Wide Receivers

By GF Writer

Published on Apr 28, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sex between that of two consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or person depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

Kevin woke the next morning with Barrett practically on top of him. Kevin pushed Barrett off him. He looked down and saw the hot hole that his cock had been in the night before. Barrett opened his eyes and show Kevin staring at him and his nice defined body, thanks to football.

"Thanks, Barrett, you know for the..." Kevin said.

"No sweat dude. That was fucking hot," Barrett smiled.

Both smelled Barrett's mom cooking breakfast. They grabbed their boxers and went to devour whatever was on tap. Barrett's mom smiled while she watched her son and his best friend chowing down on a home-cooked breakfast. After eating, Kevin went and got dressed to go back home. Barrett just threw on some athletic shorts and sandals to take Kevin to his house.

"Kev, you got plans tonight? There is a kick ass party over at Walker's tonight." Barrett asked while Kevin was getting out of the car.

"Yeah, Liz and I are going over to her friend's house to watch a movie. I sort of wish I was with ya'll instead," Kevin replied.

"Your loss, dude. See ya at school then Monday probably," Barrett said and sped back home.

Reality hit home when he walked inside to find his dad still sleeping on the couch. If nothing else, being with Barrett took his mind off his biggest problem, his drunken father. Kevin just rolled his eyes and went back to his room to shower and to hang for the day.

Kevin called up his girl Liz to make sure everything was still on. She said it was and he picked her up around 6. He and Liz spent the night at her friend's place. Liz sure had a way of working Kevin up with her petting and awesome kissing. Kevin was getting extremely frustrated with her after trying desperately to make a move.

"Liz, what's the problem?" Kevin asked once he parked in her driveway.

"Kevin, I am just not ready for a sexual relationship," Liz answered.

"Why not? We have been dating five months and I've yet to even finger you or felt your nice breasts," Kevin said.

"Kevin Riley, am I just a sexual object to you or what?" Liz angrily replied.

"Fuck it, Liz. Hell, I am fucking 17 years old and I wouldn't mind a little sex from you!"

"Fine then, you better find yourself another girl. I am not like that. I thought we had something without crawling between the sheets!"

Kevin rolled his eyes, "Cool then. Find yourself a fucking goody two shoes who doesn't want to have sex to date! I got needs! See your ass later!" Kevin sped off in his dad's old car. He banged his hand on the steering wheel. He knew he had just blown it plus too school was starting that Monday. He pulled in the driveway and killed the old car.

He looked around for his dad and Jon when he walked in. He didn't see either of them and headed straight to his room. He slammed the door and just lay on the bed. He heard the door open and saw it was Jon.

"What the fuck you want?" Kevin snarled.

"Someone is pissed off big time," Jon replied. "Dude, I heard you slam the door. Wassup?"

"Fuckin me and no girl to take care of it now," Kevin snapped back. "Liz and I broke up I guess after I tried to just touch her tits. Fuck it, my ass is done with her. Hell, Jon, I need more than just kissing you know."

"Dude, I think you are just frustrated. I know how you feel. Thank goodness for porn on the internet and my right hand," Jon smiled.

"Yeah, thanks for cheering me up. Now get the fuck out of here," Kevin said in a pissed off way. Jon immediately left Kevin there to sulk. Kevin was just about to call it a night when he heard the phone ringing at 11:30. He picked up the phone and heard lots of people and then Barrett on the phone.

"Dude, can you help me out? I need a ride home. I am too wasted to drive," Barrett said on the phone.

"Damn dude. Yeah, I'll be there in like 10 minutes," Kevin said and hung up the phone, knowing exactly where to find him. Kevin opened the door and grabbed the keys.

Jon heard him and came out, "Where you going?"

"To pick up Barrett's drunk ass. You wanna go with me?"

"Sure, let me grab a shirt," Jon said. Jon found one in the floor and both were out the door.

Kevin wanted Jon to go in case Barrett was more than he could handle. He found Barrett and another friend waiting outside.

"Thanks, Kev. Can you drop off Yancey here on the way home too?" Barrett said.

Kevin could smell the distinct odor of whiskey and cigarettes when both guys hoped in the car. Jon just laughed at Barrett and Yancey.

"What the fuck you laughing at, Jon?" Barrett said.

"Your drunk ass. I have never seen you drunk before. Your pants are unzipped too," Jon said.

"Oh fuck off Jon. You are still a little shit like always," Barrett said.

Kevin was more than ready for his night to end and for his taxi service to be over. He dropped off Barrett and then Yancey.

"Dude, Yancey was messed up, huh?" Jon said.

"Yeah, I knew he was wild. He smokes like a freight train too. Jon, promise me if you ever are drunk like that, call me," Kevin said.

"Kev, I will. I don't really want to start drinking since we see that shit every day at home," Jon said.

"Yeah, we do," Kevin said. "Hey thanks for going with me, Jon."

"No sweat dude. I knew sumin was up when I heard you leaving," Jon said.

Kevin got home and was never so glad for his night to be over. He logged on his computer and found some innocent sex sites. His mind wandered back to the previous night and found a gay site he liked. He felt his cock spring up immediately at the site of the naked guys that were on his screen. He jumped up and killed the computer, fearing he might be turning more to guys now.

The next day, Kevin was just playing his video game and getting his things ready for the first day of school. He heard Jon talking to someone and then saw his door open.

"Can I come in?" Barrett asked.

"Oh yeah," Kevin answered. "I thought you would still be recovering from last night."

"Yeah, my mom was pissed as fuck, dude. She was glad though I had sense enough to call you and not try to drive home."

"No problem. Wassup?"

"Oh I just stopped by to thank you and hang with you a little since we might not get too much when school starts tomorrow. Dude, I can't wait til Friday. We are going to kick some ass."

"Oh yeah. Hey, grab the remote and I'll beat that ass again in Madden."

"You're ass is going down this time, Kev," Barrett said. Barrett soon realized that Kev had practically mastered the game. "Aight, I give dude."

"Don't mess with the master of Madden, dude," Kevin cockily said.

Barrett then leaned over and kissed Kevin on the cheek. Kevin felt Barrett's hand on his cock, massaging it through his athletic shorts.

"Dude, we better stop," Kevin said.

"Hey, just push down your shorts. I owe you a blow, dude for saving my ass last night."

"I guess so," Kevin pushed down his shorts to his knees. He felt Barrett stroking his cock. "You were right about Liz. I dumped her ass last night. She fucking said she...oh fuck that feels good... not ready for a sexual relationship."

"See I told your ass," Barrett said and started licking Kevin's cock. "I guess we will just have to help each other out until we find some loose bitches."

"Oh shit yeah," Kevin moaned. He felt Barrett's hand at the base of his cock and saw him start to suck him. Kevin leaned backed and enjoyed Barrett's hot mouth. Kevin leaned up and ran his fingers on Barrett's head, since Barrett kept his hair cut short.

Kevin's eyes lit up like never before. He saw Jon opening the door.

"What the ..." Jon said with his eyes wide open too. Barrett froze and didn't know what to do since they both were caught red handed with Kevin's shorts at his knees and Barrett sucking Kevin off.


I know it was short but was a good place to stop it. Thanks for all the emails. I really appreciate them.

Next: Chapter 5

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