Who's in Charge


Published on Dec 10, 2013




Darren had his own place in Manchester, a penthouse apartment right in the heart of the city. He was well off as his family owned a chain of restaurants and gave him an allowance every month, which Darren mainly spent on partying and designer clothes. He enjoyed spending and treating the guys that he knew. Especially one guy named Tom he knew.

Tom was only 2 years younger than himself but he had such a crush on him. His rock hard abs and chiselled face made Darren go weak at the knees every time they met. They had been friends for almost 4 years now, since College. He had fancied him so much at College. Always picking the seat next to him so he could take a peek at that sizeable bulge of Tom's whenever he wanted to. He loved the smell of Tom too, his masculine smell of paco rabbanne and man sweat. That after smell

like he had just played a game of Rugby and had a night out with the lads.

Darren often had dreams about having his way with Tom. Fucking him hard and making him his bitch. He wished these dreams would come true one day.

Chapter 1

'How ya doing?' said Tom to Darren. He had come round to watch the rugby on a late Saturday afternoon like they always did. As he opened the door to Tom his masculine voice pierced through Darren making his heart pump faster. Tom was wearing his joggers and just a rugby top. He looked so sexy in that tight top with his huge chest. Tom had a rugby players frame so big chest and big shoulders and a huge round ass at the back. He had short hair and still the same chiselled face that Darren remembered when they were in College.

' Im good Tom, come in the rugby game is just about to start' said Darren as he allowed Tom to walk down the hallway to the lounge first. As Darren closed the door and turned around to walk behind Tom to the lounge he could not help checking out Toms round arse. It must've been a hot day because there were beads of sweat on Toms back, dripping down into that tight arse of his. How Darren wished he could get down on his knees right now and give that arse a good licking. Cleaning off them beads of sweat and rimming that moist and tasty arse of his.

Tom walked with quite a thud, his tree trunk legs rubbing against each other as he headed into the living room. ' Want a beer?' asked Darren. ' Yeah I need one after the day I've had' replied Tom. ' That bad is it',' yeah one hell of a long day' said Tom slumping down his firm arse onto the sofa and spreading his legs wide like any masculine guy would do to relax. As Darren walked into the kitchen to get the beers he could not help but notice that bulge in Toms trousers, it's like he had stuck a pack of socks down there. He thought to himself it must've gotten bigger since last week, he was sure

of it. Darren had always been worried of being caught perving on Tom, he had always been cautious and tried to just take a quick glance and then look away.

The only problem this time was that just as Darren was about to enter through the door to the kitchen Tom had to rearrange his junk. Darren stopped at the door as Tom still had his eyes on the TV watching the pre-game programme. His masculine hand slowly going down and under his waistband and into his underpants underneath. It did not last long but to Darren it felt

like minutes. Toms hand cupping his balls and pulling them upwards, must've been stuck to his leg Darren thought. As Toms hand made its way out of his underwear Darren swears he caught a glimpse of a finely trimmed bush above that bulge.

This all happened in like 5 seconds but to Darren it seemed a lot longer. He walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge, stuck his face in it for a second, he needed to cool down a bit before heading back into the lounge. The sight of Tom doing that had made him all hot and flustered. He grabbed a couple of cans of beer, closed the fridge and headed back into the lounge.

Tom was still sat in exactly the same position Darren had left him in only moments ago. His eyes glued to the TV as the Rugby players were warming up and doing their stretches. Darren sat down next to Tom handing him over a can. 'Thanks' Said Tom ' just what i need right now, I've had such a long day, what with my Footy team losing 3-0 and this hot weather were having'. Opening the can and raising his muscular arms, taking a long swig from the can then lowering it again as he

slumped more back into the sofa.

'So how's your day been Darren? asked tom, taking his eyes away from the TV for a split moment before resuming watching.' Ahh its been ok, just chilling here doing some cleaning, you know manly stuff' Darren joked. Tom let out a small laugh. 'You know what you need Darren, a cleaner that's what you need' Tom said ' someone to do the dirty chores for you that you don't want to do'. 'You wanna clean for me then Tom' Darren said. ' Err no thanks' Tom responded with a smirk on his face.

' I reckon u'll look good in a French maids uniform' Darren joked as Tom pretended not to listen. Darren poked Tom in the side making Tom squirm to the side 'you would' Darren said again. ' Cut it out' Tom said angrily ' I'm not being your skivvy and I'm definitely not wearing a maids uniform. Tom took another long swig of beer, eyes fixed on the TV as the Rugby match was just about to begin.

Darren mind wandered again, imagining Tom in not a French maids uniform but a Naked butlers uniform, you know the one with just a tight pair of black briefs and a bow tie. Waiting on Darren hand and foot and getting him whatever he wanted when he wanted. Being at his feet and kneeling right at crotch level. Looking up at Darren as he snapped orders at Tom and walking off shaking that ass in his tight briefs. Darren had to shake himself out of that fantasy, the match was just about to

begin and he didn't want Tom noticing his semi hard penis that was slowly tenting in his jeans. Both guys lay back further more in the couch, holding their can in one hand as the other hand was rested side by side next to each other. How Darren wished he could be Toms and hold that manly hand of his, especially in public, be his and nobody else's.

The Whistle blew and the match began, the scrum was always the best part, the TV camera panning around as all the big muscular guys had their bums presented straight to the camera, them tight shorts bursting at the seams as they pushed back with their legs to try and get the ball, their arms over each other like they were hugging. The tigers got the ball, passing it down the field one person to another, getting closer to the line. Tom bent forward on the sofa ' Come on' he shouted with a fist in the air. His shirt riding up his back as Darren took a quick peek of his upper back, just a tiny bit

of fur lay on his back, trailing its way down and into his waistband. Darren imagined Tom to have a slightly hairy arse, he was that type of person to have a muscular and musky ass. He knew Tom had fuzzy chest and a hairy turtle trail because whenever he was in public and it was sweltering hot weather he liked to take his top off. Tom was not ashamed of his body and quite proud of it, well quite cocky about it.

The ball getting closer and closer to the line, Tom started getting more excited, the smile on his face and his voice repeatedly saying ' come on'. Darren could not help but keep his eyes fixated on Tom instead of the game. He didn't want him to notice but could not help but find him attractive when he was so excited . Tom stood up cheering, his arse right in Darren's face, clenched and tight, inches from that horny boys face, eyes on that arse, the prize that he hoped for later on in the day.

' Fuck yeah' Tom shouted as his team scored a try. Darren let out a half-hearted ' Yes' as he wasn't so interested in the game than his mates arse. Tom turned around and looked at his friend as Darren quickly turned back to the TV. He turned red as he could swear he did it too slow and hoped Tom didn't catch him staring. Tom sat back down as the rugby players were lining back up for a kick, hands grazing as he sat back down. Sweat on Toms forehead from getting too excited. Tom took

another long swig of his beer this time from the arm closest to Darren. His hot muscular arm flexing right in front of his mate. That toned muscular arm that he wished to be round his body and that hand that he hoped would be round his dick one day.

The teams were ready for another kickoff, getting into the scrum, pushing each other back and forth to get the ball. As it was a hot afternoon and as Tom kinda wound himself up with all the excitement and asked Darren ' Is it ok if I take my top off, its boiling in here'. Darren let out a blush he hoped Tom wouldn't notice, looking away ' yeah that's fine, it is pretty hot in her'. 'You don't need to ask me if you wanna start getting naked' Darren joked. Tom let out a small 'hah'.

This was the norm to Darren, Tom taking his top off whenever he felt like it. As Tom lifted his top up slowly, Darren could not help but look at him through the corner of his eye. That toned muscular chest of his, Darren's mouth slightly opened as he was salivating a lot through the sight of his friend taking his clothes off in front of him. The shirt going over his head as Darren took a full look of that body as Tom could not see. He just wanted to pounce on him right there and then. Sweat dripping down that forest of fur down the middle of his chest, running down every hair and down the contours of his chest, running down to his abs and then getting soaked in to his waistband. The shirt came over his head and Darren's head turned back to the TV to watch the game again. He could smell the musky scent of Tom from inches away, sweat mixed with aftershave. Darren was getting very turned on by all these senses. He started to tent up in his shorts. He could not help but let his mind wander, he wanted Tom so bad at that point but was afraid it would ruin their friendship. He had to hide his developing hard on in his shorts so he finished the rest of his beer and asked if Tom wanted another one. 'Yeah mate, ill have another one' Tom responded. 'Ok ill go get one' as Darren walked off trying to keep eye contact with Tom until he managed to vanish outta sight.

Darren needed a piss so he headed down the corridor to the bathroom. Standing by the toilet he undid his flies and pulled out his cock and started pissing. His mind wandering back to what happened only 2 minutes ago. Finishing his piss his cock started to get hard, turning from soft to hard in almost 10 seconds. Darren was so horny at this point he started tugging away at his cock still standing there in front of the toilet. Tugging away on that rock hard cock his hand wandered up to his nipples that were very hard already. He started pinching his nipples, his head back, eyes closed letting out a little moan. Still tugging away at that cock getting faster and faster he realised he had been in the bathroom for almost 5 minutes. 'Shit' he thought 'better get back'. Stuffing his still hard cock back into his tight shorts and rearranging it to try and make it not so noticeable.

He flushed, washed his hands and headed out to the kitchen to grab another beer from the fridge. Heading back into the lounge Tom looked at Darren ' what took so long mate, were you having a wank in there?'. 'Fuck no I was taking a piss' Darren said slightly going red. 'Fucking long piss that was' Tom said letting out a small laugh. 'Well it's a hot day and I've been drinking lots of water and beer today' Darren said as he handed Tom the beer and sat down, not wanting to talk about it anymore. ' It's ok if you were having a wank, the hot weather makes me extremely horny too' as Tom said, lying back and rubbing his crotch up and down while letting out another laugh. Darren's eyes nearly popped out of his skull at the sight of his friend rubbing his huge bulge in front of him. ' I jerk off like 5 times a day in the summer, maybe it cools my manhood down when I whip it out and jerk off' Tom said letting out a smirk and another laugh.

Wanting to take his mind of this extremely horny developing conversation he tried to change the subject and asked 'Missed anything exciting on the rugby while I was gone?'. ' Nah, same old, nobodies scored, Green got sent off, his shirt got ripped by Hart so he's gone back to the dressing room to get changed' Tom responded. ' How'd that happen?' Darren said wanting to know the full detail. ' Pretty boring really' Tom said ' they were hugging' Tom joked ' and all of a sudden

Greens shirt just ripped straight off'.' Almost as if he did it on purpose to see his body' Tom said looking at Darren up and down before looking back at the TV.

It was getting near half time, the game seemed like it was going so fast, mainly because he wasn't really paying that much attention to it, his attention was mainly on his friend and his body. The rugby players on TV looking warn out, the sweat dripping down their bodies bending over to catch their breath as any sportsman would do, their shirts riding up and their shorts riding down. The mud on their face, legs and clothes. Darren loved the smell and atmosphere of locker rooms. He occasionally played rugby a few years ago. The guys getting back after a long game, the smell of pure man was intoxicating. He very rarely took a shower after practice as the sight and smell of the locker rooms turned him on so much he was afraid that he would get a massive hard on in the shower and be left humiliated. The sight of the guys all muddy and soapy in the shower was too much for him, rugby players are very playful after a game, maybe it's all the testosterone . They would occasionally have their arms around each other. Not having a shower at the end of practice meant he would head home a lot right after the game, making up excuses and very rarely attending the piss-up down the pub afterwards. The piss-ups were mainly the guys getting absolutely wasted and humiliating themselves with dares that Darren found very horny. Dares like running down the street naked and licking butter of the other guys abs and topless pole dances wherever they could find a pole, to name a few.

The half time whistle blew and the players headed back to the locker rooms to get a short break before the second half. The camera panning into their backs as they headed into the locker room showing their tight arses for the audience to see.

Tom slumped back on the sofa, cocked his leg up and farted. 'Sorry mate must be the beer, makes me do that '. He farted in front of Darren so many times he kind of became immune to them but still got turned on by the manliness of it all. Darren bit his lip, the way that Tom drank beer flexing his muscles, sat there in front of his mate topless and farted in front of him turned him on so much. The masculinity factor of it all sent Darren over the edge. Darren lifted his leg up in the direction of Tom farting back, this time louder and for much longer. 'Fuck' said Tom wafting it away ' what the fuck you been eating?' poking Darren in his toned stomach. ' Ahh Burgers and Takeaways mainly'. Tom lent sideways on the sofa just about to fart again in the direction of Darren. Before he could fart Darren grabbed Tom by the shoulder and forced him back onto his arse, slowly caressing his arm as he let go, feeling that toned forearm of his. Darren began to get hard, his semi in his tight trousers slowly becoming visible. He jumped up from the sofa ' Erm..I got to get something from the..erm.. Kitchen' Darren said rushing to the kitchen.

' Fuck' he thought leaning against the counter, his cock still tenting slightly in his trousers. He couldn't let his friend see him like this. He had such feeling for his friend and the daydreams that he was having regularly were messing with his head. 'You alright?' said Tom poking his head round the door, startling Darren and making his arms slip from the countertop. 'Err yeah I'm ok, just getting some food' said Darren, looking around him, noticing that there was no food in sight he could grab. ' You were having a wank again weren't you Darren' Tom said. ' No I fucking wasn't mate' Darren said angrily. ' Well why is there a lump in your trousers? Tom said looking down directly into Darren's crotch. Darren looked down and noticed that his semi-hard cock was still visible in his tight trousers. Darren started to blush, covering his crotch with his hand. ' It must be this heat' Darren said,' like you said the heat does it to you too'. Tom lifted an eyebrow ' yeah must be the heat' he said chuckling under his breath head cocked against the doorframe, looking at Darren from head to toe stopping and paying particular attention to the bulge in his friends trousers.

Darren's cock wouldn't go down, the sight of his friend checking him out turned him on even more and kept that cock semi hard for far longer than he wanted.' Quit it' Darren snapped.' What? Tom said looked up into Darren's eyes. ' Stop teasing me, you know I'm gay, you're so hot' Darren said looking down to the floor' that's all, I can't help it'. Tom taking a step in the kitchen responded ' I know, I've seen you checking me out in the locker rooms at college before'. Stepping over to Darren and pulling his chin up with his forefinger' your eyes were all over me'. 'It's ok I know that I have a great body but I never expected one of my best friends to like it so much' Tom said still looking deeply into Darren's eyes, faces within inches of each other. Darren could feel Toms breath on his face they were so close, Darren breathing heavily now sure that Tom could also feel his breath. 'I'm glad you like my body because I like yours too' Tom confessed looking down and raising a hand to stroke Darren's chest through his top. His hand feeling the contours of Darren's body making him harder and making his bulge more visible. Darren looked away, it was so much to take in what his friend was doing to him right now. He had no idea that Tom felt the same way for him. He had to think about what to do next as he did not want to lose Tom as a friend.

Tom lent in to Darren, their crotches now touching each other. He could feel Toms bulge through his own trousers. That massive bulge that he had been longing for year. He looked up and directly into Toms eyes which were now within 5 inches of his. Darren opened his lips ready to speak but before he could talk Tom blurted 'I think you're amazing Darren, I like everything about you your Humour, your generosity and well... your amazing body'. Toms hand still on Darren's body now working its way up to his Chest caressing every ripple of his stomach muscles. Darren let out a little moan, his cock now incredibly hard in his trousers begging to be released from them tight pants holding it in. Toms hand now reaching Darren's abs , his fingers circling his sensitive nipples. Darren bit his lip and let out another moan slowly raising his head and closing his eyes. He liked the way his friend was caressing his body. He liked how slow this was all going and his friend wasn't rushing him.

' Are you sure about this?' Darren said looking down and at Tom' It's just that I don't want to rush anything'. 'We've been friends for years' Darren continued ' and I don't want this to ruin our friendship'. ' Darren, I've been checking you out for years, I've fancied you ever since we started college, the first day when you were in my shower after Football trials' Tom said raising his hand, now caressing Darren's neck. ' I couldn't help but check you out, I was incredibly attracted to you on that football field, your tight clothes, covered in mud and sweat' Tom said cautiously ' I just wanted to pounce on you there and then and it's been killing me not being able to have you'. ' I've been wanting you to know how I feel about you for years' Tom said, his eyes starting to well up with tears. Darren's cock started to subside, the emotions going round his head were too much for him to think about right now. 'Do you feel the same for me Darren?' Tom asked. Darren took a second to think what he was going to say, he did not want to say the wrong thing and ruin any possible chance of them being together. 'Of course I do Tom, I feel exactly the same way for you, I love every second we spend together whenever we see each other, I find it hard to concentrate around you and cant breath when I'm around you' Darren said also starting to tear up. Tom smiled, his lips from ear to ear he was so happy. He was so glad that his friend felt the same way for him.

Tom leaned into Darren again, their lips making contact for the very first time as they started to kiss. Their tongues darting out slowly as they were gently caressing each other's lips with their own. Darren's heart racing in his chest, he could not believe what was happening. Darren raised his arms and wrapped them around Toms muscular body and interlocking his hands as they joined behind Tom. They continued kissing even as they heard the whistle blow for the second half of the rugby game in the other room. To them that wasn't important as what was happening there and then right in the middle of Darren's kitchen.

End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2

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