Wild Boys

By Nifty Boy

Published on Dec 12, 2019


First love of wild boys

By Niftyboy (niftyboy01@gmail.com)

Chapter 2: Before the first time

Aaron and Sokun sat down on their towels close to each other. They talked and giggled and felt so at ease with each other as if they had known each other since years. They had similar interests and laughed about the same jokes. When one started a sentence, the other could complete it. The laughed and snuggled even closer together and forgot everything around them. Sokun completely forgot about his nudity. Usually he was very awkward and nervous when naked, but now he did not even think about it and all his thoughts only revolved around his new friend.

After a while, Aaron moved closer and wrapped his legs around Sokun, facing him. He purred happily and put his head on Sokun's shoulder and gently caressed his back and sides.

"We just met, but I love you so much already," he whispered and sighed.

Sokun wrapped his legs around Aaron too and the two kids pressed against each other. Both sighed when they felt their stiff cocklets touching.

"I love you too, I can't even say how much," Sokun whispered and pulled his new lover even closer.

The beach was packed now, and they were surrounded by sunbathers, but the two boys did not care. Their erections were not easily visible, but it was obvious to everyone around them that they were excited and in love. Sokun kissed Aaron's neck and the boy tilted his head back to bare his long throat. Sokun licked and kissed the throat and felt the slight bulge of the developing Adam's apple of the kid.

"Can you stay with me tonight?" Aaron whispered.

"Yes, my parents are away for a three weeks," Sokun replied and felt Aaron pressing even tighter against him.

"My aunt is away for a few days too," Aaron whispered and the two boys became even more excited.

"What...what do you want to do? I have never, you know...with boys...?" Sokun said shyly.

"I haven't done much either. I jerked off and let others watch and once, a man cummed on my face," Aaron whispered.

"But I have been thinking about it since years," he added.

"Me too, since I get stiff. And what do you think about?" Sokun asked, trying to cautiously find out what Aaron wanted to do.

"To be fucked and...I don't know how to say it...promise, you don't laugh?" Aaron whispered and for once was too shy to continue.

"Don't worry. I love everything with you and of you," Sokun said softly and let his hands glide down to Aaron's buttocks.

"Once when my aunt was away, I stayed up and watched TV late at night. There was a movie with cowboys and sex and stuff, and one Native American was kneeling and had his wrists tied behind his back. He was wearing only a tiny loincloth and was nearly naked. It turned me so on and I jerked off like crazy," Aaron said and blushed a bit.

Sokun did not reply but reached down and grabbed Aaron's wrists. He pinned Aaron's arms behind his back and the boy reacted at once. He moaned softly and arched his back and began breathing harder.

"You like that, don't you?" Sokun asked softly.

"You like being a helpless boy, naked and tied?" Sokun whispered and Aaron moaned into his mouth and nodded.

Sokun clamped his hand around the wrists of the kid and tugged and made the boy moan louder. It was obvious that the kid got excited by being helpless and the harder Sokun clamped his hand around his wrists, the more Aaron arched his back and leaned his head back and submitted to him.

Sokun leaned over him and kissed him hard and pushed his tongue inside Aaron's mouth. They stared into each other's eyes while Sokun's tongue probed and wiggled and made Aaron whimper and gargle.

Aaron was leaning back slightly and pressed his boycock against Sokun's shaft. Suddenly Sokun felt his lover tense and the cocklet twitch against his shaft. Aaron whimpered and squirted a glob of boycum over Sokun's penis. The boy moaned and spasmed and was gripped by a violent orgasm that seemed to go on forever. At last, Aaron's climax slowly abated, and he sighed.

"I came," he whispered into Sokun's mouth.

Sokun smiled and nodded and they broke the kiss. The Asian kid rubbed Aaron's chest and abs and could not get enough of the feeling of the silky-smooth skin. After some time, they had calmed down sufficiently to get up and walk into the water to wipe off the cum and cool down. They were too much in love and their thoughts revolved only around each other for them to notice the grins of the nearby sunbathers who were all quite aware what the two boys had been up to.

The boys laughed and screeched and splashed around. The swam and wrestled playfully and enjoyed the cool sea. Suddenly they realized that the sun was already quite close to the horizon. They stepped out of the water and walked back to their towels.

"Do you want to come to my place? We can order some food," Aaron suggested.

Sokun smiled happily and nodded.

Aaron kneeled beside his backpack and pulled out his clothes. He got up and wiggled into into ultra-skimpy, artfully torn shorts and a tank top.

"OMG, you look so hot," Sokun gushed.

"Thanks," Aaron grinned and wiggled enticingly with his hips.

Sokun put his towel into his backpack and straightened up.

"I left my shorts close to the entrance," he said sheepishly.

"I wanted to force myself to go nude. I was not sure if I would have had the courage," he added and blushed a bit.

"I am glad you did. Your body is so beautiful, you should never hide it," Aaron said softly and took his hand.

They walked to the fence and Sokun went off to get his shorts. Fortunately, they were still there, and he put them on and walked back to Aaron.

"That's all you are wearing?" Aaron asked surprised when he saw his new lover clad only in skimpy running shorts.

"I wanted to force myself to go to the nude beach. They are too skimpy to wear at the normal beach," Sokun explained and smiled shyly.

"You look great in them. They don't even fully cover your hot butt," Aaron said and licked his lips.

"Let's go and get our bicycles," Aaron said and opened the wooden door to the family beach.

Sokun smiled nervously and took a deep breath and entered the public beach behind Aaron.

As usual, there was a large crowd of sunbathers close to the fence. They were mostly men who stared at them, some openly, some only out of the corner of their eyes. It was a weird feeling and the two boys quickly walked away.

It was holiday season and Saturday and the beach was absolutely packed with people. There seemed to be no free space anymore for even a single towel. Sokun's heart was beating quickly and he was keenly aware that quite a few people stared at them. He wished that they had waited until the sun was down, but it was too late now.

Aaron was close beside him, both walking barefoot in the warm sand. He felt Aaron's hand brushing against his. He glanced over to him and Aaron smiled, a bit shyly and nervously. Sokun took a deep breath, then he interlaced his fingers with Aaron's. His heart was hammering, and Aaron squeezed his hand and held him tightly. He blushed and did not dare to look at the people who were sitting at the beach and watching the two boys holding hands.

Sokun was afraid and nervous but the feeling was wonderful. He had been dreaming of this moment for months and it now had become finally real. It felt even better than in his dream. The looked at each other again and again and smiled.

"Hey Aaron, hey Sokun," they suddenly heard a girl shouting.

Sokun tensed and felt cold sweat breaking out all over his body. He wanted to let go of Aaron's hand, but the boy held him tightly.

"Hi, Olivia," Aaron yelled back and dragged Sokun after him to a group of kids from school.

There were eight of them, five girls and three boys, all from their school and a few years older than them. They were sitting on their towels and a large cooler filled with cold drinks.

"Come, sit down. Where had you been? We haven't seen you," one of the girls asked.

The boys glanced at each other and then sat down in the sand. A youth offered them two cans of coke which they emptied quickly and smiled gratefully.

"Where have you been? Tell us?" the curious girl asked and obviously would continue asking until she received an answer.

Sokun was trying frantically to find a plausible answer, when Aaron answered for them.

"We were at the nude beach," he answered matter-of-factly.

Sokun gasped and blushed furiously. He did not know what to do or say and finally looked down. His thoughts were racing as he imagined ever more disastrous scenarios when everyone would know that he had been at the nude beach.

"Oh wow, that's so cool," the girl said and everyone nodded and nobody made a fuss.

Sokun looked up and tried to relax. He was sitting cross-legged beside Aaron, and his ultra- skimpy shorts where riding up, exposing large parts of his taut buttocks.

"By the way, I love your shorts," another girl remarked, somewhat teasingly.

"Usually Aaron has the skimpiest shorts, but you really beat him, " she added and grinned.

"Wait till you see my new short-shorts," Aaron replied and smiled.

Sokun squirmed and blushed but his nervousness and embarrassment slowly abated when he listened to the playful banter. After chatting and laughing for a while, he even tentatively moved his hand to touch the one of Aaron. The boy was chatting animatedly with a girl but wiggled his fingers, signaling consent. Sokun glanced at his new lover, and then placed his hand over Aaron's.

Once Aaron and the girl stopped chatting, there was a lull, but only for a short time.

"So, are you two a couple now?" the curious girl asked.

Before Sokun could say anything, Aaron looked over to him and then smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I guess so," the boy answered with a big, happy grin pasted all over his face.

"OMG, that's so nice, you are such a cute couple," another girl exclaimed.

One of the boys noticed the discomfort and embarrassment of Sokun and grinned at him.

"Don't worry, it's OK. Everybody knew that you were into boys. It's no big deal," the youth said and shrugged.

"Oh...really?" Sokun asked shyly and everybody nodded.

"Yes, really, everybody knew except you. It's no biggie," the youth replied and grinned.

Sokun relaxed and smiled and participated in the good-natured joking and soon chatted animatedly to. He let his hand slide down along the back of Aaron and his finger brushing against the bare skin of the buttock of the boy that was exposed by a long slash at the back of his shorts.

He rubbed gently with the tip of his finger and Aaron glanced over to him and smiled. Sokun grinned and continued chatting while his finger explored the smooth skin and was gliding up and down and even managed to squeeze slightly inside the shorts.

Aaron's hand moved closer to Sokun and soon rubbed against his hips. Sokun's running shorts were split nearly all the way at the sides. When he was sitting cross-legged as now, nearly all of his buttocks was exposed and Aarons finger slid over it and touched and rubbed his lover. Sokun got excited quickly and shifted and placed his hand over his bulge, trying to hide it.

After they had been chatting for an hour or so, Aaron became impatient.

"I think we should go. We have to get our bicycles and go to my place and get something to eat and then..." he said and trailed off and had a sly grin on his face.

"So you two boys want to have fun?" one of the girl commented and everyone laughed.

Aaron smiled happily, then without warning he leaned over to Sokun and kissed him passionately. Sokun gasped surprised and could not resist and replied to the kiss by opening his mouth wide to let Aaron's tongue in. The two boys moaned, and their tongues wiggled and fought. Finally they broke the kiss and smiled sheepishly, both breathing hard.

"I really think you should get home before you do it here and get kicked out by the guards," a boy commented and pointed to a swim guard who was watching the group of youths with a stern expression.

"Oops," Aaron whispered and the two kids breathed deeply to calm down.

Once their cocks were sufficiently soft, they got up and waved their friends goodbye. Sokun reached out and took Aaron's hand and smiled proudly. They walked along the beach and arrived finally at the bicycle rack. They got their bikes and started pedaling.

Aaron drove slightly behind Sokun so that he could enjoy the sight of the flexing buttocks of his lover. After a few minutes they arrived at a small house in a nice, quiet suburb. It had a large garden that was surrounded by high bushes and trees.

"That looks really cozy," said Sokun, who lived with his parents in a small apartment closer to the center in the city.

"Yes, I live here with my aunt. She is an artist. The whole suburb is a kind of area where lots of artists live," Aaron explained.

They left their bicycles beside the house and entered. The house was very sparely but elegantly furnished, with furniture that was all light wood or polished chrome and glass. The living room was large and took up the entire lower floor of the house and was combined with an open kitchen.

There were a few paintings on the walls, Sokun stepped closer to examine a painting of a boy sitting on a rock and looking out to the sea. The boy was painted slightly from behind and seemed to be naked except for a thin string around his waist and one leading down and disappearing between the taut buttocks.

"Is that you?" Sokun asked, somewhat incredulous.

"Yes, my aunt painted me. I sometimes model for her," Aaron explained.

"Do you like it?" he asked as he stood close beside his lover.

Sokun just nodded. The painting was incredibly erotic. It showed Aaron sitting with one leg stretched and one bent and with his back arched slightly. Every curve of his body was graceful and beautiful. His aunt had perfectly captured the light reflecting off the silky skin of the boy. Aaron had his head tilted back slightly as if gazing up into the sky and had on hand on his thigh.

"There are more paintings. I am sure she will give you one, if you want," Aaron said softly.

"And I am sure she will paint one of us together," he added.

"But first, let's eat. I haven't eaten all day. Pizza?" he asked and took out his phone.

"Yea, pizza, I am starving," Sokun agreed.

The boys ordered and soon got the message that it would take half an hour for the pizzas to arrive.

"Come, let's dress up for dinner," Aaron said with a twinkle in his eyes.

He ran up the stairs, followed by Aaron. They entered Aaron's bedroom. For Sokun who lived in a small apartment with his parents the room was huge. It had a king-sized futon on the floor and a desk and chairs and a bookshelf and a large cloth cabinet.

"I so love hot clothes. I don't wear much, but I have a lot of skimpy stuff," Aaron said and winked.

He opened the cabinet and took out a pair of shorts.

"OMG," was all that Sokun could say when he saw the shorts.

Aaron grinned and wiggled out of his tank top and then took off his shorts.

He stood naked before Sokun, his boycock slightly engorged.

He reached into the cabined and showed Sokun a tiny piece of fabric. Then he wiggled into it and Sokun smiled and thought it was the piece of clothing Aaron had been wearing on the painting.

"Do you like it? It is called a 'string'" Aaron asked and slowly turned around.

Sokun's heart was beating quickly and he was acutely aware that he was fully erect and that his shorts showed a bulge. The tiny string seemed as insubstantial as possible without it not covering anything at all. The strings were thin, and the pouch was made of a thin, fine mesh that showed the semi-erect penis under it. The size of the pouch was such that it just about covered the penis but not more.

"It...it looks hot..." Sokun managed to sigh.

Aaron wiggled into the shorts and Sokun had to sigh again. Girls were sometimes wearing hot pants that were as skimpy as the one Aaron was wearing now. But Aaron's shorts were so shredded and torn that it seemed impossible that they were holding together. The slashes exposed vast amounts of skin of the buttocks and of his hip. They were so low that his g-strings were sticking out at the sides and at the back.

"Do you really want to wear them...you know...outside?" Sokun asked incredulously.

"Hmm, sure, and so will you," Aaron replied and reached into the cabinet and took out another string and a second pair of shorts.

"Come, put it on, I want you to wear something sexy," Aaron said and began tugging at Sokun's running shorts.

He pulled them down and revealed the raging erection of the boy. Sokun smiled shyly and wiggled into the strings and tried to cover his stiff cocklet with the narrow pouch. He just about managed it and then put on the shorts which were at least as skimpy and slashed as Aaron's. He felt the warm air on his bared buttocks and hips. Aaron reached out to rub his exposed buttocks.

"We look so slutty," he sighed and pressed against Sokun and let him feel his erection.

"Let's go for a walk after the pizzas. I so want to be seen together with you," Aaron whispered and sucked at Sokun's tongue..

Then they heard the doorbell ringing.

"You get it," Aaron said and stepped back.

"Ah...like this?" Sokun asked nervously and Aaron nodded.

"Sure, you have to get used to it."

Aaron gulped but then hurried down the stairs. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

The pizza courier greeted him and raised her eyebrows but did not otherwise comment. Sokun took the pizzas and then smiled embarrassedly that he had no money for a tip.

"I guessed so; your shorts are too small for pockets. But you look good, kid," the young woman replied and grinned and waved and left.

Both kids were hungry from having been at the beach all day and tore into their pizzas. They fed each other slices and laughed and giggled. Once the finished they huddled close together on the couch and chatted.

"Let's go for a walk before we..." Aaron suggested and trailed off suggestively.

"Like this?" Sokun asked, still not quite believing that Aaron would even think about going out of the house in their shorts.

"No, of course not. I have some tops to put on," Aaron replied.

He ran up to his room and came back soon with two tank tops. Sokun put it on and realized that the top was artfully slashed and cropped and left a large part of his midriff bare.

"You have such an awesome body," Aaron gushed while he wiggled into his equally cropped top.

He took Sokun's hand and half dragged him outside. Sokun was grateful that the street outside was nearly empty. The traffic was very sparse and there were no pedestrians. They walked slowly and hand-in-hand. They did not talk but glanced at each other from time to time and smiled lovingly.

They walked by small houses, all with gardens with trees and bushes. The suburb was nice and clearly well-off. It was obvious that many artists lived here. There were statues and sculptures in many of the gardens and quite a number of the houses were extraordinary and themselves works of art and ranged from the ultra-modern to one that looked similar to the house of the Flintstone's.

After the boys strolled for about a quarter hour, a few shops and small malls appeared and they met some pedestrians. Sokun tensed but Aaron put his arm around his waist and pulled him closer. Aaron seemed to know everyone they met, and they stopped often and chatted. Aaron was completely open about their relationship and introduced Sokun as his boyfriend to everyone.

They arrived at an area consisting mostly of small shops and art galleries. There were more people around and Sokun was acutely aware that he was barefoot and was wearing less than most people were wearing at the beach. There were quite a few whistles when they walked slowly by the galleries and people who walked by them stared after them and some even turned their heads. But nobody looked angrily and most smiled and enjoyed the sight of the boys who were so obviously in love.

Aaron stopped before a small gallery.

"Look, that's the gallery of my aunt," he said and Sokun looked at the paintings behind the window.

"Oh my god, that's you again," he said and pointed at one of the paintings.

The painting was much more suggestive and erotic than the one that he saw before at Aaron's place. The boy was posing on all fours and was painted from behind. He was completely naked and Sokun could see the gleaming buttocks and hairless crack and even the small bulbs of his balls. On the paining, Aaron had his head turned toward the viewer with an expression of longing and lust, with his lips slightly parted. It was only suggested on the painting, but Sokun had the impression that the penis was fully rigid.

"Were you hard?" Sokun leaned in and whispered.

Aaron smiled and nodded.

"Yes, posing makes me always stiff," he admitted and pointed to another painting.

It was even more suggestive, showing Aaron sitting cross-legged and from the front. The boy had his back arched and his head tilted back, and his face showed an expression of ultimate bliss. Both his hands were in his crotch, covering his penis.

"Here I just squirted," Aaron said even though it was quite obvious.

"But tonight I don't want to play with myself to squirt. I want you to fuck my cum out of me," he whispered and reached down and rubbed Sokun's bulge.

"I want to try everything with you," he moaned into Sokun's ear while he rubbed and squeezed his bulge.

Sokun whimpered and was glad that it was quite dark already and the only light came out of the window of the gallery. Aaron kissed him and pressed him against the window and continued to rub the bulge.

"Please...stop...," Sokun moaned and tried to squirm away.

But Aaron did not relent and continue groping Sokun's bulge. He felt the outline of the boy's stiff penis and squeezed it with is fingers. Sokun moaned helplessly and his eyes widened. He tensed and his legs buckled, and he squirted. The pouch of his string was just a fine mesh and unable to hold back the watery semen. It squeezed through the mesh and a damp spot formed on the front of his skimpy shorts. Aaron did not stop rubbing and Sokun continued to whimper and spasm and drycum.

At last, Aaron had pity and took his hand away and licked his palm.

"Hmmm, so nice," he sighed and smiled innocently at his lover.

"Let's go home. I really can't wait anymore until you stick it into me," he whispered.

Sokun just nodded and was still catching his breath. Aaron took his hand and they walked back. This time both kids could barely wait until they arrived home and half-ran. Their bare feet slapped against the warm asphalt as they hurried home. Sokun was so excited that he completely forgot that he was half naked and his shorts moist with his semen.

They arrive at Aaron's house and stumbled in, already kissing each other wildly. Aaron let himself slide down on the floor in the living room and Sokun pressed down on him. The Asian boy was nearly out of his mind with lust and humped down on Aaron and moaned and gasped. Aaron reached between them and tried to open his shorts. He managed to open the buttons and Sokun moaned louder and pushed the shorts down and kicked them off. Sokun did not bother to take off his strings but merely pulled the cummy pouch aside. Aaron fiddled with his shorts and lifted his hips and pushed them down. Sokun was too excited to let him take them off completely and as soon as they were down at Aaron's knees, he grabbed Aaron's string and pulled it down. Then he thrusted frantically down and the two cocklets pressed and rubbed against each other. It took only seconds before the boys climaxed. Sokun shuddered and pinned Aaron down and their semen splashed out and formed a puddle on Aaron's tummy.

Sokun moaned and shoved and pressed down while he climaxed. Eventually the boys sighed and calmed down slightly. They kissed and lay on top of each other while their cocklets softened slightly.

"Do you want to come inside me?" Aaron whispered and looked deep into Sokun's eyes.

The Asian boy looked back at him and nodded.

"I am a bit afraid. I am very tight, and it even hurts when I press my small finger inside me," he said, sounding slightly nervous.

"We just try. I will stop when it hurts you," Sokun said softly.

He slid off Aaron and got up and looked at him. He pushed his soggy strings down and stepped out of them. Aaron sat up and took his strings off too and Sokun pulled him up. Both kids were excited and nervous as they walked up the stairs to Aaron's room.

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