Wild Turkey Christmas Eve in Reno

By Richard Lickerish

Published on Jan 13, 2013


Warning! The following story is an erotic work of fiction, containing descriptive scenes of sexual encounters and contact between consenting adults. If you are not of legal age to read stories of this nature or you are offended by the subject matter contained herein do not read any further.

All rights reserved. This story may not be distributed or reproduced on any other sites or publications without the express written permission from the author. This work is protected by all applicable copyright laws.

To contact the author e-mail at: richardlickerish "at" yahoo "dot" com

Wild Turkey Christmas Eve in Reno By Dick Licker

Chapter 2: Christmas Morning

I awoke early Christmas morning. My old fuck buddy Buzz was cutting Zs opposite me on the bed in the hotel room. We'd consumed our fair share of Wild Turkey during Christmas Eve and then sucked each other dry. When one has been in the Army as long as I have, waking up at zero: dark-thirty is a way of life. I lay there for about and hour thinking about my early life, stroking my morning wood, staring at Buzz's behemoth semi erect morning manhood outlined by dawn's light filtering through the window. I thought to myself how the hell do guys develop such humongous cocks.

Me, I had no choice but to be thankful for the seven plus inches God had given me. Around most guys I never felt short-changed in the dick department; however, Buzz made me feel a little fleeced in the fun pole department. I began remembering those glorious days when Buzz and I were kids. What great carefree days those were. We'd lived down the street from each other for as long as I could remember, played sports and attended the same schools. We also began puberty and sexual exploration about the same age.

When we began puberty I noticed that my younger buddy was developing in the dick department sooner and better than me. At the time I was about twelve years of age and Buzz was eleven almost twelve. We'd gotten together sexually somewhat innocently early in life and before long we began comparing and measuring our dicks on a regular basis. Genital growth was like a contest for us. After a while we began secret mutual masturbation sessions. That led to oral sex. In high school I enjoyed watching Buzz naked flaunting his rather long flaccid phallus in the locker room and shower. He would prance around naked his dick swinging between his legs.

Watching Buzz wasn't difficult since he was a basketball player with visions of becoming an NBA pro ball player. Although Buzz was good at basketball he was never outstanding, therefore he didn't get a scholarship to go onto play in college or the pros. I discovered early on that he was most proficient as a cocksucker which led to other things he managed to teach me. Although I'd only been mediocre at best as far as athletics in school I played some little league baseball and soccer before high school and then went onto wrestle a couple years in high school. Like a lot of teenagers who dreamed about being a pro athlete I just didn't have any aspirations in that direction.

In fact, I didn't have any direction in my life until I got into college where I decided I would go into the Army. My interests were more in the area of math and science, and of course viewing other boy's hard bodies in the gym and their genitals in the showers. Maybe math and science is what led me to Cal Poly, graduating with a double major in math and engineering, but after a day of academics I enjoyed watching athletes practice and then shower. That's how I became a coach's assistant and stats person. Best part of that job was I got to see the hard-body players in the buff.

With our early life running around my inside my head that morning I reached out for Buzz's engorged manhood. Hell the shaft alone would fill two handfuls, but taking hold of the shaft's mid section with my right hand I guided the prominent pink glans towards my awaiting warm wet mouth. My tongue began tenderly caressing the spongy pink cockhead. As I licked around the head I watched it grow and thicken. I could see all the texture lines of the head. I never could take the whole length into my mouth, so I just continued titillating the head with my tongue.

After about a half hour of my tongue subtly caressing the delectable glans Buzz began to stir awake. I continued making love to the head of his big cock, and then suddenly, I felt warm lips begin kissing my glans. I jumped a little. We both were going to celebrate Christmas with mutual morning blowjobs. Something, if I had my way, is the way I would want to wake up every morning. But morning blowjobs in the Army were few and far between. Morning BJs only seemed to happen when I was bedding guys, and that wasn't very often. I'd quickly discovered that women just weren't into sex after waking up, especially blowjobs. After two short-term marriages and many girlfriends I was left doubting who was better in bed.

Christmas morning in that hotel room in Reno there was little doubt which was going to be more enjoyable. I'd learned over the years that all that bobbing up and down on a dick was mainly something seen in the porn flicks. Instead of trying to take the full length of a guy's dick or bobbing up and down I'd learned that oral sex was truly and art and there were area of the penis that were more sensitive than others. After what seemed like an hour of making love to each other manhood we both ejaculated. We kept nursing cum from each other's balls until we were thoroughly drained.

Finally, we had to cease do to the sensitive nature of our withering wangs. I rolled over sitting up on the edge of the bed. I knew we had been drinking heavily the night before the way my head felt. After months in Afghanistan with no alcohol my system was going to have to get used to booze once again. After we rolled over splitting apart Buzz bellowed, "Merry Fucking Christmas buddy."

"Merry Christmas to you too buddy. Shall we take showers and go get some coffee and maybe chow?" I asked.

"And a bottle of Wild Turkey after that. A big one," Buzz replied with a laugh.

We both drug our asses out of bed trudging towards the bathroom. I turned on the shower to let it warm up before stepping into the tub and pulling the curtain closed behind us. As Buzz stood towards the front letting the water rain down on him I pressed my body against his back, reaching around to play with his nipples. Buzz looked over his shoulder at me and said, "I see you remember my nipples are sensitive and if you keep that up one of us is going to get fucked before breakfast."

"Promises, promises," I replied. "I'm the one with the meat between your ass crack."

"And it feels so fuckin good. You want to do me here in the shower before we eat or shall I eat your ass out for breakfast?" Buzz asked, working his ass trying to engulf my semi hard penis. "You know we never got around to any of that anal stuff back in the day."

"Yeah, I know. Maybe we can resolve that before the weeks over. Come on let's get washed off and go for some coffee and then when we come back to the room we'll fuck and suck or suck and fuck for the rest of the day," I replied. "Yeah, we need more than dick meat, nuts and ass crispies to sustain life."

Buzz turned off the water; we dried and returned to the room to dress. I said to Buzz, "I need to stop and get me some civilian clothing for the week. All I got is what I'm wearing and uniforms in my bag."

"Most everything is closed on Christmas Day, but we can give a look around after some coffee and breakfast," Buzz said.

We left the room taking the elevator to the ground floor to get to the buffet for breakfast. After getting our fill of food we sat drinking coffee and talking. "So, when do you have to return to work?" I asked.


"Are you going to need to go buy your house to get some fresh clothes?" I asked.


"So what's your job at the VA?" I asked.

"I work in the Mental Health Clinic. Mostly at the desk doin intake and makin appointments for the PTSD patients. A real no nothin job compared to yours."

"No, don't ever say that buddy. Anything a person does helpin vets is a good job to have," I replied.

"Where and what are you going to do when you get to Fort Lewis?"

"The position I'm slotted for is a no nothing job with the new 7th ID. From what I've heard it's kind of a shell division, but I think as soon as I get signed in I'll be off to Fort Leavenworth to attend Command and General Staff College. Being a Major I have to complete the course before promotion to Lieutenant Colonel, and then hopefully I'll get a battalion command before I get out."

"You mean you're not going to try to make Colonel or General?"

"I don't think that's in my future my friend," I replied.


"I just don't have politics on my side to become a General and also a bad officer's report. Plus, I spent too much time in non traditional Army jobs," I said.

"How long will you be at Fort Lewis?" Buzz asked. "I may want to come up for a visit."

"I don't know. Maybe a few months or maybe a few years. Just depends on what the Army has planned for me. How long you got to go at the VA before reassignment?"

"Hell, I could probably spend my whole fuckin career there if I wanted to and didn't want to take a promotion that might move me to a new facility. But before that happens I need to go back to college and get the rest of my credits and graduate," Buzz said. "Why the hell did you pick Reno to spend your leave?"

"No family left and I'm supposed to meet a friend here to spend New Years."

"So, I'm going to be in the way after today?" Buzz asked in a dispirited tone.

"Actually, you might want to consider stickin around. I mean if you think you're through with your wife and are up for a three way for a couple days."

"I haven't done a three way in a while. Who's the third person?" Buzz asked in a more spirited tone.

"He's a soldier I met a few years ago. We somehow got together for some sex after my last marriage and his. We were both kind of bummed out and one thing led to the other. We ended up spending a weekend together and that led to other weekends before he deployed. We've kept up correspondence since we last saw each other and have been planning this get together for a while. He's taking a few days leave and driving here from Fort Lewis and then we'll drive back together."

"Is he as fine looking as you?" Buzz asked. "How is it guys go into the Army and blossom into such hunks?"

"I will say that my friend is a hot ass hunk. Plus, he's a red head."

"No shit. I love redheads," Buzz replied with glee. "How's he hung?"

"So do I," I replied. He's hung somewhere between you and me. About eight inches and thick."

"Yeah, I remember the red head in high school you had the hots for him. Did you ever score with him?" Buzz asked.

"A couple times. We exchanged blowjobs, but that was about it," I replied.

"You're gonna have to tell me more about the guy that will be here for New Years."

"He's supposed to leave Fort Lewis Thursday or Friday and should be here if things go okay some time Saturday morning."

"Tell me about him," Buzz said.

"His name is Brody. He's about six feet one inch, green eyes and nice pink nipples to die for when they get hard. He's uncut, but you would know it. He doesn't have an anteater foreskin and the foreskin fully retracts.

"Wow! Sounds delicious," Buzz said.

"When we first met he was a Specialist driver and medic for a Stryker. Then he went onto to become an officer and is now a First Lieutenant, probably ready to make Captain. I got to be real careful when we're together because of Army fraternization policy."

"I've heard from guys at the VA that fraternizing with other than your own pay grade and sex can be troublesome," Buzz said. "Seems kind of archaic considering."

"He's kind of special for me. He's the first and only guy to ever fuck me. Man can this guy get down."

"I been wondering if you'd ever been fucked since we last saw each other," Buzz said. "Cause I'd like to fuck you."

About the time that Buzz finished his last sentence the server came by to ask if we need another refill. We could tell by the tone of her voice that it was time to leave. We politely told her no, pushed away from the table and headed out for a walk around. After strolling through a mostly deserted casino we exited into the parking lot where Buzz checked on his car.

From the parking area we walked around talking as we walked. I asked, "Do you want to go by your home before we go back to the room?"

"Maybe I better take a drive over to get some clothes and personal items."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"Nah, I'll drive over and get some stuff. Let's exchange cell numbers before I head out," Buzz requested.

We exchanged numbers, bid each other farewell for the time being and I watched Buzz drive away. I returned to the hotel where I went to the bar and ordered a Wild Turkey to sip while watching some television as I awaited Buzz's return.

Next: Chapter 3

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