Wild Pups Sale

By Hank M

Published on Aug 11, 2023


WILD PUPS SALE Final Chapter

by Master Redbeard

r/e/d/b/e/a/r/d/e/d/s/f at y-a-h-o-o dot com


If you're not an adult, if you're offended by gay sex, or if it's illegal to read an erotic story where you're located, go away now! This fiction story takes place in a world where enslavement - to serve the wealthy, keep the wheels of commerce turning and especially for sexual uses - is legal and commonplace.

Three 18-year-old jocks caused damage and injuries with a senior year prank. All three were sentenced to be indentured. They were offered for auction at the monthly Wild Pups Sale, which features straight teen boys newly enslaved and untrained. Previous chapters took the boys through the process of being enslaved and auctioned. Football quarterback Russell became a pony slave. Cute gymnast Cody became a brothel slave. And now all-American boy Wally heads toward his fate.

Sorry it's taken four years for me to get to this final chapter.

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However creepy it was getting felt up and prodded by all those homos when I was chained on the display floor, my stomach was really knotted up when I was onstage and the auctioneer described me as a Clean-Cut All-American High School Jock. He pulled down the back of my white briefs and rubbed my smooth ass cheeks as he asked the assembled homos how they'd like to be the first to use "this straight teen jock's cherry hole"? Because of the lights pointing at the stage, I couldn't see who was bidding. Later on, I shivered with terror as I waited in a small cage backstage. There was a number drawn on my chest with black marker, but it didn't tell me who my new owner was.

Then my cage was handed over to the Rutherfords, Lumpy, our school bully, and his dad. For one quick moment I felt hopeful. These people knew me. Mr. R played golf with my dad. Lumpy went to school with me and I believed he admired me for all the sports I played and the girls who flocked around me. But then my hope faded as I remembered what a pompous ass the older man was, and what a fat jerk Lumpy always was. He bullied anybody he thought was weaker than him, and now I was going to be a slave in his house.

Mr. Rutherford was loudly complaining and insisting that someone needed to carry my cage out to his car. I just closed my eyes and tried to block it all out. Eventually a tall black slave came and easily took me to the parking lot where my cage was placed in the trunk of the big gas-guzzling car.

Once the car came to a stop, Mr. Rutherford opened my cage and swatted at me to get out and hurry. But it took me time to unfold my body from the small cage, every limb stiff from my doubled-over position. The heavyset man took that as insolence and started smacking my butt, hurling me down the outside steps to their basement.

I had never seen the Rutherford's basement before. They had a typical suburban home upstairs, but the basement was mostly unfinished except for some pieces of furniture and all sorts of slave industry stuff. (Mr R worked as a slave trader.) I was immediately pushed over a big wooden horse. It looked like an antique and was designed for a much bigger slave than I was. I was bent over the top of the horse, so that my chest and stomach were glued to the old leather. My hands were chained to the front of the bulky piece and my feet were shackled to the back.

"I'll show you what we do to insolent slaveboys," Mr. R snarled as he rolled up his sleeves.

Lumpy Rutherford brought his father a short whip. Grinning, he said, "I like the sound this one makes, Daddy."

"You fool," the older man grumbled. "We don't want to leave any cut marks on this lovely white flesh. Get me a paddle. Paddles hurt but the redness goes away in a few days." Lumpy took a paddle from the wall and gave it to his father.

There were mirrors around me so I could see the middle-aged man wave the paddle in the air with one hand as he rubbed my butt with his other hand. Then he lowered the back of my white briefs -- the same tighty whities I had taken out of the drawer my last day of school, and the same ones I had been dressed in on the auction stage.

Then the rubbing on my butt cheeks turned into groping and kneading, and the man dropped the paddle. "I can paddle him later. It would be a shame not to have this piece of cherry boy ass while it's still all smooth and white." Mr. R opened his belt, unzipped his pants and let them fall down his legs. He pushed his baggy boxers out of the way and I caught a glimpse of his thick uncut cock. He grinned at the mirror and then I felt his thick cock head press against my virgin hole.

"Yeah, Daddy, give it to him dry. Make the slaveboy hurt."

Mr. R shook his head in frustration as he reached for a glob of cream and slathered it all over his cock. "You little fool. We don't want to rip up a virgin boy pussy on the first shot."

I felt the cold cream slapped on my hole and I stifled a sob. Then I felt the thickness of the man's cock push against my previously untouched butthole, and he slammed the full length inside me without any pause. I screamed out in pain, which elicited laughs from both of the Rutherford men.

I think I saw a blinding flash of light because when my eyes refocused Lumpy was naked and slapping his fat uncut cock back and forth across my face. I could feel the wetness and smell the rank odor of his balls. We all knew that Lumpy Rutherford didn't shower regularly. Now I was inhaling the stinking fragrance of his sweaty crotch.

Lumpy pinched my nose and forced my mouth open. He shoved his thick meat into my throat with the same lack of finesse as his father's cock went up my ass. His cock was thick around, but not nearly as long as his father's. But he was so rough, I gagged and choked which prompted Lumpy to moan with pleasure.

"You were always so stuck up, Wally. Just because they voted you captain of the baseball team and captain of the swim team and you won all those trophies... And just because all those girls were always around you laughing at your lame jokes... You thought you were so superior. Well now you're my live-in cocksucker."

Mr. Rutherford laughed approvingly. "That's the kind of confidence I like to see in you, son." Then he continued on, "I'm losing at least $10,000 on any resale by taking your asshole cherry, Wally. But damn this sweet boy pussy is worth it."

By that point I really thought I was going to die. It felt like the older man's cock was ripping apart my organs and anything else inside my body. And Lumpy's pounding at my throat was so rough I was sure it had ripped up my vocal chords. The pain was so intense that I blacked out. But the two of them kept on fucking me at both ends. One of them splashed cold water across my face and I shook my head awake. But I only woke up to more intense pain, and the laughter of my two tormentors.

The older man laid his chest across my back and I felt the sliminess of his sweat on my flesh. I felt nauseated by the pain and by the smells of the Rutherfords.

Then Lumpy grabbed hold of my ears and shoved his cock even deeper in my throat than it had already gone. I couldn't breathe because his bushy pubes were up my nose. I felt a pulsing of his thick tool and then i felt gobs of thick cum slide down my throat. "Eat it, Wally. Eat my cum, you cocksucking little slaveboy." There was a grunt behind me and I felt the older man's cock pulsate deep up my ass. I felt the burning hot cum shooting against my insides.

When they pulled out of me, the two Rutherford men lifted me up and ordered me to stand up straight. Mr. R had his clammy hand on the back of my neck and was guiding me forward. "Now it's time for you to wash both your Masters in the shower." Both of them were out of shape and had a lot of body fat that they enjoyed rubbing all over my athletic body during the shower. The word "Masters" kept echoing in my head. Once I was indentured I dreaded finding out who my Master would be. I couldn't think of two men in our town who were more gross and nasty than Lumpy Rutherford and his dad.

By the time we finished in the shower I had forgotten about the promised paddling, but my Masters were raring to go. I was re-attached to the big wooden horse, once again my chest pressed down onto the top of the device. Mr. R lifted the wooden paddle high above his head and slammed it down onto my hairless ass cheeks. Then he went into a frenzy and the wooden paddle landed on my butt another nineteen times in quick succession.

Once they were through with that, Mr. R pulled open my butthole and used some sort of metal device to attach a prostate stimulator. He laughed as he said that would keep me permanently erect. I then had to do a fashion show for the father/son duo. They wanted to see how I looked in a slave jock that had a mesh pouch for my cock and balls and fully revealed my ass. Then they put me in very short slave shorts, that had slits up the sides of both legs so my dick, balls and ass were all hanging out. Finally they decided they liked me in the tighty whities I had worn for the auction, my own free-boy underpants. They walked around me, admiring my body. Lumpy remarked, "Just how he used to look back in the locker room, Daddy." Mr. R slapped my erect cock that was pointing up and to the left. "Yeah, with a hairless pecker like he had in the seventh grade locker room."

He thought that remark was so funny. I was boiling inside and wanted to tell him that I had hair around my dick in seventh grade -- at least partway through the year.

They then let me lay down on the mat in the small cage, and congratulated themselves on being kind Masters for giving me that break.

I had a lot of responsibilities in the big house, most of them menial. In the morning I had to prepare breakfast and help each of them in the shower. It was in the shower that I was forced to learn to drink piss. Then when they went out for the day, I was always mopping or dusting or polishing something. I was taken away from my duties when one of my Masters wanted to use me for sex or simply to show me off. One afternoon Lumpy brought home three of our school's top jocks, boys I thought were my buddies.

"Of course my dad took his asshole cherry," Lumpy lectured. "That's only right. But I can have his ass anytime I want."

Then the chubby boy ordered me to lay down on my stomach on the couch. (That's right, there was a couch there, but I was made to sleep on a thin mat on the floor of the cage.) Lumpy let his pants fall and then fiddled with the front of his boxers. It was clear he didn't want the school jocks to know how short his penis was. He slapped some cream along my ass crack and then climbed on top of me. I felt his fat cock at the entrance of my ass, and then in an instant it was all the way inside me.

Keep in mind, Lumpy Rutherford's cock wasn't that long, but it was thick. Having my asshole spread open so suddenly made me scream out in pain. Lumpy grinned at the three jocks and said, "It's good to remind slaveboys that their pain means nothing compared to the pleasure of free men."

All three jocks were restless and adjusting their packages. Then one of them, a blond boy called Whitey, asked to use the bathroom. Lumpy looked smug as he said, "Oh, why bother with the bathroom when we have a toilet slave right here." He licked my ear and grunted, "Open wide, Wallyboy."

Whitey just said, "Wow!" then he pulled open his khakis, pushed down the front of his briefs and pulled out his soft penis. I opened my mouth and took the blond boy's cock between my lips. First Whitey couldn't stop giggling. Then he seemed to get shy as he said, "I can't do it. Being in his warm mouth I'm popping a boner."

"Then feed him your boner, dude!" Lumpy shouted. The other jocks were now openly groping their dicks in their pants as Whitey started to gently sway his hips forward and then back. He was fucking my mouth, but with a lot more gentleness than either of the Rutherfords had shown me. The other two jocks were openly groping the tents in their pants.

That's when Mr. Rutherford suddenly appeared at the steps. "I heard you boys down here."

Whitey tried to pull out of my mouth and hide his cock at the same time as he said, "I'm s-sorry, sir. I know this is your property."

"Nonsense." Mr. R seemed jovial as he said, "Clarence is welcome to share our slaveboy with his good buddies. You are his buddies, right?"

All those boys hated Lumpy (whose real name was Clarence). But they all nodded and grinned assuring the dad that they were friends with his son.

"But one thing I must ask you. If you're going to sex up our slaveboy in any way, I need you all to strip down naked."

One of the other jocks said, "But, why...."

Lumpy was busy fucking my ass, and he didn't lose his rhythm as he said, "Because he's our slaveboy and we get to set the rules. If you don't wanna strip naked, you can leave and jerk off at home."

All three boys pulled off their clothes quickly. Whitey, now fully naked, put his dick back into my mouth and started a nice steady rhythm. I noticed Mr. Rutherford back in a dark corner of the basement. He had his hand in the pocket of his baggy pants and it was clear to me he was jerking off as he watched Whitey's ass move in and out. Once Whitey shot his load into my mouth, he stood there in a very peaceful pose. Then he shouted, "Here it comes." His urine at first dribbled slowly out of his penis. Then he let go and my mouth was flooded. I swallowed as fast as I could.

When Whitey finally pulled out, Chester took his place. Chester's cock was thin but very long. It felt like he was stabbing me repeatedly in my tonsils. Chester didn't take long to feed me his cum. And at the same time he was finished, Lumpy shot a load of jizz up my ass.

At that point, Whitey seemed regretful and said, "I dunno guys. Should we be doing this? I mean, Wally used to be our good buddy and we all admired him. And besides, he was totally straight. After all, him and Mary Ellen...."

"Oh, yeah. That's what you think!" Lumpy rolled me onto my side so all the guys could see how stiff my cock was. "See that! He's been sucking cocks and taking dick up the ass and now his pecker is totally boned." Of course none of them realized I had a prostate stimulator installed and I was always boned up.

Moose was a big football player, and probably the hairiest guy in our high school locker room. He snarled at Whitey in a mocking tone, "Are you one of those commies who thinks we need to be kind to slaveboys"

Moose rolled me onto my back on the couch and mounted my face. His powerful thighs had my head in a vise grip. His huge cock teased my lips and smacked side to side on my cheeks. Then he plunged that cock into my throat and started fucking hard. "Yeah, I know what a cocksucker like Wally needs. I'm gonna fuck your mouth like I'm fucking a $5 whore's pussy." He looked down at me and spit in my face. "Fuck man, I showered right next to this homo cocksucker a coupla times. I can't believe his queer eyes were checking out my equipment. Well, now he gets to taste it." And slam he was shooting spurt after spurt of cum down my throat.

Mr. Rutherford invited the boys to stay and said that I would help them in the shower. But they all seemed embarrassed in different ways, pulled on their clothes and thanked their hosts. None of them thanked me or even acknowledged me.

When the older man stepped out of the corner, he was holding a box in front of himself. After the jocks left, he put down the box and I could see a big wet cumstain on the front of his pants. He licked his lips and said, "I happen to know that Whitey's father lost his job almost six months ago. He must be getting desperate by now for money. Blond teenage cherry ass always fetches a good price." Then he cackled that evil laugh he has. He snapped his fingers in my direction and said, "Lick it up like a good boy." I crawled to him on all fours and licked at the front of his pants.

After the Masters finished dinner, Mr. R pulled ten pairs of white briefs from a paper bag. He smiled and said, "The slaveboy's father was kind enough to give me some of Wally's old underpants. We know he's our slaveboy, but we can look at him and imagine it's still Wally, the big man on campus of Mayfield High." Then jumping to a new thought, he continued, "What are we going to call the slaveboy?"

"I like calling him Wally," Lumpy said. "Like you said, it's a reminder of the cute school jock he used to be."

"Nonsense we can't use his free-boy name as a slave name."

They laughed together as they tossed around ideas. Then Lumpy said, "How about calling him Wallyboy." For the first time his father didn't call him a fool. For a few minutes they considered "Wallaby," which is some kind of animal. But they kept coming back to Wallyboy.

So I was now officially Wallyboy, the Rutherford's slaveboy.

It was a few days later that Mr. Rutherford brought the town mayor for a visit. He wore a dark grey suit and only pulled his penis out of his fly. (Apparently, old guys could use me for sex without getting naked.) He held onto my head as he punched his cock into my throat repeatedly. Each time his cock went down my throat, his big overhanging belly smashed my nose. He moaned and said, "I always thought Wally looked so much like my cute grandson." With that thought he fed me a load of his warm gooey cum.

That same week, Lumpy brought home a crowd of boys from the school. It was the Mayfield swim team. They all stripped naked and took turns fucking my mouth. Some were gentle, some were rough. This time Mr. Rutherford wasn't there for the action, but I discovered he had watched from a little room off the basement. Afterwards my two Masters compared notes as to which boys had the cutest butts. I felt so bitter by then that I looked forward to having those teen jocks become sex slaves like I was.

The coach of the Mayfield football team had been like a mentor to me. I admired him and trusted him and always felt I could talk to him about anything. But down in that basement, he treated me like a brothel slave. He grabbed me by the hair and ordered me to undress him. "And make sure your fold each article of clothing correctly, boy." After I peeled down the husky man's jockstrap he ordered me to suck the stained fabric in my mouth. "Get all the man juice out of it, pussyboy. I wanna hear you make yummy sounds."

He tossed me over the arm of the couch and mounted me from behind. As he fucked my ass he bit into my neck and my shoulder. "Ow, please sir, you're hurting me."

"That's what a pussyboy slave like you deserves."

That was the one time Mr. Rutherford intervened and said, "Careful you don't wanna leave any marks on him. That's an expensive piece of property."

The coach's hands were rough as they grabbed at my flesh. He only nipped at my body now, taking gentle little bites, but he was kneading and groping me with all his strength. He howled when he shot his hot load deep up my ass. Then he laid on top of me for a few minutes. I could hear his heart pounding.

Coach didn't acknowledge me as he put his clothes on. But he turned to Mr. Rutherford and said, "I paid 200-bucks for an hour with a boy who wasn't nearly as cute as this one, and whose ass wasn't nearly as tight. I can't believe you let me do this for free. I owe you one."

Without saying anything to me, the two men walked upstairs. I heard Mr. R starting to say, "Now that you bring it up, there are a few boys on your team I'd like to inquire about...."

It was the next day that Lumpy brought Eddie down to the basement. Eddie had always said he was my best friend, but he was a smug creep. He would compliment my parents and act like a little angel. But once they were out of sight, he would talk trash and plot sneaky schemes. He always boasted about himself and his family. I knew most of it was bull, but I never challenged him on anything.

When Lumpy left the two of us alone in the basement, I thought for a moment that Eddie might rekindle our friendship and be kind. But he just gloated and stood tall as he ordered me to undress him. His dick was stiff in his white briefs, and they were stained yellow in front. He ordered me to put my mouth around the fabric-covered cock "and suck out all the piss from my underpants." He went on to say that he hadn't changed his briefs in three days just to give me "a treat".

He ordered me to lay on my back on the big wooden horse. He shackled my arms behind me and shackled my ankles to the far end of the horse. Then he climbed up on my chest and put his cock to my lips. It was thin and very stiff. He shoved it into my mouth roughly. "You always opened your mouth like you were so smart, Wally. Well, now your mouth is put to its proper use, cocksucker."

It seemed that he got bored fucking my mouth after a little while. He stood over the horse and just played with my hard cock. "Remember when I slept over and I wanted to compare dicks? And then I wanted us to jerk off together? Nooooo, you were too straight to do anything like that. Well, look at you now, Wallyboy!"

Then he leaned over and took my hard cock in his mouth. I had never had my cock sucked before. Certainly, as a slaveboy I was expected to take cock and nobody cared about taking care of mine. But Eddie seemed to be in heaven slurping on my stiff tool. He was making moaning sounds in the back of his throat as he worked his tongue and lips up and down my boner.

When he stopped he looked dazed, as if he was having second thoughts about what he did. But then he climbed up on top of me on the table. He lowered his butt over my hard cock and I felt his cheeks giving way so that my erection entered his tight ass. There was a dreamy look on his face as he settled in and came to rest, his bony cheeks on my balls.

Then he started to fuck himself up and down on my cock. "Oh, fuck yeh, Wally. I jacked off wanting this since seventh grade, dude. I always took a locker near you, just to see you in those white briefs." He was bouncing up and down faster now, as if he was in a frenzy. I saw sweat trickle down his face and down his chest.

Eddie gasped and his cock was shooting hot cream all over my chest and up to my face. He leaned forward, my cock still up his butthole, and he kissed me hard on the mouth. He forced his tongue into my mouth as he grunted, "Oh Wally, gimme your spunk. Fill me up, dude." His hole was massaging my sensitive erection and I couldn't hold back. I felt my cock shooting cream up my former best friend's asshole.

He seemed to be in a daze as he looked off into the distance and pulled himself off my cock. He looked at me disdainfully and then he climbed on my face, spread his cheeks and ordered me to lick out my cum from his butthole. I had never eaten an ass before, and felt disgusted as I did it. But as I tongued his bottom he started prattling on, "It's easy for a free man to make accusations against a slaveboy. And a lot of those accusations would lead to you getting fixed. I'd like to be there when they cut off your balls, pussyboy. So don't you dare make up any stories about what I did down here with you. You got me?"

With my tongue part-way in his hole I tried to say, "Yettth, thirrr." He just laughed. When he got up to put on his clothes, he left me laying on my back on the big wooden horse. As he ran up the stairs I heard him saying, "I showed that pussyboy slave who's boss. He won't ever go acting so high and mighty again around Eddie."

When Mr. Rutherford came downstairs to unhook me from the horse, he ordered me to stick out my tongue. He smiled very wide and said, "Good for Eddie. That's the way to humble a slaveboy."

I didn't understand what was going on. I had always known Mr. R as a hard-headed businessman, who talked endlessly about making profits from slave properties. But now It appeared the Rutherfords were inviting guys from town to use me for sexual release, and it didn't seem like these men and boys were paying for the use of my mouth or ass. This streak of generosity was weird coming from the Rutherfords.

After the encounter with Eddie, there were no sex visitors for a week. Of course I regularly sucked both Rutherford's cocks in the shower, and each of them came downstairs to fuck me in different positions. I wondered whether the sex games had come to an end.

Then I heard footsteps on the stairs and Mr. R's voice saying, "This is long overdue, buddy. Besides, I wanted to show my thanks for all those tighty whities you gave us."

I looked up from my cage and there standing beside my Master was my father. He was dressed as usual in a dark blue suit that showed off his broad shoulders and manly physique. I was released from my cage and knelt in front of the two men. "Ward, old buddy, I'm gonna leave you alone down here with the boy. You can take all the time you want and do as you like with him." Then Mr. R seemed to be chuckling to himself as he went up the steps.

My father looked down at me for a long moment, then reached down to help me to my feet. I stood facing him, although he was almost a head taller than me. I started to say, "Th-thank you, sir." But he cut me off by wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close in against his body, crushing me in his powerful grip.

He was planting kisses on my cheek, my neck and my ear as he said, "Oh, Wally, my precious Wally."

"S-s-sir," I began hesitantly.

He licked my ear and said, "Call me Daddy, son. I want to pretend you're not a slaveboy. I want to pretend that you're still my handsome jock son, Wally, and Daddy is going to make love to his boy."

Dad sat on the couch and planted me on his lap. One hand was around my shoulder, pulling me against him. His other hand was wandering over the front of my body, rubbing my nipples, sliding up and down on my inner thighs, and then ticking my balls through the white cotton fabric. Then he slid his hand lower on my back and his index finger entered the waistband of my underpants. His finger slid up and down in the crease that led to my ass crack as he kissed me softly on the lips.

"Remember when I'd come home from work and you were already stripped to your briefs, ready for bed. You'd sit on daddy's lap and I'd bounce you." I clearly remembered the way his strong hands would move over my exposed flesh, as he admired how cute I was and how nice my muscles were developing. "Then you'd undo Daddy's tie. Go on, son, take off Daddy's tie."

My hands were shaking. I was nervous and confused as I undid his tie and opened the top button of his white shirt. Then he looked into my face with a lustful expression and his lips fell on mine. He forced my mouth open with his tongue and then he was tongue-wrestling me in a passionate kiss.

"I would bounce you on my lap and you'd ask if there was something big and hard in my pocket. Now you're all grown and you know what was in Daddy's pocket, don't you, boy?" With that he took my hand and put my fingers over the outline of his stiff penis in his suit pants. "That's Daddy's big cock. And you're gonna take care of Daddy's boner like a good boy."

He rolled me onto my back on the couch and he was grinding his powerful body against my exposed flesh. As he ground and kissed me hard, he was pulling off his clothes. His suit jacket went flying. He tore some buttons from his shirt as he pulled if off. Then I felt his hairy chest rubbing against my smooth chest. His hands were all over me.

Then he pulled his lips off mine and his fingers were toying with my mouth. "We always called this a cocksucker mouth, son. Soft cushiony lower lip, and curved upper lip perfect to wrap around a man's thick hunk of meat." While he was saying this, he worked his way up my body. The wool fabric of his suit pants was harsh against my neck, He put my hand on his fly and said, "Go on, son. Take it out. Take my cock out my pants and then take care of it, like a good boy does for Daddy."

My hands were shaking, but I heard his words and I wanted to be "a good boy for Daddy!" Once his pants were open, he pushed down his boxers under his balls so that his thick manmeat was standing up thick and stiff. His voice took on volume as he called out, "Suck Daddy's cock, Wally! Suck Daddy's cock real good, son." I opened my mouth and he shoved his thick boner into my mouth and just kept shoving forward. I gagged a little but he just kept going deep into my throat.

He pulled back almost all the way and then he pushed forward again, invading my throat again and again. "You don't know how many times I dreamed of this, Wally. Looking down at your adorable face, imagining your lips stretched wide around my stiff rod. Why was I cursed with the cutest son, the boy who had the most perfect young athlete's body."

Suddenly he stopped his facefucking. He paused with his cock deep in my throat and he seemed to be catching his breath. I think he was close to cumming and he wanted to hold back. As it was, he pulled out of my mouth and I looked up to see his cock waving over my head, glistening with my spit.

Dad reached behind him and fondled my stiff dick in my briefs. He grinned, "I always enjoyed seeing you in your tighty whities, Wally. You didn't know how they clung to your butt cheeks and got caught in your crack. Fuck, boy, do you have any idea how many dirty old men looked at your ass and thought of ramming their tools deep up there?"

He reached his fingers into the front of my briefs and grinned even wider. "Oh yeah, of course now that you're a slaveboy they shaved all your body hair. Your penis is hairless. I remember when you would shower with Daddy, your little thingy waving in front of you. And you'd be staring at Daddy's big hairy one. I made a point of soaping up my crotch real good, to show off how thick my tool got. I was careful not to have a full-on erection, but I didn't want it to look small in your eyes."

He slid down the couch and lifted my legs over his shoulder. "And your ass was always so perfectly formed: slim hips, round bubble. You always had such a fuckable little ass, son."

As he leaned down to kiss me on the lips, I felt the head of his thick cock press against my butthole. "Now finally Daddy's gonna have this perfect round boy ass, my own son's ass."

With that his hard penis started sliding inside me like a hot knife cutting through butter. He groaned until it was fully surrounded by my meaty cheeks. "Oh fuck, Wally, I wish I could have done this to you back when you showered with Daddy. You would've probably freaked out. I would've ended up in jail, and destroyed our family. But now that I feel your ass wrapping itself around my cock, I'm sorry I missed out on it."

My head was spinning. My own father was confessing that he wanted to molest me when I was way younger. I didn't know how to react to that. And I didn't have time to react. He was kissing me hard, his tongue in my throat. Then he pulled out of my mouth and his tongue was tickling my nipples. He licked my ears. I looked into his face. I was pretending that I wasn't a slaveboy, pretending that my body hadn't been used by all those men up till now. I was imagining that I was home with my father and he was making love to me.

Soon he was fucking me in a frenzy. His sweat dripped on me. His penis was pistoning in and out of my ass, scraping it in an erotic way I hadn't felt before. He leaned down and bit my left nipple. I called out in pain and he howled. I felt my own father's cock spewing burning hot cream deep up my insides. I felt my own cock shooting its cream against my father's hairy tummy and my own smooth abs.

We were both grunting like wild animals. Then our grunts turned into pants. Dad slowly pulled his penis out of my hole. He was avoiding my gaze, and for a moment he seemed embarrassed by what had just happened. Once his cock plopped all the way out of me, I kissed him softly on the cheek and whispered, "I love you, Daddy. I'd do anything to make you happy, sir."

He led me to the small bathroom and into the shower. I soaped him up and admired his powerful muscles. Under the water of the shower, it's as if my enslavement didn't exist. I was a teen boy showering with his Dad. He got behind me and started soaping up my body. When he got down to my cock, he chuckled, "Hairless like a slaveboy, Wally. Hairless like it used to be when we were in the shower."

As he fondled me my cock grew once again stiff. I felt the stiffness of his cock rubbing up and down in my crack. Then I felt him aiming his cock for my recently-ravaged hole. "This is what I wanted to do back when we were in the shower, son." Then I felt his cock at my hole once more. My hole was already lubricated with his spunk, so it was easy for Dad to slide his cock deep up inside me again.

"This is what I wanted to do, Wally. When I'd soap your beautiful little ass in the shower, this is what I dreamed of doing. My cock would chub up and I'd have to hold back my feelings. I didn't want to show a full erection with you when we showered together. But hot damn, son, you have such a beautiful butt."

He wrapped his arms around me and started pounding my ass even harder than before. His hand reached down and he was stroking my hard-on as his cock pistoned in and out of my rear end. "I imagined sending you off to school with your ass full of Daddy's spunk." He howled as he shot another load deep up inside me. His hands dug into my naked body so hard, but I didn't mind. For a moment I imagined I could live out my life as Daddy's Boy. Well, I at least imagined living out my indenture as Daddy's slaveboy.

Everything after that was a haze. After my father left, Mr. Rutherford and Lumpy took turns fucking my ass, laughing about how they were "sliding into the boy on his own Daddy's cream." Once again everything was dirty. The smell and taste of my father was gone and I was reminded that I was a lowly slaveboy who had to do what my vile Masters commanded.

It was only a week after that my two Masters came down the steps cheerfully waving an external drive. They plugged the drive into a laptop and set it to project on the wall. I hadn't been treated to any movies or TV since moving into the Rutherford house, so I didn't know what to expect. I mistrusted these men, so I wasn't expecting anything nice.

I was shocked by what I saw. There had apparently been a number of hidden cameras in this basement. The movie started with the title, "Wally, Mayfield's Favorite Straight Jock." Then there was footage of me sucking off the mayor. This was followed by a scene of the three high school jocks each feeding me their dicks while Lumpy fucked my ass. There was the complete sequence of the coach fucking my ass. Then the prolonged scene of me sucking off the naked swim team boys, with a lot of shots of those smooth butts. My two Masters clapped their hands with glee as they watched Eddie sit on my cock and fuck himself.

It felt like my whole body drained of blood when they got to the scene of me with my father. I tried to close my eyes, but Mr. R smacked me. I didn't know how to feel. First there was my father's tenderness and loving attitude. Then there were his confessions about wanting to sex me up when I was younger and illegal.

Nobody ever explains to slaves what's going on in the world. But I heard things from my Masters. They made a point of boasting how much money they were raking in from sales of their Wally movie. They also made a point of telling me that Eddie's father had immediately sold the boy into slavery. He had Eddie shipped off to the Middle East, so there wouldn't be any chance of anyone in town seeing him ever again.

One day I heard loud voices from upstairs. I recognized my father's voice saying, "Please, you've got to let me say goodbye to him."

Mr. Rutherford whined, "Well, OK, but no more than five minutes. And don't let him out of his cage. Remember, he's a slaveboy."

My father came down and leaned against my cage as he stammered trying to form a sentence. "I'm so sorry for everything, Wally."

I softly replied, "P-pleae, sir, it's not your fault I got indentured."

He came very close and whispered to me, "I brought some things you might find useful."

Of course by now we were all aware that the basement was boobytrapped with cameras. Dad acted like he was crying, but I could see it was only an act. He collapsed onto the couch and his body heaved. As he was moving, I saw him slip some fabric under the pillows of the couch. He looked at me and winked. Then he leaned down and scratched his thigh. The camera wouldn't have seen the small metal tool fall out of his pants leg. He kicked it under the couch.

"I'm going away, son. I'm moving to the Eureka coast where I can start fresh. I'm leaving tonight. After that, nothing here can touch me. You understand what I'm saying, Wally." Everyone knew that Eureka was the gay nation state on the Pacific Coast. I had a million questions about Dad moving there, but I couldn't form any of them into sentences.

I nodded my head. My father dashed up the steps.

The next day when the Rutherfords came down to the basement, they spoke openly. They didn't care that I could hear what they said. I was just a slaveboy, after all. Apparently, they were raking in a lot of money from sales of their video. Now that I was a star, they had offers from boy brothels in Las Vegas, New York, Los Angeles, and as far away as London, Tokyo, and Nairobi.

I don't know who was more careless, Mr. R or his son. I don't know which of them was supposed to close the clasp on my cage that night. But, as often happened, the cage was left unlocked. I knew that once the Rutherfords woke up and found me gone, they would put out an alarm for my GPS chip. So I had to move fast during the night. I retrieved the clothes that my father had left under the couch cushions. There was a t-shirt and loose-fitting shorts, also flat cardboard sandals.

I dressed and realized the pockets weren't empty. There was money in the shorts. Also a map that directed me to the nearest slave sanctuary, and contact information for my father in Eureka. Fortunately I was still fit so I ran through the night. I know there were people who saw me, but I just looked like a young jock out for a healthy run. I made it to the sanctuary in less than three hours. They removed the GPS chip that had been implanted. There was blood, but it was still a great relief to me.

These people knew what they were doing. They drove me to a small airport in the next state. On the way they stopped at a truck stop and attached my GPS chip to a truck that was headed to Texas. They thought that was very funny, since no escaped slave would ever head toward Texas. I had the money in my pockets to get a flight to Eureka.

Less than a day after my escape from slavery, I was cuddled in bed with my father. I liked sleeping with his cock either in my mouth or up my ass. He liked that too. Everyone in Eureka knew us as father and son, and also as lovers. We were monogamous. After all, why would I want anyone else when I had my manly, powerful Dad.


any positive feedback r/e/d/b/e/a/r/d/e/d/s/f at y-a-h-o-o dot com

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