Wild Rumpus

By moc.liamhsuh@sdrocer_xam

Published on Feb 4, 2011


DISCLAIMER - This story is Fiction. While the main character is obviously real, none of the activities occurred and any similarities to real life our from my own imagination. I especially apologise if the main character ever reads this. It is a pure fantasy and no offence is meant and no statement is made about the main character's real sexual preferences. As is typical with these stories, if they are illegal for you to read, please find something else to read. If you are offended by such materials, reading this will provide great amounts of such offence, which you could easily avoid by not reading any further. Otherwise enjoy.

Please feel free to address comments to max_records@hushmail.com


"Sam!" Max says giving me a dirty look. I pat him on his butt and grab my stuff and exit the door. I didn't know what was going to happen tonight, with two 12yo gay boys, obviously hot for each other, sharing a room. The mind boggled...

[Chapter 5 - Part 1]

I tried my best to keep focused on my work while I returned down to the Starbucks, but I couldn't. My mind was racing, flitting from thoughts of excitement, to pride, to apprehension and anxiety. Either way, I wanted I couldn't get to this evening quick enough and everything else was just a distraction until then. Or at least I thought.

After a while of sitting there, Max and Brian bounded in, obviously whatever they had done or not done after I had left the room hadn't phased either one of them. I noticed Brian had a bit of bed hair though, so obviously something had gone on. They pleaded with me, just like two boys can do, to be able to go play some laser tag at the facility that was part of the resort, and seem to have a mind to get me to join them. How could I deny either one of them? So off we went to play laser tag. We ended up in a team with 3 other boys against a team of 6 other boys. Obviously I should have though of this earlier. There were cuties from about 8 to about 14, all armed with rather large weapons and at least 6 of them wanted to use their weapons on me in a dark and secluded spot. What more could you have asked for?

We won our game, but only by about 10 points in the end. I got shot the most, obviously being the biggest target, but being able to run around with a troop of boys was well worth it. Something I needed to keep on my list of things to do often.

I think the boys built up a rather large appetite. Actually they hadn't left much doubt, indicating that their stomachs demanded attention, in the form of pizza, preferably. For whatever reason, almost as predators, they realised that I was the weak one in the pack, easily to manipulate and control. It is strange how boys can sense that in people like me. Society may think it is us who corrupt the boys, but I think it may be totally the other way around.

We needed a break from the the water-park, so we decided to go up the road a bit to a pizza place called Figaro's. The whole way there, I continued to be assaulted with an onslaught of talking and giggling and boys being boys from the back seat of the car, which of course spilled over into the restaurant. I was amazed at the ability to switch from "XBox this" to "PS3 that" and then right into talk of farts to which sort of candy was better than other types. I wasn't feeling very involved, but I really didn't mind. Trying to pay attention to the menu and not get too distracted by the cuties at the table with me. It was very enjoyable.

"So what do you guys want?" I said, assuming that Brian and I would end up with some sort of meaty thing and Max would want some veggie thing.

"Oh, a veggie pizza would work for me," said Brian.

"But I thought you ate meat?" I said quizzically.

Brian gave a shy look at Max and said "Well, I have reconsidered my position on the matter."

I shake my head a little and grin. I guess the powers of Max go beyond just me. "Oh well then, how about two large veggie pizzas then, because I am sure you guys are hungry."

"Yeah!" they cheered in unison. We order the pizzas and a pitcher of coke. When the pizzas arrived the boys attacked them like they hadn't been fed in weeks. I was really enjoying their company, more smitten with the joy of boyhood than anything else. As we sat there and chowed down on the pizza and drank our cokes, I felt a hand on my knee. Max was giving it a bit of a squeeze under the table. I looked at him and he gave me a bit of a knowing grin and then stuck his tongue out at me.

"I'm really enjoying this trip, Sam."

"Me too Max."

After the decimation of the pizza and the guzzling of the drinks, the boys were ready to go. They both indicated to me that they wanted to hit the water again before settling down for the evening. On the way back we agreed that we would go back to the room, they would change and go off and hit the water and I would take care of some work things from my room. When they got back we would watch some TV and maybe rent an in room movie if there was anything decent available.

Once we made it back to the room, Brian bounded off into the bathroom to use it and then change into his swim suit. It took the opportunity to discuss some things in private with Max.

"Um, Max, what do you think the sleeping arrangements will be like for tonight? I could sleep on the sofa."

Max looked at me a bit odd, standing there, hooking his thumbs into the waist of his shorts. "Well, I assumed we would all sleep in the bed." as he deftly shucked both his shorts and underwear in one felt swoop. I had no choice but to admire the naked Max in front of me. What a lucky guy I was.

"But, well, I assumed, well, that things might get a bit complicated if we were all in the same bed."

Max shrugged as he grabbed his swim trunks and started to pull them on. "Well, I am ok with it. Brian is too, he said he was interested in, well, um, doing stuff with you too tonight earlier. I think it is kind of hot." I get to see Max's semi slip below the waist of his swim trunks and see Max fish around to adjust himself a bit, seeming not at all shocked by his suggestion, as if a three way between a man and two boys was totally acceptable.

Brian emerged from the bathroom, relieved and changed and Max and Brian headed off, leaving me to my own devices for a while.

[Chapter 5 - Part 2]

I tried to work, I really did, but images of naked Max and Brian invaded my mind. I turned on the TV in hopes to distract me further. It didn't really work that well. My mind was racing too much, but I figured I would just bide my time until they returned. Time passed slowly, me waiting in anticipation and then suddenly Max and Brian bounded through the door, with Max yelling "I hope your decent."

They quickly changed in the bathroom, returned to bedroom, Max grabbed the remote, and they both plopped themselves down on the bed. I was still sitting at the table, trying to pretend like I was working.

"You guys have a good time?" queried.

"Yup." said Max as he started to flip through channels.

They both laid back on the bed, engrossed in the TV, Max flipping channels whenever he felt like it. Each boy would randomly adjust their crotch department now and again. Obviously they were watching each other out of the corner of their eyes, much as I was, pretending to not pay them any attention. After a while, I noticed that both their arms were touching each other and they were holding hands, still engrossed in the TV. Either it was vivid imagination on my part, or not, but they appeared to both be pitching some tents, or at least lumping up a bit. Feeling a bit like a third wheel, I said "Do I need to leave the two of you alone?"

"No." said Max. "We talked about it at the watermark, we were hoping you would join us tonight. Brian feels a bit awkward because he has never been with an adult before, but he thinks your cute and wants to do stuff together with us."

"Um... Yeah" croaked Brian "I only have ever done stuff with my friend Calvin. Calvin has a younger brother named Olly, but he hasn't done anything sexy with him, just with me. Calvin and I had a sleep over and we did some stuff... not all the way, just some touching and sucking and stuff, but I know all about other stuff from the internet. Calvin isn't circumcised, like Max, which is cool. Also Calvin has dark hair like Max and some hair above his cock."

Brian's story just sort of spilled out of him, quite intent, obviously wanting to establish credibility with another "adult" to almost prove he was old enough and experienced enough. Obviously all this sex talk had aroused all of us. Max was looking a bit flushed and he made the first move by grabbing Brian's hand and plopping it on top of his crotch. Max let out a little gasp and Brian little a little shocked, but started to rub Max's package. Max reached over and started to rub Brian's lumps. Max got a bit bolder and lowered the zip of Brian's shorts and his hand squirmed in and started to feel around a bit more. Brian became bolder and undid the snap on Max's shorts and splayed open his fly, so you could clearly see Max's white underwear and his rather prominent lump. After a few quick squeezes and kneads by each, they rolled towards each other and started to kiss and embrace, hands rubbing backs and groping, me essentially unnoticed, not that I was minding the show.

From my vantage point, I could tell that Max had undid Brian's fly, and I could see Brian reaching around and groping Max's butt, lowering his shorts and exposing his underwear clad rear. I couldn't believe how horny it was watching Max getting intimate with another boy. It was maybe even better than the intimate times I shared with him. I didn't know what kind of particular type of pervert I was and I really didn't care. The two of them broke from their make-out session long enough to shuck their shirts and shorts and dive back in. Both still clad in underwear, Max wearing bikini briefs and Brian in silky blue boxers. With Max closest to me, I had a view of his totally awesome ass, hoping I wouldn't be totally left out and get a chance to explore those later.

Max appeared to have fished Brian's cock out of the fly of his boxers and was giving it a tug while Brian had a hand inserted down the back of Max's underwear, giving his ass a good feel. Of course, I was essentially a rocket waiting to go off. I didn't dare touch myself, because I would lose it in under 5 seconds. Just then Max broke his embrace with brian, rolled onto his back with a rather rude tent in his briefs and ask: "Would you be ok if Brian stuck it in me?"

"Um, yeah, sure, whatever you want..." I sputtered out to Max, my mind running wild.

Looking back at Brian, Max said in a rather husky voice "Do you want to stick this in me?" while grabbing his rather ready cock and pulling on it.

Brian first nodded eagerly and then somewhat shyly said "Um, Calvin and I never got that far. So I don't really know what to do. I mean I think I know but, um..."

Max leans over and kisses Brian on the lips and says "Don't worry" rolls away and grabs the lube from the draw beside the bed. He shucks his underwear and sticks his rump in the air and looks over to me and says "Can you lube me, please?"

Of course it takes all of about a half a second for me to leap out of my chair. I grabbed the lube and squirted out some on Max's waiting hole. I stuck one finger in, rather easily and gave him a good fingering. I could get a good view of Brian now and I saw he had a rather stiff cut cock. I would have guessed it was about the same lengths at Max's, but a bit chubbier in girth. He was staring at us with a bit of amazement and lust, sort of absently mildly tugging at his cock.

I slipped a second finger in, which was a bit more challenging and Max let go a good moan and pressed further into my fingers. Max looked at Brian and said, very huskily "Take off your boxers and lube up your dick."

Of course Brian complied. After stripping himself of his boxers, kneeling on the bed, he grabbed the lube and applied it to his cock. Now that I could see it better, it was about 5 1/2 inches long and quite stiff and quite attractive in my opinion. Standing there, with my fingers up Max's butt and staring at a beautiful cock was getting quite a lot for me, and I am sure my cock was very much dampening my drawers.

After Brian was lubed up, I stepped out of the way and he took over. Pointing his rigid cock at Max's hole, I had a front row seat for my personal sex show. I could see Brian's cock press somewhat timidly at Max's hole and then pop in. Both boys let out a gasp and I heard Max say "yes". This was all getting way too excited and I figured no one was going to pay too much attention to me, so I dropped my trousers and underwear in one go, quickly releasing my rock hard and leaking dick.

Brian pressed forward slowly and I saw his cock slip into Max's gorgeous, plump ass. Watching this I noticed that Brian had a nice set of blond pubs above his cock and no other hair and he had a nice ass as well, but not as plump Max's. He naturally grabbed onto Max's hips and slowly pulled back and went forward again, both boys groaning and grunting. The vision of Brian buried in my lovely Max was just amazingly horny. I couldn't help myself and placed a hand on Brian's rump and started rubbing it. Brian snapped out of his trance and looked at me, with his cock buried in Max. Nature took over and I leaned in and gave Brian a kiss. Brian immediately opened his mouth and the little horn dog slipped his tongue into my willing mouth. With Brian and I making out, my hand on his ass, I could sense Brian starting to fuck Max properly. Brian's muffled grunts and Max's squeaky groans were music to my ears. Brian was really going at it, in making out and fucking. Brian finally buried himself deep in Max and I could sense he was depositing his seed into Max. I broke our kiss and gave Brian's ass a firm squeeze.

"Wow, that was totally awesome" said Brian as his rapidly deflating cock from Max's ass and flopped down onto the bed. Max flopped down on his side facing me and looked at me with lust in his eyes and a super hard cock. Totally unspoken between us, I stripped off my shirt and got onto the bed next to Max and then started kissing Max, which he lustily returned my kisses. My hands roamed over his body, which was hot and sweaty and I reached for his cock. I skinned it back and it was damp with precum. I touched the tip of it and I received a muffled moan from Max. I broke the embrace and said "I need you in me now, baby."

"Ok" he replied and groped around for the lube. I had a feeling the lube was going to get quite a bit of use this evening. Max quickly lubed up and I quickly made sure I was prepared. I got onto my knees and without much hesitation or debate, I could feel Max's cock thrust into me. He was obviously serious, which was perfect for me. He was quickly fucking me like a rabbit and it felt great. I couldn't help myself and exclaimed "fuck me, Max, fuck me hard."

That seemed to be agreeable to Max and his 12yo body started banging me as hard as he could. I looked over and noticed Brian's previous deflated cock had been magically restored itself and Brian was playing with it while paying rapt attention to Max's pummelling of my ass. Of course, with all the sex about and his rapid pace, Max couldn't hold out and soon was squirting up my ass. Spent and sweaty, he collapsed on my back and gave me a weak hug.

"Wow, this is really cool" said Brian. "I have never been so horny in my life."

Max rolled off me and onto his back on the bed and I rolled onto my back. My unnoticed dick was standing up quite proudly and obviously leaking still. Max piped up and said "You should suck it" to Brian. Brian nodded and hopped over Max and made his way to my cock.

"Wow, this is really big. Much bigger than Calvin." he said before engulfing the head with his mouth. I was in heaven and looking at the sexy face of Brian going down on my member was amazing. He was doing pretty good, bobbing up and down on my cock. I got a bit bold, being able to see that Brian was again at full mast.

"Can I suck on yours?" I asked Brian.

He let go of my cock and said "Hell yes!"

"Both of us at the same time." I told him.

He positioned himself with his cock above my mouth and grabbed my cock and start sucking again. I positioned his cock, opened my mouth and started my ministrations. I could see his hairless ballsack above me and I grabbed on his hairless thighs and started giving them a rub. Soon Brian's cock became more urgent and his ministrations on my dick become more frantic. I reached between his cheeks and rubbed his hole. That was more than enough and I felt his 12yo cock squirt into my mouth, which of course was finally more than enough for me and I thrusted up and began to eject into Brian's mouth. He tried his best to take it, but I was probably too excited and he let go of my cock as it finished its squirting.

"You guys look like you enjoyed that" said Max, as both of us decoupled. I could see Max had a pretty wicked grin on his face. He was obviously enjoying this as much as everyone else. Well and his cock was voting for its enjoyment again.

Brian could see the obviousness of Max's state and said "Um, Max, do you want to um, fuck me? It would be my first time and well, I would really would like you to do it first, well and maybe Sam could do it later, if it goes okay."

Max grinned a wicked grin and grab the popular lube and lubed up his stiff uncut cock. He looked so sexy, kneeling there lubing his cock and giving it a good tug. He tossed me the lube and said "You should get Brian ready." Again, being a bit daring, I got Brian bent over, spread his cheeks and started licking Brian's hole, to which Brian seemed to approve with an approving and surprised oh.

"Sam!" exclaimed Max, "that wasn't what I necessarily meant."

I pulled away and said "well, he seems to be enjoying it."

"Yeah, I am" said Brian.

"But, I really need to take care of this" he said, nodding to his stiff member.

I shrug and start to lube up Brian. Lubing his hole and inserting my index finger fairly easily passed his sphincter. He gasped a little with the invading finger and I felt the warmth inside of him. At this point, I wasn't going to be two careful and after a trust of my finger, I wiggled two into him, which made him gasp even a bit more.

Max was ready and eager and so I removed my fingers and quickly Max positioned himself behind Brian. With his foreskin retracted, you could see the redness of the head of his cock. I watched as guided his cock between Brian's cheeks towards its target and I saw his penis slowly disappear into Brian.

"Oh yeah, Max, fuck me!" said the horn-dog Brian and Max obliged, starting to ram Brian quite quickly. The scene before me was even more hot than before. Seeing my Max having his wicked way with Brian was mind-boggling. Call me a creature of habit, but I soon found my hand on Max's ass and my mouth sucking on his. Of course, Max being already "prepared" I didn't resist into working a finger up his hole. Me finger fucking Max, who was intent at burying himself into Brian while sucking face with me and Brian obviously enjoying losing his virginity was a dream I never knew I had come true.

Far too quickly, Max made his final thrust and emitted his fluid into Brian's backside. We broke our embrace and I continued to rub Max's ass as he said "Wow, that was pretty cool."

"Yeah, it was totally awesome." said Brian.

I was speechless, literally, and tired. I suggested we get into bed together and I ended up being sandwiched with Max on my right and Brian on my left. All of naked and spent, we quickly fell to sleep. Everyone eager for the morning.

To be continued...

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