Why Does Loving Jerry Hurt Me

By Art Gibson

Published on Jan 4, 2022


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Why Does Loving Jerry Hurt So Much C-3

RECAP DETAILS: Wyatt expresses his love for Jerry, who seems to reciprocate at first. Jerry tells Wyatt they must hide their love. His friends Mike and John seem to be open to whatever sex escapades seem fun. They do not hide. Jerry again crushes Wyatt's spirit by leaving him to go be with Dave.

I sat on my bed staring at the doorway through which Jerry had left. I wanted to cry. Why? Why did I love Jerry? We had been friends forever. We played together. We had his paper route to deliver. We helped each other with studies and homework. He had a sense of humor and before we reached our teens, used to make me laugh. The love I wanted with Jerry had moved beyond these activities. The love I wanted pushed the limits of friendship into the boy to boy love area. I wanted Jerry in ways that were done between boys and girls. A deep love with passion. Sex with Mike and John was not love. It was fun. I got off. I did not love them.

I lay back, staring at the ceiling. I drifted as my eyes got heavier.

Noises filled my room as the light of the morning shone through my shades. I stretched. Something felt good on my cock. I opened my eyes to see Mike rubbing my morning wood. My shorts were at my ankles.

John stood over the bed. "He sure gets hard in the morning," John said. "Don't jack him too much."

I stretched and pushed by hips off the mattress. Mike's hand felt good. This morning hand job from another boy was a first. "Don't stop, Mike. I need it."

Mike laughed. "You need to shower. We gotta leave. Sex later."

"What? Where?" I asked, feeling confused and wanting to spurt.

Mike pulled me up and finished stripping me. "Shower time, big guy. We are watching. You can't jack off. Gotta save your load."

Now I was more confused. "Why are you guys in here this early? I gotta pee. You can't watch me."

"Get moving and we are watching all you do. If you need to take a morning dump, we watch. We ain't wiping. We watch you do it. You wipe your own butt."

"You guys are such pervs." I stood, making my way to my bathroom. John and Mike followed, watching the show my boner was giving them. I stood over the toilet bowl and struggled to start. I pushed my hard cock down, struggling to start. I strained my groin to make the pee begin. My reward was a few dribbles. My bladder took over and I settled into a powerful stream of pee into the toilet. I felt Mike snuggle behind me. He pushed my hand off my penis and took over, directing my stream.

"I can feel your piss in the tube. You flow strong." One of his fingers edged my stream. He pulled the finger back and put it in his mouth. "Tastes sweet. Try some John."

Holy shit, John kneeled next to the toilet. Mike directed my stream at John's mouth. I watched him swallow. "Ah, you are right, his is sweet. Sweeter than yours."

I finished. Mike shook the last drops off me. "You two are so pervy." I'm so horny right now. Drinking my piss, who decided that was a good idea?.

"We started pissing on each other. One day I accidentally got some in my mouth. I loved the taste of John's piss. We get so turned on when we piss and drink each other. John even pissed in my hole. He actually filled me so much I had to get on the toilet and let go. Enough about pissing. We have to move. Shower, Ten minutes to dress. John will get your backpack filled." Seeing my face, he continued. "No questions. It's a surprise and you are going to love it. Your mom okayed it."

Dressed and outside waiting for whatever, I asked, "Don't I get any breakfast?" John giggled, "You will get breakfast all right." Mike laughed.

I rarely rode the bus for a distance more than the YMCA. This ride took us into one of the more affluent neighborhoods. We exited at the end of the line. My friends guided me to a large house, a mansion, really.

"Who lives here?" I asked as Mike rang the bell.

The answer to that question resolved itself when the door opened and Barry from the day before stood naked with a smile on his face. I was more interested in the hardness between his legs. He gave me a grin.

"Glad you two made it and brought this cutie with you. Come in, boys. The others are here and out by the pool. Put your clothes in that room. No need to be dressed around here."

I followed my friends into a large room off the entry hall. Piles of clothes lay against the walls. "Strip. Let's join the party."

"What party, Mike?" I asked.

"Barry invited us as we were leaving yesterday. He said to be sure to bring that hot cutie. That's you, cute boy. Strip."

Naked, we wandered toward the talking. We found at least a dozen young men and boys naked. Some very erect and not seeming bashful in the least. I saw two in a corner making out. Both naked and rubbing with a fiery passion that had me wondering how long it would be before one or both of them came.

I was horny before I arrived. Now I wanted to ravage someone, maybe join the two hotties for a threesome. Before I went over, Barry walked up. "You are dripping." He pointed at my cock before swiping the juice and putting his finger into his mouth to eat it. "Those two will go on like that for hours. Mostly we ignore them."

"What's your name. I forgot." He asked me.

"Wyatt, sir."

"I'm Barry. Same as yesterday. I want you to meet my brother." He waved at a sandy-haired boy who looked as if he would rather be elsewhere. The boy wandered over. He was thin. I could see the outline of his ribs. His waist tapered to his hips, between which was a cock that was thin and cut. His mouth had a thin, boyish line. A smattering of freckles crossed his nose.

"Camden, this is Wyatt, the boy I told you about who I met yesterday." Turning to me, he said. "Cam is rather shy. You made an impression on me at the Y. I wanted my brother to meet you. Get to know you."

"I can get my own friends," Camden said. His voice was flat and sure. I looked at him. Freckles. Thin torso. A soft cock that was about three inches hanging between two round balls in his soft sack. His pubic hair was reddish, like the hair on his head. I stood over him, not that he was short. Just well-proportioned. His blue-green eyes bore into me.

"Quit setting me up. I don't need sex, no matter what you think." He glared at his brother.

I smiled and looked at Barry. "This looks like a pleasant house and a sexy party. I don't think this is something I want to do." I said these last words as I stared at Camden. He was more beautiful than a boy had a right to be.

"Thanks for the invite. Nice meeting you, Camden. John, Mike, you two stay. Have fun. I can find own my way home."

I went to the dressing room and gathered my clothes. I had dressed except for my shirt when I saw Camden enter the room. "Have fun at your party, kid. Nice meeting you." I pulled my shirt over my head and straightened it. I started for the entrance. Camden was staring. "Bye," I said, reaching for the handle.

"Wait. I want to come with you. Let me go dress."

"Why would you want to come with me?"

His response was one word. "Please?"

Just then, Barry entered. "Keep him safe, Wyatt. He has been sheltered. He needs a friend."

"I will keep him safe,"

"Let's go," Camden reappeared dressed like most teen boys, jeans, T-shirt, and Converse. White socks flopped over the tops of the shoes. "I know. I'll be careful," he told his brother. He pushed me out the door.

"Where were you going?"

"Home, I guess."

"Can I come with you?"

"Sure, if you want. Just so you know, I like boys."

Camden stopped walking to look at me. "I do too. Except Barry is always trying to find me a boyfriend. Some kids are creepy, like pervs. You were the first boy who was nice but did not jump at the chance to be my friend." He emphasized the word friend. I understood what he meant.

I looked at Camden. His face looked cute. His eyes had a hopeful look to them. "Not my style. I enjoy fooling around with my two friends." I did not forget to add Jerry. I was trying to let him go. "I have fooled around. Now, I want more with a boy. I want someone who can be a boyfriend long term. I thought I had found him, but he wanted to keep what we did hidden. I can't hide who I am. I thought he wanted the same with me. He had been my best friend forever. It hurt when he said he loved me but would not show it unless I agreed to keep our love hidden." I stopped. "What a fool you must think I am. I never talk about this stuff with anyone."

Camden waited before speaking. "You are not a fool. I want more than a friend. Only, I want to choose him. I do not want Barry telling me who I can be friends with. I want a boy I choose, with whom I can show the world our love. Can I come to your house? I'd like to talk more."

We boarded the bus. On the way, he told me to call him Cam. "Can I call you Wy?" So began the naming part of our relationship. I told him I was fourteen. He told me he would be fourteen next week. We talked about school. Turned out we both liked English and both liked adventure books, especially books about the war in the Pacific in World War Two. His favorite food was chocolate ice cream. "That's not a food," I told him.

"I have it on good authority that it is. I read it in a newspaper."

"That is a reliable source, for sure." He punched my shoulder. "The newspaper is very reliable."

I laughed. We arrived at my stop. The walk to my house was less than a hundred feet.

"This is where I live," I said as we entered my back door. I loved my house. I wanted to have Cam see it as I saw it.

Cam looked around. His nose quivered. I almost giggled. He looked like a dog chasing a scent "Smells nice."

"My mom must have been baking. The house always smells nice when she bakes. She is a wonderful baker."

At that moment, mom entered the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Thanks Wyatt. I heard that. Who's your cute friend?"

Mom, meet Cam. We met today. I invited him over."

Cam smiled at mom and told her the house smelled wonderful.

"I just finished baking cookies. I'll bring some to Wyatt's room when they cool."

Cam asked to use the toilet. I showed him where it was. Mom looked at me. "He's cutie. He seems nicer than Jerry."

I had to agree with her. She kissed my cheek. "Have fun. Just not too much fun."

"Mom. I just met Cam. Give it a break."

"Well, I hope you like him." She repeated I could do much better than Jerry. "He only uses you Wyatt. You do not need that."

"I know mom." I heard the toilet flush. I went to stand at the door.

"This is my lair. Abandon hope if you dare enter it." I said, using what I thought was a voice imitation of a vampire.

In a ghostly voice, Cam growled. "I have a cross in my pocket. Make me show it to you if your heart is not faint."

We entered my room, both shoving each other and giggling.

We ended up on the floor, our backs against the wall, our sides touching. Mom brought cookies, two each. "Enjoy. Camden, would you like to stay for supper?"

I added, hesitantly. "Could you stay tonight?"

Mom had left. Cam pointed at my bed. "Where would I sleep? Your bed is a one person bed."

"You could sleep with me."

Camden scrunched his face, a face I wanted to kiss, only doing this was too soon. "I only mean we sleep. I have sleep pants you can wear." I did not mention we would be shirtless.

"Okay." He said the word hesitantly, like the uncertainty of sleeping with another boy so close scared him.

"I will let Barry know. Can I use your phone?"

His words fluttered my heart. I was a goner at that moment for the freckle-faced boy with the blue-green eyes.

Comments and suggestions at: acgib1943@protonmail.com

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Next: Chapter 4

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