Wide Receivers

By GF Writer

Published on May 12, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sex between that of two consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or person depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

Kevin heard his brother Jon early the next morning leaving for his full day of soccer games. Kevin just looked over at Nathan still sleeping. Kevin then slept a little while longer before he heard someone in the kitchen. Kevin jumped up and went to find his grandmother checking things out and basically making sure everything was okay.

"Oh hi Kevin. I hope I didn't wake you," Grandma said.

"No it is fine," Kevin said, standing there in his boxers.

"I am so proud of you. You did so good last night," Grandma kissed Kevin on the cheek. "I can't wait to tell your dad all about when I go up there here in a little bit. You and Jon have really kept the house up nicely. It looks better than when your dad was here."

"Thanks. Are you going to Jon's games today?" Kevin said.

"I might," Grandma said.

"Hey, I will just pick you up later after I call and see when he is playing in the afternoon and we can go together," Kevin said.

"I would like that. Can I fix you something to eat right quick?" Grandma said.

"I'm alright. I can do that later. I got a buddy that spent the night with me. We'll grab something when he gets up," Kevin said.

"Oh okay. I will see you in a bit then," Grandma said. Kevin hugged her before she was gone to the hospital.

Kevin turned on the TV to watch some ESPN. Kevin heard his door open and saw Nathan coming down the hall.

"Hey Nathan, want something to eat or you got to run?" Kevin said.

"I can stay since my parents are gone today with my sister to a softball tournament. I am kind of hungry," Nathan said.

Kevin grabbed some cereal and milk and brought Nathan a bowl. They both sat and watched ESPN to check out some college football pre-game.

"Kevin, where's your parents at? I haven't seen them the whole time I have been here," Nathan said.

"I live with my dad. He is in the hospital right now," Kevin said.

"Oh I am sorry to hear that. What's wrong?" Nathan asked.

"Oh we are still waiting to find out. Nathan, he is an alcoholic and we think it is something to do with that like his liver," Kevin said.

"I am sorry Kevin. I didn't know," Nathan said.

"It's cool, Nathan. If you want, you can hang with me today and go to see Jon play soccer later," Kevin said.

"That would be cool. Thanks for letting me stay last night, Kevin," Nathan said.

"It's no problem," Kevin said.

After they ate, they had seen enough of TV and retreated to Kevin's room for a rematch on the Playstation.

After Nathan finally beat Kevin in Madden, he looked at Kevin and said, "Kevin you wanna... umm... mess around...ahh... again since no one is here?"

"Well..." Kevin said.

"We don't have to if you don't want. I just thought..."

"Sure, Nathan, I guess we can just say experiment a little. I don't see what that would hurt."

"Can I kiss you, Kevin?" Nathan asked.

Kevin didn't give a reply instead grabbed Nathan and kissed his soft moist lips. Kevin held Nathan close and ran his hands down Nathan's back. Nathan took the hint and did the same. Kevin kept kissing Nathan and shoved his tongue in Nathan's mouth. Kevin slid his hands down and grabbed Nathan's hot ass. Nathan reached down and pushed off his boxers and then did the same to Kevin's boxers.

"Kevin, this is fuckin hot!" Nathan said. "Can I suck..."

"Oh hell yeah, go for it," Kevin said.

"I am not gay or anything but I just want to see what it is like," Nathan said.

"Of course we're not fags. We just experimenting and having a little fun," Kevin smiled.

Kevin watched as Nathan leaned over and touched his cock with his mouth. Nathan opened his mouth wide and took Kevin's hard cock in his mouth. Kevin just watched but rather enjoyed the nice blowjob his friend was giving him. Kevin didn't want to cum in Nathan's mouth so after a few minutes Kevin said, "Nathan, you better stop. You want me to suck your dick?"

Without any hesitation Nathan replied, "Hell yeah. I kind of liked sucking yours. I bet that shit feels good."

Kevin licked Nathan's compact six pack before he made his way down. Nathan was a little ticklish but just squirmed. Kevin licked Nathan's 7 inch rod before grabbing the base. Kevin opened up and Nathan pushed his dick for Kevin to suck. Kevin just looked at Nathan with Nathan's cock in his mouth. Kevin could see how much he liked it.

"Kevin, that feel so good," Nathan said.

Kevin jacked the base while sucking on Nathan's veiny hot cock. He ran his tongue under Nathan's cock and stuck it as deep as he could. Kevin did his best to use his tongue while he had Nathan's cock in his mouth.

"Oh fuck! Kevin you best stop. I'm bout to nut big time!" Nathan said. Kevin pulled his mouth off Nathan and slowly jacked Nathan's cock. Kevin saw Nathan's abs contract and send white cum shooting upward out of Nathan's hard cock. The milky cum covered Nathan's abs and even one shot landed near his shoulder.

Kevin then let Nathan jack him some more. Kevin moaned and sent his load spraying across his pubes and stomach. Nathan leaned over and kissed Kevin.

"I think someone like it," Kevin said.

"Hell yeah, that was fuckin awesome. You are better than..." Nathan stopped himself.

"Better than who, Nathan?" Kevin looked at him.

"Me jacking off," Nathan said. Kevin stared at him. "Fuck it. It was my friend, Ian this summer. I bet you have done it to Barrett, huh?"

Kevin smiled. "Oh well, it's cool Kevin. I have seen him in the shower. Wow!" Nathan said.

"Wow is right," Kevin smiled. "You wanna hit the showers?"

"Only if we do it together," Nathan said with a big grin.

Kevin and Nathan hit the showers and soaped each other up. Kevin liked touching Nathan's athletic body. After they showered, Kevin let Nathan borrow some shorts and a shirt to wear. Kevin called Jon and found he had a game later on around 5. Kevin and Nathan got in the car and stopped at Nathan's house for him to get his own clothes and possibly more if he was to stay the night again. Kevin visited with his dad a little while Nathan just sat outside. Kevin, Nathan and Grandma went to watch Jon's game.

Jon spotted them in the stands and smiled. Kevin hadn't seen Jon play in a while but could see how much he had improved. Jon was thrilled when he drilled one in to put his team up for good. Jon found them and said they had one more before the night ended at 10. Kevin took his grandmother back to her car.

"Nathan, so you going to stay again?" Kevin asked.

"I will if I can. Let me call them and see what's up," Nathan said. Nathan smiled after getting off the phone. "Yeah I can stay. They said it would be after midnight any way."

"Cool. Let's grab a bit and hang at the house before we come back," Kevin said.

"Great. This is fun, dude. I like hangin with you," Nathan said.

After eating, they went back to the soccer complex to watch Jon again. Kevin was shocked to see his grandmother there too. Jon was glad to see everyone again since a lot of the parents of his teammates were there as well. Jon did the best he could but his team was worn out and suffered their first loss of the day, 3 to 1. Kevin waited to take Jon home with him.

Jon came walking up with a fellow player, "Can Alex stay the night?"

"I guess so. Nathan is staying too," Kevin said.

"Awesome. We don't have to be back until 11 tomorrow," Jon said.

The four got in the car and headed to the house. Jon and Alex reeked of sweat and teenage funk while riding home. Both had long removed their shirts on the way home to try and cool off. Kevin could see Alex had a skinny athletic body with curly dark hair and a great tan.

Once they got home, Jon and Alex hit the showers. Kevin pulled out an old movie he had for them to watch. Alex came out of the shower with just his shorts on and sat down on the couch with Kevin and Nathan.

"Where's the beer, dudes?" Alex asked.

"We're fresh out, Alex," Kevin said.

"Damn I just knew we going to get drunk up in here," Alex said. "It's cool."

Jon finished his shower and just sat in the old recliner while the movie started. "Damn I am fuckin beat!" Jon said.

"Me too. Jon you got any more weed on you?" Alex said. "I wouldn't mind taking a few hits of that shit."

Kevin just stared at Jon, waiting on him to answer. "No Alex. I don't have any more."

Kevin looked at Nathan for just a minute. "I was hoping your ass would say that or we might have us a problem."

"Damn, I just wanted to have a little fun. Sorry Kevin!" Alex said.

About half way through the movie, Jon announced he was going to bed since he was about to fall asleep. Alex got up and went with him.

"He might be a little wild," Nathan said.

"Yeah, I would say so. Sorry about that," Kevin said.

"It's cool," Nathan said.

At the end of the movie, Kevin and Nathan went back to their room. Kevin and Nathan were both out when their heads hit the pillows.

Kevin was up early the next morning since he knew someone had to wash Jon and Alex's uniforms. He decided he would cook some breakfast and found the eggs and bacon. About 9:30 he woke up the rest of the guys so they could eat. Jon was pleased to see the food sitting on the table along with his and Alex's uniform washed.

"Wow, Kevin, thanks, man!" Jon said.

"Well someone had to wash your stuff. Nathan, you coming with us to the game or am I dropping you off?" Kevin asked.

"I ain't got much else to do. I liked the games yesterday. I think my folks will be home around 7 or so tonight," Nathan said.

"Jon, we better win today or I am going to be pissed," Alex said.

"We will. Trust me," Jon said.

Kevin cleaned up the mess while the rest of them got dressed. They were a little early but it was okay. Kevin and Nathan grabbed a seat to watch. The sun was blazing hot so both shed their shirts to get a little sun. Jon was right and scored twice for an easy win. Since it was rather warm, Kevin and Nathan headed back to the house while Jon stayed there to rest for the finals at 5.

Kevin and Nathan grabbed something to eat and just hung out a little. They headed back to catch the finals but were disappointed despite Jon scoring. Kevin dropped Nathan off and took Jon home.

Kevin made sure that Jon did his homework and even helped out once they got home. Kevin called Barrett to see what he did for the weekend. Barrett boasted about his sexual prowess to Kevin giving him all the details. Kevin wasn't sure what he was saying was true but just went along with him.

As the week progressed, Kevin got the news that his dad was very ill with a liver disease from his many years of hard drinking and living. Kevin tried not to let it bother him but worried what might happen if his dad were to die. Practice, along with a certain blonde girl who kept his attention, kept his mind off his worries and troubles. Kevin did the best he could to keep Jon on track but insisting that he study each night after Kevin got home from practice.

Kevin eagerly waited Friday night but knew this would be a tough one. They again were on the road playing a bigger school that usually routed Kevin's team annually. The coach did his best to prep his team for the superior talent that they would be facing including a few gadget plays to keep the other bigger team off balance. They knew it would be a struggle but with some luck they might be able to win Friday night.


Next: Chapter 8

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