Whored Out

By Rob

Published on Aug 10, 2023


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My boss is going to fucking kill me. After this morning's fuck, and by the way it was perfect, I buckled down and tried to make up for the time I'd missed already. I had two Zoom meetings with cum dripping out of my ass. I had just finished the agenda for the group meeting at the office tomorrow. Then I got another text.

I've always joked with your boyfriend about seeding your ass

I mainly did it because it pissed him off when I swore

Well, surprise, he just gave me the green light

He said if you had your work done you're usually at the gym at 5:15

You better have your work done fucker

I'm showing up at 6:15 cause I want you rank and sweaty

Btw wear those fucking rugby shorts of yours that show off your ass

Don't worry about cleanout. We'll be fucking in the shower

You'll know me when you see me

I hope you'll be pleased

Either way I'm breeding that beautiful fat ass today

Colin's report


Well, it's 7:30 and I'm back from the gym with three new loads in me. I keep telling myself that I'll get this cum whore phase under control. It's exhausting servicing so many hot guys. lol. Between my job and Greg, it's not like I can spend the whole day strapped in a sling. Not that I've been in a sling today; but you get my drift.

I rushed through the rest of my work assignments this afternoon. Tomorrow is my day in the office so I had tons of stuff to get ready. I've loved working from home; although the first week I must have beat off a hundred times. Then I hit my stride and I'm actually more efficient now, than when I was chained to my desk five days a week. After a couple of months, I started to look forward to group days when I had to be on site. It was good to see everyone. It broke up the monotony of my routine. Now I'm looking forward to tomorrow because if I'm in the office all day, maybe my ass will get a rest.

Anyway, by the time I'd finished up, I realized I only had 20 minutes to get to the gym. I was almost out the door when I remembered the text said he wanted me in my rugby shorts. I've been meaning to get a new pair. The old ones are so comfortable that I've worn the fuck out of them. When I dug them out, they were so threadbare, I was a little worried about keeping my big ass from popping out of them while I was working out. I thought about changing out of my jock for some compression shorts in case the others split; but I was going to be late already.

Back when I was working regular office hours, on gym days I just stopped off on the way home. With my new schedule, I change at home before I go. I was just walking in the door when I realized I should have brought my bag if I was going to be showering here. I don't have anything to change into. Fuck it. I began my stretches and got started on my routine.

Do you know how hard it is to pay attention to your workout when you are scanning the gym looking for the guy who's here to fuck your ass. His text had said: You'll know me when you see me. Not much to go on. It's always crowded this time of day, in addition to the regulars there are a few faces I don't recognize. As I'm working out, I'm playing a game in my head. Is it that tall, skinny guy who always wears the neon shorts? Oooh, maybe it's that beefy South Asian guy I lust after that won't ever make eye contact with me. Maybe he doesn't hate me; maybe he's just shy. If I was lucky it would be that couple I think of as the newlyweds. They're both early twenties, both built like MMA fighters and I've never seen them apart. They're here every day at five; both wearing indecently tight shorts and tanks. They never interact with anyone else. They always giggle and whisper to each other. One night I fantasized about them spit-roasting me, while Greg was fucking me. I had to pace myself that night, because Greg never liked me to come before he did.

I don't know if it's because of my new sexual freedom or not; but there is not a guy in this gym I would not fuck. There's a guy I don't recognize. He's maybe sixty. Gray crew-cut, massive upper body and a very satisfying chunky dad belly. He's probably a better fuck than either of the newlyweds.

It was getting close to six when I went over to the rowing machine. I hesitated because of the strain the flexing was going to put on these fucking shorts. Then I thought, fuck it. I just climbed on. I was getting a rhythm going when the it happened.

I looked up and my heart stopped for a minute. Two men walked through the door. I knew both of them. Greg could have sent either of these men to fuck me. I just didn't know which one.

Jorrie is Greg's oldest friend. They've been friends since junior high. They were roommates in college when Evan joined the gang. Jorrie is a couple inches shorter than Greg. He's a runner and doesn't have an ounce of fat on him, He has a dark brown complexion, really short dreads and is the most attractive man I have ever met. The first time I saw him, he had just finished a run. He was drenched with sweat. His torso glistening. He was wearing nothing but those tiny running shorts that are slit up the side and his shoes and socks. Greg never let me forget how I drooled over him from the very beginning.

Manuel is my best friend's boyfriend. Everybody calls him Manny. Manny is a horndog. My friend, Rey, knows that he fucks around; he puts up with it because the sex is the best he's ever had. I crashed at Rey's apartment about a year ago when Greg and I were having a really big fight. Sleeping on Rey's sofa, I listened to the two of them fuck every night. Sometimes two or three times a night. I'd just drift off to sleep and they would start up again. Rey is always going on about Manny's big, uncut cock. So far, I'd only seen that cock flopping around in his worn out sweatpants. He has offered to show it to me on more than one occasion. Maybe today I was going to see it up close.

But wait, Greg hated Manny with a passion. Why would he tell him he could fuck me? And while Jorrie is openly bisexual, he's been with his girlfriend nearly as long as I've been with Greg. I didn't realize these two studs from my fantasies ever hung out together. I thought they just knew each other only because of the overlap between Greg's friends and mine.

I must've been lost in my thoughts because I was startled by a voice at my side. Manny was leaning down to whisper near my ear.

"Looks like today is breeding day, Collie! I know how bad you want my fat, uncut hog! No more playing hard to get. You ready, Collie? Ready to get that cunt wrecked?"

No one has ever called me Collie except Manny. It used to annoy the fuck out of me. Today it made my hole twitch. Fuck do I love all this newfound freedom. I'd lost sight of Jorrie. Was he in on this too? God, I hope so.

"My man Jorrie is making a few arrangements for us. Give us five minutes and come to the very back of the locker room. In the meantime, keep rowing Collie. I want your plump ass as sweaty and raunchy as possible. I hear you already have a load up there. Does it bother you that I know who that load came from, when you don't have a fucking clue? When you find out, you are going to freak the fuck out, Collie! Five minutes."

My heart was pounding. I picked up my pace on the rower and tried not to think about how the hell they were going to fuck me in the gym showers when there are so many people here. If it was up to Manny, I'm sure he'd like an audience; but I don't want to get banned from my own gym. I'd like to say the five minutes passed slowly. In reality, I probably only waited for three before I started toward the lockers. At the back of the locker room, you turn right for the wet area. Before you get to the door to the shower room, there is a short hallway I had never noticed. Manny was leaning against the wall there rubbing the front of his sweatpants. As I came around the corner, he lifted his hand up just enough to expose an obscene bulge. I'd never seen him hard. The outline in his sweats was intimidating.

He used a couple of fingers to beckon me to move closer. When I reached him, he took my hand and placed it over the bulge his hard dick was making. I looked behind me, afraid someone was going to see. To make matters worse, he lifted my hand up and slid it inside his sweats. He was freeballing, as usual. The first thing I noticed was the weight and thickness of his tool. He effortlessly spun me around and pulled me close. He pushed his waistband down and tucked it under his balls. Then he was rubbing my ass and forcing my rugby shorts into my ass crack. I wasn't surprised when the threadbare material gave way. I felt a thick finger trying to drill its way into my hole, Then he put his left arm around my chest and pulled me back. With his right hand he guided his cockhead to push against my pucker. Just in time, Jorrie rounded the corner into the hall we were in.

"Manny! What the fuck is wrong with you. I told Greg this was a bad idea. Do you realize how many people are going to be walking by here. No wonder that dick of yours is always getting you in trouble. Let me get the door unlocked before you get us arrested, fucker."

Somehow Jorrie had obtained the key to a wide door that was just past where Manny was trying to dry fuck me. He grabbed Manny by the shoulder and pushed us inside. When he flipped the lights on, we were in a private wheelchair access shower room. I felt kinda relieved that they weren't planning to spit-roast me in the gang showers. Manny had me up against the wall again. He had two fingers in me now and was biting my neck. Jorrie came over next to me, put a hand on my neck and turned me to face him. This man is 'model' gorgeous.

"I haven't fucked a guy in nearly four years, Col. Every time I start to feel like things are too routine, my girlfriend lines up something with one of her friends or we swap with another couple. Some new pussy always cheers me up; but it's been way too long since I plowed a furry ass. When I ran into Manny and he told me Greg had given him a free pass, I told him I was not going to miss out on that. I've wanted your hole since the first time I saw that plump ass."

Jorrie took my head in both hands and moved in to kiss me. At the same time, Manny had dropped to his knees, ripping off the remains of my shorts on the way down. He dove into my ass tongue first. The moment the door closed to this small room, I'd been aware how sweaty and funky I smelled. Whatever he smelled down there, Manny liked it. Between swipes of his tongue, he started to bite around my hole. God did that feel good. Then the running commentary started. I had heard the infamous commentary while he fucked Rey; but it was always unintelligible from the other room.

"Fuck! what a sweet, ripe cub butt. Sweet, ripe, hairy culo. You can't wait for Manny's big dick in that hole, can you? I'm going to ruin that agujero for anyone after me. Agujero, cub; that's your hungry hole. You want Manny to stretch that agujero open for you, Collie? Pump my seed up that pretty hole?"

While Manny alternated between tongue wagging and sticking his tongue up my ass, Jorrie's tongue was deep in my mouth. Not only is he the best looking guy I've ever met, this man can kiss. I reached up to grab the sides of his face and he guided my hands up onto his dreads. When I ran my fingers through them, he moaned. It felt amazing to me. I guess it felt even better to him. As I rubbed my fingers through his hair he moaned into my mouth as he kissed me. Goddamn, this man is sexy.

"Jorrie, what the hell are you humming up there, bro. Everytime you moan into that slutty cub's mouth, it's making his hole twitch down here. I'm not complaining, mind you. We can switch places in a sec; but right now I can't get my tongue out of this ass. You hear that, Collie? I'm trapped in your fat culo. Your sweaty ass smells so fucking good. Every time I dig my tongue in deep I get a taste of that mystery man's cum."

Manny pulled back and spit a huge gob directly on my hole. Then he start to frig his fingers into me. He didn't even bother to start with one finger. It felt like at least two from the beginning; and his fingers are fucking huge. Jorrie was still kissing me; but now he also had a firm grip on my nipples. As he twisted them, I was groaning. I continued to rub my hands over his head and neck. He moaned. I groaned. Then Manny called his name. When he looked down, Manny had his fingers extended. Jorrie dribbled spit into Manny's hand. Then the hand was back in my hole.

"That's better. I'm gonna get your cunt slicked up with my spit and some of Jorries. After all, we're both going to load you deep, Collie. We're gonna mix our sperm and spit with that mystery load you have up there already. Well, this mornings fucker may be a mystery to you, Collie; but my man Jorrie and I both know who's load you took. How does that make you feel. Your bull Evan knows. Your hubby Greg knows. I even told your best friend, Rey. I told Rey who fucked and loaded your ass. At first he wouldn't believe it. When I convinced him it was true, he thought it was fucking hot. What I did not tell Rey, what is going to be our little secret, is that I was coming over here to rape and seed your slutty agujero. Seed little Collie's slutty hole with some Manny DNA."

Jorrie took a hand off one of my nips and reached down and grabbed my balls in one hand. Not like he was going to rip them off; but putting steady firm pressure pulling them down. His lips left my mouth and he started to chew on the nipple he had just left unattended. He leaned back and looked at me. Keeping steady pressure on my nutsack, he motioned with his eyes down to his cock. I had felt it rubbing against my leg through his athletic shorts as he had been humping against me; but now he had reached in and pulled his dick out the leg of his shorts. His long cock was as beautiful as the rest of him. Longer than my boyfriends. Maybe not quite as thick along the length of the shaft; but Jesus was his cockhead big. All I could think about was that huge head breaching my hole.

"Jorrie, you better get Collie's pretty mouth down on your dick. Have him slick it up good. I'm gonna let you have first dibs on his cunt. See what a nice guy I am? I want him opened up for my fat hog. I had assumed your cock wouldn't be as big as Manny junior; but look at that fucking cockhead. That's gonna leave a mark. I'll let you pump him full of the load your girlfriend's gonna miss out on. Then I can slide into that opened agujero on your jizz. Fuck! It makes me even harder to know I'm going to use your cum for lube. Next best thing to getting into your hole myself, Jor. When you gonna let Manny take a shot at that perfect brown ass?"

"Jesus, Manuel. Do you ever shut up? I'll have Colin get me slicked up; but I'm afraid I won't last long in this mouth of his. I've been in a hetero rut for too long; if he sucks half as good as Greg has bragged about, I'm not going to risk my first load shooting down his throat. He can suck me clean after I've loaded up his ass. Don't get me wrong, my girl likes to suck my cock; but I'm used to a light feminine touch. I'm used to butterfly kisses. I don't even know if I can watch Colin take me down his throat without blasting too soon."

With that, Jorrie started to push my head down his body. Manny kept a hold on my hips. It was a relief when Jorrie spoke because it meant Manny would shut up and get his lips on my hole. I opened my jaw as wide as I could. I'm afraid my teeth still might have scraped that head a little until he got it in my mouth. Manny slid his fingers back into my hole. With his other hand he pulled down on my balls. I felt him crouch down behind me as he bent my boner back toward his mouth. My cock isn't in the same class as these two studs; but he was able to bend it back until he got the head in his mouth. At this moment, my life was perfect.

Jorrie pulled back. I opened wide and tried not to scratch his cockhead as he withdrew. He reached over and down; then hit Manny's big ass with a resounding thwack.

"I'm serious, Manuel. Being with hard sweaty men again after all this time, my first load is primed and ready. I'm going to cum fast. Colin's got me so fucking hard, I'll probably shoot again before I'm done with him. Get up here and hold onto him. If not, I'm going to lose this load on the tile floor."

They switched places and in seconds I felt Jorrie push into me. Did I mention that head was huge? It stretched me wide but it was all pleasure and no pain. He wasted no time. Manny held my head tight and let me taste my ass on his tongue and lips. Jorrie pushed even deeper. I felt his cockhead up against that inner sphincter. With a grunt he breached that second ring of muscle. I didn't know how long I could last without coming myself. Jorrie pumped less than thirty times more before he tightened his hands around my neck and started to growl. He pushed in deep and held it there while he filled my ass.

With no time to waste. Manny gave me one last kiss and pushed Jorrie out of the way. As Jorrie's head plopped out of my ass, Manny held his hand under my hole and caught a palm full of cum and ass juice. He brought his open hand up to my mouth. As I lapped it up, he shoved the first few inches of his fat cock in my ass. He held still until I had licked his hand clean; then both hands went onto my hips and he started to plow. Jorrie was back to kiss me; gently now.

"Jesus, Collie. This is fucking perfect. Our friend Jorrie may be quick on the draw; but he must've left a gallon of cum in your intestines. I can feel it dripping down my balls and I fucking love it. I'm not going to make fun of him for coming so fast because I'm starting to question how long I can hold out. Fuck, Jorrie. I'm getting drenched in your cum and I fucking love it."

Manny's cock felt amazing. My hole was stretched; but it felt like heaven. Jorrie's head felt great but Manny's cock was thick from the head to the base. As he recovered and caught his breath, Jorrie started to kiss me more passionately. Manny started a deep groan. It slowly rose in his throat as he pistoned in and out. I knew he was close. Then he started to wail.

"Take my fucking cum, Collie. I've waited so fucking long to get in this ass. This won't be the last time, nino. Jesus Christ, I can't hold it back anymore. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!"

With a final slam, he pushed in deep and held me tight to him. His cock seemed to pulse forever. Jorrie was kissing me wildly now. I looked down and he was fisting his cock frantically. WIth a grunt, Manny let his cock plop out of my battered hole. He was panting; trying to catch his breath. Jorrie held my head and looked at me. There was fire in his eyes.

"Sorry baby. You're probably hurting by now; but I've got another load all primed and ready. Greg said he wants as much sperm in your slutty ass, as possible. I'm not going to ask permission; but I'm sorry in advance if I hurt you."

He was behind me in a flash. He pushed my face against the tile wall and drilled into me in one stroke. It probably would have hurt if I wasn't so hyped up. As his head hit that second hole again, my cock started to spew. He was pounding me so hard now that my stubby boner was flapping up and down. I was spraying cum up onto my belly, down onto the floor and all over the wall in front of me. I thought I should be drained of cum; but it didn't seem to stop. Then I realized that I was pissing uncontrollably all over the room. The harder he pumped, the more my dick kept flailing around, sending piss everywhere. When he realized what was happening, it triggered him, as well.

"Colin, you fucking pig. I'm going to load you up again. Can't believe I'm fucking the piss right out of you. Manny, are you seeing this? You didn't fucked him hard enough to make his bladder burst. Did you? All me. Fuck, Colin! Here it comes! Take my fucking load!"

If the pulsing is any indication, his second load was bigger than the first. I felt like I was swelling up inside. My head was spinning. I couldn't see where Manny went. Jorrie continued to keep me locked in a tight bear hug. I was almost dreading having him pull out of me. He was panting and catching his breath; and then i felt it. My guts were expanding as he let his own piss start to stream deep in my ass. This was a first for me. When Marco fucked me, he always threatened to pee in me; but this was definitely a first. The flow seemed endless. My belly started to bulge.

When Jorrie cautiously started to pull back, I heard noises behind me. I turned my head to see that Manny had opened the door to the small shower room. There were several guys huddled around the door looking in. Jorrie noticed too, just as his long, brown cock deflated enough to ease out of my puffy hole. It was followed by a deluge of piss intermingled with cum. One guy started to clap. Another tried to push in through the partly opened door.

"Manny! Shut the fucking door. What the fuck is wrong you with, man? You're going to get us all kicked out of here."

To his credit, Manny did push them back and close the door; but not before addressing the crowd.

"Okay. Show's over guys! It was smoking hot though, eh? I guess my fuck buddies are shy now. If it was up to me, you could watch the cleanup. I just wish you'd got to watch me in action. I make these two look like boy scouts."

"Shut the goddamn door, Manuel!"

What a fucking mess! Tempers were flaring. Jorrie was furious with Manny. Things were pretty intense; when all I wanted was a little tenderness and after care. Jorrie had started the shower and was soaping up. In silence we took turns getting under the showerhead to rinse off. As we toweled off, it dawned on me that I had nothing to wear home. Jorrie pulled on his shorts and cautiously cracked the door open. Three guys were still out there waiting for us to emerge.

"Hey guys. Sorry you had to see that. My caveman friend has no understanding of how civilized people act."

"Are you kidding, man. That was the hottest thing we've ever seen in real life. Why do you think we're still at the door hoping to get another peek. It was like a real life porn movie."

"Thanks, bud. I think the action is over for today; but it looks like my friend got his shorts destroyed in the melee. Any chance you guys could come up with something for him to wear out of here?"

"No worries, bro. I've got an extra pair in my locker. He can take them on the condition he returns them to me in person. I want to see that fucker again. I want a piece of that ass! I've been watching him work out here for months. I never thought I'd get a show like we got today."

We eventually made our way out of the gym; but not before Manny got a couple of phone numbers. Out on the sidewalk we were just three guys leaving the gym. Manny gave me a sideways hug and congratulated me on a "great workout". Jorrie had calmed down some. Still he just gave Manny a fist bump with a casual "later". When Jorrie kept walking with me in the direction of home.

"Where are you headed Jorrie? Isn't home the other direction?"

"What, you wanted me to be seen walking with Manny? He may be a hot son of a bitch; but there is something seriously wrong with the way he is wired. Besides, didn't your boyfriend call you this afternoon? I'm coming over to your place now. We're all going out to celebrate."

"Who all is we? And what are we celebrating."

"I think it's just going to be you and me, Evan, Greg and Mark. Mark was just made partner at his firm."

Mark is Greg's twin brother. Jorrie and I are about the only ones that can tell them apart. Mark is also gay; and though he may look identical to my hubby, he's always been a little more adventurous. He's got a bit of a rough edge to him.

"It's weird that Greg didn't say anything. It should be fun, though. I haven't seen Mark in months."

Jorrie stopped walking and turned me to face him. He looked directly into my eyes.

"Mark and Greg are identical, buddy. Didn't the mystery man's cock seem a little familiar?"

Feedback and comments are always welcome Rob83401@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 8

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