Whored Out

By Rob

Published on Aug 17, 2023


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Jorrie looked at Greg's freshly fucked hole. There was a puddle of cum right in his pucker and some dribbling down onto his balls.

It was too much for Jorrie. He had waited half his life. He silently shifted Justin back to lie on the bed, so they could switch positions. I was kissing Greg and watching Jorrie at the same time. Greg was unaware that his best friend was moving in behind him. Jorrie gently touched Greg's hole; returning his fingers with some of Justin's cum to smear on his fat cockhead. Then he leaned in and placed his head at the opening. Then he whispered under his breath.

"I love you, brother. Don't ever forget that."

As Jorrie started to gently press into that dripping creampie, he started to moan. It started all the way down in his chest and rumbled up his throat. That moan reverberated around the room. The head of his cock was famous in some circles. Jorrie's cock was fat; but the head was so much fatter. He also had the length to round out the perfect tool for fucking. But at this moment, until he could get inside, his length was the least of Greg's problems.

Colin had been observing as Jorrie moved into position behind his partner, Greg. He knew what was coming. He also knew his partner was not going to be happy with this surprise development. He reached over and grabbed the lube off of the nightstand and tossed it on the bed next to Jorrie. As he reached over to get a tight hold on his lover, he motioned to Justin to move in and help him hold Greg down. Justin had just finished unloading in Greg's rarely used ass. The creampie Jorrie was using had been supplied by Justin; and he was damn proud of it. As much as he wanted to hang back and watch his load lubricate that huge cock, Justin knew that Colin was going to need some help holding Greg until Jorrie had made his entry. He moved in to kiss and bite at Greg's neck as he wrapped him in a bear hug.

As soon as he felt that pressure against his freshly fucked asshole, Greg knew what was going on. He hadn't had a dick in his ass for fifteen years. He hadn't had anything up his ass for fifteen years; until tonight. Greg was a pretty big guy. Squats were a regular part of his workout routine. He may have seen himself as all top; but he wanted his ass to look good. His hard work showed off. His ass was hard and round and hairy. He was careful to groom the hair on his chest and his pubes; but it never occurred to him to trim back there. The result was the perfect, hairy muscle ass. Guys he dated over the years loved to feel it. They loved to lick that hairy crack. Greg welcomed their tongues in there; but a guy has his limits. Right now, his limits were being breached.

"Jorrie! What the fuck? Just wait a minute. I'm not ready for that. You're too fucking big?

Jorrie didn't back down. He knew better than to try and plunge in quickly. While he was determined to get into his buddy balls deep, he also knew the damage he could do if he weren't careful. He would have loved to fuck this ass using only Justin's cum; but he was also realistic. He squirted a good portion of lube into Greg's crack and kept the bottle close by. He had no patience with big-dick tops who thought the best way to tame an ass was a sudden stab. These were usually tops who had not encountered a dick the size of Jorries' near their own rectum.

"Please bro, if you really want my ass, let's talk about this. I'm not ready yet, man."

"I know this is going to sound bad; but there is no way in hell I'm stopping now, G. Justin opened you up so smooth. He made you feel good. You admitted it felt good."

"He wasn't using a fucking baseball bat either!"

"That's why this is the perfect time, bro. Do you feel how slow I'm moving? My man Justin started getting you dilated, G. I'm just picking up where he left off. He also dumped a fuckton of jizz inside you. This is the perfect time. You're starting to open up for me."

Colin and been trying to make out with his partner. That was a no-go every time Greg opened up his mouth to protest. Justin still had Greg in a tight hold. He'd been nibbling on his ear; but then he started to whisper to him, hoping he could help distract him.

"Buddy, I still can't believe I was inside you. I've never felt anything like it in my life. You're the first guy who ever took me raw, stud. I know you were feeling it too. Tell me how it felt. Didn't I do right by you? How did it feel when I bred your ass?"

"I'm not denying anything. It was amazing. I could feel your dick pulse when you were coming in me, man. I just think I need to work my way up to a dick the size of Jor's."

"C'mon, trust this guy. I've never seen a top go in so slow. This guy cares about you. You should see the expression on his face, buddy. He's holding back; even though he wants in there so bad. I know how your ass was squeezing my dick. Fuck you felt good!"

"We're getting there, Greg. Listen to Justin. I care about you, G. I'm reading your signals. It's gonna help if you try and push back on me a little. Don't go crazy, man. Just try and meet the pressure I'm exerting."

"Holy fuck! Too far. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. We can't both push. Hold still Jor. Let me do the pushing. Oh, Fuck. Okay, that's better. I feel so fucking stretched, Jorrie. I think I need more lube."

Jorrie squirted a generous glob of lube along his shaft and spread it along his length. He caught Colin's eye and gave him a wink.

"You did it, buddy. That stretch you felt was the worst. The widest part is inside of you, G. Push back a little more now, it should slide easier now."

As Greg's tense body started to ease a bit, Justin relaxed his hold. He was dying to get a closer look at that big dick fucking into that tight, hairy hole. He got up on his knees and leaned over. Jorrie smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.

"It looks hot, doesn't it. Put your hand around it, Justin. Feel where it's stretching his hole open."

Justin extended his arm, he gripped that big dick at the base. His fingers could not close around it. There was so much lube and cum now. He let his hand slide down to the point where the two men were joined. His hand was dripping with his own cum. It was too much for him. He used that same hand to start to stroke his cock. He was going to come again. He was going to come now.

Jorrie laughed at the young guys frantic jerking. He took hold of his arm and pulled it closer to him. Justin got the hint. He leaned in so his dick was just above Greg's skewered ass. A few final strokes and he lost it.

"Unh. Unh. Unh, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. Fuuckkk."

Justin's aim was true. He blasted the spot where Jorrie had his friends anal ring stretched to its limits. It was hard to believe the kid had just come twenty minutes earlier. Twenty minutes. Jorrie had just spent twenty minutes getting his cock head inside Greg's hole. Jorrie had spent more time easing his cock head into his buddy, than most guys last for the entire fuck. He had been amazed at the amount of cum in Greg's ass. Now he was amazed at the size of this kid's second load. The spurts had stopped but there was still a drizzle of cum dribbling along the length of his cock. Jorrie praised his partner in crime.

"Justin, you stud. Now that was fucking impressive. How about you follow me around all the time? We can be a Top Duo. Every time a guy tells me my dick is too big, that's when you'll step in. You'll open guys up for me and with the size of your loads, I may never need to buy lube again."

Justin collapsed back onto the bed. Greg had craned his neck around to try and catch Justin's noisy finish. Colin had his arms around him. Greg looked up at Jorrie and smiled.

"Did you forget you were raping my ass, back there? I'm grateful for the break; but I have a feeling you have more in store for me. Let's get this over with, my friend."

"The worst is over, bud. Can you push back a little more? You're not nearly as tight on my dick as you were before."

Greg pushed back. He was surprised how good it felt. He felt full and he felt stretched; but fuck did it feel good. Jorrie continued to slide in deeper. He realized that he may not get his full length inside his buddy this time; but he was still going to give him a fuck he would never forget. He caught Colin's eye and mimed a phone with his finger and thumb up to his ear. Jorrie wanted some pics to document this occasion. Colin stretched over to the nightstand and grabbed his phone. He held it out to the stud breeding his partner's ass.

Jorrie had a plan. It didn't matter which phone Colin handed him. Colin, Greg and Jorrie would all have the person he was looking for in their contacts. Evan was best friends with all three. Evan was also the bull who had staked a claim on Colin's beautiful round ass. Last night he planted his load deep in Colin's ass, while Greg assisted and looked on. It was a crucial step toward Greg accepting his new place as a cuck. Greg was still coming to terms with his new role. Last night he had cum in his boxer briefs hands-free while he watched Evan fuck his man. Greg's own breeding now, by his lifelong friend was another step in the journey.

Jorrie pointed the phone down and started to snap pics. His cock was embedded in his friends ass with four more inches to go. Snap. He pulled back slightly and watched Greg's ass lips cling to the invading shaft. Snap. He pulled back a little more and saw some of the cum from Justin's load coating his dick. Snap. He then started to push back in. Greg was opening up now. He slowly slid in until only two inches of cock remained outside. Snap. Then he lifted the camera and caught a beautiful shot of Colin holding his lover's shoulder and kissing him as he was getting royally fucked. Snap. He tossed the phone back to Colin. Then he silently mouthed the name: Evan.

Colin quickly sent the pics to his bull. Well, one of his bulls. He was on a quest to take as many alpha loads as he could. Evan was helping him in his quest. Greg, his partner of four years was also aiding him; all at Evans urging. Within minutes, Colin saw a text come back. Evan said he was only three blocks away. He would be there in less than fifteen minutes.

With the pics out of the way and word sent out to Evan, Jorrie could pay more attention to the task at hand. Up till now, this had been a process of stretching and opening Greg's hole. Now he started to gently slide out and back in. Just a few inches at a time, at first. Then a little more each time. He still planned on holding back those last couple inches for Greg's first fuck at his hands. That is, if he didn't get carried away.

Greg was getting into the spirit of the fuck now, He had been so worried about pain and permanent damage that he hadn't been able to enjoy what was happening. Now as Jorrie worked those nerve endings in his ass, he was able to focus on the pleasure he was experiencing. Still at a slow tempo, but with seven of his nine inches slipping in and out of the ass in front of him, Jorrie began to get into a rhythm. Greg started to groan and push back on the fat cock in his ass.

"Fuck, Jorrie. Oh fuck, man. It's starting to feel so damn good. Did I take all of it? Are you really all the way inside of me?"

"Not yet, bro. Baby steps. Colin can tell you what it's like when that last inch or two hits bottom. I knew you could do this, buddy. All I want to do now is make us both feel good. Well, I do want to make us both feel good; but my end goal is to shoot my load deep in your ass. I've waited so fucking long for this. It's even better than I ever dreamed."

"Doesn't his cock feel powerful, G. That's all I could think about earlier when Jorrie was railing my ass at the gym. So much fucking power. And about those last couple of inches, I thought I was going to explode. When he was all the way inside me, that fat cock head pushed through that second ring of muscle, right into my guts, babe. There aren't many men who can reach that far."

Justin was sprawled on the bed watching the epic fuck. His balls were drained but his dick was getting hard again. He started to slowly stroke it. Then with he jolt, he jumped off the bed.

"Holy shit. How long have I been here? My dad is going to fucking kill me. I should have been back to the restaurant forty-five minutes ago."

As he scrambled around to find his clothes, he had his phone up to his ear.

"Shelly, it's Justin. Glad you answered. Has my dad asked about me? Are there deliveries waiting? No! Wait! Don't put him on! Fuck! Hey dad. I'm really sorry. I'll be there in five minutes. I swear! Dad! For fuck sakes, Dad; you know I wouldn't do that! I'll be right there."

He slipped into his jeans and stepped into his shoes. He made an attempt at smoothing out his hair.

"Do I look like I just fucked a customer and then shot a second load on his ass? That'd going to be the excuse I give my dad when I get back."

Jorrie didn't stop fucking as Justin tore around the apartment and got ready to leave. He was still goin pretty easy on Greg. Certainly easier than he had on Greg's boyfriend earlier in the day. As he was going out the door, Colin told him to hold up. He ran over to the counter and got the cash he had ready for the delivery tip.

"Thanks, man. Jesus, you guys are cool. Is the tip for the delivery service or for raw dogging your husband?"

Colin gave him a kiss and they exchanged numbers. He hoped he was going to be a regular visitor. As he made his way back to the bed, Jorrie was just easing his big rod out of Greg's ass.

"Hang on, G. This is the big stretch again. Push out."

Greg winced as the cock head popped out of his ass. Jorrie wanted to switch positions and take care a little cleanup before they went into the home stretch. Colin fetched a wet washcloth and a towel. When he came back from the bathroom, his lover and his lover's best friend were passionately kissing. Rather than interrupt, he sat on the arm of the sofa and watched from a distance. He couldn't hear their whispered words; but their body language told him everything. If he had happened on a scene like this a few days ago, he knew he would have been jealous. Now with a his new outlook, he was thrilled that these longtime friends had made a deeper sexual connection.

"Hey, where's that towel, sexy? Were you eavesdropping on us?"

Jorrie smiled at Colin as he took the washcloth and dabbed at his cock and gently wiped up Greg's crack. Greg looked mortified. Then Jorrie had Greg raise up and he tucked the towel under him.

"Fuck this is embarrassing. I never thought you'd be wiping my ass for me, Jorr. Is it really bad?"

"Nope. Not bad at all. It just comes with the territory. You're good to go. Not like we gave you any advance warning, eh? But if we had given you advance warning, you'd probably be miles away by now. Sometimes you just have to take opportunities when you see 'em."

Jorrie took charge and had Greg roll onto his back and scoot up on the bed. Then he had Colin get behind him. Colin could kiss and hold on to his partner while Jorrie got ready to fire his load into his ass. When Jorrie got between Greg's legs and started to lift his feet up onto his shoulders, Greg looked hesitant. This was a vulnerable position he had never found himself in. It was his favorite position to fuck a bottom. He was struck by how different life looked from this angle. He was on his back, legs spread, hole exposed. He was waiting for a man to take him. To use him. How many guys had he looked down at in this same pose?

Jorrie didn't pick up on Greg's hesitation. He was carefully lubing up his cock and Greg's ass. Just as he was ready to get down to business, the buzzer went off again. Colin went to see if Justin had left something behind; but it was Evan, waiting to get buzzed in. He just left the door unlocked and padded back to the bed and took up his position. This would be the perfect tableau for Evan to see as he entered the apartment. Jorrie moved back into place.

"You ready, G? It's not like we have any secrets from Ev, do we? You ready for him to come in and see you getting your hairy, muscle ass pumped? He might just want a go, himself!"

"Oh fuck no. That's not going to happen tonight. Maybe in the future. You said it yourself. Baby steps. But for now, just fuck me Jorrie. I want you back inside of me."

The entry was much easier this go round; but Jorrie still took his time. He got most of the way in and started to slowly move his hips upward. Jorrie was no novice. He knew he could give Greg's prostate some serious attention from this angle. Greg started to moan again. As Jorrie picked up his pace, Greg's moans got louder and less restrained. Colin had his hands on Greg's chest with a tight grip on his pecs. Jorrie started again with that groan that comes from deep in his chest. He knew he wasn't going to last much longer; but he wanted to hold out until Evan showed up. Just when he thought he wouldn't last, he heard Evan's booming voice.

"What a fuckin' sight? My two best buddies fucking ass while my other best buddy looks on. Jorrie, how you got that mutant dick of yours up his ass, I'll never know. Now I'm the only one of the gang who doesn't know what it's like to be on the receiving end of that monster. I hope you don't mind, but I brought some friends with me. Come on in boys. You're not going to want to miss this!"

Feedback and comments are greatly appreciated. Nifty authors don't have access to viewer statistics. The only way we know if we succeeded in getting you hard is if you let us know. I personally answer all emails Rob83401@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 10

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