Wild Turkey Christmas Eve in Reno

By Richard Lickerish

Published on Jan 18, 2013


Warning! The following story is an erotic work of fiction, containing descriptive scenes of sexual encounters and contact between consenting adults. If you are not of legal age to read stories of this nature or you are offended by the subject matter contained herein do not read any further.

All rights reserved. This story may not be distributed or reproduced on any other sites or publications without the express written permission from the author. This work is protected by all applicable copyright laws.

To contact the author e-mail: richardlickerish "at" yahoo "dot" com

Wild Turkey Christmas in Reno By Dick Licker

Chapter 3: Christmas Day Preparations

I walked back to the hotel bar to have a drink and wait for Buzz to return. While sitting there sipping Wild Turkey oblivious to everything around me or what was playing out on the television my cell phone went off. The caller was Brody. We discussed when he would arrive in Reno. He was sure that he was going to be released from duty for the New Year holidays on Friday, December 28th, so he was going to attempt to leave after work on Thursday night, drive all night and be at the hotel sometime Friday. He didn't have to be back to work until Thursday morning, January 3rd, so there would be at least five days for fun. I was excited to hear from my friend and was looking forward to seeing him after all the months apart.

Because of our deployment overlap we had not gotten to see each other in a year. Brody Flynn Brown was soft-spoken, second generation Irish with boyish appearing good looks, red hair and deeply freckled creamy smooth body who stood a little over six feet. He was a great physical specimen – Army lean and mean all the way.

I remember the first time I saw Specialist four Brown nude, while showering at the post gym, his body spoke to me. His penis probably hung about four maybe five inches flaccid thicker than average with no noticeably long foreskin. In fact, I could see the tip of his pink glans peaking out of the foreskin covering. However, the coronal ring hid beneath the foreskin when it was soft. I often wondered how big his penis became fully inflated, and I had also been speculating about how it might taste. I would have to wait many months to satisfy that curiosity.

Although the enlistedman's hair was cut high and tight the first time I viewed Specialist Brown naked he presented one the fieriest looking patch of pubes I'd ever seen. Weeks later before the specialist prepared to leave for Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning he showed me a photo of him from high school days on one knee in his football uniform holding his helmet. In the photo was a curly hair carrot top teen who appeared to be fifteen, but in actuality he was seventeen. His ginger bushy hair totally complimented his beautiful red bush surrounding the base of the uncut pink prick.

Another noticeable part of Brody's body that caught my eye the first time I saw him nude were those prominent pink nipples. Those beautiful nubs protruding about a quarter inch and the thickness of a pencil eraser when erect from his well-developed pectorals aroused me for some reason. My limited experience with red heads, female or male, is all I've been around display prominent nipples that are sensitive to touch and become hard when aroused. I immediately wanted to suckle those babies, but was forced to cut my inner yearnings for his body because Army fraternization policy forbids socializing with enlisted personnel.

For some insane reason I had to have him the first time I saw Brody, but I would have to wait months for the opportunity. Although I considered myself to be heterosexual I wanted Brody in bed, for at least one fling. I would fantasize about many times, especially as I lay in bed of a night.

Finally, one Friday night after Brody returned from Fort Benning as a freshly minted Lieutenant I ran into him at the club. After an evening of celebrating we took a cab to his place off post. Although inebriated that night I wanted to know which direction Brody's sexuality swung because I was definitely sexually interested in my carrot top comrade in arms.

There is so much folklore about those born with red hair. In some societies redheads were banned from marrying. Now mythology has it that redheads are more libidinous and mischievous than others. Brody Brown lived up to those expectations and the next thing I knew I was in bed with him spending the weekend.

My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Brody arriving and what would take place up in my room when Buzz returned. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity my cell phone went off again. The call was from Buzz telling me he was in the parking lot, wanting to know where I was. I told him to meet me in the same little bar where we'd met the day before.

After a few minutes Buzz appeared. As the gregarious Buzz walked past the bar tender he patted the bar and said, "Double Wild Turkey," Looking over at me he turned back to the barkeep and said, "Make that two." Then he walked over to the table and sat down across from me.

"Did you get things all taken care of?" I asked.

"Yeah, the bitch wasn't home, so I fed the dog and cat, got me enough clothes to last a week, collected all my personal stuff put it in my vehicle and was gone in less than an hour. Then I stopped off at a store that was open to pick up a Liter of Wild Turkey for later on up in the room."

The bartender served our drinks. I thanked him palming a five dollar tip saying, "I'll settle up when we get ready to leave."

The bartender smiled saying, "Thanks," as he turned to walk away.

"You gonna pay for everything?" Buzz asked.

"I make pretty good money as a Major and saved a good bit while I was in Afghanistan," I replied. "This is my time to unwind and have fun before I report in at Fort Lewis in a few days. So, you think you're gonna get divorced buddy?"

"Probably, I'm taking some personal time to close my bank account out first thing in the morning before the bitch can get to the bank and drain it," Buzz said.

"Can't she go to an ATM and suck you dry?" I asked.

"Nope, I got that set up with the bank. She can only get $200.00 dollars a day."

"Good thinking buddy."

"Then I'll see about an attorney. After that I'll wait until after the first of the year to make any further decisions," Buzz said.

"Sounds like a good plan. So, how much do you stand to lose in a divorce?" I asked before taking a sip of my drink.

"Not that much. There are no children, so there'll be no child support. She's got a good job, so no spousal support. She can have the fuckin house and furniture. We're upside down in the house and making payments on most of the furniture. We both have our own cars that we pay for separately. She can have the fuckin dog, but I'd like to take the cat."

"Sounds as though you got it all figured out," I said.

"Yeah, hopefully, we can just keep it simply with a quickie Reno divorce. Besides I got all the things that mean anything to me in my car now, so fuck the bitch. By the way where's your car?" Buzz asked.

"I don't have one. I left it in storage when I deployed and when Brody returned I had him get it out and then sold it to him. That's the vehicle he's driving down here. Besides, if I need to go anywhere I got you to chauffer my ass around. I'm riding back to Fort Lewis with Brody as soon as the holidays are over. Once I get there I'll go car shopping."

Do you think you and Brody will shack up together once you guys get back to Fort Lewis?" Buzz asked.

"I don't know what we'll do. I'll have to wait and talk to Brody when he gets here and then see what the Army has setup for me. I may get orders to go to Command and General Staff College when I arrive at Fort Lewis. We haven't been able to have those type conversations or e-mails for a while. You know, about living together. In the Army, you never know who or when the military police may be snooping on calls or e-mails."

"I've heard some horror stories about CID and intelligence snooping on military personnel from vets at the VA," Buzz said. "Or maybe it's paranoia"

"Maybe a little of both. Two things high on the Army's list of evils are drugs and homosexuality."

"I thought the military passed new policy okaying gay unions between service personnel," Buzz said.

"Yeah, but that ain't goin over too well. Depends on the commanders. The whole gay thing, especially being out and proud with another service member is highly convoluted."

"Speaking of that who does top and who's gonna bottom once we get up to your room?" Buzz asked. "I'm ready for some afternoon sex."

"Don't make any difference to me," I replied. "But I'm still not sure if I can take that monster of yours up my ass."

"Worry not old friend I'll be gentle and take it easy on you," Buzz said. "You're not a virgin, so it's nothing new. Besides, I picked up some great lubes at the drug store along with condoms and other stuff that will make things more pleasurable."

After a few more minutes of conversation we finished off our drinks. I put the bar tab on my hotel bill and gave the barkeep a little extra cash for a tip. We departed the bar together. Then Buzz said, "You go ahead I'm gonna get my bag from the car and I'll be right up."

A couple minutes later I was in my room. The bed was all made and fresh linens were in the bathroom. There was a knock on the door. I let Buzz in with his baggage. "Damn, how much shit you got buddy?"

"This one's for my clothes for the rest of the week," Buzz said throwing the first bag on the bed by the window. "And this one's got personal items such as underwear, socks and hygiene items; plus, the stuff I bought in it: the Wild Turkey, condoms, lube, Fleet enema, and some other stuff."

I could tell that Buzz was excited about the prospect of fucking me for the first time, and I was curious to see if I could take his big cock up my ass. Buzz handed me the box that contained the Fleets enema saying, "Give yourself an enema and then we'll shower."

I shed my clothes and went into the bathroom taking the little box containing the enema. Buzz followed me saying, "Why don't you let me administer that."


Buzz grabbed a fresh bathmat towel spreading it on the floor. I kneeled down on all fours with my ass in the air. Buzz positioned behind me where he removed the orange protective shield from the tip. He lubed up my asshole and began finger fucking me before slowly easing the tip of the bottle inside me. He then squeezed it emptying the contents into my rectum.

For some insane reason the procedure of having Buzz give me an enema was the greatest sensual feeling. I hadn't experienced those feelings since last I'd been with Brody. My dick was getting hard during the process. Buzz removed the tip of the container from my ass then told me, "Hold that in for about five minutes and then take a dump." All the time he was playing with my balls and dick.

Suddenly, Buzz slapped me on the ass and told me to jump on the pot and evacuate my bowels. I got onto the commode where I expelled the fluid along with remaining fecal matter from my lower bowels. In the meantime Buzz was in the shower. Once I'd completed the bowel movement I stepped into the tub with Buzz. As the warm water was raining down on us we used the fresh smelling body wash to cleanse each other thoroughly. Buzz was standing behind me. I could feel his hand move from my nipples to soaping up my ass crack. I felt the tip of his finger target my asshole, then there was penetration.

I jump and let out a little cry of pleasure while Buzz continued working his long slender digit around inside me making sure I was clean. Bang! He hit the button bringing me to full life. A strange feeling began coursing through my body. Once Buzz was done finger fucking me he said, "Turn around."

I obeyed and Buzz was on his knees in front of me taking my swollen dick into his mouth. I could feel his tongue working over the glans and then begin entering my urethral slit. I jumped again letting out a yelp of pleasure. After a few minutes sucking my dick Buzz stood up and said, "That precum of yours tasted great."

On the bed after about a half hour of frotting and Buzz making out with me his tongue probing inside my mouth I was ready to try taking the monster up my ass. It had been a while since I let a guy kiss me or fuck me. Brody was the last. "So, you ready to try workin that thing up my ass?" I asked.

"Nah, I think I'd rather turn you upside down and eat your ass out first."

We turned opposite each other. Buzz positioned my body so my ass was in his face with my legs over his shoulders as his knees were planted on both sides of my head, his dick and balls dangling in my face. We positioned pillows under my back and shoulders for comfort. The next thing I knew Buzz had his face buried between my cheeks his tongue tenderly touching my tight sphincter. Oh my, what pleasure his tongue was brining and I was letting him know it.

I grabbed hold of his dick pulling the head towards my mouth where I engulfed the glans. I felt him grab my cheeks pulling them apart. My asshole gaped open for his tongue to enter. Oh shit, what a fucking feeling. As far as I concerned Buzz could keep tonguing my asshole forever.

All I could think about was the last time my ass had been eaten. Brody did me the night before he deployed. What a night that was, an all-nighter, where Brody performed annilingus for what seemed like and eternity before he fucked me and then I reciprocated. I'm sure his ass was on fire the next day; mine sure burned from the fucking he gave me.

Next: Chapter 4

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