Why Do I Keep Getting Caught

By Wood Guy

Published on Apr 15, 2018


This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts. Some of the parts are real but will leave that up to the reader to decide.

If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

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Cast: my best friend John Jeff is the older boy next door Tim is the last older boy who caught me and is Jeff's friend. I do not think I mentioned it my name is Sam

As I left off in part four, while I was being fucked by my Jeff and Tim walked into Jeff's room and saw me taking Jeff's cock up my ass. I was thinking why I keep getting caught. So here I was bending over something with Jeff on my back and him pounding with his big fat cock. He had not even slowed down when his friend Tim walked in us. Jeff just kept sliding his big cock in to my boy pussy. I have to admit, I must have looked strange to Tim since I still had on the top part of Jeff's sister nightwear on me. Once Jeff was ready he tensed up and I felt his cum enter my hole. I could feel the multiple streams as he filled my pussy with his cum. So when he pulled out he left my boy pussy stretched and I suspect cum leaking out since I could feel it dripping down my legs.

John who is my best friend looked at Tim and said Sam is ready for your cock now he just loves to get fucked. I was a little shocked by what he said but being honest he was right. John took some of the oil that Jeff had used put some in his hand and came over and grabbed Tim's hard cock and coated it with the oil. John then said to me you're going to love this cock he as big as Jeff is.

With nothing more than Tim getting behind me and now feeling his cock slipped into me, I was getting fucked again. This boy knew how to fuck I was positive this was not the first time he had a piece of ass. Tim was pounding away telling me and the others how tight and wet my pussy was. It took a while but as all things come to an end Tim was filling my boy pussy with his load. I did not mention while Tim was fucking me my friend John decided to slip his cock in my mouth so I was getting fucked at both ends. Once Tim came in me Jeff told John to use my ass he wanted to see if we could fill my ass to the top with their juices.

I just laid there and went along as John switched from my mouth to my pussy, John fucked me a while and then Tim said he had to get going soon but not before he got another turn with my ass. So Tim came around front and used my mouth to get himself hard again. While he was doing that it was long enough for John to drop another load deep in me, I am not sure how many this was so far but my ass was wet from all the cum deposited in me. As soon as John pulled out Tim took his place and after a while he filled my ass even more if that was possible. When he did come he pulled out and said he needed to get going but John told him make Sam clean off your cock with his mouth. I always thought of John as my best friend but I was getting the feeling he was acting like my pimp. Tim thought it was a good idea so here I was sucking any remain cum out of Tim's cock and also cleaning up what I suspect was John and Jeff's sperm that was left in my boy pussy.

While I was cleaning off Tim's cock guess the boys figured why let a hole get unused so Jeff was back with his big cock pounding my ass again. By now my pussy was stretched and very sloppy with all the oil and cum that was left in there by the boys. It took a while but then again another load was left in me by Jeff. By now I was getting sore but John after watching Jeff fuck me for so long, he said he wanted another shoot at my pussy. I tried to say I was sore but I could tell in John's voice he wanted me again and was not going to take no for an answer.

So here I was just letting John fuck my sore hole till he was ready to shoot another load of cum into me. By now my ass was just filled with juices from the boys and being honest it was stretched and sore. When John was good and ready he left me with his load, I tried to get him to stop because I said I was getting sore but to my surprise he told me to just take it like the fucking cock sucker I was. That sort of hurt my feeling a little but in reality I was as he said. Since we started playing with each other I seemed to be the only one on the receiving side and the one taking care of all their cocks, never getting my own serviced.

After John emptied his load in me Jeff grabbed his phone and took pictures of my gaping hole and it showed all the cum dripping out of it, I knew I should have stopped him but as like everything else I just let them do what they wanted. John told Jeff to make sure he got a copy.

When I was ready I get up, my ass was dripping cum but I managed to get to his Jeff's shower and washed off. I felt very used but at the same time turned on so while in the shower I jerked off as I was washing cum from my boy pussy.

I got out of the shower and dried off and then got dressed, by now it was late and Jeff and John were already dressed. John and myself were about to get going to get on our bikes and ride home when Jeff said he had to tell me something. I asked what, and he said he made a mistake when he went to send the photo to John he did not realize that he already had John's older brother address in his list so the photo went out to both John and his brother. John's brother was the same age as Jeff and of course I knew him. Before this I am sure he never suspected me of being a cock sucker. I asked to see the picture he sent and he said he sent a few and looking at them some were close ups of my leaking hole and then there was the one of me bending over and a good shot of my ass with me looking at the phone so there was no way that anyone could not recognize who the cock sucker was.

I have to ask why do I keep getting caught.

If you liked this let me know I will write a few more chapters, any suggestion welcome.

Email me at woodd_guy@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6

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