Wide Receivers

By GF Writer

Published on Apr 15, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sex between that of two consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or person depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

Barrett and Kevin both woke up around 11 that Saturday since they didn't have practice. Barrett was still nude then put back on his boxer briefs.

"That wasn't so bad, Kev. I need to that more often," Barrett said.

"Whatever dude," Kevin said.

"Hey, my mom will be wondering where I am. I better get up out of here. See ya, Monday?"

"Sure thang, maybe Liz and I will run into you tonight," Kevin said.

"I doubt it. I might go to Phil's party tonight if I can find someone to drive me," Barrett said.

"See ya," Kevin said and Barrett got in his car to head home.

Kevin then started playing some PS2 by himself before his brother Jon came in the door with just his boxers on. Jon was skinny like Kevin and had about caught him in height, too.

"Hey Jon, wassup?"

"Hey Kev, can I ask you something?"

"Sure dude, what is it?"

"You're not a virgin, right?" Jon asked while Kevin just nodded. "How do you know when it is time to... you know, dude... go for it?"

"Jon, I guess the right answer is when you both agree that it is right for both you," Kevin said.

"We both want to but are scared something bad might happen," Jon said.

"Just wear protection, Jon. Dude, I was so scared my first time I nearly nutted when I stuck it in her but it was awesome."

"Thanks Kev. I want my first time to nail her to be special. I want it to last and not cum on her in the first 30 seconds," Jon said. "You and Liz doing it?"

"No not yet, but I want to so damn bad," Kevin said.

"I hear ya dude. My nuts hurt so bad last night after I got home. She teased me all night, dude. I thought for sure I was going to do it with her," Jon said. "Hey thanks dude, maybe we'll both get laid tonight."

Kevin hung around the house that day until he went out on a date with Liz. He brought condoms just in case this was the big night. They went to a movie and then went to her house. Kevin left disappointed as usual and started to wonder if he would ever have sex with her.

He went home and found his dad was well on his way to passing out on the couch with a bottle glued to his hand.

"Dad, I think that is enough for tonight," Kevin reached for his dad's bottle.

"Son, I will tell you when I have had enough," His dad said.

"Dad, please stop! One time I would like to come home and find you sober," Kevin said.

"If you don't like it, get your ass out," His dad said. He then took a big swig killing the rest of the bottle.

"Okay, I'll throw it away," Kevin leaned over to take the bottle. Kevin then felt his dad's hand slap him across the face. "Fuck that shit hurt!"

"What did you say, boy?"

"Fuck that shit hurt!" Kevin reiterated. Again he got a firm slap across the face.

"Don't ever let me hear those words come out of your damn mouth again, Kevin Riley!"

"Fuck you dad. All you are is a fuckin' drunk. Don't you ever hit me again, motherfucker or I will deck your ass or worse call the fuckin' police," Kevin was red faced from the hits and anger.

Kevin saw his dad try to hit him again and grabbed his arm. He couldn't bring himself to deck his drunken father but sure wanted to like never before. He looked up and saw Jon open the door with Kevin holding his dad's hand. His dad fell straight to the floor.

"Kevin, what the hell is going on here?" Jon said with bloodshot eyes and a faint smell of cigarettes and marijuana. Jon helped his dad up and took him to his dad's bed. Jon found Kevin with his head in his hands. "Dude, what was that all about?"

"Fuck, Jon, he slapped my ass twice, once for taking the empty bottle out of my hand and the other for cussing at him. He then tried to hit my ass again but I caught his hand and he fell. Now you show up fuckin' stoned. What the fuck, Jon?"

"Kevin, I have never heard you say fuck so much, you must be pissed," Jon said.

"Way to avoid the subject, motherfucker. What the fuck are doing getting fuckin' high, dude?"

"Look Kevin, I can do whatever the fuck I want. Don't call me a motherfucker again, bitch."

"Jon you are a great soccer player. Don't mess it up and be like dad is now when you are 40." Kevin said trying to calm down himself and Jon. He could sense the tension between the two brothers was heavy.

"Kev, I was just having a good time. Fuck you if you don't like it," Jon said.

"Fine, I am going to bed. Be a jerk off and blow the only good thing in your life," Kevin said and slammed his door. He punched his bed out of pure anger and disgust for his life and his family that was rapidly going to hell.

Jon slowly opened the door after about 30 minutes, "Kev, dude, I am sorry. It won't happen again. My girl broke up with tonight and I just needed to get my mind off it. She said I was moving too fast for her but hell she's the one who wanted me to finger her pussy last night. I don't guess you got laid either?"

"No, I don't if Liz and I ever will fuck. I am sorry you broke up. There will be plenty of chances, stud. Tonight has been nothing but pure shit, you know?"

"I can tell. Dude, I am sorry. Thanks for watching after me. Dad sure won't or can. You think he will ever be sober enough to watch me or you play football or soccer?"

"Not any time soon. I am glad grandma comes to see us," Kevin said.

"Hey, dude, if you are like me, I need to bust a nut," Jon said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. See ya, Jon." Kevin said. He just lay there in his boxers staring at the ceiling. His mind raced over the whole night. He then made a vow he was going to be the best at whatever he did in life whether it was sports or his career despite what ever else was circling his life.

Kevin saw his dad, nursing his hangover, the next morning. He did say a word and just grabbed the Sunday sports section of the paper.

His dad looked over his paper, "Kevin, I am sorry I slapped you last night but I don't want to hear you cuss at me again. I know you boys cuss but don't do it towards me."

"Dad, I guess I lost my temper," Kevin said.

"Well it was my fault. Son, how's football going?"

"Oh pretty good. I might get to play some this year on varsity. It's between me and Barrett who starts at wide out."

"Great, son. You know I was a hell of defensive back in my day here."

"I bet I could burn you though, Dad."

"I guess you got your speed from me, Kevin. I was damn good at track too. You should run track during off season."

"They want me to but I need to put on some weight and get stronger."

"Yeah, I can see you are a skinny little fart."

Kevin got up and found something to eat in their disaster of a kitchen. He then saw Jon come down the hall in his flowered boxers. They both sat and ate quietly while their dad finished the paper.

"One of you boys needs to cut the grass today," His dad said.

"Dude it is your turn, Kev. I did it last Saturday," Jon said.

"Okay, I will when I finish up eating," Kevin said.

Kevin then mowed the yard after barely being able to start their old mower. He left his shirt off to take the chance to maybe get a little darker before the summer ended. Jon, on the other hand, didn't have that problem and stayed dark practically year round.

The next day, Kevin was up early and was glad it was the last week of two a days. He again rode to practice with Barrett. They talked how their weekend went but Kevin didn't tell about his dad. He listened while Barrett exaggerated on how wasted he got Saturday night at the party and almost got laid. He knew Barrett loved to overstate things and just went along with him.

The morning sun and high humidity made for a tough and exhausting practice. Both boys knew it was neck and neck who would get the start in two weeks for the opener. Kevin knew he would play some since he was the main return man on kickoffs and punt returns with his speed and quick feet.

They went to Barrett's house after practice to rest for the late afternoon practice. After they both showered and cooled off, Barrett went to his room to lie down and rest. Kevin followed him and lie on the other side of the bed.

"Kev, you wanna fuck now?"

"What the fuck Barrett?"

"Dude you said you would do it when no one was around," Barrett said with his hands in his shorts playing with his dick.

"Do I look like a fuckin' whore dude?"

"Yeah, you do to me. Come on let's at least try it again. Dude I'm hard now," Barrett said.

"I am kinda curious to see what it's like since you barely got in me the other night," Kevin said.

Kevin dropped his shorts while Barrett grabs his lube. Barrett smeared his big cock with lube and then on Kevin's ass. Barrett slowly stuck in a finger.

"Just relax dude," Barrett said since he could feel the tension in Kevin's body. Barrett continued to loosen up Kevin's tight hole so his big dick could go in his best friend. "Your ass ready to get fucked?"

"I guess as ready as I'll ever be," Kevin said.

Kevin felt the large cock at his hole. He tried his best to relax. He shut his eyes together tightly and felt Barrett's big cock slip into his ass. Kevin grabbed the sheets and screamed. Barrett loved the feel of Kevin's tight ass around his cock.

"Fuckin tight ass hole, Kev," Barrett said while he squeezed his cock into Kevin's tight ass.

Kevin bit the pillow from the sharp pain he felt. Kevin could feel Barrett going deeper and deeper. He was now breathing hard like he had just run sprints.

"You okay, Kev?" Barrett asked.

Kevin released the pillow from his mouth, "Fuck dude, your cock is so fucking big!"

Barrett left it in Kevin just a minute. "You still hurtin?"

"Fuck yeah!" Kevin said. "Fuck! Fuck!"

"Fuck yeah, my entire dick is in that ass!" Barrett screamed. "I am going to slowly fuck you! Oh shit this feels so fucking good!"

"Go slow!" Kevin could still feel the pain but not quite as bad. He felt Barrett slowly push in and out. He then felt relief when Barrett's cock slipped out of his ass. Kevin screamed when Barrett stuck it back in.

"You okay?" Barrett asked.

"Yeah, fuck that ass!" Kevin said since he now gotten used to Barrett. He moaned with each push. The pain was slowly starting to fade.

"Take my big dick!" Barrett said. "Fuck I never dreamed fucking a dude would be so hot!"

Kevin then started to actually enjoy Barrett's big cock in him. "Oh Barrett, FUCKKKKKK MMMMMMMEEEE!"

"You like this shit," Barrett said and started fucking Kevin's tight ass harder. Low groans were coming out of Kevin's mouth while Barrett was still in him. Kevin could feel Barrett's weight when he lay on top of him. Both guys were breathing hard while Barrett worked his meat in Kevin's ass.

"Oh fuckkkkk!" Barrett screamed and released his load in Kevin's ass.

"MMMM" Kevin moaned feeling his best friend's cum deep in him.

Barrett flipped Kevin over and sucked his 6 inch cock until Kevin exploded on Barrett's face. "Dude that is fucking nasty." Kevin said.

"Yeah I figured since I nutted in you, you could shoot on me," Barrett said.

"Dude, you liked that shit," Kevin said. "I don't know about you know."

"What the fuck, Kev? You let me fuck you. We're fucking even."

"I guess you are right. Damn that cock did hurt like a motherfucker at first then it felt pretty good."

"Fuck Kevin that is so fucking gay."

"Fuck you, I didn't get a fuckin' facial." Kevin said and then began to wrestle right there on the bed. After wearing each other out, they put on their shorts and took a short nap before the next practice. Barrett smiled knowing he had just fucked his best friend's tight ass.

The End...

Maybe unless you want it to go on. Email me nib12345@yahoo.com if you do want it to continue or think that was good enough.

Next: Chapter 3

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