Wide Receivers

By GF Writer

Published on May 2, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sex between that of two consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or person depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

"Fuck Jon, I don't know what to say," Kevin said and just lowered his head and watch his cock shrivel up to nothing.

"I guess I best jet dudes," Barrett said. "Call me later."

Barrett left leaving Jon and Kevin there. Kevin was at a total lost for words. Kevin just stared at Jon who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey Kev, don't sweat it. I won't tell a sole," Jon said.

"OOO please Jon don't ever say a word of this to anyone," Kevin pleaded.

"Kev, don't worry," Jon said. "I know how that shit feels."

"You do?" Kevin said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yeah, my friend Hayden gives me head some. Feels awesome, huh?"

"You and Hayden swap..."

"Oh yeah, he loves my dick. We are just experimenting you know?"

"Yeah I guess that's what me and Barrett were doing."

"Cool, you guys ever...you know... screw each other before?"

Kevin dropped his head. "Jon if this leaves this room, I will be attending your funeral."

Jon smiled, "You have, haven't you?"

"Yeah, just once. That's it. Just to see what it is like," Kevin said.

"Hot, Kev. I want to...you know... do Hayden but he is too scared I might hurt him, just to see what it is like. Did Barrett hurt you?"

"Yeah at first. He is fucking hung, Jon," Kevin said. "Man, you are getting off on this, aren't you?" Kevin looked and saw Jon's tented shorts.

"Yeah bro. See!" Jon showed him his hard cock that was thin but rather long for a 15 year old.

"Damn Jon, I don't want to see that. Put it back in," Kevin said.

"Kev, it is big, huh?"

"Not too bad. Bigger than me." Kevin said. "So we cool now? Remember not a word of this or you're ass is mine."

"I might enjoy that," Jon smiled.

"You know what I mean. I swear dude, I will beat you to a pulp."

"Kev, you know about me so what's to sweat?"

"Okay, now go beat that meat," Kevin smiled.

"I am. You wanna watch me?" Jon said.

"No. Leave and do it in your room." Kevin said.

Jon left and Kevin immediately called and told Barrett everything was cool. He told him about their talk and Jon was doing the same. Barrett just laughed. They talked for a few minutes about school and football. Both were anxious to see who would get the start.

Each time Jon was around someone Kevin broke out in a sweat but Jon was keeping his word. What Kevin feared most was if his dad found out and knew he might abuse Kevin in a drunken state. Kevin noticed his dad though had retreated to his bedroom and now was spending a lot of time there. Kevin would check on him to make sure he was doing okay but he found him usually asleep.

Kevin got up the next morning and dressed in about the only preppy thing he had that he `borrowed' from Barrett. Kevin wanted to fit in like the rest but knew his financial situation would not allow that to happen but on rare occasions or he talked his grandma out of some new things.

Practice after school was amped up in preparation for the first game on Friday. Everyone on the team was tired of practicing against each other and were ready for an opponent. First on the schedule was a school that was one class below theirs but would give them fits if it was anything like the last few years.

Kevin came home after practice and ate before retreating to his room for the night.

"Kevin, you guys ready for Friday?" Jon asked.

"I sure hope so. I know I am," Kevin said.

"Dude I have soccer practice that night but I am jetting over there right after the practice," Jon said.

"Thanks Jon. I know grandma will be there. I talked to her earlier and she and a few of her friends are coming too. It is going to be packed."

"I know dude. All my friends are going too. You starting?"

"I have no idea. I will play some since I am returning kicks," Kevin said.

"That's cool. You still number 84?" Jon asked.

"Of course. I can't wait. I am so damn tired of practice."

"Yeah I can't wait to see you get laid out."

"Fuck you, Jon. Now get out I got some things to do," Kevin said.

Kevin played his video and then studied a small playbook of plays that the coach had given him to learn. Kevin was in bed around 11 or so after chatting on the computer with some of his friends.

Around 2 that morning, Jon busted in his door, "Kevin get up I think something is wrong with Dad!" Kevin sprung out of bed and raced over to see what the problem was. His dad was white as a ghost and breathing very heavily.

"We got to get him to the hospital, now!" Kevin said. Both he and Jon grabbed their dad and drug him to the back seat. Kevin threw on a shirt and some shorts as did Jon. Kevin sped quickly not caring if they were stopped. They found the small emergency room and quickly had paramedics out to help their dad out of the car. Once things settled down, Kevin found a pay phone to call their grandmother. Kevin explained the situation to her. She said she would be on her way.

Once their grandma got there, she insisted both of them go back home and go to school. Being it was near 5, both went to sleep for a few hours. Kevin got up and called Barrett saying he had the car for the day. He had Jon quickly dressed. Kevin called his grandma to see if anything was happening. She said she didn't know a thing yet.

Kevin made it to school and told Barrett all about his night in their first period class that they had together. Kevin did his best to concentrate but he worried about his dad the whole day. Kevin used Barrett's phone at lunch to check on his dad but still no word yet on the problem.

After a long practice, Kevin drove to the hospital to check on his dad. His grandmother saw him coming and pulled him in the hall.

"Kevin, your dad is in bad shape. The years of drinking are finally starting to show its fruits," his grandma said.

"That bad, huh?" Kevin said.

"Yeah, he might turn around later but now it's not looking good. He's asleep right now. You just go home and take care of Jon okay? Call me if you need anything."

"Are you staying with him?"

"Yeah for the night I am. We are all he's got, Kevin. Now go on home."

Kevin drove home and now football seemed less important to him. He hated that his dad was an alcoholic but he still was his only dad. Kevin found Jon and explained the situation. Jon, being the tender one, broke out crying. Kevin hugged his brother. Kevin asked Jon if he could help and the least they could do would be to clean the house up. They spend the rest of the night, cleaning and scrubbing every corner of the old house. Kevin even replaced a few light bulbs to make the house brighter.

The next day, Kevin again returned to the hospital. His grandma smiled at him even though his dad was still not any better. She handed Kevin a bag. "Here, I was bored so I went shopping today. I got you and Jon a phone so you could keep in touch with me now."

Kevin opened the bag and was so excited. "Thanks Grandma. Just the one I wanted. Jon is going to freak out too." Kevin hugged his grandma and then saw a few shirts and shorts from the mall as well. "You're the best."

"I knew you boys would like them. I asked what was the most popular phone and shirts. Hey, I am still planning on coming to your game Friday."

"Thanks, I love you. Is he any better?"

"No Kevin, who knows when he will get better, he has hardly been awake today. His old liver is acting up. I hope you and Jon never get this way."

"Me either," Kevin left with a smile. He couldn't wait to get home and show Jon their new phones. He called Barrett up and gave him the number.

Jon was so excited when he saw the cool phones and clothes. Both needed some new stuff but were content with what they had. Jon used his phone to call his grandma to thank her and talked with her a few minutes.

Kevin's heart sank after practice on Thursday when he found he wasn't starting. At the end of practice, his coach pulled him aside to explain that he would get some time but would see how things went. His coach could see the disappointment on Kevin's face. Kevin broke down and starting crying. The coach just looked at him for a minute and seemed confused. Kevin had to explain the situation and the coach then understood why the emotion since it was a lot for a young man to take in with a sick father in the hospital.

Barrett was waiting and saw how upset Kevin was, "Kev, cheer up dude. You'll get to play."

"Fuck!" Kevin screamed.

"Dude, calm down." Barrett said.

"Barrett, your dad is not fuckin' dieing right now. I guess this is just hitting me at a bad time," Kevin said.

"Oh damn dude, I forgot about that. Hey, just come over to my house after the game. We can hang and shit dude. We might even..."

"Barrett, that is the last thing on my mind. I would like to come though just to get away unless Jon is home alone."

"I gotcha. Hey see ya tomorrow. Text me later and tell me what's happenin."

"I will if I can figure this damn thing out. We are goin' to kick some ass tomorrow!" Kevin smiled.

Barrett hit him on the shoulder, "That's more like it, Kev. Both of us are scoring a TD, dude. Count on it!"

"Alright, See ya!"

Kevin called his grandmother to see how his dad was but it was still the same. Kevin went home and told Jon he wasn't starting. They both washed their clothes and found that their grandmother had stocked the refrigerator and bought some other stuff as well to keep them stocked.

Friday morning Kevin proudly wore his jersey to school along with a new pair of shorts that his grandmother bought him earlier.

"Kev, that is bad ass, dude!" Jon said.

"Thanks, you still coming tonight?"

"Oh hell yeah. You getting laid?" Jon asked with a big grin.

"Fuck off Jon. I warn you!" Kevin said.

"I know, I know."

Kevin dropped off Jon and headed to school. He saw all his teammates wearing their home uniforms which made him that much more excited. Kevin never did think the day would end. At the end of school he checked up on Jon and then his grandmother before retiring to the field house.

Kevin and Barrett walked on the field to warm up and was shocked by the number of people already there.

Barrett sat at his locker before going onto the field, "Kev I am nervous as fuck dude."

"Hey don't think about it, Barrett. Remember to keep your head on a swivel. We can do this shit, Barrett!"

"Okay! Let's go!" Barrett said.

As the game progressed, both Barrett and Kevin started splitting time as the second wide out. Barrett was getting frustrated since he couldn't get off the line and when he did the play was going the other way. Kevin had a rough moment too when he muffed the first punt but redeemed himself with a 40 yard return the next time to set up a touchdown.

Neither scored like they had hoped but Barrett ended up getting 3 catches for about 20 yards including another bell ringer across the middle. Kevin caught 2 including a long 35 yard bomb only to be pushed out at the five. The game was well in hand by the fourth quarter since their opponent was clearly outmanned.

After the game, Kevin looked around and finally found his grandmother along with her friends.

"Kevin I just knew that was a touchdown on that long one. You did so good. You know you are better than your father ever was. Don't tell him I told you," his grandmother smiled.

"Thanks. I will see you tomorrow then. I better go and hit the showers," Kevin said. Jon stopped him for just a second to congratulate him.

After the game, the whole team was excited. The coach quickly brought them to reality with talk of the next game against their in-county rivals. Kevin followed Barrett home along with a couple of the other teammates for a small get together. Barrett's mom had ordered pizza for the boys and dates, if they had them.

"Guys, ya'll did so good out there tonight," his mom said.

"We kicked their ass!" One guy, Peyton, said before a silence fell across them.

"Yeah you did and made them like it too huh?" his mom just laughed knowing that boys will be boys.

"Dude that's my mom," Barrett said.

"It's okay Barrett. I have heard you talk to your friends too. Not like I have never said that too. Now have fun," his mom said.

"Thanks, mom," Barrett hugged her.

They all sat around eating and were still giddy over the victory. Barrett was on pins and needles still the whole night wondering if she was going to chew him out later.

They stayed until around midnight or so. Barrett thanked everyone for coming over before he relaxed on the couch.

"Barrett, chill dude," Kevin said. "You have been acting weird tonight."

"Kev, my mom is going to ground my ass tomorrow dude for saying shit in front of her."

"I bet she doesn't say a word."

"Yeah right, when you leave tomorrow, she is going to light into me and ground me tomorrow night. Just you watch."


They played a game that Barrett was good as a payback for all the times Kevin killed him in Madden. They then went to bed. Both were still a little excited.

"Man that was so awesome. My ass is still stoked," Barrett said.

"I know. Wow, there was a ton of people there tonight."

"Dude, we keep winning and it will be like that every night."

Kevin then felt Barrett's hand run across his chest and stomach. Kevin just looked at Barrett.

"I still owe you," Barrett said and slipped his hand down Kevin's boxers. Barrett fished out Kevin's cock and licked it. Kevin rose up and let Barrett take off his boxers so Barrett could finish. Barrett took off his boxer briefs and started jacking Kevin's cock. Once he had it hard, he dove down and started sucking him.

While Barrett was sucking Kevin, Kevin reached down and jacked Barrett's big cock. Kevin moaned quietly while Barrett's mouth slid up and down Kevin's hard 6 inch cock. Kevin could sense he was about to cum. He pushed Barrett off before he sent his load flying down Barrett's chest.

"Sorry dude. I haven't nutted all fuckin week," Kevin said.

"I would say so dude. Look at that shit. Damn you nutted big time. You want to suck me now?"

"Oh yeah dude!" Kevin said. He licked Barrett's hot abs before moving to Barrett's low hanging balls. He cupped them in his hand while licking the precum off Barrett's 8 and half inch cock.

"MMMM," Kevin said.

"How does it taste?"

"Fucking salty as shit, but good."

Kevin took as much of Barrett's cock in his mouth as he could. Barrett started pushing his cock deeper in Kevin's throat but Kevin gagged.

"Fuck Barrett. Stop it!"

"Okay. I wanted to see how much you could take," Barrett smiled.

Kevin resumed sucking Barrett's cock. Barrett just lay back while Kevin took his hands and caressed Barrett's pecs and abs. Barrett then released his load while Kevin was still sucking him.

"Motherfucka, what the fuck?" Kevin was now pissed.

"I just couldn't help myself," Barrett said.

"Yeah right, bitch. Dude that shit was not cool," Kevin said.

"Kev, I am sorry, really I am!"

"Fuck you, Barrett," Kevin said. A smile then crossed his face, "Got your ass. I loved it."

"Damn you Kev," Barrett kissed and got a small taste of cum still in Kevin's mouth.

"Thanks Barrett, I really needed that," Kevin said.

"Well what are friends for?" Barrett said before both were sound asleep.


Thanks for all the emails.

Next: Chapter 6

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