Wide Receivers

By GF Writer

Published on Apr 22, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sex between that of two consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or person depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

Thanks for all the emails telling me to continue. I appreciate all the suggestions and comments. So here you go...

Kevin and Barrett woke around 3 before their afternoon practice. Barrett just smiled at Kevin. Kevin looked down and saw the big cock that had broke his cherry earlier.

"Barrett, my ass is kinda sore," Kevin said.

"Hell yeah, you had my big rod up you. Dude, I don't give a fuck what people might say about two guys fucking. That was hot!" Barrett smiled with a big toothy grin.

"Yeah, I didn't ever think it would be but it was 10 times hotter than I imagined. I figured it would be disgusting and shit. Now I see what some guys like about. I just hope no one ever finds out about us though," Kevin said.

"I know Kev. We would have to change schools and shit," Barrett said. Barrett got up and put his shirt over his defined upper body and then his shorts, tucking in his massive meat. Kevin just watched and then did the same.

They watched a little TV before eating a quick snack. Barrett and Kevin jumped in Barrett's ride and headed off to a late practice. As usual, the sun was beating down on them and the humidity was running high. Both Kevin and Barrett continued to feed off one another and pushed each other to become better. At the end of practice, their coach gave them a run down on the scrimmage that would be occurring Friday night. He would post the teams on Thursday.

After practice, Barrett dropped Kevin off at his house. Kevin entered the house and headed straight to the shower. After he showered, Kevin could hear his dad and Jon arguing at the top of their lungs. Kevin wrapped the towel around his waist and went to see what it was all about. Kevin's heart sunk when he saw Jon sitting at the kitchen table crying.

"Dad, what's this about?" Kevin asked.

"Your smart mouthed brother thinks he too can tell me what I can do," his dad said, nursing a beer.

"All I asked was if I could join a league team this fall and then he started yelling at me," Jon sobbingly said since he dreams had been shattered. Kevin knew how much he wanted on the team and how much it meant to him.

"Yeah, he thinks he is so good now and needs to show off with these rich boys on this elite team. He knows I can't afford to be sending him all over the state to play that soccer. Hell Jon, be a man and play football like your brother," his dad said.

"I don't want to. Dad, if you were such a freakin drunk and came to see me play one time, you would see why they want me!" Jon said.

"Come on, Jon. Let's just leave him alone," Kevin said and grabbed Jon by the arm and took him back to his room.

"Fuck, one time I get a chance to prove my self and he shoots it down," Jon said while he sat on Kevin's bed.

"Tell you what, you call grandma and see if she will fork over the money it takes. She might help you out if you tell her how much it means to you. Dude, don't let Dad get to you. He is just an ass like always," Kevin said. "Oh tell her too I have a scrimmage Friday night too if she wants to come."

Jon left and called his grandmother. He came back with a big smile. "She said she would do whatever it took for me to play. She told me to tell you she will be there Friday night."

"Cool, at least we can count on her. Hey Jon, I am going to call Liz and let her know too," Kevin said.

"Thanks, Kevin. See ya later," Jon said and went to his room.

The week continued with tough practices leading up to the scrimmage. Kevin and Barrett were placed on opposite teams since they were competing for the same position. Both knew it was close and the play of each would be critical on who got the nod the following week for the opening game of the season, the following week.

Kevin rode with Barrett to the scrimmage as usual. Kevin saw his dear grandmother sitting with his brother Jon when he scanned the bleachers. The scrimmage did nothing to separate the two as both ending up catching 3 balls each. Kevin had the longer of the catches, but Barrett made one great catch before getting jacked up by a safety. They both knew not much separated them and it would be up to their coach who got the starting nod come opening night.

Barrett and Kevin had made plans early in the week to stay at Barrett's after the game. Kevin found his grandmother and Jon to thank them for coming to watch him play. He turned around to see Liz coming storming towards him. She hugged him in his sweaty uniform before letting him go dress. Kevin and Barrett were both pumped after finally some real action.

"That was awesome dude," Kevin said.

"Yeah, we both will get some playing time for sure. Kev, I wish I had your speed," Barrett said while they kicked back on the couch and chilled after their game with a big glass of iced tea.

"You boys both did so good tonight. Kevin, I spoke with your grandmother tonight. She is a real sweetheart," Barrett's mom said.

"Thanks, Mrs. Dunn," Kevin said. "Barrett made one heck of a catch out there tonight."

"Yeah, he really stuck me good but I held on to the ball," Barrett said.

"Well I am going to bed. Both of you should be so proud. Don't get too loud in here," Barrett's mom said.

"Thanks, mom. See ya in the morning," Barrett said. His mom made her way to her bedroom for the night.

"Barrett, I don't see how you hung on to that ball," Kevin said.

"I don't either, dude. He stuck my ass good, kinda like I would like to do to you tonight," Barrett smiled. "Hey I saw Liz on you after the game, Kev. Is she ever going to put out?"

"Hell, I am beginning to doubt it. Every time I leave her I got the damn blue balls," Kevin said.

"Dude, all those bitches are just dick teases. Even Jared is starting to gripe about his girl squeezing her legs so tight," Barrett said.

"I figured they did it all the time. Dude, she is fine as fuck too," Kevin said.

"I know. He came over last night just a bitching about how she wouldn't do shit with him," Barrett said.

"You didn't mess around with him, did you?" Kevin said.

"Fuck no. He would shit a brick dude if I even suggested that shit to him. He's not as open to gay shit as you," Barrett said.

After talking for a while longer, mostly about the scrimmage and their non existent sex life besides each other, they headed to Barrett's room, which was on the opposite end of the small house Barrett and his mom had. Barrett shucked his clothes without even thinking to give Kevin a look at his cock. Kevin eyed him and proceeded to do the same. They both now were fairly comfortable in being naked around one another now with football and messing around a few times with each other. Barrett was becoming quite the exhibitionist and was so proud of his body and more proud of his low hanging cock.

"I guess someone wants to play tonight, huh Kev?" Barrett asked.

"Honestly Barrett, every night when I jack, my thoughts are now of what we did Monday," Kevin smiled and both guys got on Barrett's double bed.

"Fuck yeah, me too. I guess since we can't score no pussy we just have to do each other," Barrett said with his hand massaging his big cock.

Kevin scooted closed to Barrett and put his hand on Barrett's thigh. Barrett grabbed Kevin's hand and move it to feel his raging hard on. Barrett turned his head and kissed Kevin on the cheek.

Kevin grabbed Barrett's head, "What the fuck?"

Barrett was shocked "Dude it was just a fucking kiss."

Kevin leaned over and kissed Barrett on the lips. "That's a fucking kiss."

Kevin got on top of Barrett and with his open mouth kissed him again. Barrett's tongue started exploring Kevin's mouth. Their hands roamed each other's athletic bodies while they continued kissing and making out. Kevin looked Barrett in the eyes and went at it again. Barrett rolled Kevin over and now was on top of Kevin. Barrett reached back and started to jack Kevin's cock.

"Kev, you wanna fuck me?" Barrett asked looking into Kevin's deep brown eyes.

"Fuck do I ever!" Kevin said.

Kevin grabbed his cock and placed it at Barrett's hole. He watched while Barrett slowly dropped his ass on Kevin's throbbing member. Kevin could see the pain and discomfort in Barrett's face.

"Oh fuck dude, this shit hurts," Barrett said quietly not to be heard by his mom.

"Just imagine one your size in me. The pain will go away and then it will feel so awesome," Kevin said.

"I fucking hope so. Take that bitch out and grab some lube," Barrett moaned in pain.

Kevin slowly removed his cock and leaned over to take out the lube. Kevin smeared the lube on his cock and then on Barrett's red asshole. Barrett slowly sank down on Kevin's cock and could feel a big difference since it slid in rather easily and less painful. Barrett waited a few seconds to let his hole adjust to having a cock in it inside of his nightly finger. Kevin looked at Barrett and grabbed his hips. Kevin just stared into Barrett's eyes, realizing his latest fantasy was becoming reality.

Barrett slowly started moving up and down on Kevin, "Ah fuck yeah!"

"MMM Barrett your ass is fuckin hot as hell, dude."

"Ahhhh, fuck! This is fucking the bomb!"

Barrett's pain was soon replaced with a feeling like nothing else. His head was spinning while he worked Kevin's cock up and down. Kevin was also in heaven feeling his best friend's ass on his raging hard prick. Kevin grabbed Barrett's nipples and pinched them. Barrett loved the sound of his cock flopping against Kevin's nice abs while he bounced up and down on his cock.

"Fuck me Kev!" Barrett screamed while moving his ass to feel all of Kevin in him.

Kevin started thrusting his hips into Barrett's ass. He looked down and saw his best friend thoroughly enjoying the sex they were having. Barrett was now steadily pounding his big cock while enjoying the ride.

"Fuck Barrett, this shit is fuckin hot!" Kevin said.

Kevin saw Barrett lean back and continuing to pound his cock while he continuously rode Kevin's cock. Kevin saw Barrett's defined abs contract and send waves of hot white cum across Kevin's body. Kevin knew he was close as well and felt the clutches of Barrett's ass squeezing his cock. The tight squeeze send Kevin over the edge and blasted Barrett's hot ass full of his teen load.

"Oh fuck yeah!" Barrett moaned feeling the hot cum coat his ass.

Kevin closed his eyes and let Barrett milk his cock of every drop of cum. He felt his cock softened and exited slowly out of Barrett's ass. Kevin's cum slowly oozed out of Barrett's fucked ass and onto the sheets.

Barrett grabbed Kevin and held him closed, smearing his cum between them. Barrett looked into Kevin's eyes, "Thanks for popping my cherry. That was fucking awesome."

"I know. If a soul finds out about this shit, our asses are dead."

"Fuck I know dude. The team would fuckin maul us."

"Let's just keep this between us. Hell, we are just getting each other off since no girls will."

"Tell me about it. Still it was fuckin hot as fuck dude," Barrett said and wiped off the cum that covered the both of them.

Kevin leaned off and kissed Barrett. The two made out for a few minutes savoring the intimacy of the moment. Kevin knew how hot it was to kiss a girl after he had fucked her and enjoyed the same feeling, despite it being a male. Kevin didn't fall asleep right away replaying what had just happened. In his wildest imagination, he never dreamed that he and his best friends would even think about having sex with each other, much less actually doing it. Kevin couldn't believe how easily he was able to get off with Barrett now but loved the feeling. Since it was a small bed, Kevin wrapped his arm over Barrett while he dozed off after a very fulfilling night.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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