Wild Turkey Christmas Eve in Reno

By Richard Lickerish

Published on Mar 25, 2013


Warning! The following story is an erotic work of fiction, containing descriptive scenes of sexual encounters and contact between consenting adults. If you are not of legal age to read stories of this nature or you are offended by the subject matter contained herein do not read any further.

All rights reserved. This story may not be distributed or reproduced on any other sites or publications without the express written permission from the author. This work is protected by all applicable copyright laws.

To contact the author e-mail at: richardlickerish "at" yahoo "dot" com

Wild Turkey in Reno By Dick Licker

Chapter 9: New Game New Playa

After a brisk walk up Virginia Street and back to the hotel-casino Brody and I finally returned to our hotel suite. By the time we arrived back at our room it was a little before noon, so we decided on a nap before the arrival of the two members of our eventual foursome. After the all night and into the morning sex marathon we needed some down-time However, before naptime Brody popped the cap on a bottle of brew while I polished off a glass of Wild Turkey. Finally, sitting across from Brody I was curious saying, "So, what are your thoughts about the suggested foursome thing? You haven't said much one way or the other."

"I'm cool with it," Brody replied.

"You sure? You don't have any questions?" I asked.

"Nope," Brody said. "The only thing I want to make sure, is what happens in this room stays in the room."

"We can call it off if you want to," I replied.

"Nah, I'm down with it. Let's do it," Brody said. "Besides, Ronnie, from what I could see is one hot young lady. I'm sure she'll add some zing to the foursome."

"Yeah, she is that," I replied. "So, when was the last time you had some pussy?"

"Been a while," Brody said. "What about you?"

"Same here. Probably at least two years of better."

"So, are you looking forward to things?" Brody asked. "You haven't forgotten have you?"

"Nah, it's like riding a bike you never forget."

After that short exchange Brody drained the last of his beer from the bottle before flopping down on the bed. I lay down on the other bed and eventually dozed off to sleep, dreaming about the four of us having sex for the next couple of days. Somewhere along the line I hoped to find out what prompted Buzz to suggest a four way. Suddenly, I awoke from my dreamy state to the room phone ringing. I scrambled for the handset and answered, "Hello.... Yes it is.... I'll be right down."

I hung the phone up. Brody slept through the call. I pulled on my shirt and shoes, leaving Brody sleeping. I took the elevator down to the reception desk where I met Ronnie. She greeted me with a hug and kiss on the cheek. I took hold of her hand guiding her through the casino to the elevator for the trip up to my tower suite. Once we arrived at my floor I got out holding the door for her. Back inside the room Brody was awake. He asked Ronnie, "I thought you all weren't gonna to be here until later this the afternoon? By the way where's Buzz?"

"Buzz is still at work, Dawlin. I hope I didn't interrupt somethin," Ronnie said. "I got off work early so I decided to come on over ahead of Buzz to get to know you all a little better."

"No you didn't interrupt anything we were taking a nap. We just didn't expect you this soon," I replied. "Can I order room service lunch or get you a drink or anything?"

"No, I fine for now, Dawlin, "Ronnie replied. "However, I would like to get out of these street clothes to make myself more comfortable."

"Sure, no problem. If you want to freshen up, take a shower or bath everything you need is right through that door," I said pointing to the door leading to the spacious bathroom.

"I just need to undress and get more comfortable if you guys don't mind," The willowy strawberry blonde said.

After disrobing down to her panties and bra Veronica made a couple of slow flirtatious modeling turns, working her body and face, showing off her legs, buttock and bosom before I hung a white robe over her shoulders. Then she made herself at home. While we watched her undress and flirt with us Brody got a beer from the small fridge while I poured a Wild Turkey. Both of us had been impressed with the natural beauty of her body while undressing. "Dawlin, I'll take one of those now if you'll pour me one," Ronnie said pointing to my glass of Wild Turkey.

"I wasn't aware that you drank Wild Turkey, Ronnie."

"I don't, but I'd rather have Wild Turkey than beer, Dawlin."

I poured Ronnie her drink and then we all adjourned to the balcony where we could sit and sip our drinks while getting to know each other a little better. After the first sip of her drink the pleasing look on Ronnie's face expressed that she was impressed with Wild Turkey.

"So, tell us what made you and Buzz ask for a foursome?" Brody asked.

"Dawlin, I've known for a good while that Buzz, shall we say, has a penchant for bisexuality. I guess I'm okay with that as long as he takes care of me above all. Since our marriage I've only cheated that one time. Buzz told me at the attorney's office that he hadn't been with another man or woman after we married until the Christmas Eve rendezvous when you two got together," Ronnie said pointing to me.

"Sorry about that."

"No need. Anyway, after I explained to him that I'd had too much to drink at the office Christmas party we forgave each other. After an afternoon with the lawyer we went to dinner and there we decided to make a New Year's resolution to call things even between us and start over. But before that we, I, wanted to see firsthand how guys made love. I mean I'd read about it and seen videos, but never anything in real life. I just want to see it firsthand."

"Boy that's really unexpected, but sure explains things," I replied. "So, do you plan on just watching the three of us or you gonna participate?"

"Let's just take things as they come, Dawlin. But I'm not going to get involved in anything after midnight December 31st, that's when the New Year's resolution kicks in."

"Sounds cool to me. I'm game if you are Brody," I replied. Brody nodded back in the affirmative.

"According to what Buzz told me you two have a history before the other night, right?" Ronnie asked pointing her hand with the glass in it towards me.

"Yeah, we go back to school days in Long Beach."

"And you guys kind of sexually experimented with each other at some point in time back ten, correct?" Ronnie asked.

"Yeah. But I didn't entice him into having sex the other night because of that. We were drinkin and one thing led to the other."

"Again, no need for apologies, Dawlin; besides, I'm aware that it doesn't take much to arouse Buzz and I'm sure it didn't take much to entice him into engaging in sex with you the other night Wayne. I can only do so much to satisfy Buzz's sexual appetite, you know his desires and fantasies."

"Yeah, I'm aware of his ravenous sexual desires."

"The one thing we do have in common is an adventuresome and fulfilling sex life. We've had our arguments and fights, but sex has never been an issue between us until the other night," Ronnie said. "We both screwed up; besides, of all the guys I've been with I've never been with a guy as well endowed as Buzz, so I don't want to throw that away."

"Yes indeed he is all of that and a bag of chips," I replied.

"Dawlin, are you aware Buzz writes erotic stories?"

"No." I replied.

"Yeah, actually he's a pretty hot writer. He posts some of his erotica on the Internet," Ronnie said. "In fact, I work with him writing storylines some of the time."


"Oh yeah. He and I will share ideas and then write for a couple hours before we have to go to bed where we make love for the rest of the night."

"Wow, that so cool," I replied.

"Not only does Buzz have a huge cock that satisfies me, but he can satisfy me orally better than any man I've ever been with to date Dawlin," Ronnie said with a big white teeth smile.

I was watching the blonde with one leg pulled up to her butt, her foot resting on the edge of the chair, while her hands were clasp around the knee. As she sat across from me with her white robe open for all to see I had a screen-shot of her crotch. From my point of view I could see a wet pussy line forming in her panties and it was getting wetter. I was eager to see more.

"So, you want another Wild Turkey Ronnie?" I asked hoping another might loosen her up a bit more.

"Sure thing Dawlin," she said handing me her glass. "That's some good stuff. Normally I'm not a straight whiskey drinker."

"Wild Turkey is probably the best American Bourbon on the market today and modestly priced too; however, it's an acquired taste. Not everyone can drink it straight. Many prefer to mix it in Manhattan or Old-Fashions. I'll have room service send up some mixer if you want," I replied as I departed.

On the way back inside I heard Ronnie say, "Straight is fine with me Dawlin."

I walked inside where I poured two more Wild Turkeys and got a fresh beer for Brody. I walked back to the balcony where I passed the drinks around. Everyone began drinking not saying anything. I was sure I could hear the gears turning inside the heads of my other two guests as we drank. Finally, Ronnie broke the silence saying, "So, when do I get to see you guys in your birthday suites?"

"Not before you tell me where you're from, Dawlin," I replied.

"Born, raised and went to school in Louisiana. I was a cheerleader among other things in high school. After I graduated from high school I took off and started college at University of Las Vegas. I also worked part-time in a restaurant to pay the bills. That's where I met Buzz. He was on spring break my junior year. We dated and got married in Las Vegas."

"I thought I detected just a tinge of Cajun dialect," I replied.

"Oh Dawlin, as much as I've tried to conceal it over the years every once in while my Louisiana roots surface, especially when I've been drinkin and I'm horny. And right now I'm a little drinky and definitely horny, Dawlin."

"Do we have to wait for Buzz to get here?" Brody asked.

"Dawlin, I don't think we need to wait for Buzz," Ronnie said directing her attention to Brody. "I really want to see what's beneath that robe you're wearin, Dawlin. Maybe we should all get undressed and get into the tub together. I hear these tower suites have roomy tubs."

"Sounds like a plan. And yes the tubs are large," I said.

We all finished our drinks, got up and returned to the room where we began disrobing. Brody and Ronnie were undressed first. I still had my street clothes and shoes on from going down to get Ronnie earlier. I could hear Brody and Ronnie complimenting each other on what fine bodies each had.

"Scrumptious ass on you Brody and you are definitely well hung, Dawlin," Ronnie said to Brody in the bathroom.

I finished taking my clothes off before entering the bathroom where Ronnie began eying me. She walked over, took hold of my semi hard dick, and began squeezing it. "Well now, it appears all my boys are well-endowed and have great bodies. Lots of muscle tone, especially you, Brody."

Brody was filling the tub with warm water. As the tub continued to fill we all stepped in, but then Ronnie stepped back out. She left the bathroom returning in a few seconds with a bottle of bubble bath and a Turbie towel for her hair. She put the Turbie over her head to hold her hair inside and then poured about half the bottle of bubble bath into the tub of rising water. The bath took on a pleasant fragrance. She stepped back into the tub swirling the water around with her foot, creating bubbles in the tub.

As the tub continued filling we all arranged in the tub. There was plenty of room for the three of us. Brody reached over to turn the water off as Ronnie extended her legs up and out of the water, spreading them wide towards each of us. We knew what she wanted. She wanted us to play with her beautiful feet and long legs in a sensuous manner.

The two of us began stroking her legs and then began kissing them. As I began kissing the arch of her foot working towards her toes my foot was moving in for the kill. Suddenly, it bumped into Brody's foot. We both had the same idea, so we took turns titillating her twat with our toes. She was smiling and giggling throughout the process. I believe the Wild Turkey had done its job as she was less inhibited.

After a few minutes of twat titillating Ronnie began rearranging her body, positioning herself in between Brody and me with her back resting against my chest. She was then facing Brody with her legs wrapped around his waist. My hard manhood was wedged in between her sumptuous butt crack. I was somewhat envious, maybe even a little jealous that Ronnie was paying more attention to Brody than me.

Brody and Ronnie began making out while I began kissing her back and neck. They were sitting close together. My hands made their way around front to find her nipples jutting out for me to play with while Ronnie was kissing Brody and playing with his erect nipples. I began tweaking her hard nipples before my right hand dropped to her crotch where I found Brody's firm manhood poking at the entrance to Ronnie's pussy. I began stimulating her clit with my forefinger while my little finger stroked the top of Brody's manhood. Ronnie gasped and then sighed as I continued flicking the little bud at the top of her vagina that was growing in size.

Next: Chapter 10

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