Why Does Loving Jerry Hurt Me

By Art Gibson

Published on Sep 30, 2021


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Why Does Loving Jerry Hurt So Much C-2

RECAP C-1: I watched Jerry leave. I felt empty. I felt like if he wanted to be that way, he could take off. I did not need to see him.

The narrator, Wyatt, had a sexual experience with Jerry, whom he loved. Jerry ghosted Wyatt the next day. Mike and John, two boys who enjoyed sexual activities with Wyatt, are willing to do more. Wyatt likes these boys but he loves Jerry. Jerry's reaction was to desert Wyatt. Mike and John wanted to fool around. Wyatt has a choice. He loves Jerry but he is hurting from the rejection.

I tossed most of the night unable to sleep. Pain at the way Jerry treated me kept me awake. I decided I would go see Jerry and try to smooth things over. I biked to Jerry's house arriving after he would have finished his route. He and Dave were shooting hoop. I shuffled towards the back yard my hands in my pockets. "How about if I play," I asked?

"Sure," Dave told me.

Jerry looked at me then he looked at Dave. "Remember, we got to clean my bedroom after last night and get my stuff to your house for tonight."

Jerry looked at me with a smile that told me all I needed to know. He wanted to be with Dave instead of with me. Screw him. I returned to my bike giving Jerry the finger. I turned quickly so neither he nor Dave could see my red cheeks and teary eyes. I rode down Jerry's drive without a backwards glance.

Screw Jerry. I'll show him. Just wait if he wants to come over and hang out. My thoughts were in a dark place as I wiped the tears on my cheeks. I neared my house. Passing Mike's, I saw Mike and John sitting on Mike's porch. They called to me. I stopped my bike a couple feet from John's shoes.

"What's the matter with you? You been crying." Mike said, concern in his voice.

"I think the wind got me just right," I said.

"John and I were hoping we would see you. Want to go swim at the Y?"

I thought about the Y. We sawm naked, all the boys and men did. "I'll get my towel and let my mom know. I need to get my bus pass too."

The bus ride was about a half an hour. The three of us joked and pushed each other. At the Y we showed our cards and went to the men's lockers. There we put our clothes in baskets.

I studied my friends as we showered. John had light brown pubes, a lot of them. I knew his cock was six inches when hard. Soft he was maybe three inches. His was cut and thin. It looked like mine, cut, thin and short when soft. Mike had bright red pubes and his cock flopped over his balls about four inches. When he got hard, his tip came out of his foreskin and he was as long as we were.

My friends saw me looking and they giggled. Mike looked around. We were alone and no noise came from the locker area. He walked over signaling John. Mike slipped to his knees as John wrapped me from behind in a bear hug. Mike put his hand around my cock and guided it to his mouth.

"Not here guys," I said. "Someone might see and I'll be hard." Nothing doing. Mike went to work sucking me, his lips hitting my pubes. John was rubbing my nipples. I got hard as iron in less than a minute. Mike gave one last suck that made me almost lose it. Then John and Mike propelled me out the door to the pool where I was on display and the guard had to check me to see I had showered

"Don't worry kid. You ain't the only one I've seen like that. Lots of kids, some littler than you, and bigger, get hard. Yours looks real nice. He let his hand rub me a couple of times before passing me. I waited for my two giggling buddies. I'm sure the look on their faces told it all as I glared at them.

We could not have a splash fight but we could hang on the edges. My goofy friends would rub me and tease me when the guard was busy elsewhere.

"You jerks. Quit it. I am getting horny. Mike put his mouth next to my ear and joined John rubbing my cock. "Aw is the widdle boy going to spurt?"

"Not in the pool, jerk."

"Aw, think how much fun it would be doing it in public."

The guard was busy at the other end with some towels. He was not looking. Both my friends were attacking my cock with their curled hands.

"Let it go Wyatt," Mike said in a seductive voice. "You want this. This is so hot here in the pool where someone might see. See that man on the other side. He is watching us. Spurt Wyatt."

Their hands were speeding up and tightening on my very stiff penis. I felt my hips start to thrust The man was staring and I swear I saw his tongue licking his lips. His arm was moving in a very familiar motion. I stared at him as I felt sensations overtaking me. Him knowing what was being done to me and watching created a deep lust in my chest.

"Do it Wyatt," Mike whispered. "That old guy is watching. Put on a show for him."

My mouth was slack. I felt drool gather at my lips. My eyes were not focusing. I became lost in the pleasure of what my friends were doing to me while I was on display for the guy on the other side.

"I feel it," John said. You are almost there. Let it happen, Wyatt."

"Oh my gawd, I moaned as I felt that pulsing begin deep in me and flow out. My buddies never stopped and kept stroking. My legs were collapsing and I steadied myself on John's shoulder. I looked down and saw white ropes of my cum floating just below the surface. I felt shaky.

"Look," Mike said pointing to the guy on the other side. He had the look that said he had done the same thing I did, maybe at the same time. He smiled at me like we had a secret between us.

"Shit. He's coming over, John said.

Sure enough, the guy was wading to us. I studied him. He looked older than us, but not too old. "Hi guys. How are you three? That was really a turn on watching your buddies jerk you off. If you want we can do more upstairs.

"You got a room," Mike asked?

I'm Barry and I have a room. I like to meet cute guys and take them up there, if you want.

Seeing the three of us hesitate, he continued. "There are three of you, one of me. I am twenty-two, just a bit older than the three of you. I just want to do sexual stuff and get off. I think you three might be in a mood to fool around. No commitments. Just great sex. You can leave anytime. No forcing."

John asked us, "Want to?" Mike and I shrugged. "Yeah," I said to Barry.

"Get dressed and come to 323." He smiled and waded off.

In Barry's room, I felt shaky. Mike looked confident and John looked, well like John.

Barry wasted no time. "Get undressed," he told us as he did just that. I looked at him and then said, "You ain't got no pubes."

Barry laughed, "I ain't got any. Nope. I shave them.

"Does it hurt to shave them," I asked.

"Not at all. It feels great to get rid of all that hair. Makes you look bigger and helps when having sex." He looked at me in a serious way. "Want to try? I'll shave you. If you don't like the look, They grow back."

"Are you thinking of doing this," Mike asked?

"Yeah, I am. Can you shave me now," I asked Barry.

"Sure. Sit on the bed." Turning to John, he said, "Fill this basin with water." John returned as Barry was lathering me. I was hard the minute he began to rub. "I love your cock. A teen cock is a delight," Barry said and he stroked me a couple of times before he went to work.

"There, all done. Who's next?" I saw Mike eyeing me. He twirled his red hair as if he were thinking. "Do me next," John said eagerly sitting on the bed next to me. His cock was stiff like mine which had not gone down. In fact my cock felt harder as air movement sent delicious feelings on my pube area. I watched Barry shave John and when he finished, he put both our cocks together and stroked them. I could tell from the feel of John's thigh movements that he was ready to lose it.

"Wait." Mike said. Do me."

Barry made quick work of Mike. He finished and sucked Mike a few quick licks. "All three of you turn over and spread your cheeks. You need to be clean back there. I felt the razor around my hole and I swear I almost blew a major load. Then I felt something wet on my hole and I realized Barry had his tongue in me. I yelped and felt my sperm shoot out hard. Before I knew it, Mike received the same treatment and I saw his sperm shoot on the bedspread. John was wide-eyed as Barry did him next with the same result.

"Turn around and lean back all three of you. I need one last look," Barry told us. Looking at our pits. "We need to finish," he said. The three of us were so lost that whatever Barry suggested we would do.

With our fourteen year old bodies now devoid of hair, the sensations whenever we were rubbed our bodies were intensifying. The three of us were hard again.

"Lie back boys. I do like to taste young teens." Barry said and went to work sucking us with each of us getting a turn in his mouth. When he had us writhing and moaning, he commanded, "Make out with each other. Tongue each other until you cum."

I had never kissed another boy but right now I did not care. I attacked both my friend's mouths lost in a deep desire to make love and make my friends happy. I felt the tightening in my balls and shoved my tongue as deep into Johnny as I could. I came for the third time with my groin spasming and my shriek buried in my buddy's mouth.

John let go at that moment and he grabbed me with his arms and moaned. "Wyatt." Mike pulled John away from me and turned John's head to sink his tongue in him as he too shrieked. I looked at Barry who was standing over us jacking hard. His pelvis thrust forward and he shot white sperm over the three of us. Then he collapsed on our bodies.

Finally, we all calmed and Barry climbed off. Looking down at us, he said, "I really like young teens who get hot and like to fool around. Thanks guys."

"Thank you, Barry," Mike said. We wiped ourselves using the water in the basin. "You three should have eaten each other's cum. Protein for sure," Barry said with a smile.

We dressed, thanked Barry, and caught the bus home. We were quiet for a time then Mike said, "Let's do that at home. You know make out. This is our first time. I loved it." John and I nodded our agreement. We separated at Mike's telling each other we would get together tomorrow.

Someone sat on the swing on my porch. Jerry. I stopped as I neared and looked at him. He had jeans cut short at mid-thigh and his T-shirt stretched across his chest, He wore Keds but no socks. My heart did flops as I looked at Jerry.

"What's up?"

"Thought I'd come by and see you. Where you been?"

"Mike, John, and I went swimming."

"At the Y?"

I nodded. Jerry's black hair was messy and his tan skin looked so smooth I wanted to stroke it.

"Where's Dave?"

"Home. I wanted to see you."

"Why? You were kina mean to me, you know."

"I'm sorry Wyatt. It's just that I never did stuff like that. I got all shook up when it happened."

I felt a stirring in my brain and a flutter in my heart. "Nobody's home for a couple of hours. Want to go up to my room?"

Jerry's face was red even under his olive complexion. He looked at his hands. Then he looked at me. He shook his head and stood up.

In my room, I sat on my bed and patted the space next to me. Jerry sat and our thighs touched. I stared at his cheek. Jerry looked at his hands. I could see his chest move. I placed my hand on his thigh just where his skin left his shorts.

In a whisper I said, "You know I love you."

Jerry continued to look at his hands. "I know."

We sat close like this breathing in each other's air

"Can I kiss your cheek?"

Jerry nodded. "Nobody can know."

I leaned in and kissed his smooth cheek. He had no facial hair. I kissed it again. Jerry's breathing hitched. I took hold of his chin and turned his head so he was looking in my eyes. In his I saw desire.

"I'm going to kiss you on the mouth," I told him.

Jerry nodded and moved in so our lips met. Nothing more. I pulled back. I saw the desire in his eyes intensify. "I want you to take my tongue in your mouth."

"Okay," he breathed the word. I placed my tongue on his lips and parted them with my tongue. I pushed until I felt his tongue. Jerry moaned. His arms cane around my shoulders as he pulled me tighter. His tongue responded and we were flicking and sucking our tongues. I placed my arms around Jerry, slowly pushing him backwards until I lay half on him. I felt his boner now. We were kissing and writhing. I wanted a whole lot more but I knew we needed to cool it. I backed away looking at my love's flushed face.

"Wow," Jerry said. I repeated the word. I reached and brushed a stray bit of hairs from his forehead.

"You are so beautiful," I said.

"You too Wyatt. I do love you. We have to be careful. Nobody can find out."

I looked at Jerry, I thought of Mike and John and Barry.

"I better get going. I told Dave I'd stay at his house tonight."

I blinked. "Why not stay here, My mom won't care."

"I better not. Maybe we can get together tomorrow."

Jerry stood. I saw the evidence of his hardness in his pants. He saw me looking and put his hand over himself.

"See you, Wyatt."

Crushed I watched Jerry leave my room.

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Next: Chapter 3

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