiting for a friend". I was lost, was this the right woman?, and she kept looking at me, up and down in the usual female to female checkout way, and I decided "what the heck?", I said, "Wilma, I am Joyce, the woman that has a 92 minute record". She put down the menu she was reading and said, "Oh my God, you are real and it is really you!!", she covered her mouth with her hands and then jumped out of the booth and gave me a great big hug. She then held me away and said, "oh God, Oh God, I never thought this day would come, your hair, what is that?, I love it, and you smell so nice". I smiled and told her quietly to "take it easy" (luckily it was early in the day and we were almost alone), and I slid into my side of the booth and put down my purse and she slid back in. Her eyes were wide open and she could stop saying, "I cannot believe it, I cannot". I reached out and she held my hands and told her it was really me (it was super awkward I felt like a celebrity, but not really). When she calmed down she told me "I was expecting you to look totally different the hair threw me off", and I asked if she liked it and she gushed on how amazing it looked.

Things settled down and got a little more normal when our waitress came up and said, "My name is Mandy, I will be serving you, can I get you ladies anything to drink?". Wilma spoke up immediately and said, "I will have a glass of white wine and she will have a cooler", pointing at me and I smiled at her and said, "that would be fine", again thinking, "how much does she really know about me?". I smiled as she walked away and said she would be back later to take our food order. I checked her out she was a cute waitress in a scrunchie black above the knee length skirt, sheer nearly black hose, a cream blouse, nice makeup and she was wearing black flats. Wilma giggled as she walked away, and said, "checking out the waitresses, just like you always do", I said, "you did as well", and she said, "yes she was very cute". I looked out the window on the side of the booth and it was a really nice view and made a comment and Wilma said, "I like the view I am looking at now", while staring at me, still holding my hands. I then turned my attention to Wilma and took a look at her and again, the usual "female to female check each other out" happened. Wilma went first, and said, "I totally love your look, everything your diary entries you say and describe are not a lie, you are truly a lovely looking woman, and the outfit, so well put together". I smiled and thanked her and blushed a little and then checked her out. She appeared to be about my height a little taller and a little heavier in stature, boobs about the same size as mine, hair done up in a small bun, and darker like mine, well put together and very presentable. She was in a black blazer, and I could tell black slacks, white blouse, and was sure she was in black very low heeled dress shoes, very little makeup, lip gloss and could not tell if she was wearing any eye makeup, definitely no nail polish, or no earrings but a female watch and her Wedding rings.

We then looked at the menu's and Wilma had decided on a seafood dish and I decided on a clubhouse sandwich. About then our cute waitress Mandy, came back with our drinks and put them down and asked if we were ready to order and we said we were and she took our orders and then looked at me for more than a quick female to female glance, and smiled and said, "I really like your nail colour and love the necklace you are wearing". I smiled back and thanked her and she had a little smirk on her face and she told us she would be back with our food in a bit. Wilma smiled and looked me over again, and glanced down under the table at my legs and said, "my, some one certainly is letting the world know she likes fish and not beef", and I said back, "and you expected something else?". She giggled and said, "no, I certainly did not, and by the way, let me guess that is your and Sharon's matching nail polish and lipstick you are wearing?". I smiled and said nothing to that comment but said, "I guess I write a little too much in my diaries?". She sipped on her wine and had a sly smile, and said, "oh dear, my husband and I know everything about you". I just smiled back and sipped on my cooler, leaving a lipstick mark on the rim of the glass, and loved it, Wilma noticed me looking at it, all she did was smile.

A minute or two later, Wilma, grabbed her purse and said she had to "use the facilities", and smiled and then opened her purse and pulled out a piece of paper and put it on the table and slid it towards me as she left for the washroom. On the paper, which was folded said, "To Joyce". She walked away and then I saw her talking to the waitress and asking where the bathrooms were. I grabbed the note and it was smelling of perfume, a very strong floral scent, one I did not recognize, I opened the note and it was hand written it said,


My husband and I have been a huge fan of you for many, many years, we have a proposal that we think you might like. It involves many aspects of your real life diary entries and fantasizes/dreams that we have had for years and a woman like you can only make them come true, I would like to discuss them with you.

Kisses, Wilma (below was a lipstick kiss print)

First off I was floored/flattered and had no idea what the note really meant, but it certainly intrigued me. I was reading it for the second time when the waitress came with our food and placed it down and quickly put the note off to the side. About that time Wilma came back from the bathroom and slid in and the waitress looked at myself and Wilma and said, "enjoy your lunch ladies, and if I might say, you do make a nice looking couple". I was about to say something and Wilma reached across the table and grabbed my hands then smiled, and said, "yes she is a doll, and I think I will keep her". I played along and just smiled and squeezed Wilma's hands, Wilma looked back at me and chuckled as she walked away.

Now I knew I brought the reaction on myself, and the way Wilma was dressed she was not exactly very feminine looking, but I certainly was. I smiled and said to Wilma, "you had fun saying that didn't you?", and she smiled back and very quietly said, "more than you can imagine, my panties are already wet thinking of you". Ok, that is when in my brain went, "HANG ON, WHAT IS GOING ON?". As we started to eat I asked her about the note and she quickly stopped and said, "shoot, almost forgot", and reached into her purse and pulled out a zip lock bag and handed it to me and said, "put the note in this, do not want to lose the scent, like you tell your lovers". I did, and she had a strange smile on my face and she could see it as I packed it in my purse and said, "I really think you read my diary entries too closely", she smiled back and quietly said, "we have not even started, I bet you are wearing a red satin and lace pair of panties your first girlfriend got you". I literally dropped my fork and my jaw was wide open, I knew right then, this was going to be something special. Wilma smiled widely and said, "told you, we know allot about you".

By this point my mind was spinning, I had no clue what to think and I had not even started to drink my cooler so to speak, so it was not alcohol. I stared at her and said "I am at a loss for words" and she said, "then let me talk". Then said, "let's talk high level now and after lunch we can take a walk and talk privately about details". She then went on to explain in a quiet voice how her and her husband have a plan that is an entire Saturday of an adventure involving myself and them and encompasses a combination of my real life diary entries and their fantasies and again said we would talk about the details after lunch, but asked if I was at least interested. I told her I was, and she smiled and said, "girl, you are going to love this". I smiled and quietly said, "can you at least give me a hint?". She smiled and said, "what we are proposing is combining some of your real life adventures and experiences to re-live them again, and our fantasies into one spectacular Saturday day and night, and my dear, you will be able to wear one of your Bridal gowns in public again". I definitely was intrigued, but could tell by Wilma's body actions and tone, what had to be discussed more would have to be in a more private setting and the restaurant started to fill up. Our cute waitress Mandy came back to check on us and asked if we wanted another drink, and Wilma spoke up and said that we would, I turned my head to look at her she said, "I never noticed the earrings before, very nice, totally completes the look", I thanked her and she walked away.

Wilma and I then started talking about things in general as now we had people all around us and she and I were talking about my job at the Bridal salon. We chatting for a bit and then our waitress Mandy came back with the drinks and saw that we had finished lunch and asked if there was anything else. Wilma spoke up and said, "just the bill", Mandy asked if it was two separate bills and then looked at Mandy and grabbed my hands and said, "no just one". Mandy smiled and walked off and then we continued talking and sipped on our drinks. As we continued to talk and Wilma kept smiling and knew she wanted to say more about what she had written, but knew she could not as we had people all around us by this point. It did not stop Wilma from slowly caressing my hands as we talked as we talked. Our waitress Mandy came back and put down the bill and asked Wilma if she wanted the machine to pay and she said she did and our waitress went and got it and then came back and Wilma was still holding my hands and finally let go and pulled out her card and paid for the meal and the waitress smile at us and looked at me as she said, "have a nice day ladies". Wilma then slid over the bill and said, "this is for you, make sure you put it away in your purse like you always do". I smiled and then picked it up and on the back Mandy had written, "It was nice serving you ladies, and again, you make a lovely couple", and her lovely name written on it. I slipped into my purse and Wilma asked if I was ready to go and I told her I was, but had to use the ladies room.

I grabbed my purse and slipped it over my body then adjusted the long hair, and Wilma grabbed her purse and slid out and as we walked to the bathrooms, she said, "of course we have to use the ladies room before we go so you can make sure your lips are perfect". Again I thought "how much does this woman really know about me?, and I simply said, "well absolutely". We entered the ladies bathroom, it was nicer than most, and had 3 stalls, and I went into the middle one, and as I entered Wilma went into the one right of me and said, "of course the middle one, like you always do". I smiled, went in and hung up my purse on the back door and hiked up the tight skirt and then carefully lowered my pantyhose, moved things around and sat down and did my business, making sure I was making the right sounds. About that time another woman came into the stall next to me and it was us three women in the stalls. The woman quickly left and I could here her wash up and leave, I finished up and the stood and very carefully pulled up the delicate fishnet hose and then tugged down my skirt. I left the stall and went to the sinks, and washed up and then opened my purse and pulled out my lipstick and gloss and carefully touched up my lips and gloss, and then packed them back into my purse. Now, usually, a GG with no hose to deal with is in and out of a stall in a flash, like the woman that came and went did, but Wilma was still in her stall, I assumed it was that time of the month and she was changing her tampon or pad. I was adjusting my hair and Wilma finally came and joined me at the sinks, I knew something was up as she was all flush in the face and smiling wildly. I asked her is she was alright and she just said, "oh more than alright my dear, and I love those lips the way you touched them up, and you do not lie in your diary entries, you certainly make the sound of a woman peeing", I just smiled at her in the mirror. Wilma washed up and dried her hands while I went to the full length mirror and made sure my skirt was right and hair was placed just right like my husband had told me.

Wilma came up behind me and gently grabbed my waist, pushed her breasts into by back and looked at me over my shoulder in the mirror. She smiled back at me and, staring into my eyes, then leaned in and sniffed my neck, said in a sexy way, "you smell divine, what is this perfume?", I quietly told her and as she still stared at me said, "ah yes, one of your 'casual' ones, and again, love the look, and the hose you are wearing, looks like fishnet, and the skirt hugs you in all the right places. The lace under the lovely blouse, so sexy, and I see you are not wearing the 'big girls', and the heels, I wish I could wear them that high, but gave up on heels years ago due to back problems". I knew she was coming on to me and was not sure what was next, but we were interrupted by a woman that came into the outside door of the room and she let go of me and stood next to me and appeared to be making sure she looked right in the full length mirror. The woman came in and smiled at us and then walked by and went into a stall.

Wilma asked if I was ready to go and I told her I was and then she gently grabbed my right hand and we left hand in hand out of the Washroom and headed to the front of the restaurant, and she continued to hold my hand, I knew what she was doing. We got to the front of the restaurant and the hostess looked at us and had an odd smile as she saw us and said, "have a nice day ladies". We both smiled and said "thank you", and we walked out and the weather certainly was nicer and warmer, but a breeze was blowing and certainly blew my hair around a bit and I remembered what my husband told me how I was going to have to play with it, and I did with my one free hand and Wilma was holding on to my other. She asked if I wanted to go for a walk and talk and I told her I would like that and we started out along the waterfront trail along the lake, and she never let go of my hand.

I knew what we looked like, a classic Lesbian couple holding hands and walking along, one in a skirt the other looking more male that female. As we slowly walked we were mainly alone, with the occasional person walking there dog walking past us and smiling. I loved the sound of my heels clicking along and Wilma commented, "you truly do know how to walk in those heels", I smiled and told her I certainly did. I said, "sorry to find out it is that time of the month, normally we are not ourselves that at time of the month". She stopped us and then turned me to her and grabbed both my hands and said, "my dear, I am not on my period, the reason I was in the stall in the washroom so long is I needed to relieve myself", I said, "you mean?...", and she smiled wildly and said yes, "I had to get off, as you made me so hot". I was floored/flattered and really did not know what to say, but said, "I didn't do anything", she smiled and said:

"dear, the second I knew it was really you, my panties started getting wet, you do not know how you alone, have turned me and my husband on for many years, I have played with myself so many times closing my eyes thinking of you, and my husband gets off alone looking at your pictures and thinking of you as well, and we even talk about you when we are making love".

That was pretty much it, I was mentally lost and was totally speechless and Wilma could tell, I could not even speak and started shaking and Wilma let go of both of my hands and then lead me by one hand, and nearby under a tree and there was a bench and I was obviously shaken and Wilma told me to calm down. We sat on the bench facing the lake and turned to me, then, she grabbed both my hands and then looked right into my eyes said she had to tell me what she and her husband had planned with me. She obviously had planned this dialogue ahead of time and said:

"Joyce, my husband Fred and I honestly have been fans of yours for years, he and I both followed you and love everything about you, we honestly never thought you were real, but we dreamed you were, and then when we found out you might be, we started fantasizing. We are hoping our fantasies can become reality, and give you and us a memorable Saturday day and night out. Now I that know you are real, we hope you will make our dreams become a reality".

At this point, Wilma was on the verge of tears and I was as well, as I have never felt this overwhelming emotion from another female and leaned in and hugged her and could care less what anyone thought that saw us. At this point my mind was racing and I had no clue what was going to happen next. Wilma continued the dialogue and said:

"This year is our 25th Wedding anniversary, and I want to give my husband a very special present and that present is you. I want you to become me and you become his wife, for our 25th anniversary day.

Again I was floored and literally was stunned and Wilma could tell and told me to hear her out for what they had planned, she smiled wide and continued to hold my hands and gently squeezing them, and my mouth dropped and my heart started racing as she continued:

"Now the day will actually not be our 25th, again, I want you to put on one of your 6 available Wedding gowns (not the one you got married in), and be me for the day, pretending to have renewed your vows earlier in the day, and you are going for pictures with your husband. We have already contacted the same place you went last year for pictures in Niagara Falls in a Wedding gown playing the role of a newly wed Bride, they have a spot open for the weekend following next on the Saturday. You will assume my name and place as the wife of my husband Fred, if I still had my gown I would have you wear it but I got rid of it after we got married, and thus the reason your name came up, as you so many Wedding gowns."

She stopped talking and my mouth was still wide open and she asked if I was fine with everything so far, and she had to stop talking as a couple was walking past us and looked at us a little funny, I said nothing other than nodding my head, and then she continued:

"I will be your Maid of Honor for the day, and will need your help as I know you have been one for real many times and have a ton of Bridesmaid dresses, and will need to wear one of yours to make the situation seem real. Then for the evening, you and Fred will have tickets at the same dinner theatre you and Paul went to last year. Now, the plan is to you be wearing one of Fred's favorite dresses of mine, which I have not worn in over 25 years, I in fact, stopped wearing dresses about 15 years ago, skirts as well, thus the reason he loves how you look and present yourself, and so do I. As well, he wants you to wear as much of my things as you can, I already told him probably everything I used to wear, makeup, perfume, heels, hose some lingerie and some jewelry, it will drive him wild. Then for the honeymoon night, I want you in my wedding night lingerie for him to enjoy you in it".

She kept on hold my hands and smiling and I was even more blown away not sure of what to think or day and then was shocked even more by the next words out of her mouth:

"I have never pleased Fred orally, no man actually to orgasm, and Fred wanted one of his Wedding presents to be me orally pleasing him in my Wedding gown all the way, well that never happened, and I want you to give him that present in one of your gowns as you, playing me on our Wedding day. As well, I want the experience of being with another woman for the first time like the one you described in your diary entry when you wore her Wedding gown, and she in a Bridesmaid dress of hers, I want to be that Bridesmaid in a lovely dress being taken care of by the Bride after I was hot and wet all day staring at her in her gown, experiencing another woman for the first time".

First off I thought, "ok, give the head a shake, is this woman on drugs"?. Then thought, "so you want me to play yourself as a wife of your husband, wear a Wedding dress and then orally please both of you, then wear your dress he loves and go to the dinner theatre with him in it, THEN, take him to bed in your Wedding night lingerie?". My head was spinning wildly, but when I calmed down mentally, I looked at Wilma, smiled and said, "sounds like a great Saturday, I would love to do it, now we just have to plan on making it work".

Now it was Wilma's turn to be shocked as she expected another reaction, judging by her eyes. She gently let go of my hands and said, "well my dear, then we have some planning to do", as she wiped tears away from her eyes. I then calmly said as I was smiling, "so I really do turn you both on that much?", she said back, "oh God, yes you do!". I then said, "well now that we both agree on what is going to happen, we have to start talking about the finer details, like what is the dress I am going to be wearing to the dinner theatre?, and will I be wearing EVERYTHING of yours?, and which of my Wedding gowns do you want me in?, as well, what Bridesmaid dress do you have in mind wearing?". We started talking about the Wedding Gown first and she said, "if I recall, you have two of your 7 Wedding gowns that have never been worn in public to be photographed, correct?". I told her she was right and she told me to pick whichever one I wanted to be photographed in. Then she went on saying she had never been a Bridesmaid but always wanted to wear a Bridesmaid dress, as she always found them to be so special. I told her smiling wildly, "I might be able to find one", she laughed and said, "I am sure one of the 60 or so you own might work", I laughed as well and told her that I would try and find one that would fit and would also be appropriate for the era of the Wedding gown I was going to be wearing so we would not look so out of place, as my Wedding gown was going to be vintage. I then asked about what I would be wearing for the Saturday night dinner theatre.

Wilma smiled and said, "I want you to wear everything of mine, from head to toe, but you do not have pierced ears, so you will have to wear some of your clip on earrings, but you will be in a real pearl necklace". I told her that was not going to be a problem and said, "seriously, everything?". Wilma smiled wildly and said:

"oh yes, I have been teasing Fred about this for months when we thought you might be real, and he always gets rock hard instantly when I bring it up, you wearing his favorite dress and everything under and my perfume and makeup, then orally pleasing him, has made for some very passionate love making sessions".

I was again floored and flattered, but calmly asked what exactly I would be wearing to drive him that crazy with passion. She smiled and said that she already had it planned out and ready, then said:

"dear, this was an outfit I wore on our first anniversary night 24 years ago, I literally shopped for almost each piece individually for a month, the dress is a classic LBD, sheath and above the knee, and figure hugging, you will look stunning in it I am sure, I outgrew it, thus it stays in the closet. I bought a garter belt and a pair of ultra sheer nearly black stockings with it, I will replace them, Fred tore them to shreds by then end of the night when I wore it and threw them out. He loved the black lace and satin bra and matching panties as well. The heels are a strappy style, not as high as you are wearing now, but special to Fred. The watch and bracelet are also special as he bought them for me and you will be wearing them. Then, I want you to wear my special perfume, which I never wear anymore, as well lipstick and all of my other makeup style I used to wear for him, which I never do now, and carry my black patent clutch purse which was bought for the evening. The real pearl necklace you will be wearing is one Fred got for me for the occasion, Wedding bands we will have to discuss as I think I know your size, but as you know they have to be right as to not fall off".

I was almost again in tears and told her I would be glad to wear it all and be her and play the wife of her husband. So then we started to plan the logistics of it all at a high level and then said we would chat over the next week and iron out the final details. We got up and held hands and walked back towards the restaurant and she asked if she could drive me home and I told her I would like that. As we walked we discussed the overall plan, she told me that her and her husband would rent a hotel room for me to get changed, and then she would come and join me to get dressed for the pictures and help me into my Wedding gown. After we were dressed she would call her husband to come and meet "his wife", and we would take pictures in the room, before heading to the photo shoot by the falls. After she would give myself and my "husband" some private time so he could "enjoy" his Bride in her gown, then when I was done with him, he would leave and she would come and "help" me out of my Wedding gown. I smiled as we got to the car and said, "and that is when I take your Lesbian virginity?". She smiled wildly and said, "you know it girl!". I slid into the passenger seat and Wilma started to drive and I was telling her where to go, and she continued to talk about the plan, holding my hand and caressing it. She would then leave me to get dressed for the dinner theatre in her clothes, and then I would contact her and let her know I was ready and "my husband" would come and get me and take me to the dinner theatre. After the dinner theatre, it would be my "honeymoon night" with me changing into her Bridal lingerie and "enjoying my husband", after he would leave and go to the room they will be getting. In the morning, when I leave, they will come and pick up her things in my room, and that would be the weekend over. I thought that was a good plan and eventually we got close to my house and I directed her to a house that was around the corner that I knew the people were not home and she pulled in the driveway. I looked at her and she grabbed my hands and I thanked her for lunch and she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and I was expecting a kiss on the lips and she saw my reaction and said, "no dear when I kiss you passionately, I want it all and on the lips, I want the full Lesbian experience". I smiled and told her I understood and carefully slid out of the car and closed the door and watched her drive way. I then walked about half a block around the corner and went home and changed and cleaned up.

Preparations for the Wedding Day, Leading up to the "Big Day", October 15th, 2016

I emailed my husband and told her all about what happened and she emailed me back with "go for it, and I can guess the Wedding dress you are going to choose, let me know if you need a dry run of you in it and make sure the headpiece is right for it, as well as the lingerie". I told my husband I would take her up on her offer and asked her for a time when she was available. Wilma and I continued to chat on-line and she told me that after she told her husband about the meeting and I was real, the sex they were having was incredible and all he could do was talk about me as he made love to her, and she was dreaming of being with another woman as they made love. I was flattered and could not believe I had that kind of an effect on her and her husband.

Some of the finer details then started to get worked out as we chatted on-line, firstly, she told me that her name for the day was going to be Christina, or "Christy" for a short form, and then asked about the Bridesmaid dress she was going to be wearing. I asked her exact body measurements and she told me and then, I sent her pictures of about 5 different Bridesmaid dresses that would work. She chose a light sea foam green taffeta floor length dress A-line, off the shoulder, with white satin around the collar, built in crinoline, it was one my husband wore as a Bridesmaid and I knew with Wilma and her body, it would fit. Now the shoes dyed to match were going to be a little tight as she was a size 9 and my husband at that time was a size 8, but she said she could squeeze into them, and was relieved to find they were a low clunky style satin heel. I told her she would need a strapless bra and found her cup size was the same as mine, but band size was larger, I knew she could squeeze into one of mine but she said she would look through her drawers as she knew she had one at some point in time. Then she asked about makeup, and the fact she does not really wear it anymore, and she was not sure about what she had was good and should be thrown out, but her lipstick was still good and Fred loved it when she wore it. I told her I would take care of the rest and to bring the lipstick, but asked her to send me a picture of her in the dress I was to be wearing and looking like her and what makeup she wore so I could do it right. The picture she sent me was classic for the time period, 1989, when more was more, and I laughed and told her I would make sure I would wear as much as she was wearing when I was going to the dinner theatre, even though back in those days compared to today it was way over the top. I also told her that I would guide her on her makeup for when she wore the Bridesmaid dress and also told her that I would take care of the jewelry she would be wearing and wanted to know if she was fine with clip earrings and she said she was, Finally I told her she would need hosiery and she said she would take care of picking up a pair of nude nylons for the day. I then asked her what the play at the dinner theatre Fred and I were going to see was, and she told me it was one they knew I had already seen, but Fred wanted to see and that was, "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas". I told her "oh trust me Fred will really like this one, and even have lingerie ideas for you after", she said, "you mean the actresses are actually in lingerie?". I told her not all the time, but certain scenes they were and told her my husband actually bought me one of the outfits one of the girls was wearing for Christmas. She made the comment, "oh my sounds like a play I would love to see", I told her it was one of the best my husband and I saw at Stage West and she said, "I bet it was". I then sent her a picture of me in the outfit my husband got me, a tight corset style cherry red Bustier with garters and sheer black stocking and 5" black patent heels and a silk marching robe and I was posing sexy in it. She messaged back, "oh my lord, my panties are getting wet, that looks amazing, and those tits, how?", and I told her, "it is a wonder what a bit of surgical tape and a very tight push up bustier will do to really 'show off the girls'". After than IM exchange I knew our time as females together was going to be even more special.

The Wednesday night before the big day, I got home from work and before my husband got home went and showered and got nice and clean and we had planned that when she got home from work we would have a dress rehearsal with me in my Wedding gown ensemble. I went and grabbed the Wedding gown I was planning on wearing which was "Wedding Gown #7", my final one and pulled it out and few headpieces that would work as well as the large crinolines for the dress. Earrings were going to be pearl drop ones, and I made sure I had a pair of matching white satin gloves. Heels were going to be newer satin 3" ones, and the nylons I was going to be wearing, just regular nude ones, runs and all, not the new ultra sheer white stay ups to be worn on the big day. Then my new white satin and lace bustier with a very low back then the last thing was the flowers and I had several choices but went with ones I had never had photographed before, a very long floral Bridal arrangement. I laid everything out on my bed and just about then, my husband texted me and said she was coming home and I told her I would be ready when she got home to try on my Wedding ensemble.

I then started getting ready by going to my lingerie drawers and digging out the white satin panties I wore on my real Wedding day in 1990 and slipped them on and then my foundation garment. I put on the nude nylons and did not bother with white satin gloves as they already had runs in them. I then put on the bustier and carefully adjusted my breasts to take advantage of the push up feature of the bra. I put on the white satin 3" pumps and then put on my blue terri cloth robe, and about that time heard my husband call out and say she was home. I then had to think about what hairpiece I was going to wear and I wanted my slightly longer curly hair at first, but decided on the shoulder length curly hair to show off the back of the dress. After I put on the hair and then went to the bathroom and put on no foundation, but a little eyeliner and some eye shadow and no lipstick or blush, then a pair of delicate long pearl drop earrings. I then went and took off the terri cloth robe and then carefully slipped into the crinolines and did them up around my waist.

Then I put the robe back on, I put on the short white satin gloves and then grabbed the Wedding gown along with the flowers, then the headpieces and carefully walked upstairs. I got to the top of the stairs and my husband saw me and immediately got off the couch then came and told me that she would help and grabbed the Wedding gown and followed me into the living room. I put everything on the love seat and she looked at me and said, "well, I see you are wearing crinolines with this dress". I told her "obviously!", then she asked how could she help. I told her, "well as always be my bridesmaid", and she laughed and said, "no woman in the world has put another in a Wedding gown as a Bridesmaid, more than me and does do it for a living, when my cousin was getting married and she needed help. No one could, they looked at me to help, and said, 'you have been a Bride before', and I thought 'oh if they only knew how many times I helped my wife into a Wedding dress'". We both laughed and I went and slipped out of my robe and Sharon went and got the gown and I bent over and she carefully slipped it over my head and I poked my hands into the sleeves and we both worked to get it on my body. Then she started at the top and doing snap, then the small zipper at the base of the gown and then the buttons and we talked and she told me, "might want to get rid of the Lesbian broach at the bodice, you are supposed to be re-marrying a man after all". I told her it was a good idea, and then after doing all the 35 buttons at the back, she then removed the broach and smiled widely and said "there, much nicer, such a lovely Bride, let's find you the right headpiece". So she started grabbing headpieces and putting them on and taking pictures so I would decide as well as see. BUT when she got to the headpiece that was worn by the actual Bride in the gown, she smiled wildly, and said "OH YES", and then went and grabbed a mirror and came and showed me and I totally agreed it was perfect. I then asked her to bustle me up and she said, "ugh, no clue on this gown", and I agreed I did not as well. We both worked together and it was fun, both of us trying to find the hooks and the rings to bustle up the dress, but we eventually found 5 of them and the dress looked right bustled. She then told me to walk around the living room and make sure it felt right, and then she handed me the flowers and told me to walk around with them, and said, "ah the perfect Bride, knowing how exactly to hold her flowers, and they are lovely". After I walked around for a bit (after many pictures) she helped me out of the dress and kept asking how I was going to enjoy another day as a Bride, and I told her, "oh I am so looking forward to it", and she said smiling, "and make sure your new husband is very happy, and have lots of lipstick", and I told her I would. I put my robe back on and she helped with everything back down to my room, and gave me a very long deep kiss, and said, "enjoy another Wedding day, and again cannot wait to see the pictures", then she left me. I got out of the crinolines and everything and carefully laid it out, then hung it up.

That night I chatted with Wilma on-line and told her I picked my Wedding Gown and was all set for the big weekend and she told me should not wait to see it. She told me she already packed the dress I was going to wear for the dinner theatre and the heels and everything, including the hose I was going to be wearing, for my "husband", as well as my Wedding night lingerie, and was very excited about the entire weekend coming up. We chatted the Thursday night before and she told me that reservations were all made and gave me the exact address of the hotel which ironically was two hotels over for I went for my Bridal weekend the year before. She then told me her and her husband were so looking forward to the weekend and they had been making love over and over talking about me. I was flattered, but needed more of the raw details of the day, and she told me that the photo shoot was for 2:15pm, and she knew I would want to be there way ahead of time to interact with the other Brides and she wanted enough time to be in a Bridesmaid's dress and enjoy it as well, so they actually booked the rooms the day before the Saturday and they were going the night before to the hotel. So I would have a room and they would have a room, the plan was for me to use my room to do all the changing in and it would be the "honeymoon room", so I could have fun with "my husband", and her as well. She said she got a booth for "you and your husband" alone for the dinner theatre, as well she would be over by 12pm to get into her Bridesmaid dress, and I told her make it 11am. She agreed and told me as well, she would be bringing everything for me to wear for the dinner theatre and the Wedding night lingerie over at that time. The last thing she said was that as soon as she saw me, the role reversal was going to happen and that she would be calling me by her name, and she would expect me to call her "Christina" or "Chrissy", which I said was fine.

On the Friday I took the day off from work and concentrated on packing, and very carefully packed. I went through every detail I had to wear for the Bridal ensemble, including making sure I had a garter for Wilma to put on and Fred to remove, which was a cheap blue one I got years ago on a GDO with my husband. I put that and the Bridesmaid dress that Wilma was going to wear and the matching satin heels into a dress bag. I packed a duffle bag with all of the accessories and I put in a few items like the earrings for the Saturday night dress into it and lingerie for sleeping on that Friday night, which was my favorite peach baby doll and matching chiffon wrap. I put everything into the truck and then around 3pm, drove the 45 minutes down the highway to the hotel, and my husband texted me as I was driving and she said, "have a wonderful honeymoon".

I got to the hotel, and it was setup so parking was in the back and elevators right at the back entrance, so it was perfect. I went and checked in and did not give my name but used Wilma and Fred's and they said, "we have been expecting you". The girl behind the counter gave me my cards for the room, which was on the 6th floor and I then unpacked the truck and brought everything up to the room, #612. I then texted Wilma and she said she was glad I was in safe and was looking forward to the "Big Wedding day" and her and Fred were already in the room making love thinking of it already and talking about me, which I found strange and again flattering. I unpacked everything and got my makeup set up in the bathroom and then look around the room, and like the previous year, this room was huge and had a great view of the falls. 2 King sized beds, full length mirror I closed my eyes and thought about the previous year when I was a Bride for the weekend and was so looking forward to the day/night ahead. I then undressed and put away all my male clothes and then into peach lingerie set and settled in for the night.

Saturday October 15th, 2016, The BIG Wedding Day

I set a wakeup call for 9am, and got up and went into the shower and as usual on a special day got very clean and I decided to use my Curious perfumed body wash as wanted to smell nice and knew I could not wear perfume with a Wedding gown or damage it. I then started to get into my lingerie for the day, first was the white lace and satin panties I had worn on my Wedding day over my latex vagina, then the foundation garment. Next was the hosiery for the day and for this day was going to be a pair of sheer white stay ups, I put on the pair of white satin gloves I was going to be wearing with the dress and opened a new package and slipped them on. I decided to leave the crinoline for when it was time to get into the gown and slipped on a pink satin robe, I put on my shoulder length curly hair for the day, perfect to show off the back of the dress, then into my white satin 3" heels. I then started to lay everything out on the beds, on the one bed I layed out my Wedding gown, flowers, headpiece, and crinolines and on the other bed I laid out Wilma's Bridesmaid gown and her heels, as well as flowers I had picked for the pictures of us in the room. I then moved to the large spacious bathroom and started putting on my makeup for the day. As always with getting into Bridal makeup, it was a balance between dramatic and subtle. I went for the same colours as the year before when I posed as a Bride, and that was more than a business coat of black eyeliner, but not quite a formal application. Eye shadow was going to be all a rich pink, upper and lower lids, and I piled on the mascara to give my lashes as long as of a look as I could. I went with formal blush and went between business and formal wear. I knew that we would be probably be drinking some champagne before pictures and decided to hold off on putting lipstick on. I did however, make sure my white beaded bridal purse was packed with all I needed including extra tissues. I checked the clock and it was 10:15am, and texted Wilma that I was ready for her, and she texted me back and said that she would be right up to my room. I put on the pearl drop earrings and looked in the mirror and liked the look, since I was going to be wearing white satin gloves I did not bother putting on any rings.

I was excited and nervous all the while and eventually there was a knock on the door and I went and opened the door and there was Wilma. She had a big smile on her face, and had a dress bag, and a small duffle bag, she was dressed in jeans and a button up blue floral blouse and had on black flats, she had let her hair down, and looked very pretty without makeup on. I told her to come in and she did and hung up the dress bag and came to me and gave me a big hug and told me how excited she was and then commented on how pretty I smelt and loved how my makeup looked, and loved my pink satin robe, and commented on my hair and how is was much shorter and I told her to wait to see the back of the dress and she would understand why. She then said, "well you have done the Bridal routine so many times, and I was a Bride so long ago, I have forgotten, so what is next?". I told her that the Bridesmaid's always get dressed first and put on makeup, and then help the Bride get into her Gown. She asked if she should get into her dress now and I told her with the button up blouse it was not necessary and I grabbed her hand and lead her to the well lighted vanity where I had all of the makeup laid out, and she commented, "my you certainly have a nice collection", I told her I only use what is right for me, but since I had to cover all the bases, to do my makeup to match her 24 years ago, I had to, so I brought it all, and asked her to sit down. So I showed her how to apply a light foundation application to smooth out her face, and showed her how to do it and she caught right on. Next was her eyes and this I knew was going to be a challenge as she was not used to putting on eyeliner, at least for a very long time. I had her start out slow and light and gradually coached her to a point that about marched mine. The next park, her eye shadow, I told her I would do it and grabbed a small brush and light green eye shadow and put it on her, telling her I wanted her eyes to match the colour of the dress she was going to be wearing. Finally I let her put on a healthy coat of mascara to make her lashes stand out. I then continued with the blush and put on about as much as I was wearing and contouring her cheekbones.

I told her she was done with makeup and we would put our lipstick on after we got dressed and had a sip of champagne. I handed her a bottle of nail polish, and told her it was the original polish I wore when I got married that would match our lipstick and asked if she needed help putting it on and she said she could manage and started to put it on. I on the other hand poured two glasses of champagne for her and I to enjoy. I took a sip of my glass and we talked as her nails dried and she said, "your groom is all dressed and looking forward to seeing you Wilma". Knowing at that point the role reversal was on, I said back, "thank you Christina, hope you made him look good for me". She told me she did and that he was already getting sexually excited as she got him ready.

So now the fun part, actually seeing Wilma in a Bridesmaid dress, for the first time and to see her reaction. I told her to strip and get ready to get into the dress and she was more than willing to do so and before I had to the chance to grab her dress she was standing there in her plain white strapless bra and white cotton panties. I smiled and said, "it is not that cold in here dear", staring at her nipples poking out and she just had a sexy smile and said, "I know it is not cold dear, you are a woman, you figure out why". I told her to relax and that we had plenty of work to do and things to happen before we got that far, and she smiled wickedly and said, "I know and I cannot wait". I handed her glass and she sipped on it and proposed a toast, "to the lovely Bride and all of her lovely oral talents", I smiled and sipped on mine and told her to put on her pantyhose and then I would help her with her dress. Now for me, putting on pantyhose was as simple as putting on socks, but I did get a chuckle at watching Christina put on hers, and commented, "never put on pantyhose before Christina?", she grimaced and said, "last time I did was 10 years ago for a Funeral, and I have no clue how you wear them all the time". She managed to get them all the way up and I grabbed her dress and told her to come and to step into it and she did and I zipped her up. The dress was a little tight, but I walked around her and adjusted a few things around her breasts (gently caressing them while I did) and told her that she looked lovely. Now Christina had not seen herself in the dress yet in the mirror, and I she turned to look and I told her "not yet dear, I want you to see the full effect". I grabbed her hand and had her sit at the lighted vanity and then grabbed the dyed to match satin shoes and slipped them on her feet while kneeling before her and she was staring down at me and I decided to teasingly caress her silky leg and she moaned as I did. I then told her to wait and went and got the earrings and necklace that was matching from my husband Sharon and I were Bridesmaid's, and came and handed the earrings to her and she put them on, while I put on the necklace. Then I grabbed her hands and lead her to the full length mirror and her jaw dropped, and she said she could not believe how she looked and I told her to walk around and she did and she commented, "the stuff under the skirt sure is scratchy". I laughed and told her it was a crinoline designed to make the skirt look more full, and she started to twirl around in it and walk around staring at her self in the mirror, she was smiling and I could tell he liked the look. I told her that the look was not 100% complete and went and grabbed the flowers my Maid of honour used at my real Wedding and handed them to her and said, "there now you are officially a Bridesmaid" and went and stood in front of the huge mirror and I started to laugh. She asked why and I grabbed the flowers from her and showed her the proper way to hold them, she laughed and said, "well that makes more sense, remember you have way more experience than I do or most females for that matter when it comes to Wedding etiquette".

She then said, "well I am ready, now it is time to get the Bride dressed and I cannot wait to see you in your gown'. So I slipped out of my pink satin robe and threw it on the bed and I looked over at Christina and her lovely made up eyes opened wide and said, "oh my, look at you, all sexy looking". I smiled and said, "well, it is nothing sexy, what are you talking about?". She came up to me and smiling and then started gently caressing me, touching my crotch and massaging my breasts through the silk and lace strapless push up bra, and running her hands up and down my silky legs and then leaned in and gave me a light kiss. She then said in a sexy way, "you definitely were not lying in your diary entries, your crotch is as smooth as mine, there is no way I could not tell you are not a woman like me, and those tits, almost as big as mine, and so sexy, and those sexy stockings, your groom will be driven wild". I smiled back and told her I would start by getting into my crinolines, which she had no clue about what I was talking about, and asked her to grab my gown and get it ready for me to get into, which I found out she had no clue of what she was doing. I did up the drawstring on my crinoline and looked over at Christine and again started laughing and said, "you have no clue what you are doing do you?". She then said, "what are you wearing?", I told her it was a petticoat, to really make the dress stand out. I explained to her what was going to happen and once I told her, she put her hands under the dress and I walked over to her and bent over and she carefully slipped the dress over my body and I slipped my arms into the sleeves and told Christina to tug down on the skirt of the dress as I carefully stood up. Once I did, I made sure my hands came out of the sleeves and the stood up and said, "well, you said you wanted to be a Bridesmaid, now get to work". She asked what she had to do and I told her to do up the small zipper at the back of the dress and then the hook at the top and start from the top down to start to button me up just the top few, then go from the bottom up. She said, "oh wow!, my gown never had this many buttons, there must be 40 of them here". I told her to take her time and she slowly one by one did them up telling me how lovely and sexy the back looked. eventually she did them all up and made the comment about the train of the dress and I told her I already had it bustled up and there was no need to have it all out for the pictures, as the pictures were mainly from the waist up and there was no room from the entire train to be let out. I saw that Christina was disappointed and I told her when we got back to the hotel, I would have her un bustle me and she could see the entire dress. I told her there was a couple of more duties for her to perform before it was time to call for Fred, my husband to come and join us. I handed her the headpiece and told her to put it on my head and I had bobby pins on the vanity to have her put it in place and she did and was telling me how lovely it completed the look. Then she asked, "well we are almost ready except for our lipsticks", and I smiled and went and opened my white beaded clutch purse and pulled out a blue garter and had a sexy smile on my face and said, "oh no dear, this is your job to put on me". I handed it to her and then found a stool and then hiked up my dress and crinolines to expose my entire left leg and smiled and said, "do your job dear, put it on me so my husband can take it off me". Christina smiled and hiked up her skirt and got down on her knees sitting back on her heels and then I lifted my left foot and she started slowly putting it on me. I knew she was getting sexually excited as she was slowly caressing leg ultra sheer white nylon covered leg and she started slowly massaging and moaning, "oh so silky smooth", I laughed and said, "stick to the job at hand dear", she got the garter in place, but could not resist reaching up and caressing my crotch and moaned, and said, "so smooth, I would have never known". I then put down my leg and adjusted my skirt and crinolines then looked down at her and said, "sure you are going to make it through the day dear?", she just moaned and said, "I hope so", I helped her up and told her it was time for our lipstick and then we could call my husband and it would be picture time, and I checked the clock and the timing was perfect, just a little after 1 pm. I pulled out my white beaded clutch purse and the pink lipstick I wore on my Wedding day and went to the vanity and applied a thick coat and than handed it to Christina and she did the same. We smiled in the mirror and packed away the lipstick and handed Christina the purse and said, "after the hotel room, you will be carrying this rather than flowers in case I need a touch up". I then went on to explain to her that her job at the picture taking at the falls was going to be to come and grab my flowers when it was time for myself and Fred to have pictures, and to be at my side at all times and told her what my husband always told me when in a Wedding party, "smile till it hurts". Christina then texted Fred and told me to get my flowers and head to the bathroom, so that I could make an entrance, which I did.

I went into the bathroom, put on the short white satin gloved to complete the outfit and about 2 minutes later heard the knock at the door and heard Fred say to Christina, "wow, you look amazing", I heard her say, "come with me and then I will get your Bride for you, she looks amazing". Christina came and knocked on the door and knew it was my cue and opened the door, and Christina was standing there and I posed my flowers and smiled at her and walked out into the large main room. Now I actually had never seen Fred before, but he was in a black tux and a green cummerbund (matching Christina's dress, and matching bow tie. He was average looking, about 5'8", not buff, but not fat, he was smiling wildly, and said, "Wilma, you look amazing, I cannot believe you could fit back into your Wedding dress". I was not sure what the scenario was, but looked over at Christina and said back, "well my dear, I know you loved me 25 years ago in this dress, so I had to make sure I wore it again for you on our 25th anniversary". Now it was the first time he had heard me talk as a female and I could tell, he was blown away and came and grabbed my satin covered hands and leaned in for a kiss, and I told him, "lightly dear, do not want to ruin the makeup for pictures", which he did, and that was our first kiss of the day.

Then the real role playing and fun started, and Christina took the lead and said, "ok Fred, take pictures of Wilma and I with our flowers. Which Christina grabbed her flowers and came and stood next to me and we smiled and Fred took tons of pictures of us and then Fred and Christina switched places and she took the pictures including a few of us kissing lightly, and us hugging as the happy newlywed Bride and groom. I actually had packed a tripod and Christina went and set it up and We took several pictures of the 3 of us. Christina noticed the time and said it was time to go and I saw Fred sent a text, and a message came right back and he said, "the car is waiting". I really did not know what that meant but I was ready flowers in hand and I quickly check my lipstick at the lighted vanity and asked Christina for my lipstick and touched up my lips and Christina packed the lipstick back in the white beaded clutch purse and we were off.

We went into the hallway heading to the elevators and Fred offered his arm and I looped my arm in and Christina was behind us. We got to the elevators and were alone as we got in and at this point I was tingling with excitement, as I knew we were going to have to leave the elevators on the ground floor and walk through the lobby to the car. The elevator doors opened on the ground floor and I was getting so excited. I let Fred lead the way and like the year before as we entered me the main lobby I was hearing, "oh my!", and "look Mommy a Bride", and I was smiling ear to ear. As we approached the doors leading out of the hotel I heard one of the girls behind the counter say, "oh my God, she looks amazing and check out that dress". I kept smiling and then hung on to Fred and out to the cool but very sunny day I looked and their was a black town car waiting for us. A handsome looking driver in a suit was holding the back door open for me, and I gave Christina my flowers and then carefully, slid in and of course with the crinolines and the dress being bustled, it was a slow process and both Fred and Christina helped me and I slid into the middle of the back seat, and it was a very specious town car. Christina got in and handed me my flowers back and then Fred got in and I looked down and could see Fred was already getting excited and leaned into him and whispered, "down boy, no need to have that lump in your crotch showing when the pictures are taken". He smiled and I looked over at Christina, who knew what was going on and just smiled.

The place for the photos was literally a 5 minute drive from the hotel and before I knew it we were there. I knew the drill, but Fred and Christina did not and I told Fred to go and get us registered and then told him, the direction to walk, and told Christina to help me out of the car and handed her my flowers. I carefully got out and like the year before I was thrilled, as the whole waiting area was filled with Wedding parties, and I told Christina to follow me, as she handed me my flowers and she had the white beaded satin clutch purse. Like the year before there was a large tented area where the Brides went to wait for their turn for pictures. I loved it as I walked in the area, and like the year before all eyes seemed to be on me, not because I was a new Bride in the area, but obviously what Christina and I were wearing. Like the year before, I looked around and of course what I was used to selling as part of my female job at the Bridal salon was evident everywhere, the "strapless disaster look", for the Brides and their Bridesmaid's. and ALL of the Wedding parties were in that style, I counted 4 other Bridal parties, and I held my head high and smiled and Christina said quietly, "you were not exaggerating in you diary entry from last year, I can feel the eyes staring at us with envy and dismay". I smiled and looked over at her and said, "enjoy the ride, as it is going to get bumpy". Fred came walking up with the event coordinator and she squealed as she approached Christina and I, "saying, oh my God, look at you two ladies, I have not seen a dress like in years". I smiled and told her that it was our 25th anniversary and I wanted to wear the gown I wore on that day". She smiled even more, and said, "and good for you dear, being able to fit into it again, almost looks like what my daughter wore 20 years ago", and then looked at Christina, and said, "and you must have worn that on that day too", and she smiled and said she did. She told us that we had 4 Brides ahead of us and that she would come and get us when it was our turn. That is when it was like "deja vu", it was last year all over again, and then girls from some of the other waiting Bridal parties came up to me and started gushing over my dress and asking questions and like the year before the cell phones came out and I had to keep smiling as picture after picture was taken. Then the selfies started with Bridesmaid after Bridesmaid and Christina and Fred stood back and watched the activity going on. I was loving it and like the year before the scowls and the "I hate you" looks from the other Brides came my way and I was loving every moment of it. Again, I felt like a celebrity as strangers, came up to me and wanted their picture taken with me and the compliments on my dress continued, this was the best part of the day so far for me.

Eventually the coordinator came and told me that it was my husband and I's turn to go for pictures and I knew the drill and told Christina and Fred, the coordinator would tell them when she was done with me. As the coordinator walked me to the area I was going to be photographed she again told me how romantic and lovely my gown looked. I smiled and thanked her and then the female photographer also gushed over my gown and then she had me pose for the pictures, I literally knew what she was going to do to pose me and at one point she said, "I swear you have done this before", and I smiled and said, "well 25 years ago, but not here". She posed me here and there and I was actually getting sore smiling so much and eventually she said, "ok, time for your husband", and waved over to Christina and Fred Christina came and took my flowers and smiled at me and said quietly, "you are having too much fun". I said nothing and the pictures of Fred and I continued, and at one point the photographer said to Fred, "now Fred, kiss her like you mean it", which was a passionate kiss and I loved it and knew my lips were going to be a mess, and the pictures were over. Our time was up and I thanked the photographer and then met Christina just off the podium area we were on and asked Christina for a tissue and my lipstick and compact as I knew more pictures were coming and my lips were a mess. She opened the white beaded satin clutch purse, pulled them out and grabbed my flowers and handed them to me and I quickly cleaned up and then used the compact and applied another thick coating of lipstick, then handed them back to her and she gave me back my flowers and she packed the purse and we headed back to the car. However, again, like the year before and before the pictures, people kept coming up to me and asking for pictures and taking selfies, and again, Fred and Christina stood back and let the fun happen, I was in heaven.

Eventually the fun stopped and we headed back to the car to go back to the hotel. The driver opened the door for me and I handed Christina my flowers and again carefully got in. Then Christina and Fred joined me, Christina handing me back my flowers, and they were both telling me how fun it was watching all of the people coming up to me and Cristina, she got her picture taken a few times. We got to the hotel, and I could tell Fred was getting excited for the next party of the day as the bulge was definitely at the front of his pants. Fred helped me out of the car and we thanked the driver and we all went back into the lobby of the hotel and one of the girls behind the desk said out to the others, "she is back, quick get your phones". Before I knew it I was surrounded by all of the girls that worked behind the counter and many quests checking on my dress and the comments came and then many pictures and yes, again more selfies, and the women could not get over how pretty the and romantic the dress was. Christina was the one that came and save me and grabbed my arm and told me that we had to get going to get ready for dinner. I loved every second of it and the three of us walked to the elevator and Christina hit buttons for the 5th and 6th floor, and we were off. First stop was the 5th floor and Christina handed the white beaded bridal satin purse to Fred and then she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear, "have him text me when you are done with him, so I can come and get you out of your dress".

I smiled and told her I would and the doors shut and the next floor was ours and Fred lead me to the door and opened it and away we went in. Then the sexual fun started and I could tell Fred was so nervous and at that point I knew I had to take the lead. I put down my flowers and took the clutch purse from him, laid them on one of the beds and told him to pour a couple of glasses of champagne, and we could toast and have our first dance as a Bride and Groom. I told him I was going into the bathroom to touch up my face, took the clutch purse and went in and started to do that and could hear Fred shuffling a few things around and glasses clanging. I touched up my cheeks a bit and eyeliner, then eye shadow, and put on a fresh coat of lipstick and then packed it into my clutch purse and went into the main room. Fred poured the champagne alright and moved one of the bedside tables to one part of the room, and had a laptop set up on it. I smiled and asked what he had in mind and the put my clutch purse on one of the beds. He then put on some soft rock music and walked over to the laptop and hit a couple of button and I could see he was planning on recording us. He smiled and said, "you do not mind do you?, I want this memory to last forever", and since I thought that if it got leaked out beyond us, they had just as much to lose as I would, even more as my male self looks nothing like my female self. He asked me to dance and we started and I could see us moving around on the screen, but then focused on Fred and started playing the roll of Wilma, staring deep into his eyes and telling him how much I loved him, and how I loved renewing our vows. As we danced, Fred leaned in and we began kissing lightly as we glided around still dancing, and as the dancing slowed the kissing got more intense and he was caressing the silky backside of my dress through the satin and the crinolines, moaning and telling me how sexy I looked and how he loved kissing me. Our kissing got passionate and he kept moaning telling me how soft my lips were. Then he started French kissing me and I reciprocated as our tongues danced. we eventually stopped dancing and just started making out very heavily, and he was groaning and one of my satin covered hands found my way to his bulging crotch and as I caressed it he moaned and then looked me in the eyes and said, "My darling Wilma, will you please give me that special Wedding gift I asked for 25 years ago?". I smiled and let go of his hands and slowly walked to the bed where my clutch purse was and opened it and pulled out my lipstick and mirror and stared at him and slowly put on a thick coat of lipstick and then packed it away and then told him to move the laptop to point towards the middle of the room so the large floor to ceiling mirror was.

He did that and then lead him to the middle of the large room, so we were between the floor to ceiling mirror and the laptop, then faced him, and looked him in the eyes, grabbed both of his hands with my satin covered hands. I then started caressing the front of his tux, and all the while still staring at him, slowly lowered my body down to a point I had to fluff out my dress and crinolines and then sat back on my heels. I used the mirror to ensure I was surrounded by my dress and crinolines, then looked up at Fred in a sexy way and then started taking off his shoes. Fred on the other hand after kicking off his shoes, started taking off the top part of his tux, and me on the other hand reached up and undid his belt and then undid his pants, then unzipped him. I saw he had thrown the top of his outfit on one of the beds, and I then slid down his pants and he kicked them off and I was left staring at a huge bulge under his white underwear, which I slowly pulled down to reveal his hard and very wet member, average size and cut, but fully erect and super hard. I pulled the underwear down and off and then looked up at Fred and said, "I put us here just like Paul last year, so you could watch me in the mirror and enjoy". I then said in a sexy voice, "happy 25th anniversary dear". I knew Fred was not going to last long, judging by the amount of pre cum on the head of his member, and the fact, he had not a woman suck on his member probably for more than 25 years, before he got married, if ever. I knew this first time was going to be "his treat", which would probably last maybe 5 minutes, and after the second time I was planning, was going to be "my treat", and I would make it an experience he never would forget, and the type of experience of sucking a man off I totally enjoy. So I started slowly, so at least I could get some enjoyment out of it and licked up and down his shaft with my eyes closed so he could see all the eye makeup, and then slowly caressed his full balls with my satin covered hands. Then licked and enjoyed the precum off the tip of his head and he was flinching and moaning and I kept on telling him to watch the mirror and enjoy me giving him a wonderful experience. I then started my usual routine of flicking my tongue up and down and Fred never got soft, he was moaning and I could feel him shaking. I then opened wide and slowly started bobbing up and down flicking my tongue all the while. As I expected literally 5 minutes after I started he grabbed my shoulders and grunted very loudly, and I pulled back to enjoy his lovely juices, rather than he forcing his member down my throat and not getting to enjoy it, and he filled my mouth with spurt after spurt for a good 20 seconds. I loved every second of it and took a minute to savoured it in my mouth and then looked up at Fred and then swallowed it all down. Fred on the other hand stumbled back to one of the beds and fell back on it after I released his member from my mouth.

I managed to get up and straightened out my skirt and adjusted my crinolines and stared at Fred who was on his back and semi erect member lying on his belly, eyes closed and panting. I grabbed my glass of champagne and sipped on it to clean out my mouth and Fred finally opened his eyes and said, "that was incredible". I smiled and said, "glad you enjoyed, but that was 'your treat', when you are ready, I will really show you a good time and it will be 'my treat'". Fred said, well, "I know what that means from your diary entries, and hope I do not pass out". I walked around the room sipping from my glass and stared out at the view of the falls, and remembered the year before, almost the same view, and same feelings, but knew this time was going to be different as Christina was going to have her Lesbian cherry popped as she came to get me out of my dress. Fred eventually got out of the bed and grabbed his glass and came to join me, almost naked, and only in socks and a not so soft member coming back to life. I still stared out as he stood next to me and took my free satin covered hand and reached down and gently grabbed his hardening member and slowly stroked it and he leaned into me and moaned, "I love you so much Wilma", and leaned over and gave him a light kiss and in a sexy way said, "ready for 'my treat'?". He said that he was and I smiled and grabbed his hand and lead him to one of the beds and told him to lie down and get comfortable. I on the other hand, went and turned the table with the laptop on it towards the bed, and watched as Fred was now slowly stroking his now very erect member on the screen. I then grabbed my white beaded clutch purse and pink lipstick and moved to the lighted vanity and with Fred staring, put on a thick coat in a slow and sexy manner.

I then packed it away in the clutch purse and made my way to the side of the bed and in a sexy voice said, "are you ready my darling husband". He moaned and I reached down and took one of my satin hands and pushed his hands away from his member and slowly started massaging it, all the while staring into his eyes and licking my lips. He was staring back at me and knew I was in control and he knew if he wanted to have the experience he wanted, he would let me do what I wanted to do. I started caressing him all over with my satin covered hands and pinching his nipples, then lowering my lipstick covered lips to them and sucking and licking and gently biting them, and all the while stroking is not very soft member, all Fred could do was moan. I decided to start by moving my body in such a position on the large king bed to put my heeled feet at the head of Fred and then started slowly licking down his body, leaving my Veronica covered ass, covered in my gown and crinolines and legs for Fred to play with. I was totally enjoying myself and slowly licking and sucking, moving down Fred's body towards his hard member and hoping he would start and explore my legs and thighs under my dress. Fred did not disappoint, and as I edged closer to his member, his hands started to explore my silky legs, and I was loving it. As I got closer to his member I had to laugh as he was fumbling desperately to find my silky legs to caresses and had to deal with tons of fabric. Fred finally found my silky legs and started to moan and caress them and tell me how lovely they felt. Myself on the other hand found Fred's hard and wanting member and slowly started to lick and suck all of the precum and enjoy the juices he was giving me, then taking my satin covered hands and caressing his balls. I very slowly started bobbing up and down on his member and flicking my tongue all around, but oh so slow, so I could enjoy and cause Fred to moan even more. As I continued I felt Fred's hands slowly start to tremble and stop caressing my silky legs and knew I was in total control as his moaning was getting louder and louder. I then slowly moved my dress and crinolines 180 degrees so that I was now at the base of his member and his member was all mine at my lips and I was dress was sliding off the edge of the bed, I let my dress and crinolines follow and I got very comfortable. Now it was my turn to have fun, and I slowly started my usual routine and I slowly continued to caressed his balls with my satin covered hands and then used my lipstick covered lips to flick my tongue up and down. Then slid up and down sucking and licking and was totally enjoying myself and Fred was getting hotter and hotter and moaning so loud. As usual, when my man got to the edge of orgasm and was oozing precum, and when I knew he was going to orgasm, I used on of my satin covered fingers and squeezed as hard as I could at the base of his member, then backed off and moved down and licked his balls and slowly used my other satin hand to stroke his cock. Fred of course moaned in disappointment and I was loving it and when he calmed down and I felt him get a little soft, I started the licking and sucking routine all over again. I was in heaven as I brought Fred to the brink of orgasm, over and over again, only to stop and as usual, I knew I could only keep the routine up for so long before no matter how hard I squeezed at the base of his cock, he would orgasm. About the 10th time or so, I could see Fred grabbing at the bed sheets and moaning in pain, and finally, he started begging, "Wilma, no more, no more, please let me cum". At one point I stopped and said in a sexy voice, "dear, you will get release after I have totally enjoyed 'my treat'". I knew he could take no more and released my satin covered hand from the base of his member and then started to bob up and down furiously and flicking my tongue all over. I knew he was going to orgasm, when he arched his back and shoved his member deep down my throat, and I pulled back just in time, and he let go into my mouth and it was at least 30 seconds and very strong, spurt after spurt, and I managed to get it all in my mouth, then released his cock from my mouth, savoured his juices for a moment and then swallowed, then licked his softening member clean.

I slid off the bed and stood up and adjusted my dress and crinolines and went and poured a little more champagne into my glass and started sipping on it and loved watching Fred gasping for air and sweating and panting, and seeing his now totally spent member flopped down on his belly slowly shrinking. Eventually he opened his eyes, and said, "if I did not experience that in person, I never would have believed your diary entries 100%, but that was the most intense orgasm I have every had in my life, you are not lying in your diary entries. I smiled and said in a sexy voice, "I enjoyed that probably more than you did". He eventually rolled off the bed and went and stopped the laptop. I told him to get dressed as we were running out of time so I could be out of my gown and dressed for the dinner theatre. I walked around the room, totally enjoying my gown and took many looks at myself in the full length mirror and sipped on the champagne, and watched as Fred got dressed. He put on everything but the bow tie and was about to text Christina and tell her that we were ready for her to come and get me out of my dress, and I told him that he was not done with his Bride. He asked what it was, and I said, "you do not remember what you took off my left leg 25 years ago?". He smiled and said, "of course", and I slowly moved to the stool that Christina put the garter on me in the first place and hiked up my dress and crinolines and totally exposed my left silky stocking covered leg and the garter, Fred came to me, still flush after the sucking I gave him and kneeled down and slowly caressed my silky sheer white legs, moaning how lovely they felt and moved his hands up to the garter moaning, "Wilma, promise me that you will put these on for our honeymoon night?". I told him after the dinner theatre when I put on my Wedding night lingerie I would put on the hose and the same heels for him to enjoy. He reached up and gently grabbed the garter and slowly slid it off my leg and I lifted my heel and he took it off and then I asked for it and he handed it to me and I flicked it onto the nightstand on one side of the bed and told him I had other plans for it. I then pulled down my skirt and crinolines and told Fred to text Christina and tell her I was ready for her. Fred got a response back and came and gave me a hug and a light kiss on the cheek and hugged me and said he could not wait to see how I looked for the dinner theatre, and I in a joking way said, "nor can I". He then grabbed his tie and left the room.

I then quickly went to the washroom and reapplied my eyeliner, and more eye shadow and touched up my blush and finally a health coat of my pink lipstick. It was not long before I got a knock at the door, and went and opened it and there was Christina, smiling and looking a little flush, but I definitely could tell she was excited (I also noticed she had no hosiery on). She came in the room, and had a black clutch purse in her hand and immediately made the comment, "my the room does smell interesting". I grabbed her hand and we went to the middle of the room, and she commented, "I do hope all of the recording came out well?". I told her I had no clue as I was rather busy with my husband. She smiled and handed me the clutch purse and told me there was a "treat" for me inside and then asked where the lipstick was as she wanted to freshen up before things went further, I told her that it was in the bathroom. as she walked to the bathroom, I opened the clutch purse and in it was a vibrator and pantyhose, among other usual items, and heard her say as she entered the bathroom, "be a dear and clean that up for me". I pulled out the vibrator and I could smell the familiar musty scent on it and put down the clutch purse on the bed and about that time Christina came out of the bathroom and walked towards me lips all done nicely, and said, "I know how much you love cleaning up your husband's toys after she has fun with Brenda, and I could not resist, after all, I was all alone, just imagining what you were doing with your husband and I had to take care of myself". I smiled and then started licking and sucking on the vibrator, enjoying Christina's lovely juices and closed my eyes and was imagining Fred's cock in my mouth. Christina on the other hand started slowly caressing my breasts and cooed, "enjoy my sweet juices dear, I was thinking about you the entire time, and I came three times as I played with myself, and my these tits are lovely". I finished cleaning the vibrator and opened my eyes and Christina asked if I liked it, and I told her, "as always, I love tasting another woman's juices". Christina commented, "and I love the personal touch with the lipstick smears", she took the vibrator from me and then handed me the lipstick and a mirror and I applied another thick coat, with her watching said, "when I kiss another woman passionately for the first time I want it to be a lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss". I handed the mirror and the lipstick back to her and she re-applied her lipstick, then she placed them at the side of the bed and not back in the clutch purse.

Then Christina start role playing and I went along, and said, "Now Wilma, I have been watching you all day long in your lovely gown and I have to admit, now that we are alone, I have to admit something to you...... I have wanted to be intimate with you for a long time, and that I am very attracted to you". She then came and grabbed my satin covered hands and stared me in the eyes and I acted like I was surprised, and said, "I am flattered and I had no idea". She kept on staring at me and said, "we are alone for now, I told the other Bridesmaid's I was going to take you to the ladies room for a break, and I need to be with you". I played like I was a little surprised and smiled and said, "I must admit I have had a crush on you for years, but never could tell you that, I never knew you were Bi and certainly have never told anyone else I was also Bi". then Christina moved in close to me and said in a soft romantic voice, "then let's make this moment special". She then kissed me lightly on the lips and it was our first lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss. She went and turned the laptop to the center of the room where an hour before I have pleasured Fred on my knees in my dress, then came to me after turning on soft romantic music and said, "may I have a dance with the lovely Bride?". I smiled and she came and grabbed my satin covered hands, then wrapped her arms around me and held me close, as I wrapped my arms around her waist, and stared at me as we moved around the floor and started making comments, "your lips are so soft and kissable", I just smiled as we continued to slowly dance around. She continued with, the comments and role playing, "I wish I was the one helping you into your dress, but I was not allowed in as your Maid Of Honour and mother dressed you, my panties have been wet all day long and had to go to the ladies room twice before the service to relieve myself". I just smiled and said, "you make a beautiful Bridesmaid and as we dance, my panties are getting wet too".

That pretty much was it and she moaned, "oh God I need to kiss you now", then she leaned in and we went into a very passionate lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss. I could tell Christina was hotter than hell, as she tugged me in tight and she was aggressively kissing me her tongue was snaking in and out of my mouth and she was groaning and moaning. I reciprocated and was enjoying the attention, and she eventually broke our kiss and groaned, "this is so much more enjoyable than kissing a man". She then started again with the passionate French kissing and I broke the kissing and said in a sexy voice, "if you want to learn how to kiss like a Lesbian, one should teach you". She smiled and said, "and you can?" and I said "yes". I told her when I stick out my tongue, come and lick and suck on it and suck it in your mouth, like a Popsicle or a cock". I knew she had never sucked a cock, but she got the idea and I closed my eyes stuck it out and she leaned in and she started in earnest, and was moaning and I was loving it and we were hugging and both moaning, and she was sucking and licking my tongue and I just stood there and let her have her way with my mouth and I could tell she was really enjoying herself. I pulled away and said to her, "my turn", and she smiled and stuck it out and I taught her really how it was done and really started licking and sucking it and caressing her all over. We eventually broke our embrace and then went into another long and passionate lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss. She was moaning and finally she broke our kiss and said, "I cannot take this anymore, I have my juices running down my legs now". I smiled and said, well, if we are to this right, you need to see all of the Brides gown, help me un-bustle". She smiled and asked me how to do it and told her there was 5 loops to find below the large satin bow, and to unhook them", She quickly found them and undid the loops, and the train of the dressed dropped down and then I told her to sit on the bed and I would walk around and show her the entire dress. She went to the bed, then sat down, and I started to walk around the large room, while Christina on the other hand, lifted up her dress and spread her legs and started slowly rubbing her pussy through her white cotton panties, and did not say much but moaned, "so beautiful, the train is so intricate". I on the other hand asked her why she took off her pantyhose, and she responded, "like your husband told you that one time you went clubbing, 'they only get in the way'", and she kept slowly rubbing her pussy. I paraded around for a while making sure to really show off the train, then Christina got off the bed and said, "I want some pictures, especially the back and the train", I went and stood in the middle of the room, she grabbed my flowers and handed them to me and went in behind me and started fluffing out the train, while I stood still. I then posed and she started taking pictures from all over cooing all the time, "such a lovely dress and a pretty Bride". She then came up to me and tossed her phone on the bed and came and started another passionate kissing session and reciprocated, and literally I could smell her musty scent and know she was very wet and hot.

She broke our embrace and moaned, I am so ready now, then went and moved the laptop so it was facing the bed then moved to the bed and crawled up on it and grabbed the hem of her skirt and pushed the stiff crinoline out of the way, and hiked it up around her waist, all the while staring at me and said, "I want you to give me the same present you gave the bride, the first time you were a Bridesmaid". I smiled and knew exactly what she wanted and put my flowers down on the next bed, then slowly took off my white satin gloves and smiled, licking my lips as I stared at her and she was back to rubbing her pussy through the panties, and with the other caressing her breasts through the dress. She was moaning and I grabbed the mirror and the lipstick and applied an extra thick coat of my pink lipstick, doing it slowly and teasingly. I put the top back on the lipstick and put that and the mirror on the bedside table and slowly moved the end of the bed, and adjusted my dress and crinolines and slowly crawled up to Christina's very pungent and obviously moist white cotton panties, and said in a sexy voice, "are you ready for this", she just moaned, "oh God yes, I have dreamt and fantasized about this moment for years". I pushed her hand away from her crotch and told her to massage her breasts while I took care of her. She did and I slowly moved into her crotch and could smell how pungent she was and opened my lips to form a perfect kiss and then push my face and lips right to the middle of her panties. She was very wet, and I pushed my lips in very hard and she groaned and moved my lips around a tiny bit them backed off and sitting there was a perfect lip impression right were her clit was, and I pulled back, and then quietly told Christina to lift her bum and slid the panties carefully off and tossed them off the bed, and said, "you now have a perfect souvenir of the moment another woman is going to make you orgasm like you have never had an orgasm before". I looked up and she could not see me and I could not see her due to her dress and crinoline being all hiked up.

She had shaved herself bald and I knew I was going to love this and made a sexy comment, "oh a bald pussy, my favourite kind", she just moaned back, "like Cheryle's, I know how much you loved her like that". I then slowly started licking the juices already formed off her soaking wet pussy, loving the taste, and the first time my tongue came across her clit she literally squealed and jerked. I was loving every minute if it, I took my time and definitely savoured her juices, then I started pushing my tongue inside her and then started massaging her very hard clit while I did with one of my fingers, like Fred, she did not last long and before I knew it she was grunting and groaning and then her body started convulsing with and orgasm after orgasm, and I never gave up on licking and sucking, and her pussy started oozing even more of her lovely juice. Now knowing a woman can climax multiple times right after having an orgasm, I kept going and licked faster and faster and she kept on oozing and oozing her lovely juices and I kept lapping them up and jamming my tongue into her wet hole, and licking and sucking and eventually nibbling on her clit. When I started this new routine, Christina was moaning and thrusting and almost our of control, and I felt her grab the top of my head, almost ripping off my headpiece and started shuddering and screaming out and then convulsing again with orgasm after orgasm, again more and more juice oozed out and I lapped it up, then thought maybe she was done, but she was not. I continued to lick as she pushed my head back down and cried out, "MORE!, MORE!". I kept going a doing the same routine over and over and not only could I tell her clit was getting harder she was oozing more and more juice from her pussy. I then thought, "I better be careful", and I kept up the pace until finally she literally screamed at the top of her lungs and it was orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. In my head I thought, "am I licking off another woman or sucking man's member", She oozed and oozed, which I lapped up and then shuddered and convulsed to a point she pushed my head away and said, "ENOUGH!".

I knew I had done what I wanted and that was to pop a Lesbian cherry and I did, and then I slowly slid off the bed and looked down at Christina and took a drink of champagne and she was panting and then saw me and said, "Wilma, COME AND KISS ME NOW!". I adjusted my dress and crinolines and moved to the side of the bed and leaned in and Christina grabbed the back of my head and started kissing me like no tomorrow. Then still panting, push my lips away and started licking all over my face, moaning and groaning, "this tastes so good". She finally stopped and was dazed and literally could not say anything other than saying in a grunting voice, "I want more, I want to you take me all over, get me out of this dress". She jumped out of the bed still panting and shaking and turned her back to me and I unzipped her and before her dress had hit the ground she kicked off the matching dyed satin heels and undid her strapless bra in a flash and all was laying on the floor. She was with no clothes on just the jewellery and I could see that her pussy was raw and red, and was also still very wet.

She laid down on the bed her nipples were like bullets and she was all flush, and still panting and said to me, "Wilma, more, please more". I was in the drivers seat, and smiled and looked down at her and she was reaching and caressing my silky dress. I went and grabbed my pink lipstick and again carefully applied a thick coat staring at her and put it down on the table and then carefully knelt down and picked up Christina's panties and showed her the lipstick mark and put them on the bedside table, she just moaned and said, "more Wilma more, please". I had never seen a woman this excited but loved the role I was in and leaned down and softly kissed her lips and she moaned, "I love the taste of your lipstick". I then leaned down and started very slowly licking her very pert nipples one at a time and with one hard pinching the other nipple, then the other hand slowly moved it down and started fingering her dripping wet pussy. Christina was beside herself and moaned, "I want a hickey on both my tits right above the nipples". I smiled, then moved into position and still rubbing her very wet pussy, with one had tweaked her left nipple, and on the other started sucking and biting her right breast, and Christina was flinching and groaning as I bit and sucked and grabbed my puffy satin shoulders and moaned, "more, more, leave a big mark". I then inserted a finger into her wet and dripping pussy and she moaned even more, I thrust it in and out. I then moved to her left breast and started doing the same and playing with her other nipple. I continued and Christina was moaning and moaning and again flinching and now grabbing onto my head and I knew I had left a mark and stopped. She then groaned out, "I want you to lick me again Wilma".

I smiled and stepped back from the bed, looking at the two red marks I had left on her breasts and went to the end of the bed, and then positioned my dress and crinolines and slid up the bed and looked up and Christina, she was massaging her nipples and had her legs spread wide open and this time propped her head up on a second pillow so she could see me this time. Like the first time, I started very slow and enjoyed all of her oozing juices and lapped them up, except this time looking up and seeing Christina staring down at me, pinching her nipples and groaning, and throwing her head back time to time on the pillow. I started licking and sucking and went fasters and faster and then started nibbling on her very hard clit and then stopped every once in a while and loved hearing her groan as she wanted release. I teased Christina over and over like I did Fred until she started really started breathing hard and almost at the brink of a climax and screamed out, "FINGERS!, I WANT FINGERS!". I then inserted two and pushed them in and out and moving them around in her pussy, as I continued to lick her faster and faster, and then she screamed out, "MORE FINGERS!, MORE!". I then inserted a third and kept licking over and over and she was beside herself, and was bucking and almost screaming and said, "MORE, MORE!", I put a 4th in and kept licking and about 3 minutes later she cried out, "ALL!!!, ALL!". Now, in my life as a female making love to another female have only ever done this once and it was with my husband in Las Vegas a peak of her climax as I made Lesbian love to her. I then clenched my fist as tight as it could go and slowly inserted it into Christina's wet and dripping pussy, and she was crying out and squealing, "YES!, YES!". Once I was in her I slowly moved my hand around and kept licking and slurping up her juices, concentrating on her clit, and finally her body began to shudder and jerk violently and she screamed out and as if she was possessed, and was bucking and bucking and kept licking and finally she collapsed, breathing very heavily.

I pulled my hand out and Christina and she shuddered as I did and I could tell she was well worn out and I got up out of the bed and went and fluffed out my dress and crinolines and walked beside her. She was flush and panting and I lowered my face to hers and I did not even get to say anything and she grabbed my head and kissed me deep and them quickly pulled back and licked all over my face, moaning and them when she was done, grabbed my right hand and the started to lick and suck my fingers cleaning her own lovely pussy juice off of them. When she was done, threw her head back on the pillow and was still panting and breathing hard, I stood back up and straightened my skirt and crinolines and went and grabbed my glass and sipping on the champagne and let Christina recover and went and looked at the falls and watching the sun slowly setting in the distance. Eventually I heard Christina speak and she quietly said, "I have never experienced anything like that in my life, I don't know what to say". I turned to her and smiled and said in a sexy voice, "funny, that what my husband Fred told me as well after I orally pleased him for the first time". She was still taken back by what had just happened and just laid there, and I continued to walk around sipping from my glass and enjoying not only the view of the falls, but also myself in the dress, and realizing my face was a total mess. I knew I was going to be putting on a new face for the dinner theatre anyway, so I was not worried about it. It literally was about 5 minutes and a totally nude Christina crawled off the bed and I smiled and looked at her and she was walking funny and she started gathering her clothes and watched her starting to get dressed into the clothes she wore when she came to my room in the first place. She got dressed and I stared at her I went and picked up her white cotton panties and as she slid on her jeans said, "forgetting something?". She moaned, "oh no, I want those to dry out and want them as a memory of a truly 'out the world experience'". I put them down on the bed and she was putting her shoes and said, "can you make those panties special for me?". I knew exactly what she wanted, and told her, "help me out of my Wedding Gown and I will". She came to me walking slowly and still shaking, went to the back of me and slowly started unbuttoning me and was still moaning and commenting, "I could never have even dreamed it would have been like that with another woman". I could not see her but as she kept unbuttoning, I said, "I told you only another woman and can totally understand how to really make love to another". She said as she got to the very last of the dress buttons, "if I did not experience it I would have not believed you".

I let my gown fall to the floor and asked Christina to get my pink satin makeup robe and she handed it to me and I put it on, and I could tell she wanted even more of me and I said, "dear, I have to get this place cleaned up and get ready from my husband for the dinner theatre". She smiled and was almost in a trance and said, "I so want to suck on those breasts..... I have left a picture of you 25 years ago in the dress you wore and makeup, Fred is looking forward to see that, it is in your clutch purse, and wear tons of perfume, I remember he always loved when you did that". She then packed her purse with the dildo and then went to the laptop and did something, I think copied the video to a memory stick and then packed it in her purse. I undid my crinolines, kicked off my white satin heels and stepped out of the dress and crinolines. I smiled and grabbed her white cotton panties as she stared at me and went to the bathroom. I pulled out one of my zip lock bags from my duffle bag and then walked back into the main room after pulling out a little vile of Obsession perfume from my makeup bag. Then stared at Christina and said, "Here you go dear", as I applied a bunch of perfume to her panties, then walking up to her and put her panties to her nose, and all she did was moaned. I put them in the bag and sealed it and handed it to her and said, "now, remember our last Lesbian kiss", and moved in and kissed her hard and she kissed back just as hard. She was groaning and I eventually broke the kiss and told her I only had 45 minutes to get dressed and be ready for my husband to pick me up for the dinner theatre. She packed away the panties and again, almost in a daze, said, "have a great honeymoon night with your husband, text me when you are ready for him", and she left the hotel room (luckily in sneakers or else she would have been not steady in heels and fell over)

Well, quite frankly, I was staring at a mess and I was feeling a little of the effects of the champagne, but still had a clear head. I went right to work, I packed up the large Bridal bag with my gown (leaving it un bustled, which was a mess, crinolines, Christina's Bridesmaid dress and matching dyed satin heels. Last thing I put in was my headpiece and zipped it all up then hung it up. I then went and put on the one un-used bed the dress bag Christina brought me and the duffle bag, and started unpacking it to figure out what exactly I was going to be wearing, I had an idea, but not everything.

I undid the dress bag, and pulled out the LBD, and loved it, it was a "body con style", tight bodice with a runched up type of skirt definitely above the knee, almost an off the shoulder style with tiny capped chiffon sleeves, and a DEEP sweetheart line plunge at the neckline, and laid it on the bed. I kept pulling other things out like a satin and lace black garter belt, a brand new pair of ultra sheer nearly black stockings, a black lace and satin push up bra, and matching black lace and satin bikini panties, the heels, which were a style I had never worn before, probably about 3", and black patent and sling backs with a closed toe. I then moved to the tote bag Christina had dropped off and started to look through it and realized it was more the accessories and moved to the large bathroom to unpack the tote bag, laying things out on the large lighted counter. In a long velvet box was a strand of pearls, and then in another velvet box a fancy gold watch and a stretchy pearl bracelet. Now, Christina (Wilma), actually had her Wedding ring set in the box, but Obviously it did not fit, she had smaller of hands than I. I was prepared and had my alternate Wedding ring set to wear. Last thing in the duffle bag was a bottle of perfume, it was in a dark blue bottle, with a fancy design, but no name, and about half full. I checked the clock and I literally had 30 minutes re-apply my face and then get dressed.

I took off the pink satin robe and then stripped down and grabbed my white satin gloves put them on and carefully took off the ultra sheer white stay ups and knew I was going to be putting them on later and then stripped out of the foundation garment and then out of the white satin and lace panties. I started with the lingerie that Wilma left me, and I started with the black lace and satin bikini panties and they were a little loos, but fit alright, then put the foundation garment back on. Still with my white satin gloves, put on the black lace and satin garter belt, it was a little tight, but managed to get the last clasp done up. I then opened the ultra sheer nearly black stockings and went to the vanity and sat down and very carefully slipped them on and then clipped them into place, front and back. I then put on the heels, which as interesting as I had never worn the style before, but managed to get them on, and saving the ultra sheer hose from snagging. I took off the satin gloves and the put on the black lace and satin push up bra and started to adjust the straps. The bra was the right cup size, but I noticed the band size was 34, and I managed to squeeze it on to the last clasp done up and saw that even before I went any further saw that I already had nice breasts showing and had an idea. I quickly slipped on the dress (bodycon, so no zipper) and LOVED the way it felt and the way it hugged all my curves and could see why when Wilma wore it, Fred loved her in it. It was more than a classic LBD, it was SEXY classic LBD, the capped chiffon short sleeves complete with small shoulder pads made the era of the dress right and the deep plunge sweetheart neckline. The neckline made my breasts well on display and the hemline was enough to cover the garters and turn some heads.

In my bag I realized I had surgical tape leftover from a previous GDO with my husband and decided to really go all out and slipped out of the dress and bra. I carefully taped my breasts up and as tight and as far as I could go, then put the bra back on and moved my breasts around and with the tightness of the bra making sure the push up padding was there for full effect, and then looked in the mirror and thought "WOW, maybe I should go with a 34 inch band for a bra", I was definitely sporting a very healthy C cup breast size, way pushed up and I knew with the sexy LBD, they would look like they were popping out. I put on my pink satin robe and then moved to clean up my face, but before I did I went and grabbed the clutch purse, took out the pantyhose Christina wore and found the picture. It was not a really good one, but showed me what Wilma looked like 25 years ago when she wore the dress and as I looked at her face and the makeup, I had a flash back to my early years in the late 80's when "more was more" when it came to makeup. I decided I would not go as far as what we wore back in the 80's, but come close without going too far, me wearing the dress, certainly would be showing more cleavage than Wilma did when she wore it for Fred, so I was going to be stared at anyway.

For my face, I started with the task of taking out makeup remover wipes and totally cleaning my face, as it was a mess, and then once done I started with a new coat of foundation. As I always say in my mind after my foundation is on, "now I have a clean canvas, so start painting". I went to the well lighted vanity, with Wilma's picture next to me and sat down. I started with my eyeliner, and knew this was going to be special, formal, yes, but to make myself look like Wilma 25 years ago, beyond formal makeup for 2016. I carefully started with my normal dark evening formal eyeliner and then went just a bit more, I was not comfy with the look, but had Wilma's picture at the side of the vanity mirror and literally went "over the top", like her and looked like a model for a formal photo shoot. My eyes looked dark and seductive and again, way out of my comfort zone, but looked like myself and my husband Sharon like we did them back in the 80's for a formal occasion or going clubbing. Now eye shadow, THAT I was not going to copy Wilma, as back then it was all dark hues and the complete eye in one colour, she was wearing dark blue (much like I used to wear, top and bottom lids back in 1987). I used what I had and used darker colours and went with a charcoal and medium blue, for both upper and lower lids, the looks with the eyeliner was very dramatic. Mascara, I used was one of my new ones, that gave my lashes a VERY thick and full look. I stared at myself in the mirror and had to look and got a flash back of how my husband and I used to do our makeup when we went clubbing in the late 80's and early 90's, and was way over the top. However I figured, "what the heck", I am playing a wife of a man that wants to see her again like she looked in the late 80's". Then it was the blush, well, I took out my formal blush and literally sucked in my cheekbones and highlighted them big time, just like we used to do in the late 80's, definitely a "Debbie Harry" look. I looked at myself in the mirror and again, went back in time, I was way over the top with makeup, almost like looking at 18 year old girls these days that have no clue, but decided to stay with it. I decided to do my lips last and looked at the clock and saw I only had 15 minutes. I looked at the small makeup pouch in the bag Wilma had had left and found the lipstick and the matching nail polish. I sat down and slowly applied the nail polish, and judging by the tint and colour could only imagine what the lipstick was going to look like. The nail colour was more of deep, deep red, and very shiny, a very sultry red colour, way different than my style. I very carefully applied the polish and then was patient to wait for them to dry.

Once dry, it was now time to get dressed, and I slid of my pink satin rode and then went to the bathroom, and took the perfume Wilma had left me and then, literally doused my entire body in it like "Christina" told me to do. FLASHBACK TIME!, ugh, this perfume was strong, I mean really strong, like I remembered some of the girls wearing when my husband and I went clubbing in the 80's and early 90's. None of the 5 scents I wear were anything like this, this was not a subtle perfume, but was hoping it was cheap and was going to wear off fast. I then let that thought leave my mind and moved to get into the dress and I carefully slipped it on and tugged it down into place (leaving positioning my breasts till later)and then started with the accessories. First was the necklace, and although I have many pearl necklaces (costume), I knew these were real, the weight alone told me that and slipped them on. Then the alternate Wedding rings set and I never removed my pearl drop earrings from my Bridal ensemble and then the gold watch on my left wrist and then the real pearl stretch bracelet on my right wrist.

I checked the clock and it was 5 minutes to go before I was supposed to be ready and then headed back to the vanity, still trying to get used to the heels, which I realized were a size larger than mine (even though I tugged the straps as far as I could) and then stood in front of the full length mirror and was stunned by the look. I adjusted the tight dress and the bra and my boobs and was shocked at how sexy I really looked, I think even Wilma was going to be stunned. I then went and grabbed the small black clutch purse I was going to be carrying and went to the bathroom and looked through it, and obviously Wilma left allot of history in it, as I found condoms, a tampon and other things, like matches and such, but I made sure I packed in tissues and knew I was fine. I grabbed the lipstick and sat at the lighted vanity and applied it slowly and carefully, and after it was on, looked at myself in the mirror, and "oh my", the looks was certainly different and my lips certainly matched the nail polish and they were deep red, glossy and very seductive looking. I thought, "if my husband, Sharon, saw me, even she would not recognize me". I knew I was ready and texted "Christina" and told her that I was ready for my husband to come and get me for the dinner theatre. I packed the lipstick away into the black clutch purse and went to the mirror and made sure everything looked right actually thought I looked "hot", even for a late 40's woman, then there was the knock at the door.

I was nervous but excited and went and opened the door and there was Fred in a smart black suit and blue tie. At first he was smiling and then said, "Wilma, really?, you look amazing", he came through the door with lust in his eyes and tried to embrace me and kiss me and I pushed him back and smiled, "after the theatre dear, I worked long and hard to look this good for you, you can make a mess of my makeup after on our Honeymoon night". He then just hugged me and told me I smelled amazing and just like I did 25 years ago, but said, "Wilma, a new bra?, I never seen your tits look that nice", I smiled and told him it was new and that I was glad he liked the effect. He then asked if I was wearing everything I did back 25 years ago and I said, "oh yes, even down to the panties dear". I looked down and could see the bulge in his pants grow, and just smiled. He said, "I hope you do not mind, my brother in law, Chris, is in town on business and was going to spend the Saturday night alone, so I invited him to join us". I told him that was fine and he told me that he was going to be meeting us in the lobby of the hotel, but he wanted pictures of me before we left and I told him that was fine and went and posed near the window so the lit up falls could be in the background and he took several pictures. He then said it was time to go and one final check in the mirror and made sure I had my room keys in the black clutch purse and we were off. I grabbed Fred's arm and as we walked to the elevators, I was thinking about "Christina"/Wilma, how she would be probably playing with herself, and re-living the day and smiled and loved the thought of making her first Lesbian experience so special. I walked along with Fred, and we got to the elevator, we entered and were alone and went down to the main floor and walked into the lobby and I was glad to see it was a Saturday night and I was not the only woman in a dress or a skirt and heels, but the way I looked and was dressed, I got checked out by men and more importantly other females, I was loving it, almost as fun as when I was in my wedding gown. We walked to the doors of the lobby leaving to the entrance and I heard Fred call out, "Chris over here".

Ok, now it was my turn to be shocked, as I hung off Fred's arm, I saw someone walking towards us, now, if I did not know her facial features, I knew it was "Christina"/Wilma dressed as a man, anyone else it was just another man in a suit and tie. As she/he walked towards us, he/she held out her hand to shake mine and I as a female held out a limp and he/she grasped it firmly, and Fred said, "Chris, this is my wife of 25 years, Wilma". At that point it was "Chris" and he smiled and said nothing and then I checked him/her over. The appearance was definitely male (slightly feminine), he was wearing a black pinstriped suit, red tie, a white shirt, black socks and black men's dress shoes, Obviously no makeup, and had his hair slicked back and into a "man bun" at the back. His chest looked flat, but with a loose fitting suit jacket breasts were not noticeable at all. He then just smiled at me then leaned in and whispered in my ear, "my Wilma, you look lovely, and smell divine, and are you wearing the bra supplied?". I whispered back, "yes, and amazing what a little tape will do". I spoke up and said, "well gentlemen, shall we go?".

I wrapped my arm around Fred's and we headed out the door of the hotel to the cool night air, I loved the sound of my heels clicking along, there was a taxi right there and Fred opened the door and I slid in and went to the middle, and due to the style of the dress, the skirt of course wanted to slid up as I sat down. I did not tug down the skirt when I sat down and the tops of my stockings were showing. Fred got in on my right and Chris went and got in the passenger side and when asked where we were going Fred told the driver and we were off. Fred noticed my stocking covered legs and the tops of the stockings and leaned in and whispered to me, "I see you wore my favourite again", and gently put his hand on my thigh at the top of the stocking and started tugging and the garter strap, I moved his hand to my skirt then I leaned in and whispered to him, "easy my dear, do not want to ruin them so early". He just moaned and glanced down and noticed he was hard already. Chris leaned in to and whispered to me, "I bet he is hard already, he loved it when I wore stockings and a garter belt, and it is getting my underwear wet". I whispered back "you mean your panties?", she again whispered back, "I am wearing nothing female, all male tonight including my underwear". I held Fred's hand and we arrived at the dinner theatre and Fred paid the driver and then Chris slid out and then Fred did as well, and I slid across the seat and then knew I was going to have to be careful getting out as the skirt was very tight and Fred and Chris were watching as I slowly and carefully slid out. I held out my hand and Fred offered his and as I slid out, there was Chris standing a few feet away on his handheld device checking messages (or so I thought) and stood up and got on Fred's arm and we walked in, and Chris came up to me and whispered in my ear, "I got the money shot, nice panties", and I looked at him and he just smiled.

We got to the entrance of the dinner theatre and stood in line and hung off Fred's arm and Chris was beside me as well. I knew the drill and went we got to the front of the line, the hostess that greeted us was a middle aged woman, well dressed in a knee length black skirt and white blouse, black hose and flats, and nice makeup greeted us. As Fred handed her the tickets, she looked me up and down and said, "love the dress and look", then we exchanged a "female to female" smile and then she said, "right this way dear, and have those two handsome gentlemen follow along". We got to the half moon booth and it was not far from where I sat a year before as a newlywed Bride. I slid in, and this time gracefully and kept the fingers on the hem of the skirt of the dress so it would not ride up and Fred sat on the right of me and then Chris slid in on the left. The hostess said, looking right at me, "again, love the look, and you definitely do that dress justice, and your waitress will be with you shortly". I of course was thrilled silly and smiled back and mouthed "thank you", and out of the corner of my eye, caught Chris smiling at me as she walked away. I loved the ambiance of looking around and seeing the fact, once again, I was not the only woman dressed up and saw lots in LBD's like mine and skirt and dresses as people milled around and got into their seats, Fred reached over and grabbed my hand and looked over at him and smiled and moved in and gave him a little kiss, as I held hands with him.

Our waitress came and was a 20 something looking girl, in and above the knee length black pencil skirt, nude hose, low black pumps, a white blouse, very pretty face and well made up and shoulder length black hair. She smiled at us and I could tell right away, other than the guys she was checking me out and then smiled at me and said, "My name is Cindy, I will be looking after you this evening and can I get anything for you folks to drink?". Fred spoke up and ordered a bottle of house red wine for the three of us and she smiled and said (again looking at me), "your food will not be that long, and I will be right back with the drinks". as she walked away Chris leaned into me and quietly said, "what a cute ass". I said nothing and held Fred's hand and kept looking around and enjoying the sites of the other lovely formally dressed females and knew Chris was as well. Chris could really not talk as his voice was far too feminine so I started the conversation with Fred and asked if he was enjoying the 25th anniversary day so far and he smiled and hugged me close and said quietly so Chris could hear to me, "more than I could have ever dreamed", I leaned in and moaned, quietly, and gently, moved my hand over his bulging crotch under the table and brushed it and whispered into his ear, and said, "easy big boy, leave that for me to take care of for our honeymoon night". as I sat up, Chris leaned in and whispered into my ear, "cock tease". I just smiled and about that time our waitress Cindy came and put down the glasses and the wine and told us the food would be out shortly and to enjoy.

As we waited for the food, Chris went into character and said to me quietly, "let me see your 25th anniversary band", and I put my hand over and he said, "very lovely". It was kind of awkward I must admit as Chris could not talk out loud, but Fred and I could, so I was kind of a "medium" between the conversations. The talk started about dinner and Fred said that I had ordered for all of us since I was familiar with the food and asked Chris if he was alright with Prime Rib, and Chris just nodded and smiled. I then went on about how Fred and I come to this place often and the food is very good. Again, in between the broken conversation, I was looking around and soaking in the ambiance. Chris leaned over to me and, whispered "you certainly wore the right dress to fit in", I smiled and patted his hand and whispered to him, "told you so". About that time, the servers (mostly male) were coming around with the soup and then the salad and (as some of the younger ones put down my plates I felt like saying, "hello, my eyes are up here", as they stared at my breasts, I was loving it. We started to eat and in between Fred would always lovingly caress my hand and leaned in and kissed me and told me how lovely I looked and smelled, and I would always smile back. Then the main course came out and it was awesome, even better than with Paul and I the year before, again, it was like some of the young male servers made a point of walking by and staring at my breasts, and again I smiled and waved at them and they shyly turned away and I was loving it. The conversation turned to the day and it was mainly Fred and I talking and we talked about how special the pictures would turn out and Fred always kept on telling me how he loved seeing me in my Wedding gown again, and how I gave him the best 25th anniversary present ever. After that comment I looked over at Chris and he was smiling and we both knew what that meant. Dessert finally came and again, the parade of young male servers coming by to check me out continued and taking my plate and serving us dessert was fun to watch. Once dessert plates were cleared our waitress came by and asked if we wanted anything more to drink, I asked for a Margrareta, and Fred spoke up and said, "and we both will have a draft beer", pointing at Chris. She took our order and about 5 minutes later the announcement came over the PA that the show was to begin in 15 minutes. I smiled as my favourite part of the dinner theatre was about to begin.

As usual, there was a rush to the washrooms, and like always, I sat patiently, and Chris whispered in my ear, "yes dear, we both know, you are waiting for the line up to grow to the small 3 stalled ladies washroom before you go". I simply smiled and waited a few more minutes and grabbed my clutch purse and said, "excuse me gentlemen, I need to freshen up". Fred slid out and I moved over to his side then slid out, and smiled at both of them, then started following the crowd to the washrooms. As usual, the line up for the women was down the hall and I was loving every second of it. The line up was like the times before, very long, as I stood in line and watched the men come and go and of course they were checking all the women in the line up, which I could care less about it was the females checking me out, and me checking them out interaction, I was enjoying the most. This gave me a good chance to see what the other women were wearing from head to toe, and I was pleased to see, all were at least in dress shoes of some kind and definitely a few with much higher heels than I was wearing. Some with no hosiery on, but most did, and the dress styles were everything from LBD's to casual dresses and skirts and blouse to female dress pant suits. Again it was fun, each one of us checking each other out and such, finally I got into the washroom, and waited for a stall to be open and when my turn came, I exchanged the usual, "female to female" smile as she left the stall and I enter, now with only 3 stalls, I did not have my choice and this one was one of the ones on the end. I put my clutch purse on the toilet paper dispenser and hiked up my dress and moved things around and sat down and did my business making sure to make the "usual tinkling sounds", and then cleaned up and positioned everything and then tugged down my skirt and grabbed my clutch purse and left the stall. Of course I was greeted with the next woman in line and the usual smiles were exchanged as we passed one another. I stood in a short line for the sinks and when it was my turn went and washed up and then pulled out my lipstick from my clutch purse and touched up. Since there was no full length mirror, I fluffed out my hair and made a slight adjustment to the bodice of my dress, and packed my lipstick up. A girl next to me, looking in the mirror smiled and said, "nice dress", with a crooked smile, I figured referring to my breasts. I smiled and said thanks back and then left the washroom and headed back to the table. I loved the fact that there was still a line up and I was being checked out and just smiled and walked along.

I got to the table and Fred and Chris had strange smiles on their faces and Chris had his phone out. Fred got out and I slid in (tugging down the skirt to my dress) and both had smirks on their faces and I said, "what has got you boys smiling like that?". Chris leaned over and showed me what was on the screen of his phone, and it was me, getting out of the taxi, as graceful as I was and clamping my knees together, obviously was not enough and the white of my foundation garment was clearly showing. Chris had taken 4 shots, and made sure one was a close up, and he whispered to me, "but the others is what he wanted to see and that was me in my Wedding gown with the train all let out, such lovely money shot(s), too bad the foundation garment is in the way, would love to see the black panties". I noticed that the drinks had come and then the lights went down and the play started. As usual, I slid towards Fred and cuddle into him, and that left Chris kind of on his own. Fred, remembering what I described in my on-line diary entries on what happened on dates at the theatre, hugged me in and then the romance began. As the play went on, Fred, was all over me and caressing my arm and eventually my silky legs and leaning in and kissing my neck and telling me how sexy I looked and how lovely I smelled. From time to time, I would break our embrace a kiss a little. I would look over from time to time to Chris and all he would do is smile and give us space to be a couple. The one scene I remember came up and that was one that the Whorehouse scene took place and some of the actresses were in lingerie, and memories came flooding back. The one actress that was wearing the corset style bustier that inspired my husband Sharon to buy me for Christmas one year came on stage. I broke away from Fred for a minute and leaned into Chris and quietly said "the blonde on the right is what Sharon bought me, but hers, same style but different colour". Chris leaned in and moaned, "I am so hot right now, I would take her to bed in a second", I quietly said back, "easy girl, after all, your Lesbian cherry just got popped". I then leaned back into Fred and the cuddling and PDA continued.

Eventually the first act ended and then the lights came up and I broke away from Fred and of course the second best part of the dinner theatre came, and that was the rush of the females to the washrooms. Of course Fred and Chris knew I was going to wait and they both said they had to go, but were going to wait for me to go first. Our waitress came and asked if we wanted more drinks, and Fred spoke up and ordered another round and after she left, I grabbed my clutch purse and again announced I was going to freshen up, and Fred slid out and I followed and then smiled at them and headed to the now very long line to the ladies washroom, and got in line a couple of women came and stood behind me, and again, loved checking out the other women, and of course myself being checked out. A few minutes later while still in the long line, Fred and Chris walked by me and went into the men's bathroom. I smiled and wondered if Chris had actually ever been into a man's bathroom before, and how he would make out. Our line slowly moved along and I was still far away from the door and Fred and Chris walked out and both checking out the other women and Chris smiled as she checked me out as they walked past. Eventually I got to a point I was waiting for a stall and the usual routine of waiting for the next available stall came and a the center one opened up and I smiled at the woman that was leaving it and went in. I again put my clutch purse on the toilet paper dispenser and hiked up my dress and moved things around and sat down and did my business, and again, made sure I made the right sounds. I loved looking down and seeing a pair of heels on either side of me. I cleaned up and then stood up and moved everything back and tugged on my dress, then grabbed my clutch and headed to the sinks, and of course smiled at the woman that was going into the stall I was coming out of. I waiting in the short line up for the sinks and went, when a position was free and opened my clutch purse and pulled out my lipstick and touched up my lips. As always smiling at the other women in the mirror, with them smiling back, when done, packed up my clutch purse and fluffed out my hair a little and slightly adjusted my dress and then left the room. Now the line up had shrunk, but again loved checking out and being checked out by other women.

I got back to the table and Fred slid out and I slid in, tugging down the skirt of my dress and then he slid back in as well. I saw that the drinks were refreshed and knew the bill had been taken care of. Chris moved into me and whispered, "girl, out of all of the women I checked out tonight, you definitely are one of the sexiest looking ones in the place". I smiled and looked at him and Fred heard Fred said quietly, "he is right, you look very hot", I just smiled at both of them, and quietly said, "I am not that hot looking", and Fred, gently grabbed my hand and moved it to his crotch and I got the hint and gently rubbed it and he was very hard and bulging. Chris saw this and leaned in a whispered to me, "Fred told me how excited he was in the men's washroom, and by the way, that was my first time in a men's washroom". I said nothing as the lights went down again and cuddled into Fred, and he immediately started caressing my silky legs and thigh, and started with the caressing of my arm and moving in and kissing my neck and telling me how lovely I looked and smelled. I on the other hand was starting to get worked up and moved my hand over Fred's crotch and slowly started caressing and from time to time gently squeezing his hard manhood and all he would do is moan in my ear. The second half of the play was a little more risqué with the actresses in more and more lingerie, and I was loving it and about half way through I felt Chris move closer to Fred and I. At one point, I felt Chris's hand on my left thigh and he started to caress, well, I was loving this big time. I very subtly shifted in my seat and hiked up the skirt of the dress so that both Chris and Fred could caress all the way up my legs and thighs and enjoy. They knew what I was doing and both started caressing and playing with the tops of the stockings and the garters, and slowly spread my legs and gave them more access. Now I never turned towards Chris, but knew he was enjoying and always stayed focused on Fred. As the play went on and the more lingerie clad actresses came out, I could tell by the groping and Fred's advances, he was getting hotter and hotter and since the table had a long tablecloth, decided to do to Fred what I did to another date at Stage West. As Chris and Fred continued to play with my silky stocking covered legs and garters and occasionally rubbing my smooth crotch, I slowly reached over and undid the zipper to Fred's dress pants, all he did was moan. I reached in and tugged down his underwear and freed his very erect member. I used my forefinger and swirled it around his bulging head and then brought the pre-cum that had formed to my lips and stuck my finger in my mouth and closed my eyes pretending to suck his member and enjoyed, Fred moaned even louder and I knew Chris was enjoying it as I heard him moan as well. All this time Chris was still rubbing my thigh and playing with my garters while Fred had his eyes closed and was quietly moaning, I never looked over at Chris. I discreetly licked my hand and then with the wet hand started stroking him up and down, I did not want to push my luck and licked off the pre-cum off my hand and tucked his very hard member away and zipped him up. The play continued and Fred was definitely beside himself and I looked over at Chris and he was smiling and knew exactly what happened then leaned in and whispered, "I take it he is yummy and ready?". I smiled and said nothing, before we knew it the play was over and Chris moved away from me and I tugged down the skirt of my dress and decided not to take the one last trip to the ladies washroom and we waited for the crowd to thin out and then Fred asked me if I was ready to go and I said I was.

Fred slid out and then I did and Chris followed and we joined the crowd and walked out of the theatre and then to the lobby and in a line up for taxi's, as I hung off Fred's arm. Chris was beside me and leaned in and whispered, "I am so hot right now, if Fred was not going to have fun with you, I would rip that dress off you in a second and have my way with those lovely tits". I said nothing and just smiled and hugged Fred even more. Our turn for a cab came and Fred opened my door and I slid in and Fred next to me and Chris went around to the passenger side and slid in. Like the ride over, I did not tug down the skirt of my dress but let it ride up very high, and almost exposing my foundation garment. Both Chris and Fred noticed this and after Fred told the driver where we were going I felt one of both their hands on my exposed thighs and they both started caressing my silky legs and tugging at the garters. As well stroked the exposed skin between the tops of the stockings and my foundation garment, I was loving it. Chris leaned in and quietly said, "ohhh so sexy Wilma", Fred just moaned and leaned in and kissed my neck, and I in turn slowly reached over and slowly caressed the bulge in his pants and leaned into him and quietly said, "are you ready for our honeymoon night my dear?", he just moaned. It must have been quite the sight for the cab driver, two men, feeling up the woman in the middle, but we did not care. We eventually got to the hotel, and Fred paid the driver and Chris, was quick to get out, her phone in hand. Fred slid out and then I slid across the seat and Fred offered me his and I could see Chris with the phone, ready to take pictures of me getting out of the taxi. I could see no one else was around us and I tugged down on the skirt of my dress a little and got out of the taxi in a very unladylike way and gave Chris lots of time to take as many "money shots" as he wanted. Fred helped me stand up and Chris was smiling and tucked away his phone. I walked arm and arm with Fred to the elevator with Chris at my side and we go in and went up. It was a short ride, but Chris leaned in and whispered, "Make your husband happy, I will be thinking of you two". I just smiled at him, we got to Chris's floor and he shook Fred's hand and said, "have a wonderful honeymoon night", he smiled at me, then he left. The next floor was ours and I knew Fred was quite excited as I could see by the bulge in his pants.

I held his arm until we got to the door and he opened it, then closed it behind us, and before I knew it, he turned his body to me and started kissing me like crazy, now I reciprocated as I was just as hot as he was, but for other reasons, the night for me and the day had stimulated me mentally to a level I always enjoyed, a "mental orgasm" so to speak. We broke our kiss and he lowered his head to my breasts and started licking and kissing them telling me how lovely they looked and smelled, and caressed them all over. I did not stop him and was moaning as he did it and was really enjoying the attention. Fred then came up and kissed me passionately again and pulling his body into mine and I could feel his straining manhood against my belly, he continued to caress my breasts as he did. Finally he broke our embrace and he told me he could not take anymore and wanted me to take care of him now. I smiled in a sexy way and said, "do not want to wait for your wife to get into her special Wedding night lingerie?". He groaned back, "no, I want you to do to me what you did to Paul". I smiled and knew exactly what he wanted and lead him to the center of the room, and positioned us so he could watch in the large mirror. However before we got there, he we went and turned the laptop on the table to point to us and came and kissed me again, passionately, I reciprocated and eventually we broke our kiss and I was staring at him with pure passion in his eyes as he looked at me. He then gently put his hands on my shoulders and pushed down, I knew what he wanted and I slowly got to my knees and sat back on my heels and put down my clutch purse at my side and looked up at him as I slowly caressed his crotch, and smiled in a sexy way as I looked up. His crotch was damp and I slowly undid his belt, then his pants and undid his zipper and tugged down the pants to his ankles and was staring at a very erect member under his white underwear. I caressed it and the underwear was soaking wet, I was about to tug them down and get to enjoy his member and he stopped me and said, "give me a present like you did Paul". I knew it was coming, and always love giving this present and went and opened my clutch purse and pulled out the lipstick and the compact and slowly and deliberately applied a thick coat and teasing Fred the whole time. I packed my clutch purse back up and then looked up at Fred and was enjoying every minute of what I was doing. He was looking down at me and I knew I was in control, and like I had done for a few other men, I grabbed his crotch and pulled the white underwear tight around his bulging member and opened my lips wide and then clamped down around the head of his member and made sure I moved my lips around to leave a nice impression. I sat back and looked and it was a perfect lipstick ring, and then as Fred looked down at me, I slid his underwear down and off and tossed them towards the bedside table next to the garter he had taken off me earlier.

I knew Fred was hot and all worked up so this time was going to be quick and I started as usual to slowly lick up and down his lovely member. He was very wet and I enjoyed his lovely juices as I cleaned off the head. He was groaning and moaning and had his hands on my shoulders and was thrusting his member into my mouth and I was bobbing up and down quickly, and licking and swirling my tongue around and I again was loving it. Fred was hotter than I thought and literally 2 minutes of me sucking him, he grunted and filled my mouth with a large load of his lovely juices. I savoured it in my mouth and then looked up at Fred opened my lips wide and showed him the load in my mouth and then he watched as I closed my lips and swallowed it all down. Fred helped me to my feet and gave me a light kiss on the cheek and a hug and told me how much he loved me and the experience, and I told him how lovely he tasted, but told him, "now it is time for me to have 'my treat'". He smiled and I grabbed my glass then walked around a bit and looked out at the falls all lit up with pretty coloured lights and then turned to Fred and said, "ready for me in my Wedding night lingerie again?", he smiled and I then said, "give me a few minutes, and you dear, get undressed and ready for me". I then grabbed my clutch purse and headed for the bathroom, leaving Fred and his semi limp cock behind lying on the bed.

I went into the bathroom, and gathered my thoughts and then slowly slipped out of the dress and left on the jewellery and then after hanging the dress up, put on the white satin gloves from before and slowly got out of the garters and stockings and carefully packed them back up. Then the painful part of taking off the bra and then the taping job came next, which I did, wincing in pain, but it all came off, I noticed the underside of my breasts were beet red. I then kept on the satin white gloves and carefully put back on the white stay ups, and then into my white satin 3" heels. I opened the duffle bag, and Wilma had packed her Wedding night lingerie, like I had, in a satin pillow, mine white lace and hers was pink laced. I opened the pillow and in it was a pure white silk peignoir adored with lace around the bodice, and a matching silk wrap with lace all over the bodice and sleeves and the hem of the garment. What also was in the pillow was a pair of white and lace satin panties she obviously wore with the outfit, I took off my foundation garment and the black lace and satin panties and packed them away in my duffle bag. I put on the silky white lace and satin panties, of Wilma's (a little big) and then my foundation garment, then the peignoir and loved how silky it felt as I slipped it on, it was so much more silky than my own Wedding night lingerie, I felt jealous. I put everything including the cover up and then went to the mirror and saw my makeup was a mess and touched it up, more eye shadow, eyeliner more blush and then a thick coat of pink lipstick and gloss. I then doused myself again a ton of the perfume Wilma had left me out to wear, and I literally stunk all over again.

I grabbed the clutch purse, and another zip log bag and the perfume, and left the bathroom and into the large living room area. Fred had gone and lowered the lights and put on soft rock music and was on the bed completely naked and stroking his erect member and looked at me and smiled. I said nothing and walked to the side of the bed and grabbed the garter and then his underwear with the lipstick mark on them and said nothing and soaked them in Wilma's perfume and then placed them in the bag and zipped them up, and put them on the bed side table. He definitely got harder when I did that and said, "Wilma, you look as lovely this evening as you did 25 years ago wearing that and smell so wonderful". I smiled and paraded around the room, and asked if he was excited to see me in the lingerie and as he stroked his hard member he said, "oh God yes". I looked out the window, looking at the falls, and reflected on a wonderful day and then noticed, Fred had moved the laptop back pointing to the bed. I walked up to the bed and slowly undid the wrap to the peignoir and slowly let it fall to the floor and caressed my breasts. I asked if he was ready for "my treat", he just moaned and I went to the bed and laid beside him and kissed him with my lipstick covered lips and then we went into a passionate kissing session, and I tugged his hand away from his hard member and started stroking it. I broke the kiss and asked if was ready for "my treat", and he just moaned. However said, "I want what you gave Paul for a reminder of a wonderful evening other than the underwear", and he smiled and I asked, "are you sure". He moaned back and said, "Oh very much so". As I still caressed his very hard member, I moved my lips to his neck, and started to bite and suck on it, like I did Wilma's breasts, He was moaning and telling me how much he loved me and then moaning telling me how he loved "it". I bit and licked and sucked and then when I thought I had done enough, moved my body and put my heels at his feet and again kissed my down his body to his lovely and hard member.

Fred on the other hand, started caressing the satin lingerie and my silky legs and as I went down, I in turn started to enjoy my last long and slow sucking and enjoying Fred's member. Fred was moaning loud and I was tired, but wanted to enjoy, so very slowly and deliberately started to suck him and enjoyed his juices. At one point Fred stopped caressing my silky legs and silk lingerie and I knew I had to move and I changed and positioned myself down at the bottom of the bed to really enjoy him. After that I then got to really started enjoying myself, and literally was ignoring Fred at this point. I deliberately and slowly started licking and flicking my tongue around and again, totally enjoying myself. I brought Fred to the edge of orgasm, at least 6 times, and then slid back down to lick and sucked on his balls to settle him down every time. Fred was also tired and just moaned I let go of the base of his member to give him release, and he eventually grabbed the back of my head and grunted and filled my mouth with a modest amount of his juices and I swallowed it all down.

I slid off the bed and left Fred still panting and staring at me and moaning how incredible my lips where. I picked up the satin and lace robe and put it back on and then grabbed my glass of champagne, then walked around the room, and looked out at the falls. Eventually Fred got off the bed and started getting dressed, and I glanced back at him and smiled from time to time. Fred was dressed with everything but the tie he was wearing for the night and came up behind me and kissed the back of my neck and was caressing my silk covered body and breasts, pinch my hard nipples and told me how sexy and lovely I looked and smelt, and I told him he was welcome, as strange as it sounds I could feel him getting hard again against my back. Sadly, it was a time to end the day/evening and I turned around and gave Fred a light kiss on the cheek and said, "my darling husband, it was a pleasure to do what you always have wanted from me". He smiled at me and we held hands and then I let go and walked over to the bed side table and handed him the zip locked bag with the garter and his underwear with my lipstick mark on it soaked in Wilma's perfume and told him, "never forget today". He gave me one last kiss on the cheek, saying, "I will never forget today Wilma", then left the room, after tucking the panties and the garter into his suit jacket pocket.

I was tired, emotionally spent but was still loving the silky lingerie I was wearing. I walked around and cleaned some things up and decided to leave the rest for the morning. I was just about to turn off the lights and go to bed, then there was a quiet knocking on the door of the hotel room. I looked at the clock and it was 1:45am!, and at first was scared and did not know what to do. I went to the door and looked through the peep hole, and it was Christina in a white bathrobe!. I opened the door thinking something was wrong, but Christina was smiling, obviously altered and barged her way in and I closed the door behind her, I looked and she had not shoes and was in bare feet. She did not say anything, but smiled and pulled out of one of her housecoat pockets the same vibrator she gave me early in the day and handed it to me and said, "cleanup time Joyce!, and where is the pink lipstick?". Personally I was "feeling no pain", and was a little shocked after she handed me the vibrator, and had a blank look on my face. Christina then said with a wild smile on her face, "lick it up dear, I did that just for you, do you think I was going to sit in an a hotel room, knowing what you were doing to my husband and do nothing?, oh and you do wear my Wedding night lingerie very well, and you smell lovely, enjoy my pussy juices, I had 4 orgasms with that vibrator in the last few hours, now again, where is the lipstick?". I told her the lipstick was on the bedside table and I started to lick and suck the vibrator loving the taste of Christina's pussy, and watched as Christina went to the lighted vanity and slowly put on the lipstick staring at me in the mirror as she put it on, then slowly walked to me. She was smiling at me and handed me the lipstick and then grabbed the vibrator and said, "I hope you enjoyed me" I smiled back at her told her I did in a sexy way, and she undid her robe and let it drop and she was completely naked and I could see her bald pussy was very wet. She started massaging her breasts nipples that were very hard, and told me to touch up my lips and I went to the lighted vanity, put on the pink lipstick with a thick coat, closing it and leaving it on the vanity and walked back slowly towards Christina as she was smiling at me, still tweaking her erect nipples.

She had put the vibrator on the bed and came up to be and said, "perfect, I wanted you to have on the lipstick you wore today and myself, and want to kiss you so bad and taste another woman's lipstick again". She quickly moved to me and we went into a deep and passionate lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss, our breasts crushed against one another's. She was caressing my silk covered body and she push my hands to her breasts and I started caressing them, and tweaking her hard nipples, then she started doing the same to my breasts and was moaning and was she was very aggressive, our tongues danced back and forth as we heavily made out in a passionate Lesbian embrace. She broke our embrace and was panting and said, "go and take off that padding you are wearing and come and see me in bed in my Wedding night panties only under your lingerie, I have a special treat for you". I knew what she meant and went to the washroom for the taking off the padding, and turned on the light and saw my face was a mess, makeup wise, but did not care and hiked up the lingerie, the robe and peignoir and tugged down the foundation garment, but kept on the latex vagina, and panties and went back into the big room.

As I walked in I could hear the sounds of a vibrator and saw Christina on the bed, slowly moving it around her bald pussy and moaning, and she told me to come and lie down on the bed and to take the robe off. I took the silky satin robe off and stared at Christina, naked, her nipples fully erect and here eyes closed and was slowly moving the vibrator over her pussy, and grinding her hips and moaning. I laid beside her and she opened her eyes and quickly moved and kissed me and the vibrator still buzzing away, she let it drop on to the bed. Christina was on fire sexually, and broke our kiss and pulled down the peignoir straps and exposed my breasts and while massaging my body in the lace and silk lingerie, started working on my breasts. She licked and sucked them with passion, and I was on fire as well, and then she started biting and sucking on my breasts and moaned out, "this is my present to you". She licked and sucked and bit on both of my breasts and I was caressing her hair as she did and moaning in delight. She finished and said, "I hope you have the same marks as I do on your tits". Then she quickly moved her body to a "69" position with me, so her pussy was above my face and tugged up my lingerie and started caressing the white lace and satin panties and moaned, "oh these panties look so nice on you, very sexy", and you are so smooth, very nice". I then felt her move her body and grabbed the vibrator (still buzzing away). I knew she wanted me to lick her lovely bald pussy, before I started she cooed out "oh my dear, one last taste of your husband and he made love to me when he got back to the room after you sucked him off, and he watched the video of you and I having sex as he cam in my pussy, enjoy!". She relaxed her pussy muscles then lowered her pussy to my lips and gobs of cum, came into my mouth and I swallowed it up and then she started moaning, "lick it all up, lick it all, I do not want you to miss a drop and make me cum again". As I licked her, she took the vibrator and was moving it around my crotch and all the time moaning and groaning as I licked, I could feel her flinch as I sucked her hard clit. Then, she found my "sweet spot", and I flinched as she did and heard her moan, "found it, now it is your turn to cum dear". I was licking her hard and fast and I was reaching the point of release and Christina kept talking and telling me how pretty and sexy I looked and how she loved watching the video of me in my Wedding dress sucking her husband's cock. We both got to a point, she started to shudder and cry out in orgasm, and I could not hold back and released myself into my latex vagina.

I lapped up all of the pussy juices Christina gave me and she rolled over and groaned, "better run dear before you make a mess". I indeed did that and rolled off the bed and ran to the bathroom in heels, quickly pulled them off and took off the lovely silk and lace white panties and standing in the bathtub, dumped the contents of the latex vagina into the tub and ran water to clean it up, but the white sheer hose was drenched in cum, same with the panties, and I knew they were lost for the rest of the evening and pulled them both off. I put on the place lace and silk panties I wore for the evening and slipped them on and put the robe back on and went barefoot back into the main room. Christina was waiting for me and was back in her terri- cloth robe and smiling at me.

She walked up to me and simply gave me a kiss on the cheek, and said, "sweet dreams Wilma", and literally walked out the door and smiling at me as she closed it as she left. I shut the lights off and crawled into bed. Morning came I was hung over, Saw the time was 7am, I showered and got clean, the packed everything up and took the soiled Stay Ups and Wilma's lace and satin panties and packed them in the duffle bag Wilma brought. Made sure her dress and heels and everything was packed away and took two trips down to my vehicle, with the Wedding Gown and Wilma's dress and such and that was it, left my room card on the table in the main room, and texted Wilma I was leaving.



? Wilma and Fred made a DVD of the sexy footage they shot and sent me a copy, all edited and with chapters and such. ? Fred and Wilma email all the time telling me how they make love watching the footage and how they think of me and how sexy I was. ? Wilma took the soiled panties and pantyhose and panties and with my cum on them has told me she is saving them. ? Wilma and I still stay in touch and will date again, this time as two Lesbians.

So here is the proposal: First off, I AM NOT A PRO. This petite, passable TV, would love to meet you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the diary entry above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, or couple, please contact me, and who knows?

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