Wild Rumpus

By moc.liamhsuh@sdrocer_xam

Published on Mar 14, 2010


DISCLAIMER - This story is Fiction. While the main character is obviously real, none of the activities occurred and any similarities to real life our from my own imagination. I especially apologise if the main character ever reads this. It is a pure fantasy and no offence is meant and no statement is made about the main character's real sexual preferences. As is typical with these stories, if they are illegal for you to read, please find something else to read. If you are offended by such materials, reading this will provide great amounts of such offence, which you could easily avoid by not reading any further. Otherwise enjoy.

Please feel free to address comments to max_records@hushmail.com


I finally said "all done" and Max flipped over on his back, with what appeared to be a fully restored boner and said "That was fun, what's next?"

[Chapter 2 - Part 1]

"Well bud, it is getting late. You should consider putting that thing away." I say while nodding at his erect member. "I really should be getting you home."

"Awwwwww." protests Max, giving me a full on pouty lip.

"Seriously. I really don't want to get either of us in trouble. We can have more fun next time."

Max shuffles himself out of my bed, this his boner pointing the way forwards and starts reclothing himself, in a slow, depressed plodding manner. I get dressed quickly, while keeping an eye on the gorgeous Max. Once we are both redressed, I grab Max and embrace him in a hug. I can tell he is upset.

"Max, we have all the time in the world. No need to rush things... I really enjoyed what we did just now."

"Yeah, I know, but..." sniffed Max.

"But what?"

"I was ready for more, I haven't ever been so excited in my life. And I was thinking, well you might want to try to stick it in me."

Wow, so forward, so fast, my mind was reeling. Max senses the hesitation and looks up at me with almost a tear in his eye "what, you don't think I know what I am doing? You don't like me that way? Think I am too young? Too immature?"

"No, no, no Max. Not that at all. It is just the most beautiful and attractive person I know is basically wanting to go all the way with me. This doesn't happen often, Max, no matter what you might hear or read. At the same time, I don't want either of us rushing into anything that we might regret. You are so very very special to me, I don't want anything to harm that. And trust me, if we move to fast, we will both end up regretting it. We may have already moved too fast, but you are so damn sexy, I couldn't help myself." Max smiles at me and breaks our embrace to wipe the tears that had welled up in his eyes.

"Ok, ok... My mom says I can be rather 'intense' sometimes. I guess she is right."

I stare at Max and try to straighten out his now messed up mop of shaggy hair. It is part affection and part practical that I don't want Max's parents to think I bedded their son. Sheesh, what have I gotten myself into. We exit my apartment and get in my car. On the drive back to Max's we have a relatively normal chat about manga, graphic novels, computers, video games and all things boyish. How I envy the ability of a boy to switch so seamlessly from being a wanton sexual beast to a boy of 12 without a care in the world.

We depart each other with a hug and a quick kiss and Max bounding up the path to his house. No curtain twitching this time.

[Chapter 2 - Part 2]

I tried to return to my normal life on Monday, but my thoughts continued to wander to Max. Some sexy, some general admiration of the boy Max and love of the young man Max and the young friend Max. But often my thoughts were crowded with the twinge of fear. I had obviously crossed the line with Max. Even if he didn't decide that I was some sort of "bad man" that had "touched his pee pee", I was convinced that his parents wouldn't be blind and entirely sure they didn't want me fiddling with their young son. I was obviously in it and in it deep.

We hadn't really arranged anything, so I assumed we would find something to do the following weekend. Little did I know that was not to be. On Wednesday, I had several meetings about the next issue and also got wrangled into go out for lunch with a couple of my staff writers. I had forgotten my cell on my desk, so when I got back to my desk about 3PM, I noticed I had gotten a couple messages from Max. First one said "gotta talk, call me" followed by "r u there, call plz" followed by "where r u". I figured Max was still in class at school so I texted back "sorry, had meetings, when can I call?". I waited about 10 minutes staring at my phone. No reply. I went back to work, still worried, not sure what to do.

About 8PM that night, after I had gone home, my mobile goes off and I see it is Max and I answer: "Max!"

"Yeah..." sullenly replied Max.

"Do you want me to call you back?"

"You didn't reply..." sniff

"I'm sorry, I had meetings and I had to go out to lunch"


"Max, I'm sorry, I left my phone at my desk."

"Oh..." with a long pause and then "We can't do anything this weekend. We have a couple of promotional gigs I have to do out east. My Dad is taking me, Mom is staying with Sam. I am going to be gone for two weeks and won't be back until the first weekend in August."

"Oh... I'm sorry. Is it any places exciting?"

"No... It is lame..."

"Come on Max, you sound like you have been given a death sentence."

"But I wanted to see you, but I am not sure you want to see me."

"Wait, wait. Max you are being silly, I..."


"I didn't mean it that way, just listen for a second." I can hear Max sobbing a bit, which is just killing me. "I love you Max, I really really love you. I can't get you off my mind no matter what I try. I am going to miss you every second you are gone. But either one of us being miserable the whole time isn't going to work. This isn't a death sentence, we will get to see each other soon enough, and we can do whatever you want."

"Anything?" giggle Ah! There is my Max.

"Well, ok, almost anything. I really worry about what might enter in that dirty little mind of yours."

"Oh, I am very creative. Every since this weekend, I have been thinking of all sorts of things!"

"I bet! Man, even talking to you has gotten me excited, you must have some awesome super powers."

"Hehe. Me too. It's stiff right now."

"Oh, Max. You, oh man, you do know how to make me speechless. What are you wearing?"

"Oh, just a pair of white briefs, I bet you would like to see me in them, with my 'tent'."

"Yes, I, uh, would."

"Oh well, too bad you aren't here. I forgot, I am still calling you, I am going to run out of minutes. I will have to talk to you later, Goodbye!" click

Oh, that little tease. Leaving me in a state like that. I had to take care of myself then, remembering images in my mind of Max from the previous weekend. This was going to a be a long long wait for him to return.

[Chapter 2 - Part 3]

I wasn't expecting anything much from Max over the next few weeks, being busy with media interviews and the like. On the following Wednesday, just after lunch, I got a call on my mobile from a number that I didn't recognise, but I answered it anyways. "This is Sam."

"High Sam" a woman's voice said, "this is Helen, Max's mom. Is it a good time to speak?" This took me totally off guard and she didn't sound overly friendly.

"Um... Yeah, it is ok. What can I do for you Helen?"

"Well, I think we need to talk, in person. Shawn and I have been talking. We really think, considering your relationship with Max, that we really need to have a conversation. Max being away with his father seemed like a better time then any other. I know this might make you feel rather awkward, but we are his parents and we love Max dearly and need to make sure there is clear understanding by all parties." It was really hard to tell by Helen's tone if she was ready to call the cops or didn't have a clue. Either way, I wasn't liking this.

"Um.. wow, Helen, to be perfectly honest, this does make me feel very uncomfortable."

"I understand. Let me try to put you at ease and say that the only thing that would upset us is if Max gets hurt, and right now, we don't feel he is being hurt, but I think we need to have a conversation none the less. Would you like to come over for a home cooked meal on Thursday or Friday night? Anything in particular you like or don't like?" I don't think she is going to take no for an answer. I might as well agree, but I don't think she would take kindly to me turning her down.

"Ok... I can make Friday night. I am pretty open to anything. Is there anything I need to bring?"

"No... I think bringing yourself will be more then is required," she said flatly. "It would be great if you could show up around 7PM, if that is ok?"

"Yes, that will be fine. See you then."

"Goodbye" click What the hell have I gotten myself into?

I couldn't focus on work, nor did I sleep well. I worked myself into a frenzy thinking of all the possible outcomes of this, and none of them were good. I couldn't vanquish the visions of me in my prison uniform with my new "boyfriend" Bubba. I also kept thinking of Max, because it wasn't only me, but my fear is that something would happen and Max would be hurt. I really couldn't handle that. Even though it had been quick, I was deeply and madly in love with the boy named Max.

Whether I welcomed it or not, Friday evening came around. I headed to dinner with Helen as a man goes to the gallows. I was so reluctant, I ended up arriving about 15 minutes late, which isn't typical for me, being usually early. I parked and walked the plank to front door and rang the doorbell. Helen came down the hallway and opened the door and the smell of food wafted out towards me. Helen gave me a smile and sad "I am glad you came. Please come in." I felt somewhat relieved, no cop cars in the driveway, no cops sitting in the living room... "Please have a seat, dinner is going to take a few more minutes. Can I get you drink? Some wine or fruit juice, water?"

"Some wine would be great."

"I have some white open, if that is all right?"

"Sure" as she heads back into the kitchen and returns with a glass of white wine. "Where is Sam?" I say rather absently minded. It was the wrong thing...

She gives me a cold flat stare and say "he is spending the night at a friends house." Oh great, now she thinks I want to bed her other son. God damn it Sam, sometime you can be such a huge idiot. After about 10 minutes, of leaving me to sit in the living room and boil in a pot of my own making, she comes back out and says says the food is ready.

We have a rather pleasant meal, starting with split pea soup, a potato rosti with Moroccan spiced vegetables and some sort of berry crumble dessert that was amazing. Our conversation, while stilted at first started to flow. We both talked about our lives, she told me about being raised in a family of "hippie" artists and meeting Shawn and feeling a synergy with him, about how happy they had been to be blessed with Max and Sam, but felt that two wonderful boys was all they could want for. We talked about my job, my family and my hopes and desires. It started to feel more then comfortable. Finally, after the food was eaten and the table cleared, Helen sat back down and said, with a gentle smile "ok, now for the tough part. What are your intentions with my son?"

I had been going over and over in my head about what I was going to say, what I wanted to talk about, but Helen totally threw me off track, I sat there, making some some halting guttural sounds when Helen reached across the table and in a motherly way took ahold of my hands and said "We suspect that if your relationship with Max hasn't been intimate yet, it will soon be. While this is hard for both Shawn and myself, there is a lot more that we might understand than you, and especially Max, would know."

It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I didn't feel comfortable, but they knew what had happened between Max and myself wasn't really a secret. Finally I got a bit of fortitude and said "Yes, you are right, it has been intimate. I have started to care very very deeply for Max."

Helen squeezed my hands, and gazed down and said "We have known for a few years that Max was gay. We probably understood before he did. I have a brother who is gay. I am two years older. I saw him go through it in a far less understandable era. If our parents hadn't been hippies, I dread to think what would have happened to him. When Shawn and I realised Max was gay, we had hoped that he would develop a crush on some other young boy, but from the moment Max met you, it was obvious that he had fallen in love with you." She returned to looking into my eyes, which were now softened with a tinge of fear. "We knew we couldn't control Max, and we want him to be who he is, he is so very special to us. That is why we need to understand what your intentions with our son are." She released my hands and continued "Are you gay? Are you just being opportunistic with Max? Have you been with many boys? Why are you interested in our son?"

Oh, well, I was into it big time, so might as well be honest. "To answer your questions, am I gay? That is something I often ask myself. If I am being honest, I am not attracted to men my age. Every since I started to be aware of my sexual feelings, they sort of got stuck to around that age. I grew up but my feelings towards young men didn't grow at the same rate." I had never told anyone this face to face before. I was feeling a huge weight taken off my shoulders with every word I spoke. "I am being anything but opportunistic with Max. From the time I met him, there was some sort of kismet there. While it has been a relatively short time, I would say we were friends first. Max is the first young man that I have had something with since I was little older then Max is now. I just always assumed that I wouldn't meet anyone like Max and was doomed to a lonely and isolated life. I would be lying to you if I knew where this is going, it is far more up to Max, in my opinion, what happens between him and I."

Helen absorbed everything I was saying and her face had continued to soften. "Well... while I am not at all happy that Max has chosen someone as old as you for his first relationship, it is clear that he hasn't done too bad. We are going to give Max all the privacy he needs, but we will continue to be involved in his life. We don't need to know any details, but I have to express upon you that if we feel Max is being manipulated or abused by you or anyone, we won't hesitate to make sure you feel the full force of the law. To be honest, if we didn't understand that Max is different and sense that he needed this relationship, or that you were not what appears to be a decent person, we would have already have called the cops." She pauses and thinks "I really don't want to threaten you as I can sense you are a good man. We need to keep the lines of communication open between us, because I am sure with the fickleness of youth, we both may need to protect Max from his own feelings and help him through growing up."

"I understand..." We continued to talk for several more hours. About Max, about boy love, about my life. Helen seemed an inquisitive learner about all things that affect her son. It was amazing to see how much love and understanding she had for Max, though I realised that she viewed me simply as the thing that made her son happy and that as soon as I didn't she wouldn't have much more need for me. I was under no allusions.

After some more wine and wrapping off our conversations, I returned home totally exhausted. I had no desire to do anything but to crawl into bed and sleep and to await the return of Max.

[Chapter 2 - Part 4]

On the following Monday evening I got a text message from Max: "back call now"

I rang Max immediately and he answered "Portland Mortuary, you stab 'em we slab 'em" giggle

"Ha ha, very funny. What am I? Some sort of slave at your beckon call?"

"Yes... you are. Didn't I tell you?"

"No, you must have skipped over that bit."

Max seemed to be un-phased by my protests and started into a long verbal exposition on everything that had happened over the past two weeks, the cool places he visited, the people he met, folks asking for his autograph, he and his dad having a generally good time. I was getting jealous. I get two weeks of work and worry and Max gets to romp around 1/2 the US. Max finally asks me what I did. I told him nothing much, just work. He says "My mom told me you came over for dinner last Friday..."

"Yeah, I did"

"Did you talk about me?" Max's tone turning into a serious curious.

"Well, a little bit."

"Oh... Did you talk about me and you?"

"Not really."

"I don't want my mom to know about the stuff we do, ok?"

"Of course Max, I am not going to be talking about that with anyone."

"Ok... My mom didn't pull out any naked baby photos of me?"

"No... She didn't, but it isn't like I haven't seen your junk."

"Hehe. Yes, but I want you to think of me now, not back then, that would be icky."

"I like to think of you now."

"Oh, you do? Well, I played with it quite a lot while I was away, kept having to find an excuse to go into the bathroom at the hotel. I think my dad is worried that I am constipated and like really long showers."

"You are so bad." I say jokingly.

"I'm just in my boxers right now, what are you wearing?"

"Oh, I have a pair of jeans on, no shirt."

"I am going to see you this weekend, aren't I?"

"Yes, if you want. What do you want to do?"

"Well, I was thinking about asking my parents if I can sleep over and we can have an all night anime marathon."

"Well, if you did that, I wouldn't be watching the anime all night."

"I hope not... my thing is poking out my fly now."

"I hope you are alone."

"Wish I wasn't. Wish you were here. I bet you would like to see it, wouldn't you?"

"Max, stop, you are being very distracting."

giggle "Yeah, but you want to see it, especially when it is stiff, like now, don't you?"

"Yes... I would."

"And suck on it?"


"Tell me, I don't believe you."

"Max, I would like to suck on your stiff cock"

"Maybe I will let you on Saturday. Maybe I won't. Time for bed, bye Sam." click

[Chapter 2 - Part 5]

Surprisingly, or not, Max's parents agreed to letting him spend the night at my house, though it was agreed that Shawn would drop Max off, which gave them the opportunity, I assume, to make sure that my life was real and I didn't have some sort of dungeon with whips and chains. I think I spent an inordinate amount of time cleaning again. I don't think my apartment had ever received as much cleaning attention as it had recently.

Max was being dropped off at 6PM and sure enough, at 6:05, my doorbell went off. I went to the door and saw through the peephole that Max and Shawn were both standing there (and no cops in sight, thankfully). I opened the door and invited them in. Max trotted through, tossed his backpack on the floor next to the couch, plopped down, grabbed the remote and acted as if he owned the place. I asked Shawn if we wanted anything to drink and he said that he couldn't stay long as Helen was preparing dinner. I could tell he was looking around, trying not to be obvious about inspecting my apartment for a rack and iron maiden.

After Max's dad left, I shut the door, turned to Max and said "so, do I have to feed you or something?"

"Yeah... haven't eaten, hungry, feed me..." he said without turning away from the TV which he was still flipping though channels.

"Well, I was going to order some pizza from Bella Faccia, what did you want on it?" to which Max provided a response, obviously excited that I had researched his vegetarian needs. After instructing me of his needs, I called them up and was they were able to deliver in about 45 minutes. We started off our anime fest with some Cowboy Bebop followed by some Afro Samurai. The pizza arrived part way through the Cowboy Bebop, which Max ripped into like a fiend. We sat next to each other on the sofa and downing his pizza and some juice, followed by the requisite belches, Max lifted up his T-Shirt and patted is slightly distended belly and said "mmmmmm... full".

I couldn't help myself and reached over and rubbed his stomach and said "yup, full" to which I was rewarded with a giggle. I started to tickle Max to which he started to protest profusely and trying to keep my hands away from his side. He was wiggling about, laughing heartily, having a bit of tickle fest. Suddenly he start trying to say "stop stop" and coughing a bit, "I gotta pee... stop!" Finally I relent. Max says "I really really gotta pee"

"Oh, ok, go on then... don't want you wetting the furniture."

"No, I am potty trained."

"So you won't need any help peeing then?"

"No! I can handle it myself... though I bet you would like to watch."

"Oh yes, your bodily functions turn me on so much." I say jokingly.

Max marches off to the bathroom, attempting some sort of sexy swishy sashay, which fails miserably, though I can't wait to see his unclothed butt again. Max returns, plops back down on the couch and cuddles up into me with his feet up on the couch. "You make a good pillow" he says proudly. I am more then willing to oblige.

We continue watching more of the anime. I am very much enjoying having Max pressed into me, relaxing and obviously enjoying the comfort and safety of the situation. I start rubbing his belly, semi-absent mindedly, under his T-Shirt. I could swear I almost hear Max purring. Rubbing his belly, tracing his belly button (which is an innie) and just enjoying our perfect little world. My hand begins to wander up Max's chest, rubbing his nips which have stiffened with the attention, with Max just snuggling and enjoying the attention. My hand wanders lower, reaching the top of Max's jeans. I can feel the top of his underwear with my fingers. I am not certain, but I think I can start to see a lump in his jeans. I am now paying more attention to Max then what is on TV. Max says "that feels nice". I take this as encouragement to keep going forward. I am getting stiff in my own jeans, but try to ignore my discomfort.

I unbutton Max's jeans and slowly lower the zip and return my hand quickly to Max's belly. As the jeans slightly fall open, I can see Max is wearing black boxer briefs, and I am fairly certain there is a lump in there somewhere. I continue my rubbing edging lower and lower. I can see Max has closed his eyes and is obviously not paying attention to the TV anymore either. As I continue, I edge closer to the lump that has become evident as his jeans have further parter, I get more and more excited. Finally I reach out a finger and start tracing his lump, to which I am rewarded with a "mmmmmmm" and a slightly eager thrust, making sure that I know Max is more then ready for more attention. Max seems to want to move things along and says softly "do you want me to take it out?" I nod my head yes, and Max quite eagerly lowers his jeans and underwear in one swift movement. Now naked to mid thigh, Max's soldier is pointed up towards his belly button and I can see his balls and his beautiful thighs. I start to lightly touch Max's balls, tracing with the end of my fingers up his cock. The pink end of his cock head peaks out from behind his foreskin. A slight amount of pre-cum glistens at the very end, to which I stick my index finger in. I trace around and down, touching his downy sparse pubes. Max's cock twitches every now and again. I am so very glad my attentions are appreciated. Max continues to hum and purr approvingly.

I take two of my fingers and my thumb and pull back Max's foreskin, which causes Max to gasp. I stare at the head of Max's exposed cock, red and sexy. I pull the foreskin back, and start jacking Max's cock, rubbing the head through his foreskin. Max says, huskily "yeah, that feels good." I continue to jack him, feeling the velvety soft skin of his cock, watching him breath more and more heavy, seeing that he can't but help and start thrusting himself as his natural instincts take over. Max starts to grunt and thrust as my ministrations get faster. It is obvious Max is about to explode. I slow down a bit to make it last a littl longer, but it seems Max is a little too far gone and lets out one last grunt and a quick spurt shoots out from the end of his cock onto his belly, followed by a couple of more drops on as he finishes his orgasm. His cream is mostly watery and having Max cum has me as horny as I can ever remember being. Max is the greatest.

After lying there for a bit, with Max recovering from his release, I say "I probably should get something to clean you up" and go into the bathroom and grab a hand towel. When I come back, Max is lying on the couch with a smile on his face, looking content and happy. I kneel down and wipe away his mess. I stare at him and he grins back at me. I lean in and give him a kiss. I feel his lips press into mine, obviously Max is enjoying it and I feel his tongue start to try and probe my mouth, to which I return the favour and to invade his mouth with my tongue. I am in absolute heaven and so hard. I abandoned the hand towel and let my hand roam over his chest and hips and thighs, just enjoying the beauty of the boy. I break our kiss and whisper, "I love you Max."

"I love you too Sam."

"What do you want to do now?"

"We could go into your bedroom."


Max gets up and pull up his underwear and jeans over his semi-stiff cock and walks into the bedroom. I realise I have an urgent need to pee and say to Max, "why don't you get ready and I will change into something more comfortable?" Max agrees and I head off to the bathroom. When I get in there and close the door, I take stock of myself in the mirror. What am I getting myself into? Am I doing the right thing? I stare at myself in the mirror, my face is flush and I almost look like a deer in headlights. I guess I decide I have gone this far, I might as well continue. My self doubts have at least allowed my cock to go down enough to pee. I relieve myself, wash my hands, and splash my face with some water and gird myself for whatever else I was getting myself into.

When I return to the bedroom I see a naked (and gorgeous) Max sprawled out on my bed, but it appears he is asleep. Wow, the unburden nature of youth. I stand there staring at him for a while, looking at his mounds of his ass, the curve of his back, his shaggy hair. I decide I am going to do my best to not disturb him, I turn off the light, strip bare and crawl into bed, and pull the blanket over us. I can feel the warmth of Max next to me, which makes me instantly rigid again, I snuggle up to him, take in the smell of his hair which is still smelling of whatever shampoo he uses but with the faint smell of sweat from obviously his earlier excitement. As he is lying basically face down, I trace his arm, the back of his neck, down his spine and can't help but give his butt a bit of a rub and pat. Max stirs a little bit and says groggily "sorry, I was tired"

"No, it is ok bud, why don't you just rest."

"But you didn't have any fun."

"Don't worry about me Max, there will be plenty of time for fun."

"I love you Sam."

"I love you too Max." as I cuddle up to Max, with him pressing back into me as I embrace him, with my stiff cock nestled against his butt cheeks. Frustrated, oh but what pleasant pain...

...To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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