Wild Boys

By Nifty Boy

Published on Nov 26, 2019


First love of wild boys

By Niftyboy (niftyboy01@gmail.com)

Chapter 1: At the nude beach

Sokun's heart was hammering when he walked along the beach. He was wearing sunglasses and desperately hoped that nobody would recognize him. It was a hot morning and his long summer holidays had started just a week ago. Whenever he could, he was at the beach, alone or with his friends. He loved the sea and beach since he was a toddler. He loved swimming in the sea and playing beach volleyball with friends or just laying lazily in the sun. He lived close to San Diego and the it was possible nearly all year to be at the beach and the summers were nearly endless.

But since a few months he had been thinking of going to the part of the beach that was clothing optional. He had been curious about that nude beach since years but since this spring, he had been thinking about going there more and more. He had been wondering how it must be to be there naked, and with walking around and swimming without wearing anything.

His parents had gone away for a few days, and he finally had managed to collect his courage. He had often been at the beach with his parents or with his friends and had glanced surreptitiously over to the wooden fence that divided the "normal" beach from the part where people could sunbath and swim in the nude. His friends from school often joked and giggled when they watched people walking towards the fence and opening the door to enter the nude part of the beach. Sokun had joined in and joked too, but deep down he was incredibly curious and wanted to go there too. He tended to sit not too far away from the dividing fence to the nude beach and watched the people walking towards it and then going through the door.

His parents had left for three weeks and left him alone. They thought that he was old enough now for his parents to finally enjoy long vacations in Cambodia and visiting family. Sokun enthusiastically agreed and promised to call his parents daily and to eat properly. His parents had left the day before and Sokun had barely been able to sleep. He had masturbated furiously and many times, and finally had managed to fall into an uneasy slumber. He had woken very early and the wait had been unbearable, and the hours had seemed to crawl. He had woken very early long before sunrise, and the wait had been unbearable, and the hours had seemed to crawl.

But the sun had finally risen, and it was morning shortly before nine o'clock and the beach was nearly empty. Sokun knew his friends went rarely so early to the beach. Despite this, he had put on sunglasses and was looking down and did not look into the faces of the few sunbathers who were already relaxing at the beach. He knew that his courage might leave him and for this reason he was wearing only his running shorts and carried a small backpack containing a towel and some food. By not bringing any swimwear he wanted to force himself to really go naked. And his running shorts were so skimpy that he did not want to be seen in them by his friends, which would give him additional impetus to really go to the clothing optional section of the beach. The bicycle ride from his home to the beach had been scary and he hoped that no neighbor had seen him wearing so little.

He walked along the beach and finally saw the wooden fence ahead of him. His heart was beating faster and faster, the more he approached it. It was about two yards high, made of wooden, weather-beaten planks and high enough that the nude beach was hidden from sight from even the most curious voyeurs.

A few sunbathers were laying and sitting close to the fence and were very obviously staring at him. There was always quite a large group of mostly men just beside the fence. Despite his nervousness Sokun felt strangely superior to them. They were always sitting here and watching people walk over to the nude beach, but he was actually doing it.

He nearly turned around when he saw the early sunbathers staring hungrily at him, but then he took a deep breath and walked towards the rickety door. He looked down but still felt the eyes of the sunbathers on him. There was a big sign attached to the fence that proclaimed that the beach behind the fence was clothing optional and that children were absolutely not allowed to enter. Sokun wondered if he was old enough, but now that he was so close to it, he did not want to go back. And anyway, the longer he waited, the more he was exposed to the stares of the sunbathers sitting close by.

He felt waves of heat flowing through him and his hands were shaking when he opened the door. It creaked and he had to pull strongly. He squeezed through and quickly closed it behind himself. His heart was hammering inside his chest and he was shaking uncontrollably. He was still staring fixedly down at the sand. Then he slowly lifted his head and looked around.

The beach was empty, and it seemed that he was the first one to arrive. The beach was beautiful and clean and reached as far as he could see. It looked somewhat wilder than the family beach, with bushes and small trees and reeds closer to the water, and nearby a forest. There was a mesh fence surrounding the entire beach and forest to ensure that nobody could enter. Ahead were a few sheds which would open later and sell drinks and ice cream and a sturdier shed with a bathroom sign on it.

Sokun glanced nervously around. He was breathing deeply and then reached down and pushed his shorts down and stepped out of them. It seemed barely possible, but his heart was now beating even harder. He squatted and quickly packed his shorts into this backpack and took out a small towel. He straightened up and looked around nervously, but he was still alone. He did not want to be tempted to put his shorts back on. He spotted a large, thorny bush growing next to the fence, about fifty yards away from the door. He walked over to the bush and hid his small backpack behind it. Without knowing where to look, the backpack was difficult to spot and Sokun felt safe that nobody would steal it. He was left only with the towel that was too small to wrap around his hips and his wallet that contained a few dollars to buy something to drink and ice cream.

He began breathing deeply and desperately hoped that he would not get an erection. Since a while he was getting stiff in the most awkward situations and seemingly without provocation. Of course, he knew that he had entered puberty and that hormones were raging inside his body. But it was still very frightening, and he dreaded every sports lesson at school with the communal showering afterwards.

He was glad that he at least had the small towel. If he were to get one of his unwanted erections, he could use it to cover his crotch. He slung the towel over his shoulder and walked towards the sheds. He read the sign on the ice cream stand that stated that it would open from 11am to 8pm.

He walked down along the beach and found a nice spot. He walked over to it and placed his towel next to a large bush. He glanced around and saw that he was still the only person. He sat down and felt very proud that he had finally come to the nude beach after having dreamed about it since months.

At least he did not to have to worry about getting a sunburn. His parents were initially from Cambodia and his skin was quite dark, combined with raven black straight hair and almond shaped eyes.

He remained sitting for a while, then he got up and walked towards the water. Just then he saw a man stepping through the door in the fence and entering the nude section of the beach. Sokun nearly panicked and half-ran into the water and swam out into the sea. The water was warm and the sea calm. He swam and glanced over to the man who was spreading his towel and then stripped.

Sokun's heart was beating quickly again and he felt to his shock that his penis was rigid. Fortunately, he was in the water and nobody could see it. He began treading water and breathing deeply and after a while he felt his penis softening. After a few minutes he felt secure enough to walk out of the water. He looked down nervously to check that his penis did not do something naughty, but it remained small and soft. He quickly walked back to his towel and sat down.

Behind the bush he spotted a sun-bleached magazine that somebody had forgotten. He reached out and grabbed it and began reading, or at least he pretended to. He was much too excited to actually take in anything that he was reading and every few minutes he had to start with the beginning of the article again.

He was sitting on his towel and glanced around and observed how slowly people were arriving. Most sunbathers were putting their towels down closer to the food stalls and he remained alone in his section of the beach. Many of the people arrived singly, but there were also pairs and larger groups. At least two thirds of the sunbathers were men, and most were older, probably around forty years old on average.

He saw that it was nearly midday. He felt an unpleasant pressure from his bladder and realized that he had to pee.

He hesitated, but then he thought that it would be better to go now rather than later when more people would be around. He got up and walked over to the food stalls. He saw that some of the naked men and women glanced over to him and he smiled shyly. He quickly entered the urinal and stood before a trough and tried to let go. He was too nervous, and it took some time before he was sufficiently relaxed for his pee to gush out. To his horror, the stream started to harden and spray around when his penis decided to stiffen at this most inconvenient moment. He heard an amused chuckle and froze. Of course, he was unable to stop the jet of pee which continued to spray against the wall of the urinal.

"Don't worry, kid. That's normal at your age," an older man said tolerantly and stood next to him and let go.

"I...I am very sorry," Sokun murmured and blushed.

He had to push his stiff penis down so that he managed to hit the wall. Fortunately, the jet of pee soon weakened and then stopped. When he let go of his penis, it slapped against his hairless pubis and pointed rigidly up.

"It's fine. It's so small that nobody will notice it," the man joked and then turned to wash his hands.

Sokun did the same and saw himself in the mirror, with his boycock pointing resolutely up.

"Come, you can walk out behind me," the man suggested and patted him on his back and left the urinal.

Sokun quickly followed him and looked down. Like all young teens, he thought himself to be the center of the universe, and he was sure that quite a few people saw his raging erection and that he would be the main topic of discussions for months, if not years.

He followed the man until they had left the food stalls behind. Then he murmured a quick "thank you" to the kind man and then half-ran back to his towel. Fortunately, he was still alone, and he quickly lay down on his front. His erection pressed against his flat tummy but after some time he felt his penis soften.

He remained lying on his front and placed his head on his elbows and closed his eyes. His heart was still beating quickly and began hammering whenever he heard somebody walking by. Over time more people arrived, and he heard talking and laughter and splashing when people dove into the water. It did not sound any different from the other beach, apart from the fact that there were no children around.

He kept his eyes closed and finally began relaxing. The part of the beach where he was staying began filling up slowly. He opened his eyes to a slit and saw that there were already about two dozen people around, but none closer than about twenty yards. There were more men than women and quite a few couples or groups of people sitting together.

His heart began beating quickly and his penis stiffened within seconds when he saw two men walking by, holding hands. At school there was a cute boy who was rumored to be gay. Sokun was laughing with the other kids when they talked about the boy and kept far away from him, but he felt getting hot and excited every time he saw him at school. The boy was very cute and was often wearing skimpy shorts and tank tops and was even wearing an anklet. Once he saw him outside a cinema with some older teens and wearing even skimpier cutoff shorts that were artfully slashed and exposed vast amounts of bare skin of his buttocks. Every time he masturbated, he was thinking about the boy and how he had looked like before the cinema. And one of his dreams when her jerked off was to walk hand-in-hand with the cute kid.

Sokun closed his eyes and concentrated on calming down and becoming soft again. He gradually relaxed and his breathing steadied. He fell into a state between sleeping and wakefulness. He felt the soft breeze against his naked skin and the hot sun shining down on him. He sighed and lay flat on his towel, his arms stretched out beside him. He listened to the sounds of the beach. He heard the rustling of leaves and the voices of people who walked along the shore and further away at the food stands and the cries of the seagulls. He felt pleasantly sleepy while he listened to the beach becoming increasingly populated by sun-worshippers. He was in a wonderfully relaxed state and only moved when a particularly annoying fly was tickling him. He was very happy that he had found the courage to go to the nude beach after he had dreamed about it for months.

Suddenly he heard somebody putting down a towel close beside him. It was so close that he even felt the wind caused by the towel when it flapped and was spread out beside him. He kept his eyes resolutely shut but all his senses were focused on what was happening beside him. He heard the sound of clothes being taken off and of a bag being opened, and then of somebody sitting down. He heard the soft breathing sounds of a person sitting less than a yard beside him.

He did not dare to open his eyes and pretended to be asleep. He listened to the sound of breathing and of the person moving and had the impression that it was a kid like himself. He did not know why he thought that, he simply felt it. Finally, he took all his courage together and opened his eyes to a tiny slit. Through his long eyelashes he could make out smooth tanned hips and part of a thigh and of the upper body. He didn't see clearly with his squinted eyes, but it was definitely a boy and slim and golden-brown tanned. The all-over tan suggested that the kid came here frequently.

The boy moved and lay down on his front beside Sokun. The Asian boy quickly closed his eyes completely, afraid to be caught looking. Despite his closed eyes, he felt the nearness of the naked body beside him. All his senses were concentrated on the kid beside him and he heard the soft breathing of the boy beside and the soft, rustling sounds when he moved slightly.

Suddenly he felt something warm and soft touching his foot. Sokun froze and stopped breathing. At first, he did not know what was happening. But then he felt clearly that a toe was brushing against his foot. He did not move and did not give any indication that he had felt the touch since he did not know if it had been only an inadvertent touch when the boy next to him had spread his thighs. But the toe remained touching his foot and did not move away. Sokun senses were now all focused on his foot and after a while he felt the toe moving and wiggling slightly. Sokun was both afraid and close to panic and at the same time excited. He felt his penis becoming fully erect within seconds under him.

It was clear now that the boy next to him was brushing his toe against his foot on purpose. The touch was light but steady. The toe moved slowly up and down along the side of his foot. Sokun's head was on his towel and turned towards the side of the boy, his eyes shut. Then he felt a second touch of an elbow brushing against his. Sokun did not move and was breathing shallowly. The kid was pressing slightly stronger with his elbows. Sokun's heart was nearly bursting out of his chest and he felt his penis throbbing and pressing against him. He took all his courage together and pressed lightly back.

This was all it took for the kid next to him to slide closer. He must have been nearly on his towel and Sokun could feel the heat of the naked body beside him. Sokun pretended to be sleeping and tried to breath slowly and deeply, as if he were dozing in the sun. He shifted slightly and moved his head and even pretended to snore softly. The pressure of the elbow was stronger, and he now also felt a knee brushing against his thigh.

Sokun spread his thighs slightly and was rewarded with the feeling of the knee pushing back. There could be no doubt anymore. The kid next to him was clearly touching him on purpose. The toe of the boy moved and now brushed gently along his sole. It took all the self-control that Sokun could muster to not start to squirm and giggle when he felt the ticklish touch.

He open his eyes a tiny bit. His head was looking down and looked down along the side of the boy. The thigh of the kid was half on his towel. The kid was turned a bit to his side and Sokun saw the glistening cockhead of a stiff boycock peeking out slightly.

Sokun did not move and it took all of his control to continue to breath slowly and deeply. He stared fascinated at the half-visible cocklet. The penis was small and slender and rock hard, peeking out slightly and it seemed obvious that the boy had exposed it on purpose, in the hope that he would see it.

Sokun moved his leg slightly and pretended to stretch in his sleep. He turned slightly on his side too, making his stiff boycock visible to the kid beside him. He sighed and playacted to stretch and move while pretending to sleep and spread his thigh to press it against the kid.

The boy slide even closer and Sokun could feel the heat of the naked body. The kid was half on his towel now. Sokun could not pretend to sleep anymore.

He slowly opened his eyes and pretended to wake up. He yawned and his eyelids began to flutter, and he stretched languidly. He was not a very good actor, and later the boy told him that he had not been fooled for even one seconds and always knew that Sokun had been awake the entire time.

"Hi," the boy said softly.

"Oh hi," Sokun murmured and tried to act as he was slowly waking up.

He opened his eyes and gasped and froze. He recognized the boy lying beside him. It was the cute boy from school about whom he had just thought and who was his secret desire whenever he jerked off.

"H...hi," he stammered and tried desperately to act cool and did not know what to say.

"Hi, I know you from school," the kid said.

The boy turned and sat up and smiled down at him.

"Hmmm, yes...I...I am Sokun," he replied nervously.

"Hi Sokun, I am Aaron. I saw you often at school."

Sokun finally shifted and turned and sat up. He pulled his knees close to his chest and tried to hide his genitals. Aaron was sitting cross-legged, his sleek penis still semi-erect but softening slowly. He could clearly see the small, hairless balls attached to the base of his softening penis.

"It's so nice to meet you. I have often seen you, but we never talked," Aaron continued.

Sokun slowly relaxed slightly and managed to smile.

"Yes, it's really nice to see you. Ah, are you often here?" Sokun asked, somewhat cautiously.

"Yes, I am usually here during summer. I like swimming and sunbathing naked" the kid replied.

"And you?" he added.

"It's my first time here," Sokun admitted.

"Wow, I am so lucky then," Aaron said with a wide and happy grin.

"It's nice that we finally meet. I always wanted to chat with you," the kid added.

"Oh really, with me...?" Sokun said astonished and could barely believe that to be true.

"Yes, you seemed really nice. And you kinda stand out, there are few Asian kids at our school," Aaron explained.

"Ah yes, that's true. My parents are from Cambodia," Sokun explained.

Aaron nodded and smiled. He had a crush on Sokun since long and had been surprised when he saw him alone at the beach. Now that he was close to the Asian kid, he was stuck by how cute he was. His skin was a bronze-brown and he was fascinated by the fact that his taut ballsacks were a slightly darker brown. His face was beautiful with slanted, almond shaped eyes and a small nose. He had a cute bob-cut and his hair was so black that it seemed bluish. His body was muscular in a lean way.

Sokun was equally fascinated by Aaron. The boy was blond but often changed his hair color. At the moment he had it colored light blue, which made him look somewhat like a pixie. His hair was floppy and longer in the front and he often had to brush it away from his eyes. He was skinnier than Sokun and half a head taller. Like Sokun he was perfectly smooth, and his skin had a beautiful light golden-brown tan. His face was less round than Sokun's and he had a long, slender neck. Together they made a striking and very cute couple.

"You look cute, by the way," Aaron said with a smile and glanced down at Sokun's crotch.

Sokun looked down and saw to his horror that his boycock was rock hard and flat against his pubis.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry," he said and blushed furiously.

"Why sorry? It's normal," Aaron replied and shrugged.

"Do you want me to take care of it?"

"Hmmm...?" Sokun mumbled, not really understanding what the kid meant.

Aaron turned and sat cross-legged beside Sokun. He glanced around but they were reasonably hidden with the bush beside them. On the other side were few people and nobody looked over to them. Aaron glanced around again to be sure that they were unobserved, then he bent over Sokun's crotch. The Asian boy was too shocked to even protest. He felt the soft hair of the boy brushing against him, followed by the feeling of a wet, warm tongue that slid and wiggled over his cockhead and slit.

Sokun did not move and desperately hoped that nobody would notice what Aaron was doing. The kid wrapped his soft lips around his glans and began suckling. Sokun suppressed a moan and stared fixedly ahead. Aaron's head bobbed slightly and Sokun felt his lips moving against his shaft, clenched tightly and squeezing him. It was as he was masturbating, but it felt a thousand times better. The mouth of Aaron was hot and wet, and he made soft gargling and sucking noises.

Sokun did not dare to move even though he saw that Aaron's penis was rock hard too and he felt a nearly irresistible urge to reach over to touch it. He remained sitting, his hands slightly behind him in the sand. The only sign of his excitement was his smooth chest which was rising and falling quickly.

"I am close," he whispered nervously when he felt an orgasm approaching.

Aaron simply nodded and continued sucking and clamped his lips even tighter around Sokun's shaft. Sokun suppressed a moan and tensed, then his semen squirted from his slit. Aaron moaned excitedly and suckled and licked Sokun's glans to provoke him to ejaculate another glob of cum. Sokun closed his eyes and whimpered and then tensed again and expelled a second droplet of semen. Aaron continued to suckle for a few more seconds, then he lifted his head.

He parted his lips and showed the Asian boy the gooey, watery droplet of boycum on his tongue. Then he gulped it down and sat up and smiled happily. Sokun was still breathing hard and was speechless. He stared at the kid and did not know at first whether to be excited or shocked or both. But soon a big smile spread over his face. Aaron grinned too and licked his lips.

"You taste very nice," he commented.

Then the kid got up, clearly not caring that his boycock was fully erect. He placed himself before Sokun, his back towards where the people closest to them were sitting. Sokun stared at the slender cocklet before him. It was small and thin, but the exposed cockhead was engorged and flared and glistening with slippery precum.

"I have never done it," Sokun said and sounded embarrassedly.

"Don't worry, it's easy," Aaron said softly and thrust his hips forward slightly.

His cocklet brushed against Aaron's lips and he tasted for the first time the precum of another boy. He glanced around nervously, but his lust was more powerful than his fear of getting caught. Aaron was skinny and slender, and Sokun placed his palms on the two hipbones which jutted out slightly. His started licking and kissing the thin shaft and cockhead before him. Aaron moaned softly and ruffled Sokun's raven-black hair and thrust forward slightly. Sokun shifted to sit on his heel, his back towards the water.

He did not notice two men walking by them and grinning at them.

"Hi kids, having fun?" one of them asked teasingly.

Sokun gasped and froze but Aaron smiled and grinned happily at the two men.

"Yes, we are having fun," he replied and waved, not embarrassed at all.

The men laughed and then continued on their way along the beach. Aaron thrust forward more insistently and Sokun parted his lips and let the cockhead of the boy slip in between them. The taste was wonderful, slightly salty and the glans was slippery. He poked with the tip of his tongue against the slit of boy and was rewarded when a drop of precum oozed out of it. The kid stood before while Sokun suckled at his cockhead, with the noises of the beach around them, but both did not care anymore. Aaron started to thrust slowly into his mouth and Sokun felt the thin member of the boy slide back and forth between his tightly clenched lips.

Sokun pressed his face against the smooth pubis of the boy and took his penis in to its root. It was not big, and he did not have to gag but he felt it sliding slightly along his tongue. Sokun moaned softly and looked up at the kid. Aaron's breathing started to get ragged and he realized that he would soon cum. He clenched his lips even tighter around the root of the cocklet, then Aaron tensed and moaned softly. Sokun felt the penis in his mouth starting to throb, then a small drop of boycum squirted out forcefully and added its sweet taste to the salty one of the precum. Arron thrusted and shoved, and his penis twitched while he dry-cummed. At last his climax subsided and he slowly pulled out of Sokun's mouth.

Aaron sat down and leaned in and parted his lips. Sokun gasped when he realized that the kid wanted to kiss him. It was strange that he felt that this was even more daring than sucking off the kid. But somehow, kissing seemed to Sokun something that was very intimate and that only true lovers would do. He leaned forward too, and their lips touched. They gazed into each other's eyes and Aaron slowly pushed the tip of his tongue in. Sokun poked with his tongue against the intruding tip and both boys sighed softly. Aaron reached out and placed his palm on Sokun's flat chest. Sokun did the same and felt the heart of Aaron beating quickly. The kissed tenderly for long minutes until they finally straightened up. Both were breathing hard, and their small cocks were both rigid and pointing up.

"That was so nice," Aaron sighed and Sokun nodded and smiled.

"I was here a lot of time this summer, but you are the first boy I saw here. Usually it's older men and women," he explained.

"I guess we still count as kids and shouldn't really be here," Aaron guessed.

"Yes, I was told that a few times, but usually the people were fine with me being here," Aaron said and shrugged.

They chatted for a while, and once their cocks were soft, they got up and walked over to the ice- cream stand. The boys did not hold hand since they both knew that the slightest touch would provoke their boycocks to get stiff at once. They got their ice creams and then sat down at a small table. There were quite a lot of people sitting at the other tables and some looked over surprised at them. They were by far the youngest, and if the rules would have been strictly applied, they would have had to leave the nude beach. But people here were generally tolerant. And it was clear to everyone that the kids were in love. They gazed into each other's eyes and sat close to each other.

Aaron and Sokun both pulled one knee close to their chest to hide their erections as they leaned against each other and whispered and giggled. The people sitting around them grinned and were quite aware of the excited state of the two boys. Aaron had his hand high up on the thigh of Sokun and gently squeezed and rubbed it. Sokun rubbed and squeezed Aaron's foot and they fed each other their ice-creams. They were in their own world and had no eyes for anyone around them. They remained snuggled together at the table long after they had finished their ice-creams.

Finally, they found a moment when they were not erect and got up. This time they held hands, and both smiled proudly when they walked along the beach. They had met just shorty before but were already deeply and madly in love. They smiled each other, then their blood rushed down and engorged their boycocks. They giggled and then ran towards their towels, their stiff cocklets swaying and bobbing. They fell on Sokun's towel, Aaron on his back and Sokun draped over him. They kissed deeply and Aaron wrapped his legs around his new lover.

"I am so glad we met," Aaron said softly.

"Yes, I can't believe how lucky I am. I wanted to talk to you since months, but was always to afraid," Sokun replied.

"Is it because the other kids talk about me being gay?" Aaron asked softly.

"I...I don't know. Perhaps...," Sokun replied honestly.

Aaron looked up at him and smiled and nodded.

"I understand," he whispered.

"Since when do you know that you are into boys?" Aaron asked and reached up to gently caress Sokun's cheek.

"I don't know. I kinda always knew...but I never wanted to think about it," Sokun replied

"It's fine," Aaron whispered and lifted his head to kiss Sokun deeply

"I am very much into boys, and especially into one boy" Aaron moaned into Sokun's mouth.

They kissed for a while before they managed to talk again.

"I so wanted to meet you since I first saw you at school. You are so cute with your beautiful eyes and hair and nose," Aaron purred and let his finger glide along the almond shaped eyes of Sokun.

Sokun sighed and licked Aaron's nose and lips. He slowly rubbed his stiff boycock against the penis of Aaron without even being consciously aware of it. His slippery cockhead slowly moved up and down along the shaft of Aaron's cocklet before pressing against its glans. Both boys moaned softly. Aaron's body took over too and he spread his thighs wider, inviting Sokun to explore further down. Sokun sighed and slid down a few inches. His cockhead moved down along the shaft and then between the two small balls and finally poked and pressed against the smooth taint of the kid under him. Aaron moaned excitedly and spread his thighs even wider. Sokun's glans was slippery with precum and left a sticky trail on the taint of Aaron. It moved lower and Sokun suddenly felt a slight, soft bulge and then the indentation of Aaron's tightly clenched pucker. He clenched his buttock and began pressing without realizing it.

"Not...not here...." Aaron whimpered.

Sokun stopped and blushed and suddenly became aware what he had been doing.

"I...I am sorry," he whispered sheepishly.

Aaron grinned and wrapped his slender legs around Sokun.

"Not here...and not yet," he whispered and winked.

Sokun's eyes widen and he nodded, his heart beating quickly. Aaron seemed to just have told him that he wanted to be fucked by him. He tried to relax and slowly slid off the kid. Both sat up and panted and caught their breaths.

The beach was quite packed now, with people sunbathing alone or as couples and there were even a few larger groups sitting together and chatting. Many were in the water and splashed around to cool down.

Sokun watched curiously when two men walked towards the nearby forest. Aaron noticed the slightly confused look of Sokun and grinned.

"They are going there to have fun," he told his friend

"You mean...sex? How do you know?" Sokun asked curiously.

"Everyone knows, and I have been there too," Aaron told him and winked.

"What? You went there? To have sex?" Sokun asked, both shocked and somehow also excited.

"Not really. I was kinda curious and went to have a look. I didn't have sex, but I jerked off and some men watched," Aaron explained and smiled a bit sheepishly.

"Wow," Sokun sighed and became rock hard just by the thought of Aaron masturbating in the forest.

"Does that turn you on?" Aaron asked softly and reached down to place his palm over the throbbing boycock of Sokun.

The Asian boy whimpered and tried to thrust against Aaron's hand.

"Let's go and have a look," Aaron whispered.

Sokun tensed and looked nervously at Aaron and then around. He watched a couple getting up about ten yards away from them. They were two middle-aged men, and one sported a large and thick cock that was semi-erect and swayed and bobbed. They walked towards the forest and held hands.

Aaron grinned and got up and pulled Sokun up. He held his hand and dragged him towards the forest, away from the beach. They were both rock-hard and saw that quite a number of people at the beach were staring at them.

"It is a bit scary," Aaron admitted.

"I am glad that we are together. When I went alone, I was a kinda afraid," Aaron said and squeezed Sokun's hand.

They approached the trees and walked slower. Both were nervous and if they had not been together, they surely would have turned back. But neither of the boys wanted to be the first to chicken out and so they continued. Soon they stepped into the forest. The trees were large and widely spaced and the ground was damp and mossy. Their bare feet made squishy sounds when they walked on the wet moss. The forest was quiet apart from chirping of insects and the rustling of leaves. They walked close together and glanced around, both nervous and curious. Suddenly they saw a man leaning against a wide tree trunk. He did not notice the boys. He had his eyes closed and slowly stroked his stiff cock.

The boys suppressed a giggle and walked quietly by the masturbating man and deeper into the forest. They arrived at a small, mossy clearing that was surrounded by large trees. They stepped into the clearing and saw two younger men in their early thirties. One had grabbed a low branch and was leaning forward. The other was behind him and slowly and languidly thrusted into him. The man standing stared at the two boys but did not complain. He merely nodded and continued to thrust, his thick penis glistening.

The kids watched with wide eyes, both rock hard. They stared at the thick penis and wondered how the fat cock fit into the other man.

"Oh my god, he is so big," Aaron whispered to Sokun, who could only nod and watch with open mouth.

"I want you inside me too," Aaron leaned in and whispered.

"But not here, at home," he added and licked Sokun's ear.

Aaron pressed against Sokun's back and reached around him to finger his stiff cocklet while they watched the two men. Sokun felt Aaron's penis nestling between his buttocks and clenched them tightly. Aaron moaned softly and fingered his balls and rubbed them.

"I am dreaming since months that you do me like a wild animal," Aaron whispered and pressed against him and licked his shoulder.

"I can't wait till you take me bare and squirt into me," he continued and let his palms roam over the smooth chest of the Asian boy.

Sokun sighed and leaned his head back against Aaron's shoulder and pressed back.

He felt Aaron's cocklet rub against his crack as the kid masturbated himself against his buttocks. Sokun turned his head and they kissed deeply and glanced at the two fucking men from the corner of their eyes. Aaron fingered Sokun's cockhead and then reached down lower to rub the smooth balls and taint. After a while, Aaron stepped around Sokun and pressed his back against the front of the Asian kid. Now Sokun began rubbing his penis against the crack of the boy and thrust and humped and moaned.

"Careful, not yet," Aaron moaned when he felt the slick cockhead of Sokun began pressing insistently against his clenched pucker.

"Sorry," Aaron whispered and tried to calm down.

Meanwhile the two man were moaning louder and the thrusting more urgent. The fucking man grunted and pressed deeper in.

"I think he is cumming," Aaron whispered, his eyes wide.

Sokun nodded, his arms around the kid and pressing against him. The two men grunted and groaned, then the man standing pulled slowly out. The kid stared at the thick penis, glistening and wet and slowly softening. The man patted the other man on his back and then walked away, back towards the beach. The other man remained leaning forward and holding the branch. His hole spasmed and the boys watched with wide eyes as a seeming flood of semen oozed out of it.

It did not take long until another man arrived in the clearing. He glanced around somewhat furtively, then he spotted the two kids and tensed. But his lust was greater, and he quickly stepped behind the man and stroked himself hard and then pressed in.

The boys felt that the two men felt somewhat inhibited by their presence and they stepped back into the forest. Aaron could not wait anymore and pushed Sokun against a tree and kissed him wildly and humped and pressed against him. Sokun was surprised by the wildness of the boy but soon rubbed equally enthusiastically against his new lover. The boys were so keyed-up that it took less than a minute until both squirted over each other. They moaned and pressed against each other, they cocklets twitching and throbbing. They remained standing for a while and embraced each other and kissed tenderly. After a while they managed to let go of each other and walked back to the beach with happy grins on their faces.

Next: Chapter 2

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