Wide Receivers

By GF Writer

Published on Apr 12, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sex between that of two consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or person depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

"Oh, Barrett, I liked that. I am glad you talked me into that," Kevin smiled at his best friend.

"See I told your ass fuckin' with guys might be hot," Barrett whispered.

"Yeah, it was incredible since my girlfriend Liz hasn't been putting out shit lately," Kevin whispered. He looked down and saw the massive load he and Barrett had just shot. "Dude, if you ever say anything to anyone bout this, I will kill you."

"Damn, Kev, chill. We are just two horny 17 year olds that just needing to get off," Barrett said. "Besides, I am between girls any way and I don't want the whole school or our team calling us fags just because we sucked each other off."

"Me either dude. I knew your dick was big if damn once it got hard that dick is huge. I bet you put a hurt on Jennie when you guys had sex," Kevin said.

"Kev, once she saw how fuckin' big my dick was she would let me near her pussy with it. She said it would hurt too badly. Hell I know that bitch has been fucked before but I don't guess it was by an 8 and half inch cock like mine," Barrett said.

"Barrett, I bet it is the biggest one on the team," Kevin said.

"Oh yeah, except for maybe Jeremiah. Dude you ever seen that dick on him? No wonder he already has a kid," Barrett said.

"Yeah I forgot bout him. Dude how he ever get that in her?"

"Fuck if I know. The one girl that did take mine last summer screamed bloody murder when I stuck it in her." Barrett then turned over and went to sleep.

The alarm went off right at 7 and both jumped out of bed. They just put on shorts and a team issued t-shirt and was out the door to head off to early morning practice that hot August morning. Their coach was determined to turn around a 7-loss season and worked the boys hard each practice. Both Barrett and Kevin were vying for the same position as wide receiver. Each had a quality that the other didn't. Barrett had soft hands and wasn't afraid to block. Kevin was the speedster and loved showing it each time out. It was a battle between best friends that neither took the fight over one position personal.

Kevin and Barrett had practically grown up together and lately football had become an obsession for them both. They had been best friends since the seventh grade after Kevin started in public schools to play sports. Both of them were similarly built but Barrett had more muscle on his young frame. Kevin was still rather thin and just now was starting to put on a little weight with a lot of effort.

After practice, Kevin headed back home with Barrett to rest before the late afternoon practice. Since Barrett's mom worked and Barrett was an only child, they had run of the place.

"Kevin you need a damn haircut dude. I don't see how you stand that long shit getting in your eyes at practice," Barrett said.

"Dude, Liz would kill me if I got my hair cut short like yours," Kevin said. "She likes it long."

"Whatever dude. You let her rule you don't you?" Barrett said.

"I guess a little," Kevin said.

"Dude, if my girl wasn't putting out, my ass would not listen to one thang she said until she spread those legs," Barrett said.

"Well, maybe we don't have to fuck like most guys to enjoy each other," Kevin said.

"Fuck that dude," Barrett said.

"I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Last night you said you only been with one girl. Dude, Karen and I fucked so much last summer that it got sort of boring," Kevin said.

"Fuck you Kev. I bet you I get more pussy than you do our junior year," Barrett said.

"Yeah right dude. Once Liz starts taking my shit, we will do it all the time. She just wants to wait for now," Kevin said.

"Yeah, this time next year, your dick will still be waiting for that pussy."

"I doubt that shit, dude. Hell she loves my body anyway," Kevin said.

"Dude, you're just fuckin skinny. Look this fuckin six pack dude. All I got to do this year is just raise my shirt and bitches will come flocking to me," Barrett said with his shirt off and flexing his abs.

"I will give you that. Dude, I would kill to have abs like that," Kevin said. "I guess I am just skinny."

It wasn't long before Kevin was out on the couch and Barrett was sound asleep in the recliner. The next thing they heard was Barrett's mom, Katie, come through the door.

"Barrett, you and Kevin better get up. You are going to be late for practice," Katie said.

"Oh man, Kev we better jet. Thanks mom. Hey I am staying over at Kev's after practice tonight if that is cool with you?" Barrett while both gathered their stuff.

"I don't care. Have fun. I will see you tomorrow then," Katie said and out the door both guys went.

After another tough practice, Barrett and Kevin went to stay that Friday night at Kevin's house. Kevin lived with his dad since his mom left four years ago with another man. Kevin's brother, Jon, was a freshman but went more towards soccer than football and they all lived in the middle class neighborhood in their town.

Kevin and Barrett showered and dressed before meeting up with Kevin's girlfriend and some of their other friends from school. This was pretty normal date for Kevin and Liz since both enjoyed being around a group of people their age on their dates. They hung out at someone's house, went to the movies or did some sporting things like bowling or putt-putt golf when they were in the company of the females.

After getting home after 11 and spending the night just hanging out at one of their friends, Kevin and Barrett went to Kevin's room after finding Kevin's dad passed out like normal from drinking.

"My dad is such a drunk, dude," Kevin said.

"Kev, if he was my dad, my ass would come home so fucked up each night and he couldn't say shit," Barrett grabbed the remote to the PS2.

"I just don't want to end up like him though. He can barely keep his job dude. If my grandmother wasn't so nice, we would live in a dump," Kevin said.

"Kev, where is Jon tonight?"

"Hell if I know. Now he has been taking advantage of my dad. You know he came in the other night high as shit," Kevin said.

"No way, lil Jon hitting the weed, huh?"

"Hell yeah Barrett. I hate it dude. He is just going to fuck his life up. He is awesome at soccer," Kevin said and was putting a beat down on Barrett in some Madden.

"Dude, just let him have his fun. He will be just fine," Barrett said.

"Yeah easy for you to say since he's not your brother. Dude, I am schooling your ass tonight," Kevin said.

"No wonder, you got the fuckin' Colts dude. I quit any way. My ass is beat," Barrett said.

"Damn you are a sore loser, you know it," Kevin said.

Barrett slung his shirt and then his shorts across the room and intentionally pulled down his boxer briefs to give Kevin another look at his big dick that Barrett was so proud of.

"Dude put your dick back in your underwear. I know it is big but damn," Kevin said.

"Kev, my ass is sleeping butt naked tonight whether you like it or not," Barrett then lift his legs as he lay on the bed and pulled his boxer briefs the rest of the way off. "Whew that feels so much better."

"Barrett, come on dude. What if Jon walked in here and saw you naked?"

"He'd probably suck me off."

"Dude that is so fucking gay."

"Kev, you liked it."

"Yeah, but I only did it once and I'm not doing it tonight," Kevin pulled off his shorts and shirt. He turned off the light and crawled into bed.

"Dude I'm so fucking horned up right now I could fuck a dog," Barrett said.

"Barrett that is gross, dude."

"No I meant some fat chick like Terri at school."

"Dude that is even nastier. Knowing you, you might. Just go to sleep."

Kevin turned on his side to try to go to sleep. He then felt Barrett scooting closer. "Barrett, scoot over, dude."

Barrett didn't move an inch. Barrett then grabbed Kevin's boxers and jerked them down.

"What the fuck?" Kevin was now pissed.

"Come on, Kev. Sleep naked," Barrett said.

"No dude."

"What's it goin to hurt?"

"I don't want to. Scoot your ass over and go to sleep. I thought you said you were tired," Kevin said.

"Come on please!" Barrett pleaded. "If you do, I might do something for you."

"Okay!" Kevin pushed his boxers off and showed them to Barrett. "Happy? Now try to go to sleep, Dammit."

Barrett then scooted over and waited while Kevin lay there on his side. He gave a few quick tugs at his meat and was fully hard. He then scooted back over and put his hard cock at Kevin's ass. Barrett put his arm on Kevin pretending to be asleep. Kevin threw off Barrett's arm.

"Are you just going to leave your dick there or are you going to fuck me?" Kevin whispered. Kevin opened his nightstand and pulled out the KY. He handed it to Barrett. Barrett knew this was the moment he waited for 2 long years. Secretly he had wanted to have sex with Kevin and now it was really going to happen.

"Dude, I will be gentle. Is this your first time too?"

"Fuck yeah, please go slow. I hope I can take it."

Barrett lathered his hard dick with tons of KY and put it at Kevin's hole. He pushed but nothing happened except bending his hard dick. He grabbed Kevin's small ass and spread his cheeks. He pushed again and heard Kevin whimper.

"Dude, I don't know about this," Kevin quietly said.

"Since we both want it, it's going to happen," Barrett said.

Barrett pushed again and then felt his dick head slip past Kevin's tight ring and into Kevin's ass.

"OOO.." Kevin started to scream but Barrett's hand covered his mouth.

Barrett whispered into Kevin's ear, "Tight fuckin' ass."

Kevin grabbed Barrett's hand and took it off his mouth, "Fuckin' take it out, you are too big."

Barrett then pulled out his cock that was barely in Kevin. "Oooh, thank goodness. Give me just a second." Kevin said.

Barrett then shoved two fingers into Kevin's ass. He tried his best to loosen up Kevin by moving and wiggling his long fingers around. Kevin moaned quietly, hoping not to wake his dad. He then heard his brother's door slam since Jon was now home.

"Maybe we should just wait and do this some other time since Jon might hear us," Kevin said.

"Kev, I'm about to fucking nut anyway," Barrett said.

"Wipe that shit off and I will suck you and you can suck me," Kevin said.

Barrett grabbed some tissue that Kevin kept handy and cleaned off his long dick. Barrett knew he wouldn't last long when he felt Kevin take his dick head in his mouth. Kevin then barely started sucking him before Barrett pushed him off.

"Oooo fuck yeah!" Barrett said and sent his nightly load streaming across his abs. Kevin grabbed more tissue and wiped off the white cum off Barrett's abs.

"MMMM" Kevin moaned and felt Barrett's mouth take his dick. Kevin watched Barrett take in most of his 6 inches. He was very hard and knew he too wasn't going to last much longer.

"I'm about to nut," Kevin said and Barrett watched while Kevin exploded onto his small patch of pubes and a developing treasure trail. Kevin wiped his nightly deposit out of his pubes and threw the tissue under his bed.

"Damn Kev, I was this close to fuckin you."

"I know. Fuck you're big though. I don't know if I can ever take that son of a bitch again."

"I hope so. Maybe we can do it some other time when no one is home and you can scream your fuckin' lungs out."

Kevin then found his boxers and put them on. "I thought we were going nude tonight." Barrett said.

"Barrett, I don't want to wake up and feel your damn dick in my ass."

"Kev, you catch on quickly. Night bud."

Barrett rolled over and was breathing heavily as was Kevin after their unsuccessful try at anal sex.

Thanks for reading... to be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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