Whored Out

By Rob

Published on Aug 13, 2023


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Mark is Greg's twin brother. Jorrie and I are about the only ones that can tell them apart. Mark is also gay; and though he may look identical to my hubby, he's always been a little more adventurous. He's got a bit of a rough edge to him.

"It's weird that Greg didn't say anything. It should be fun, though. I haven't seen Mark in months."

Jorrie stopped walking and turned me to face him. He looked directly into my eyes.

"Mark and Greg are identical, buddy. Didn't the mystery man's cock seem a little familiar?"

**************************************** Colin's Report


When Jorrie and I got back to the apartment, it was just Greg there. His brother, Mark, had been invited out at the last minute to celebrate with his new partners. The celebration with us would have to wait. Greg and Jorrie hadn't seen each other for awhile, so Greg suggested the three of us go out and grab a bite. I begged off and told them to go without me. After getting tag-teamed at the gym by Jorrie and Manny, I could still feel my hole seeping. I told them I just wanted to hop in the shower again. Besides, I wanted to fill you in on the afternoon's fuckfest.

It was finally decided that we would just order in so we could relax and catch up. Greg loaned Jorrie some clothes to wear. Even though Greg was an inch or two taller, Jorrie was a bit more muscular. They had been swapping clothes since college days. When the restaurant said it would be over an hour before the delivery guy would be here, Jorrie and Greg popped out to the bar around the corner for a beer; giving me a chance to clean my ass and send you this update.

I can't tell you how hot the gym shower double fuck was. Well, I guess it was more like a triple. Just one load from Manny and his big, uncut dick; but Jorrie bred me twice. On my desk here, I have the name and number of a guy at the gym who loaned me some workout shorts, so I didn't have to walk back home in my filthy jock. He wants to blow a load up my ass as repayment. I'm not going to complain.

I had cleaned up but hadn't got dressed yet. Still leaking a little. I was sitting on a towel finishing up the email I sent to you earlier when Jorrie and Greg got back. I started to go grab some shorts to put on, when Jorrie stopped me.

"Col, I've already fucked you twice today. You don't have to get dressed on my account. To be honest, over beers I proposed some ideas to Greg. He seemed to think they were pretty good. None of those ideas involved you having any clothes on. Come over here, Col. How about a group hug."

We met in the middle of the living room. Greg grabbed me and pulled me in tight. As he kissed me, he let a hand drop down to cup my ass. I felt him extend his forefinger and gently rub my beat-up hole. Jorrie moved in closer and interrupted the kiss. He turned my head toward him and brought his lips to mine. He reached an arm around Greg's shoulder and brought him in; but Greg's finger was still at my ass. Well, in my ass by now. After he broke the kiss with me, he looked at Greg, then moved in to kiss him.

Although Greg and Jorrie have been inseparable since they were teens, this was their first time sharing a deep kiss. Their friendship had flourished through a lot of milestones. Hundreds of sleep overs. Double dates. Greg realizing he was gay. Jorrie coming to terms with his bisexuality. Their graduation from high school. Their decision to room together at the same university. They had been closer than most brothers. But because they felt like brothers, and because they were both die-hard tops; they had never experimented with each other. While they had both fucked some of the same guys in their circle of friends over the years, the two of them had never been intimate. Since they were both jocks, they had seen each other naked a million times; but never in a sexual setting. So after countless bro hugs and locker room smacks on the ass, this was truly a first kiss between two men who truly loved one another.

This kiss went on for a long time. I was content to keep the hug going and watch the changes in the way they reacted. This intimate deep kiss was becoming more passionate. Greg had even pulled his hand away from my ass and raised it so he could hold Jorrie's face as they kissed. Because I had been in a similar situation with Jorrie earlier today, I knew one of his secrets. I slid Greg's hands up Jorrie's model-handsome face until they rested on top of his head. With my hands over Greg's I began to massage Jorrie's scalp and run my fingers through the short black dreads that covered his head. His moans made it very clear how much he liked it. Greg got the message and began to rub his best buddy's head as they made out. When they finally broke the kiss, Jorrie turned to me, smiled and gave me a squeeze.

"Looks like you were paying attention earlier, Colin. I thought maybe with so much going on in that gym shower, you might forget you found one of my primo erogenous zones."

"No way I could forget that, buddy. It made you moan deep in your throat while you kissed me. I'm never going to forget the vibration those moans sent through my entire body."

"You're so fucking sexy, Col. I know Manny and I got pretty rough with you; but when we kissed from the start, I'd hoped that we'd have a chance to really make love sometime."

"Is that's what's going to happen tonight?"

"Maybe, babe. Maybe later. First, let's go over the things your boyfriend and I discussed over beers earlier. Greg, do you want to start?"

"How about we move over to the bed. It'll be more comfortable. One of the things we talked about was my reclaiming you, baby. After all, you have been with three different guys today."

As we moved to the bed, Greg started to shed his clothes. Jorrie said he'd leave his on 'til the delivery guy got here, so somebody would be decent to answer the door. Just like the other night, I had totally forgotten about dinner. My mind was just focused on sex lately.

So still fully dressed, Jorrie laid on the bed to one side while Greg started to play with my nips. Until the other day, Greg was unaware of the tit clamps and other toys I used on myself when he was not here. Still, we had been together long enough that he knew how sensitive my nipples were. Whenever he was in the mood for sex, even if I was trying to get some work done or finishing up the dishes; he knew that if he came up behind me and reached around to play with my tits, I would soon be doing whatever he wanted.

It was a turn on for me that Jorrie was next to us in his clothes while we were naked. I looked over and he was rubbing his dick through his jeans. As Greg went from my nipples, down to suck on my cock and eventually to eat my ass, Jorrie serenaded us with words. He talked about different ways our relationship was going to change. He talked about how important it was for some cuckold or stag couples to reclaim their partner after they had been with someone else. But that reclaiming process could take many different forms.

As Jorrie watched, Greg rolled me on to my side and penetrated me from behind. He sat up on the bed and moved closer to us. He cautiously reached out and placed his hand on Greg's ass, so could feel connected to our fucking. After a few minutes, the buzzer went off. Jorrie went to the door to buzz the delivery man up. He convinced us to stay on the bed naked and just pull the comforter up over our heads. He said he would step out in the hall and meet the delivery guy. When he opened the door, I heard him greet the delivery guy but then drop his voice to a whisper.

I learned later what all that whispering was all about. The delivery guy was surprised to see handsome, African American Jorrie open the door. He was a college aged hunk of a guy whose dad owned the restaurant we frequented. He had delivered here many times, where I admittedly had flirted a lot over the past year. He had asked Jorrie what happened to the hunky couple who used to be in this apartment. Jorrie had told him that we still here, that we were naked under the comforter and that we were just hoping the delivery guy would want to fuck one of us. The next thing that I was aware of was the bedding being whisked away leaving us exposed.

Jorrie stood there with Justin laughing as they watched Greg slowly easing in and out of my ass. After the initial surprise, Greg and I started to laugh. We had a running joke between us. Every time Greg called to say he had to work late, I threatened to order in so I could seduce our favorite delivery stud. I felt kind of bad that I'd never bothered to ask his name. As Jorrie introduced him, the young man started to pull off his tee shirt revealing a lean, hairy torso.

"So guys, looks like you're already familiar with Justin? He seemed a little disappointed when I opened the door."

"I might've been surprised; but no way was I disappointed. You could have had me all to yourself. But since we're all here, I don't want to leave anyone out. All three of you guys are hot as fuck!" Then turning to Jorrie, he asked, "Which one did you say I get to rail?"

Jorrie pulled his shirt over his head, as well. He then looked at Greg and hesitated.

"Are you sure you're ready for this, Greg? You've been my best friend since seventh grade; but this is something we've always managed to avoid. What do you think? Are you ready to be naked and hard in the same bed as me, buddy?"

"Get your clothes off, you sexy fucker! About time I finally saw that big dick of yours at full mast. It was hard enough to ignore when it was soft in the shower room."

When Jorrie slipped down his shorts, there were appreciative oohs and ahhs. He laughed as he pulled on his oversized cock head and his dick shot to full on boner. He put a hand on Justin's shoulder and guided him to the end of the bed where they had a great view of Greg's ass, still gently pumping into my ass. Justin wasted no time bringing his face in close to Greg's ass. Jorrie put a hand on Greg to have him hold still and Justin plunged his nose into Greg's crack. Inhaling deeply, he started to rub his two-day stubble on that hairy hole. His tongue found the target and he started to eat ass like a starving man. It gave Jorrie an idea.

"When's the last time someone was up that ass, Greg? Colin, has he ever let you try it out?"

"Do you want to tell them, G? No, Jorrie, he has not let me try it out. I've asked a few times; you know, just to shake things up. The answer was always no. He's more than happy with my tongue up there, though. How's that taste, Justin?"

"It's fucking perfect, man! Are you guys telling me this is virgin ass? Oh fuck! This is a dream of mine, guys. My dick's not as big as yours, Jorrie. You think he'd let me just try it?"

Greg spoke up, "I'm right here, stud. You don't have to ask him."

"Sorry. Greg, right? Sorry Greg, but your hole opens right up to my tongue. Have you really never been fucked?"

Jorrie leaned up near Greg's ear. Keep in mind, we're on our sides and Greg is still embedded in my ass. Jorrie's voice sounds so sexy and reassuring as he tries to convince Greg.

"You and Col are opening yourselves up to new experiences, bud. I don't think it's fair to expect new things from Col if you're not willing to experiment a little. Besides, you and I both know it's not technically uncharted territory."

I could tell Greg was seriously considering this. Oddly enough, I didn't know if he had ever bottomed or not. I just know he hasn't ever let me in there. To help plead his case, Justin came up on the bed next to me and brought his dick up close to our faces. I've always thought of my cock as a little bigger than average, at just over six inches and fat. To be honest, Justin had been blessed with the perfect cock to break in a seldom used hole. Maybe just under six inches with a slender head to ease entry. But it wasn't too thin; and it had a nice upward curve. As he knelt on the bed, it was pointing straight up to the ceiling. I couldn't resist stretching out my tongue to take a swipe at it. Still considering what he was going to say, Greg pulled him over so he could also get in a lick or two.

"We're going to need some lube; and you're going to have to take it slow, stud."

Jorrie let out a little hoot. He was relishing his role as guide and encourager. I pointed to the bottom drawer on the nightstand on my side of the bed. When Jorrie opened it, he let another another whoop.

"Col, you horny devil. This looks a lot like my girlfriends toy drawer. We'll have to check all this shit out later."

When Jorrie turned back with the lube, he saw Justin, Greg and I in a threeway kiss. He started to applaud. Then as he moved down, he swatted Greg's ass with a loud smack.

"Justin, better get down here before he changes his mind."

Before Justin could slide back down the bed, to where Greg and I were still joined; Jorrie had planted his mouth on Greg's hole. He'd been whimpering when Justin had been licking him. Now he let out a little shriek.

"Holy fuck, Jor! Guess we've finally crossed that line. About time, too. Back when I was coming to terms with being gay, it was always you that I thought about. But you were too much like a brother to me, so I pushed those thoughts out of my mind."

Then he laughed out loud.

"Then when I saw the size of that monster you were packing, I knew I'd have to look elsewhere."

Jorrie made room for Justin. As the two of them started to lube around and up into Greg's ass, Greg's cock softened enough to finally slip out of my ass. I turned over so I could watch Greg take this next big step. With Greg still on is side, Justin moved up into position. I watched Jorrie reach over and stroke Justin's cock with his lube covered hand and guide it to its target. With steady pressure but very slowly, Justin started to move.

"Fuck, you feel amazing. Can you feel the head? Since your not used to doing this, I'm not going to push anymore. I want you to move back onto me, stud. At your pace. Fuck, man! Fuck, you're taking it like a champ!"

Greg welcomed my kiss. His breathing was measured at first. Maybe imagining it was going to be worse than it really was. I could feel him exhale and relax as he realized it was only going to be pleasure. When Justin was all the way in, Greg stopped pushing back on him.

"Fuck, Justin. It's perfect. Just hold it there while I get used to it. I don't know why I waited so long to try this again."

"Oh stud, I can feel you squeezing. Fuck, man! This is the best fucking ass I've ever been.... Fuck dude. Oh, fuck! I didn't even ask about a condom. Am I good? I guess you guys are all okay with this. I have never cum inside a guy before. Is it really okay if I breed you, bro? This is the best fucking day of my life."

With that, Justin really started to pick up the pace. He wasn't a hard driving top but he quickly hit a steady rhythm. It was all coming just from his hips. When I looked at his tight ass, it was like a rolling wave as it drove his dick in deep then out to the tip. He didn't seem like he was going to last long, fucking skin on skin. Jorrie made matters works by planting himself next to him. He kept one hand on that undulating ass and with the other held the back of his head so they could make out as he got ready to seed his first ass.

"Greg, I'm not gonna lie. Watching this young guy fuck that off-limits butt of yours has me so fucking hard. After I blew my second load in Col earlier, I thought I was done for the day. Jesus Christ, it is so hot watching him fuck in and out of that furry hole."

Justin started going faster; but still with smooth, effortless stokes. As he pumped his hips, he started to tense up and make a short, staccato sound in his throat that progressed to steady wail.

"Unh. Unh. Unh. Unh. Oh. Oh. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Fuck Fuck FUCCCK. I'm coming. I'm coming in your ass. I'm fucking breeding your fucking ass. Fuck!"

He shuddered over and over. He was coated in sweat. He seemed frozen until Jorrie leaned over and kissed him deeply, again. Then there were a series of little jolts as he totally emptied his balls inside that tight, hairy ass. As his cock softened, it plopped out with a little farting noise. He sat back on his heels, looking exhausted and exhilarated.

Jorrie looked at Greg's freshly fucked hole. There was a puddle of cum right in his hole and some dribbling down onto his balls.

It was too much for Jorrie. He had waited half his life. He silently shifted Justin back to lie on the bed, so they could switch positions. I was kissing Greg and watching Jorrie at the same time. Greg was unaware that his best friend was moving in behind him. Jorrie gently touched Greg's hole; returning his fingers with some of Justin's cum to smear on his fat cockhead. Then he leaned in and placed his head at the opening. Then he whispered under his breath.

"I love you, brother. Don't ever forget that."

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Next: Chapter 9

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