Why Does Loving Jerry Hurt Me

By Art Gibson

Published on May 31, 2021


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Why Does Loving Jerry Hurt So Much - C-1

I loved Jerry. I really did. He was the first boy I fooled around with. We had known each other since we were twelve. Now we were fourteen and enjoyed wrestling with each other on the grass. I really liked when I would sit on his chest and pin his arms over his head, I would lean in to hold his arms and would smell his earthy scent. Of course, though I wanted to do so, I never kissed him. I really, really wanted to.

I would let Jerry win and he would get me in the same position as I got him. Only he released me almost as soon as he pinned me. He did not feel the same way, I was sure.

Jerry was in my room. We were wrestling on the bed.

"Let's try something," I said.


I undid my jeans and slid them down. I was in my white undies. Jerry did not look like he was sure of this.

"Take yours off too."

Jerry waited so long that I began to think he would not take off his jeans. Then he undid the snap and slid them off.

"Lay on top of me," I told him.

His body was the same length as mine. He lay on me. I felt his boner. I knew he felt mine. We lay together breathing hard. His face was close to mine. I searched his face. He did not look upset. He looked as if he was enjoying this.

"Roll over on your side. I looked at my friend and put my thumbs in my underpants and slid them down. I watched Jerry's face. He was staring at me. We never saw each other like this.

"Roll back on me."

I waited and Jerry did. I put my arms over his back and hugged him. We lay like this for a time. I felt his body against mine.

In almost a whisper I said, "Do you want to take off yours?"

Jerry looked unsure.

I said. "I won't look if you don't want me too."

He raised onto his knees. He looked at me and I knew he had the same feelings I did. He slid his underpants off and without being told, lay on me. Oh. The intense feelings I was getting. I began to rub my body against Jerry. He did the same. We were holding each other tightly. I felt his feet on mine. Our heads were next to each other.

Jerry began to rub faster. I matched his movements. In what seemed like seconds we both stiffened. And then I put my lips on Jerry's and kissed him.

We were done. I had a rag that I used to wipe us. Jerry was quiet as he dressed. He would not even look at me. I put my hand on his shoulder in a friendly gesture. What we had done I had not processed. Jerry stood. I was still naked. He did not look at me.

He faced the door. "See you tomorrow." He left without a backward glance.

I lay feeling his weight and fluids still on my body. I thought of his feet rubbing mine. I thought of the kiss I gave him. I replayed it. My lips on his. My tongue rubbing his lips. As I thought of what we did I began to stiffen. My hand went to my cock. I began to rub and soon my hips were thrusting. I relived what Jerry and I did. I wanted him. I wanted us to do more. I felt my cock stiffen and then I was shooting again with Jerry's name in my brain.

I needed him again. After dinner, I rode to Jerry's house. His dad said he had gone to Dave's, another friend. I rode to Dave's. His mom said he and Jerry had gone biking. I had no choice but to return home.

After dark, I called Jerry's house. He must be home. His dad said he was staying at Dave's tonight. I was jealous. Jerry should stay with me. I felt sad.

The next morning I got up. I knew Jerry had a morning paper route. I jumped on my bike and road to where he got his papers. He was there folding them and stuffing them into the bag.

I got off my bike and knelt down to help him.

As we folded the papers, I asked if he wanted help on the route.

"Naw, not this morning."

"You want to hang out later?"

"Naw Dave and I are going to the pool."

"I can meet you there. What time?"

"I just want to go with Dave. Maybe meet a couple of other guys there."

Jerry got on his bike, balanced on it, and rode off. "See you," he hollered.

I watched him go. I felt empty. I felt like if he wanted to be that way, he could take off. I did not need to see him.

I turned for home. I moped in my room looking at the bed we had been in together. I pulled myself together. I decided to go to Mike's house. I had done some sex stuff with him and his neighbor, John. We just fooled around. Got naked. Rubbed off on each other. I felt they were only to be used for release. Jerry, I felt a connection to Jerry. I thought of how I could please him and make him feel for me what I felt for him.

My next thought was, He does not deserve me. I will ignore him.

After lunch, I went to Mike's. I knocked on the door. He came to the door in his underpants with no shirt.

"Come in. John and I are in the attic."

Mike led the way. I knew the layout of his attic. The ceiling was just the roof rafters with cross studs, a floor, and a bunk bed made from 2 X 4s. The bed held memories of Mike introducing me to strip poker. Then we forgot the poker part and just stripped.

The attic felt warm even though a slight breeze blew as a result of the gable windows open. John sprawled naked in a worn arm chair. His dark brown hair extended to the curly hair around the base of his cock which was a hard six inches as he stroked his sack in a lazy manner.

John, like Mike and I, was fourteen. Mike had introduced him to boy play the same way I had been introduced, strip poker. Now we just went to the attic and stripped.

Mike took off his underpants. He had the red hair and red pubes with very fair white shin revealing Scandinavian ancestry. Mike enjoyed this boy stuff and would try to get together with any boy who was up for boy on boy action. I liked Mike and he was fun to fool around with. I did not have feelings for him like I did for Jerry. But Jerry was not here and Mike and John were and I felt a pressure building in my groin.

I stripped completely knowing this was expected. Now I was naked like my friends. John left his seat and grabbed one of the cross supports for the rafters. He lifted himself and hung by his hands which made his slightly pudgy body look sleek. Mike and I stepped close and began to stroke John's torso paying attention to the area right above his pubic region. John raised his legs bending them at the knees then moved the knees apart and closed them squeezing his groin area. I knew he was working himself to a climax.

Mike and I did not need to stroke his cock but we did rub his tip. John had shown us he could make sperm just by hanging there and moving his knees. I knew once he started moving like this, he would sperm quickly. Mike and I were just adding to John's pleasure.

John began to breathe heavily and give soft grunts. I had seen him do this many times so I could tell he was almost there. I began rubbing the hair just above the base of his cock. John's face was red as was some of his chest. His movements quickened and his knees pressed tightly together. I saw his cock jerk and sperm spurted in globs onto the floor.

As John's sperm slowed to a drip, he released the beam. Mike and I pulled him to us and guided him to the bed, laying him on his back. Standing next to the bed, Mike and I embraced, our hard cocks pressed together. Having just watched what John had done had made both of us way out of control with desire. We held each other tightly and thrust. I knew Mike liked laying together rather than standing. I told John to slide over and Mike and I lay next to him. I let Mike get on top of me.

Mike was totally turned on and riding my chest hard, sliding across it with ever increasing pressure. I raised my head and could see his tip just below my chin. His grunts told me he was close. I watched and saw a drip of fluid emerge followed immediately by white spurts, one of which landed on my mouth.

I had never had that happen before and I licked at it tasting my first boy sperm. Mike kept spurting, coating my chest and chin. When he neared the finish, he collapsed with his cheek resting on mine. After a time he pulled back to survey my face. His finger rubbed his sperm and, when coated, put it in his mouth. He did that again and offered me some. Having already had my first taste, I sucked his finger.

Doing this made my entire body want to gain release. I moaned and told Mike to turn over. I began to rub my cock against him like he had done to me. Faster and harder I rubbed until I felt the familiar tingle signaling my release. I moved closer to Mike's face. My tip was using his chin for increasing my pleasure. My sperm shot out in the strongest blast I ever experienced. I was rubbing my cock on his cheek. Mike grabbed it, turned his head, and took my tip into his mouth, and sucked. This had never happened to me. I loved it.

When I finally relaxed and Mike released me, he did what he never had done before. He kissed me and not just a lip peck. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue in my mouth. I tasted my sperm on his tongue and I sucked it with a desire I had never experienced. This continued for quite a while and I knew we were getting aroused again. Before we could go farther, John interrupted.

"Hey. You guys forget me?"

Mike and I broke apart turning to John. His cock was now hard and he was stroking it. Mike slid down my body still retaining contact. He did something none of us had ever done before today. He engulfed John's cock with his mouth and sucked. His left hand rubbed John's pubic hair. His right hand stroked my cock.

Mike kept this up without stopping, moaning around John's cock. John was now thrusting his hips and moaning. Our faces were close together. I saw his lips near mine. We had never kissed before but John's eyes were so filled with lust and need that I moved to put my lips on his. At that moment, it was like a dam burst. I never knew someone could be so out of control as John alternately licked and sucked, I knew the moment he spermed for he gave a groan and pushed his tongue as deep as he could into my mouth.

I saw Mike lick the last of John's juice off his cock and without hesitating took mine deep inside his mouth. Before today, I had never had a blow job. The earlier one was not a full blow job. This one felt beyond anything I had experienced. Mike was actually taking my tip into his throat and humming. I held Mike's red hair and pushed as far as I could into his throat. I felt my sperms shoot and I let out a shout.

Mike was the only one still hard. I looked at John. He shrugged. I had another first as I engulfed Mike's cock with my mouth. I decided to do him like I did a popsicle and sucked enthusiastically. I only gave two hard sucks when Mike's body tensed and I felt and tasted his sperms. I experienced a great desire to suck until Mike pushed me away claiming it tickled.

We were three worn out boys after that as we lay with each other. We did not say anything and eventually sat on the edge of the bed. I looked at our feet on the floor next to each other.

"Man," Mike said. "That was fun."

John and I agreed. "Can we do this again tomorrow," John asked?

This was different from Jerry's reaction. I wished he had wanted to do more instead of deserting me. Mike and John wanted more. I knew I did. I had done more today than ever. I liked Mike, John too. I certainly liked our fooling around and was ready for more with my two friends.

"I need to get going," I said.

"Me too." John said.

Tomorrow," Mike asked?

"For sure," both John and I said.

The three of us dressed. We smelled like boy juice. Mike looked in a loving mood. Just before John and I left, he pulled each of us into a hug and kissed us.

Thanks for reading. This story is based in part on memories of my teen explorations with neighbor friends in a time when to have these kind of experiences could mean trouble with not only parents but with the law.

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Next: Chapter 2

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