Wielding Unbound

By Ryan L. Wielding

Published on Jul 30, 2019


Disclaimer: The following is a somewhat true story based on real people and events. Names have been changed and all events, while true, may not have happened in the written order. If you are against reading about men being in love or having sex with other men, perhaps it would be best for you to read something else. If you are too young to be reading this, please go read something more appropriate. All questions and comments are appreciated and can be directed to rywielding@gmail.com.

Also, please consider making an ongoing contribution to http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html so that this continues to be a resource for countless readers. This site has been here for me during my darkest moments and continues to be a source of light in my world.


Chapter 3

3 Weeks Ago

There's a box waiting on the front porch for me when I open the front door. I quickly grab it and dart past the den where Dex is having leftover tacos from last night's dinner. I close and lock the door once I'm inside my bedroom. I take a seat on my unmade bed and pry the heavy tape from the cardboard.

I'm not entirely surprised by the first item. Brett's already given me a heads up. The jock is pristine white with red and black accents. It reminds me of the ones guys in my gym class would wear. If there's one thing I learned in high school, it's the art of looking without looking. Standing there at my open locker, stealing glances of Scott Carter's bouncing bubble butt, framed in white, as he stalked towards the showers after PE.

The second item throws me a bit for a loop only because I'm surprised you can get something like this off of Amazon. On the small box is a man with a very jacked body and next to him are three black rings of varying sizes. The description contains words like silicone' and hypoallergenic' and `waterproof'. I smirk as I open the box. The contents spill out on the bed next to me. Cock rings. I've seen guys in porn wear them before, but I've never owned one.

The last item is definitely unexpected and the mere sight of me sends all the blood in my body straight to my cock. I recall a conversation Brett and I just a few days ago.

Brett Harvey: What do you think of `pup play'?

Ryan Wielding: Not really my thing but I have resisted buying one of those dog masks.

Brett Harvey: I find those obnoxious.

Ryan Wielding: OMG, that's what I was saying. They're too trendy. I like my kink less mainstream.

Brett Harvey: But on you I might change my opinion. (sends photo) Would you wear this?

Ryan Wielding: Yeah.

Brett Harvey: They're very inexpensive.

Ryan Wielding: Yeah. I saw some online. I was surprised by how cheap they were.

Brett Harvey: Heyyy. You have a harness, right.

Ryan Wielding: Yeah. The one you got me.

Brett Harvey: Just checking. I'm going for a specific look. Like Daddy Meets Kink.

Ryan Wielding: You are sooo bad.

The pup hood is black and dark blue and honestly one of the hottest things I've seen in a very long time. This is quite the departure from the jocks and mesh underwear Brett usually sends me. Could I really pull something like this off.

There's a knock on the door followed by Dex asking if I wanted to watch a movie. I tell him sure and that I will be out in a sec. I quickly gather my new goodies and walk over to my closet. At the back there's a trunk filled with items I've gathered over the years, most of them gifts from Brett. I put the new items alongside the old ones and shut the lid.

2 Weeks Ago

Never thought in a million years I'd be back in retail. For the past five years I'd manned the front desk at the 24-hour gym right down the street. Don't get me wrong. The pay was decent, my gym membership was free, and I got to watch hot dudes grunt and sweat for eight hours a day. Those same guys are the reason I really got into working out.

Occasionally I'll snap a few photos of myself posing in one of my favorite jocks and send them to Brett. Brett thinks I look good. Better looking than guys half my age, he says. I don't know about all of that. I think I look okay. Decent pecs and abs. Ass looks pretty good if I do say so myself. But when I was standing behind that desk every single evening, watching guys half my age and twice my size walk by with their heavy gym bags and oversized water bottles, I felt invisible as fuck.

The best part about working at the Best Health Depot is I no longer have to work nights. Working mornings and afternoons mean I'm usually off in plenty enough time to squeeze in a workout before heading home to make dinner for me and Dex. Most mornings I open which usually means it's just me until around three when Shelly comes in. Most of the time I'm bored and playing around on my phone, looking at hot musclebear Instagram accounts. Usually around lunch time is when we get the most traffic during the week. Did I mention that lunch time is my favorite part of the day?

That's when all of the super sexy dudes, fresh from the gym still in the same clothes they just pumped iron in come frequent the store. It's really difficult talking to a guy about protein powder and muscle milk when his tank top and gym shorts are plastered to his sweaty, muscular body like a second skin. Do you know how hard it is not to get hard when you're inches away from a guy who looks like that? And smells like that? The best part if when they ask me advice. I mean this guy looks like fuckin' Zeus but he wants to know which supplements I use and which gym I work out at. Confession may be good for the soul, but Best Health Depot is good for my ego.

1 Day Ago

I have a secret Instagram account that no one knows about. Well, actually Brett knows about it. He's the one who encouraged me to sign up for a second profile. Brett has two Instagram accounts: one for friends and family and one for what he calls his `thirst accounts' aka hot, half-naked guys he follows. My second account, according to him, would serve a dual purpose. I could post photos of my workout progress, sans face, and also follow guys I find particularly attractive.

Let's just say I have a type. I'd never thought much about rugby, but I've come to realize some of the hottest guys I follow on Instagram are those who have the sort of bodies I've come to associated with rugby players. These guys usually have beards. Thick, beefy, furry chests. They're not exactly chiseled which is okay because a bit of a belly can be sexy as fuck. Thighs and legs the size of tree trunks. And let's not forget the ass. There are bubble butts and bubble butts are amazing but there's something about a man's ass. Thick, round and solid. Instagram is full of these guys and whenever I run into one of their profiles, I can't resist hitting `follow'.

I'm talking to this regular named Abe who is an amateur bodybuilder when I receive a text. I started following Abe on Instagram a few weeks ago but he doesn't know I follow him. After I finish ringing him up, I watch him exit the shop, his ass bulging obscenely against white Umbro shorts. My dark slacks are suddenly feeling tighter and I'm grateful that I stand behind this counter for most of my day. I adjust myself and think about how in an hour I'll be home and finally able to take these off. Then I remember the text message that came in a few minutes ago.

Jamie Miller: Howdy stranger.

I haven't heard from Jamie since our "coffee date" last week. I'd chalked our lack of communication up to him not being interested. We had coffee, had coffee, neither of made a move and I was home before ten. It was nice but a little too nice.

Ryan Wielding: Hey.

`Hey' sounds so non-committal and I wish Brett were here because he's really good at this type of thing. I swear he should be my ghostwriter when it comes to this.

Jamie Miller: Haven't heard from you. How've you been?

Ryan Wielding. Been busy. Got a new job.

Jamie Miller: That's awesome. Where at?

Ryan Wielding: Best Health Depot. It's in the mall.

Jamie Miller: I've heard of it.

Another customer enters the store. She's petite and blonde with sleeve tattoos. She makes a beeline for the vitamin wall not even noticing me. I look back down at my phone to see a new text from Jamie.

Jamie Miller: I was wondering if you'd like to come over again.

For more coffee? And talk? I'm not exactly opposed to just being friends with him, but I need to know what his motivations are.

Ryan Wielding: Coffee?

I consider adding a winky-face emoji to my text, but he responds before I have a chance.

Jamie Miller: It's too hot for coffee. You free tonight?

I have plans to workout this evening, right after work. Maybe watch a movie with Dex. Have a beer. Nothing concrete.

Jamie Miller: I really want to see you again.

I bite my lip. He really wants to see me. The real question is, does it involve me not wearing any clothes.

Ryan Wielding: What time?

Jamie Miller: 10 okay? I know it's late...

10 actually sounds promising. 10 invokes thoughts of cuddling on a sofa. Kissing. Hands all over each other.

Ryan Wielding: See you then.

Tomorrow night I'm going over to Jamie's again. I want to tell Brett but he's in a plane right now somewhere over the Midwest. He's due back in town later on tonight and we're supposed to have lunch tomorrow afternoon. Usually Brett's the one recounting all of his steamy hookups. Who knows, maybe I'll have something worth sharing tomorrow.

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