Why Does Loving Jerry Hurt Me

By Art Gibson

Published on Feb 6, 2022


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Why Does Loving Jerry Hurt So Much C-4

In C-3 Wyatt meets Cam. The boys seem to bond. Camden declares he needs a friend. Wyatt tells us he is falling for Camden. Much happens, especially in the epilogue. I love a happy family story.

On the bed, Cam and I lay on our elbows facing each other, talking. "How many freckles you got?" I asked Cam.

"I never counted them. A shit ton, I guess. Goes with my red hair."

"Is your hair red all over? Like down there?" I indicated between his legs with my eyes.

"That's usually the way it works. You know. "

I kept staring at Cam's blue-green eyes, trying to decide what to say next. I never saw a pixie. I was looking at one now. We stared into one another's eyes, breathing slowly. I wanted to touch his face so badly, to feel his freckled skin, so I asked, "Can I touch your cheek?"

"Maybe later. Let's go out back and see if the fireflies are flying." They were. Cam and I ran, holding our hands out as if we were airplanes. We ran through the blinking of the myriad lights that twinkled in the night air. Finally, out of breath, we collapsed on the grass next to each other, breathing heavily. I saw his stomach heave in the reflected glow of the twinkling lights. I reached over, then stopped, unsure if Cam wanted me to touch him. My hand hovered six inches over his stomach, which had become revealed when his shirt rode up. Cam gently cupped my hand in his and lowered it to the bare skin of his stomach. He held me, not moving. I felt the pulse of his heart and the light sweat on the skin.

"You can kiss me, Wyatt. If you want."

In the reflected light, I saw his eyes shine. I could see drops of sweat on his upper lip. "I've never been kissed by a boy before." He seemed worried.

I held back. I had to tell Cam. I could not be his first kiss until I told him. I must have waited too long.

"Don't you want to kiss me?" Cam's voice choked as if he were about to cry.

"You need to know about me, Cammy. I am not the innocent boy you think I am. I don't want you regretting your first kiss. You might want someone," I struggled to find the best word, "someone less experienced. I have done things, sex things with other boys. I am not a virgin Cammy. I am not apologizing for what I did. I want you to know."

He rubbed my hand over his tummy. I thought he might have changed his mind until he spoke. "Barry throws sex parties with only boys. I know what they do. I see them when they start their kissing and rubbing. I am not a prude, Wyatt. Boy on boy sex does not offend me. I am interested in more than a one-off. I saw you come in with Mike and John. They are regulars. At first. I thought you were at the house to have a good time, get off, and leave. Then I saw how you almost jumped into your clothes in a rush to leave. Why?"

"I have had sex with Mike and John, even Barry. I looked at you and, I dunno know. Something felt off. Like I did not belong. Something about you looked innocent. I needed to leave."

"Innocent? I know what guys do. I've seen videos before."

"Have you done anything? With guys?"

I could see his head move negatively. He still held my hand on his stomach. "I want you to know one thing, Wyatt. Remember, I have no experience. I want, no, I need, someone to love and protect me. Can you be that someone?"

I stared at Cammy, aware of what he asked. Could I give up all my pleasures for just Cammy? What if later we, rather, I messed up? I swallowed.

"There is this boy, Jerry. I wanted him as a lover. He used me. I did things to him, with him. He would leave right after. He left me." I felt a tear roll out of my eye.

Cammy was quiet, probably deciding to change his mind. Instead, he took his hand and placed it behind my head. Gently, he pulled my mouth to within an inch of his. I felt the air from deep in his lungs. It smelled clean. "If you kiss me, we belong to each other. I will never leave you. I know promises may not last. If you ever decide that you want to look elsewhere, let me know. I will not force you to stay."

I shuddered. "What have I done to be worthy of you? You are so clean, so pure." I leaned the last inch to allow our lips to connect. Cammy moaned and kissed me back. We did not use tongue. Our opened mouths, lips connected, breathed each other's air. That was the most beautiful thing I had ever done. How long we lay like this, I could only guess. I loved Cammy's scent. His smell aroused me. I wanted all of him.

"I'm cold." Cammy's declaration startled me. I pulled off his lips, running my hand through his hair. "Let's go inside."

Mom was reading as we passed the family room. "Sleep well. Boys."

"Thanks, mom. You too."

"Can we shower, Wyatt? Together? I mean, I know boys shower with each other. I never have. Can we?"

Cammy looked embarrassed as he stood in front of me. I turned him and lifted his shirt over his head. His back had a ton of freckles, mostly on his shoulders. I did not ask. I leaned forward and placed my tongue on his skin. His moan gave me permission to taste his body. "Undo your pants. Take them off." Soon I pressed his bare skin against my shorts. I placed my hands on his stomach. I rubbed. I wanted more. I broke my touch and removed my clothes. I moved to hold him, our bare bodies melding into one. Cammy moaned. I shuffled him forward to the shower. Reaching for the controls, I turned them on. We entered. I closed the door. Cammy turned in my arms. We kissed. Our hands roamed. Cammy became wild.

"Easy, buddy. Take it easy. First shower."

Cammy broke our embrace. With a last lingering touch that almost made me take back what I just said, he grabbed the body wash and the loofa. He squirted body wash on it. "I want to wash you first. I never washed a boy. I want you to be my first."

"Oh, Cammy. I want to be so many of your firsts." Looking at my pixie, and I doubted I would ever tell him I considered him a pixie, I nodded. "Go for it."

His touch was gentle. He stared as he reached parts of me that my clothes hid. At one point, I felt his tongue lick just above my pubes. "Oh. Wyatt. We are shaving these. I want to lick every inch of you without hair interfering, if that's okay."

My response was a moan, and I held his head.

Our shower took so long that the water turned cold. We dried each other. We brushed our teeth. I let him borrow my brush. He had forgotten his. To me, Cammy using my toothbrush was as good as kissing him. Our sharing had started.

I turned out the light and joined Cammy in bed. Of course, we had on no clothes. Our hands stroked freely over each other. Cammy moaned as he pressed against me. I felt his hardness settle next to mine. He started pushing, then rubbing. His arms wrapped to pull me. His lips were in constant sucking on mine. His movements became more rapid. His breath was heavy. He stiffened. I felt his penis throb. His lust seemed to go forever. I held my lover, soothing him, stroking his hair.

Eventually, he calmed. "Shit. I made a mess."

I turned him on his back. I used my tongue to wash Cammy. For me, this was a first. When I felt I had all of him clean, I rose.

"Where are you going?"

"Get a towel. Clean myself."

"Let me do it." Cammy pulled me down and gave me my first tongue bath.

"You are a frigging cat, you know that?" I purred.

"Yeah. I'm your pussy. One day, you are going to make me your real pussy. Oh, my. Look how hard you are. Can I?"

"Of course. You can use your mouth if you want to learn."

Cam looked at my cock, already leaking and juicy. "Just use your hand." My buddy's answer was to lower his mouth all the way to my base. "Shit. Where did you learn to be so good?"

"Watching porn," he moaned, never leaving my hardness.

"I'm almost there. Better pull off and stroke me the rest of the way."

I thought he was about to do that as he raised off my penis. He looked at it. I knew it was throbbing, ready. "I'd rather have my first taste of cum be from you, Wyatt. He blew straight past my tip and went as deep as he could. His red hair blazed, and I did not hold back, grabbing his head and flooding his virgin mouth with my essence.

He crawled up, wrapping me in his arms. I did the same. "I love you Wyatt."

Oh, Cammy. I never knew true love. You are teaching me.

We woke gradually. Stretching. Kissing. Enjoying our closeness and the memory of what we shared. I stroked his hair. "Oh, Cammy." I moaned.

He kissed me, then dragged me to the shower, but not before he held me as I peed. I did the same to him. Finished, we grinned, as if what we had just done was forbidden. The shower was a repeat of last night, with one addition. Cammy repeated his blow job of last night. I did the same to him. After we dressed and were eating cereal, he looked at me. "I want to make love to you, Wyatt. Like, all the way, love. I want you to be my first."

MY eyes looked into his. Before I responded, someone knocked at the back door.

"Excuse me." I walked to the door. Jerry stood there. I knew he could not see Cam from where he stood.

"Can I come in?"

"Not a good idea." I said.

"Who's this?" I had not heard Cam approach.

"I'm Jerry. Wyatt and I..." Before Jerry could finish, Cam spoke.

"Yeah, I know. Wyatt told me all about you. Wyatt loved you. Did you know that? He told me he did. He also told me you would use him for sex and leave him wanting you. Did you ever care about him? Or was he just a sex object to use and discard like an old cum rag? I've met many boys just like you. Just so you know. Wyatt and I are lovers, boyfriends. He is mine, all mine. I'll never run out on him. So, yeah, I know about you." Cam wrapped his hand behind my head and kissed me, right in front of Jerry, not three feet from his eyes.

When Cam released me, I smiled. "There you have it. I am Cam's all the way. And, you know what?" I pulled my boyfriend to me. "He and I. We aren't going nowhere."


I suppose more could be told about how close Cam and I became. Nobody ever came between us. Oh, many tried, especially when we were in college. Cam was so beautiful, my pixie, that many guys tried to poach him. He laughed as he told me all they did to entice him to their side. He now knew I thought of him as my pixie. He had a laugh when I slipped during one of our love making bouts and moaned. "My Pixie." After that, he insisted I call him by that name whenever we made love.

I told him similar stories of guys trying to pick me up, or even more. He would stroke my hair as I recounted their attempts. "That's my sexy husband."

Yep. We married the day after we graduated. Mike, John, and Barry agree to be our groomsmen. I laughed when, after the ceremony, Mike tried to slip his tongue into my mouth. "Uh, uh. You need to ask my husband if he is okay with you doing that." Everyone had a good laugh.

We postponed the honeymoon as we started our teaching jobs the week after graduation. Both of us were English teachers, hired in the same school. Life went well for a couple of years when we learned that two abandoned infants needed a home. My soft-hearted husband thought he would have to twist my arm. Nope. We were approved and adopted, Isaac and Jonah. Both were such cuties.

Time slipped away. Our boys were about to enter kindergarten and they had five fathers, well, two fathers and three uncles to escort them to their first day. They had argued against going when we told them they had to stay dressed all day. Once they were undiapered, they never dressed in the house. We did not mind, as we never dressed in the house. Later, we even joined a clothing free resort.

Kindergarten passed, as did early elementary school. Our boys were soon to be fourth graders. We planned to make use of the clothing free resort we belonged to. By now, they knew all about our love for one another and how I called Cam Pixie. We never dressed around each other, we only kissed, nothing more. We told the boys that was personal and only to be done when alone. They respected that.

Until that night at the cabin at the resort. A thin curtain separated the bedrooms. Cam and I made sure to be quiet as we made love. The second night, Cam motioned me to be quiet. I heard what sounded like passion coming from our boy's room. I listened.

"Dad says to be sure to use lube." That was Jonah talking.

I heard Isaac say. "Go slow. Don't make any noise."

"Me, I'm the one entering you. You be quiet."

Cam gripped me. "Maybe we should stop them."

"Do you want to?"

"No. they will figure it out. We did." Cam and I lay holding each other, listening to the love making beyond the blanket.

"Oh, Jonah. That was so good. I felt you inside me. You gotta try it."

"Okay. Just be quiet. Don't wake up the dads."

"Me? I'm entering you. You be quiet."

We heard noise. Isaac always had been more vocal. "Shut up." That was Jonah. Eventually, all we heard was Isaac whimpering. Then Jonah roared.

I looked at Cam. He is a lot like you. You get noisy when you cum.

"Do you think he is sperming, yet?"

"Probably not yet. Want to go ask?"

Cam swatted me.

The next morning, the boys would not look at us. We told them to sit.

Cam started. "We heard you." Both boys turned red and stared at the floor. "It's okay, you know, loving your brother like that. We still need to schedule a safe-sex talk soon."

I took over. "Never be ashamed to love each other. If you want advice or have questions, ask."

Jonah had always been snarky. "Yeah, you two have experience. Lots of it. We hear the two of you all the time. Right Pixie?"

"Do you need condoms?" I ignored his jibe.

"Why? Neither of us is getting PG even when we start to sperm."

I laughed. "That answers that question."

The boys looked puzzled. "Never mind. Shower and let's go have breakfast."

Our beautiful boys led the way, holding hands, imitating their dads. Years passed and their high school graduation was upon us. Life had evolved. Our boys were so in love with one another. When they were sophomores, they requested to move into our room. By now, none of us felt the slightest bit awkward sharing a room. Every bit of our lives was open to all.

We hid nothing from one another. Well, unless the uncles stayed with us. Otherwise, life felt good. The boys knew our history, mine included. They both cried and hugged me when they learned about Jerry. When they learned about their uncles and what had gone down, at first they wanted to experiment with other boys. We watched. Nothing happened. They would not separate from each other.

Some nights we all laughed as they recounted how boys tried to sex them. Never happened.

I saw Jerry one time at parent conferences. He had a daughter at the high school. I saw him look at me across the conference room. I waved. He turned and hugged some woman. Probably his wife.

More years passed. The boys received their college degrees. They taught at the same school as we did. History repeated itself. We had to buy a larger home. Our sons, who had returned to live with us, had to get their own bedroom to make room for our grandsons.

One quiet summer evening, Cammy and I sat on the porch, rocking and holding hands. Two little imps, just like their dads, came running out to snuggle with their papas.

"You two need to wear clothes when outside, I said."

Wyatt Jr. pouted as he looked at Camden Jr. "Should we, Cammy"

"Naw. Papas will hide our weenies if anyone comes.

"Daddy says we are too young to come yet. We have to be grown like him."

I looked at Cam. He shook his head. Our grandsons giggled. Life.

That's all for now for this story unless somebody has a suggestion.

at: acgib1943@protonmail.com

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