Whored Out

By Rob

Published on Aug 6, 2023


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At eight the next morning, I had just got to work when I got a text from Colin. He was just starting his day working from home. It was screenshots of a text he had just received from an unknown number. Sounds like Greg the cuck might be embracing his new role.

Greg gave me your #.

Said I could cum breed you

B ready to buzz me in @10am

Said blindfold in nightstand

Ass up all 4s by open door

White jock

Clean & lube obv

He wants pics/vids

No talking

You know me

Colin's report:

After I sent you shots of that text, I was tempted to call Greg to get more details. In the end, I just sent him a text to tell him I loved him. I made sure I was cleaned out and ready by 9:45. I'd kept Evan's load from last night inside of me for as long as I could; but I had to get up in the middle of the night because I was starting to leak. Is that too much information. I don't think I've ever pushed so much cum out of my ass. I can't wait until he wants to breed me again.

Greg was so loving last night after you left. We cuddled on the sofa and talked until it was time for bed. In spite of the wild sex earlier, we were both rock hard by the time we went to bed. I wanted him inside of me; but we didn't want to risk him cumming again. I told him I wouldn't tell Evan. Greg said he thought he had better wait. Instead, he licked my swollen hole while I jerked off for him. It was a new development for him to be so eager to swallow my cum.

I buzzed the stranger in at 9:59.

I left the door ajar and positioned myself on a blanket just inside the door. My dick had been rock hard since I read the text. When I heard the elevator, I reached back with both hands and pulled my ass cheeks apart. I felt a draft on my exposed hole as the door swung open. All I heard was a quiet growl in the back of his throat. Then the click of a camera. The door closed. A couple of minutes passed. I couldn't hear him undress. Just quiet. Then I felt his nose in my crack. I heard him take a deep sniff; then he exhaled. A few more minutes passed. Everything was moving so slow. It was so quiet. Suddenly I felt a tongue swipe across my pucker. Then again. Again. Then quiet. When he made contact with my hole again, everything started to speed up. He started to chow down. As he ate my ass, I could feel the vibration from that growl/snarl sound he was making again.

The ass munching stopped. I sensed him moving around me and coming to a stop at my head. He knelt down and I heard his zipper come down. He ran a finger along my lower lip. The finger slid into my mouth. The camera clicked again. As he withdrew the finger his cockhead was at my lips. This man did not need me to get him hard. His dick was like steel. It was long and thick. He slowly slid deep into my mouth, nudging the head toward my throat. He was about the same size as Greg, It made it easy for me because I was used to sucking on that big dick. As I gave him head, the camera clicked repeatedly. I was trying to get him as wet as possible. I'd been instructed to lube up; but my hole was so open after the events of the previous day, that I only used a small amount.

Behind me now. He stepped up until he was straddling my hips. Still wearing his pants, I could feel a leg on each side of me. Then he squatted down and I felt his cock head at my hole. He rocked back and forth a few times then gave me his full length. Again, the size was what I was used to with my boyfriend. It was perfect. Big enough to stretch and challenge me; but I felt no pain. He would occasionally pull almost all the way out. Click. Then slide back in till I could feel the bottom of his zipper on my ass. He got into a regular rhythm and then gradually increased the pace. Soon he was pounding me relentlessly. I thought he was close a few times; but he would then slow down for a few strokes before picking up the pace again. When he was getting ready to breed me, he dropped down onto his knees. He pushed down on my ass with one hand while the other was snapping pic after pic. Then I heard him drop the phone onto the blanket. He leaned forward so he was lying against my back. His hips were slamming into me now. He reached under me and grabbed a pec in each hand. Just before he came, he started to bite my neck. Then I felt him drive into me as deep as he could. He held still while he pulsed his load into my ass. All I could hear was that noise in the back of his throat.

He stayed pressed against me and started to kiss my neck and back. I felt his cock start to deflate; then it plopped out, followed by a fart of cum. He gave me a hard smack on the ass. Then he was in front of me again, waiting to be sucked clean.

Greg's report:

Cubby, Colin and I had the most romantic evening after you guys left last night. When the door closed behind you, Colin said he felt bad that I hadn't been allowed to orgasm again. I told him I felt totally drained sexually. I had enough for one day. We spent a couple of hours on the sofa. No TV. No Netflix. Just talking and holding each other. We agreed this new "whatever we're doing" was providing new sexual highs for both of us. It was playing out both of our deepest fantasies.

Colin told me he'd gradually realized how hot it made me when I watched him get fucked. He was glad because it helped allay any guilt he had about being with other men. I was surprised that he realized this about me; even before I was able to realize it myself. But he was absolutely right. He made me promise to thank you for helping us steer our way through all this. Thanks, buddy. I know how Colin feels about you, after knowing you only 24 hours. I appreciate what you've done and I hope we can be good friends.

Anyway, Colin wanted me to fuck him last night. After the day he'd had! I really wanted to but I had made my commitment to Evan. So we ended up improvising before we went to sleep. Regardless of how it's going to appear to others, I love my man. If sharing him means I get to keep him, I'm in one hundred percent.

I was so nervous on my way into work this morning. After last night, I was worried about seeing Evan face to face. We were the first ones in the building. I went to drop my things off at my desk and there was a note. It simply said:

I need the names of friends or colleagues who have ever told you they wanted to fuck Colin. They might have jokingly said 'I'd hit that ass" or 'You're a lucky man. I'd fuck that ass in a heartbeat' or 'If you guys ever want to have a threesome, I'm in' I know there have to be some. Think about it and come see me

Oddly enough, three names came immediately to mind. I jotted them down and went next door to Evans office. He was dressed down, more casual than usual. He had a long sleeved sport shirt on; but it was unbuttoned when I went in. He had slipped a hand underneath the shirt and I assume he was playing with his nipple. This is a new office development. I'll try to re-create what happened next for you:

"Lock the door Greg and come over here. Is that your list?"

"Yeah. I was surprised how quickly they came to mind. I've always laughed it off as a compliment. Colin is pretty hot. But all three have definitely expressed their interest."

"Are you sure about this first name?"

"It's funny, isn't it. I guess after yesterday nothing shocks me anymore. He was the first one that came to mind. Almost every time I see him, he asks how Colin is and asks when he's going to get a shot at his ass."

"Does Colin know?"

"No way. Until today, I've just thought of it as locker room talk. But when I read your note, I knew he'd say yes."

"Call him up right now."

"I don't think I can Ev. It might take me awhile to work up to that."

"Give me his number."


"Write it down next to his name."

"I can't believe I'm doing this."

"Good boy. Now come here."

When I reached him he gave me the longest, tightest hug you can imagine. He put a hand on each side of my face and looked me in the eye.

"When did you come last, Greg?"

"Uh, you would know Ev. You were there."

"Good boy. But I want you to say it. When and how did you come last?"

"I, uuhm, I came last night when you started to fuck Colin. I couldn't help it. I came in my shorts."

"Good boy, Greg. See that wasn't so hard. I just wanted to hear you say it."

"It was the hottest thing I've ever seen, Ev. It was the way you totally controlled the whole situation. It was the way you took control and fucked my baby."

"Greg. The physical relationship we have is going to change. If it ever goes to a place you're unhappy with, you just tell me. However, outside of this office, nothing changes. I'm going to treat you the same as I always have. We're going to keep building this business together, just like we have from the start."

"I appreciate that, Ev. You're still the best friend I have."

"Ditto, buddy. But here in the office, things might be different. To start with, I want you to come over and sit in my chair."

I made my way around his desk and sat in his plush black leather chair. The seat was still warm. I felt kind of small. You know Evan; it's a damn big chair. As I sat, Evan positioned himself between the chair and his desk. He sat on the edge of the desk facing me. He reached out those big-ass hands and grabbed the arms of the chair and pulled me close to him. His shirt was still unbuttoned most of the way. He slid his right hand under his shirt and grabbed his left tit.

"Greg, I didn't let you come a second time last night. I guess it was kind of a test. I'm going to let you come now. In fact, we're going to come together. I want you to unzip my slacks and pull my cock out of the fly."

I didn't give it a second thought. I went to unbuckle his belt but he put his hand on top of mine.

"Just the fly, Greg."

I nodded. I unzipped and reached my hand in. I had to maneuver my way through the fly of his silk boxers. I grabbed his soft cock and with a little effort, pulled it out. It immediately started to grow in my hand. I looked up at him and he just nodded his head. I leaned forward in the chair and took him into my mouth. Until yesterday the only cock that had been in my mouth for years was Colin's; and I'm loath to admit, that was pretty infrequent. Oh, and I'd sucked Will's cock and I did suck Marco one time. I've always had guys want to suck on mine. I didn't always feel the need to reciprocate.

"That feels nice, Greg. Don't get me wrong, you're not a great cocksucker; but it's always nice to have a mouth on your cock, eh? Tell you what, we don't have much time before someone's going to be knocking on the door with a problem. Drop your pants, Greg. Lean back in the chair. We're going to rub one out together. It'll be like high school slumber parties all over again."

I did as I was told. The leather chair felt great on my naked butt. It seemed odd with Evan's pants still on; but that huge cock looked hot sticking straight out of his fly. I put my hand on my cock and started to stroke. Evan reached down. Even his own huge hand could not close around that horse cock. Matching me stroke for stroke, he started in.

"While you jerk, Greg, I want you to tell me how you felt when you saw Marco fuck your boy. Tell me everything."

"Well, uh, to start with, when he is dressed, Marco is suave and handsome. When he gets naked and lets is long hair down, he is like an animal. He's hairy and untamed. His hair is like a wild mane. He takes on this primal, raw persona. I told Colin I was afraid he might be too rough; but secretly that is exactly what I wanted to see. I wanted him to tear into my boyfriend."

"Tell me about his cock. Tell me what he did with it."

"His cock is probably as long as mine; but it's thick and he's uncircumcised. He has a really thick foreskin and when the head starts to poke through, it almost looks like an animals cock slipping out of its sheath. He would let Colin suck it at first; but then he would fuck his face, making him gag."

We were both speeding up now. Two grown men watching each other beat off.

"And when he gagged?"

"I don't know why it made me so hard. If Colin were really in danger, I would rescue him. But Colin wanted this. I wanted to see Marco take him by force. Colin would end up with slobber and snot running down his face. Marco would use his hard cock to scoop it up and put it back into his mouth. I had never seen Colin leak so much pre-cum. When Marco used him, it flowed like a stream."

"And when he fucked him. Greg?"

We were both really working our cocks now. Evan leaned in so the tips were almost touching as we stroked.

"When Marco fucked him, Colin made noises I'd never heard from him before. It's a big dick. He told me it's the thickest he's had; that was before you fucked him last night. When he first was stretching him open, Colin would wail. I don't know how to describe it. I was worried the neighbors would pound on the wall. He would wail and grunt and moan. Then when they were getting ready to come, Colin did this little thing I'd never heard before. As kind of a half-moan, half-mantra, under his breath he would say, "fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." It was quiet moaning whisper but to me it sounded like a prayer. The supplicant begging under his breath, probably hoping I wouldn't hear him. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me......He was begging and pleading for this alpha man to fuck and own his hole."

"Open your mouth Greg!"

I opened as wide as I could and he put the head just inside, still frantically stroking. I could feel my own orgasm, so I pushed my cock downward, hoping I would hit the chairmat and not the carpet. His first shot choked me; but I kept my mouth open. I tried to swallow it all but it was too much, too fast. I leaned forward so the cum I missed would drop down to the chair mat, too. While he was still shooting, I came so hard it made my urethra sting. It was almost painful. I had never shot with that much force.

"Thanks Greg. You did good. I liked that you're owning up to your feelings."

He reached into a desk drawer and pulled out a roll of paper towels. We silently wiped up the best we could. We agreed to talk later. I went back to my office. I almost called Colin to tell him about the list. I decided to wait and tell him night.

Colin's second report:


My boss is going to fucking kill me. After this morning's fuck, and by the way it was perfect, I buckled down and tried to make up for the time I'd missed already. I had two Zoom meetings with cum dripping out of my ass. I had just finished the agenda for the group meeting at the office tomorrow. Then I got another text.

I've always joked with your boyfriend about seeding your ass

I mainly did it because it pissed him off when I swore

Well, surprise, he just gave me the green light

He said if you had your work done you're usually at the gym at 5:15

You better have your work done fucker

I'm showing up at 6:15 cause I want you rank and sweaty

Btw wear those fucking rugby shorts of yours that show off your ass

Don't worry about cleanout. We'll be fucking in the shower

You'll know me when you see me

I hope you'll be pleased

Either way I'm breeding that beautiful fat ass today

Feedback and comments are always welcome Rob83401@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 7

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