Whored Out

By Rob

Published on Jul 28, 2023


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From behind him, I gripped the back of his leather collar with one hand. With my other hand on his hip, I slid into my perfect Colin's ass in one smooth stroke. Just then the apartment door swung open. A very handsome man stood there in shock.


"Go ahead and have a seat there, Greg. Colin and I have something to show you."

The timing could not have been more perfect. Colin the Cub was getting royally fucked. He was making a lot of noise for someone who was gagged. Deep, guttural moans filled the apartment. Each time I thrust my hips forward, the moans would rise in pitch. The leather harness he was wearing was riding up and putting pressure on the suction cups he had on both nipples. I reached around, paused mid-stroke so I wouldn't miss my target; and gave one of the plastic cups a hard flick with my finger. Colin started to shiver. His fat, perfect cubby cock was sticking straight out under his belly. There was a steady stream of precum oozing down from the head. As I thrust back into him, that slimy thread splattered across his stomach and thighs.

Greg still stood in the doorway to the apartment. It was like he was frozen in place. With wide eyes he watched as his boyfriend of the last four years was being brutally fucked on their bed. The bed where they slept together every night. With the door still open, the groans and sounds of flesh slapping on flesh travelled down the long apartment building hallway, as if to tell the neighbors their secrets. He continued to stand and stare as I reached around and slapped Colin's rigid cock with a sharp downward swipe. His dick was like a precum sprinkler as it bobbed up and down. It made Colin's eyes roll back in his head. When he brought them back into focus, he was looking directly in his boyfriend's eyes.

Since there was no explanation forthcoming, and since he couldn't find the words to form a question anyway; Greg closed the door behind him and slumped on to the sofa. His initial concern had been that Colin was in danger. It quickly became evident that he was in the throes of passion. They maintained eye contact at first but Colin's eyes seemed to glaze over. Saliva was running from his mouth around the gag. He continued to emit an endless stream of moans and groans and wails. As I kept up my brutal assault on the muscle cub in my arms, now I was the one who locked eyes with Greg. At first, he met my gaze with hatred; but I could tell his mind was going in circles and he couldn't make sense of the scene playing out before him. I saw his anger slipping away. He could surely see the state of bliss Colin was in. As hard as he tried to make all the pieces of the puzzle fit, Greg couldn't hold a thought for more than a few seconds.

As Greg met my eyes again, he appeared oddly calm. I was a stranger to him. Minutes earlier, he probably feared for Colin's safety. Now he saw me in a different light. As he watched me bite at Colin's neck and hold him tight around the throat, he saw passion and desire. He had to know that the only thing Colin feared at this moment was that the fucking would come to an end. This was no rape he was witnessing. He saw that we had some sort of connection. Now he's probably wondering if we know each other? He's wondering how long this had been going on behind his back? Outwardly, our sex was brutal and raw. As he continued to watch, transfixed, he knew it somehow involved love. This wasn't just flesh and sweat and cum and hormones. Although it was all those things. This was primal and real; and in a way, I'm sure it was beautiful for him to watch.

Greg finally managed to get to his feet. He stepped a few feet toward us; then stopped. He was taking in all the things that didn't fit into his world. This was their bedroom alcove. This was the comforter they pulled up over them at night. Where does the leather harness fit in? The gag? The nipple torture? As he stepped closer, he realized that Colin's forward leaning posture was a result of having his hands cuffed behind his back. He continued to move closer. I cleared my throat to get his attention. When he looked at me, I smiled at him and directed my gaze to the point where I was penetrating his lover. I pushed Colin away from me slightly, so Greg could see where we were connected. When he saw my raw cock sliding into his boyfriends puffy well-used hole, his legs went out from under him and he slumped onto the edge of the bed. Now with his undivided attention, I slowly pulled out until my cock head just escaped Colin's hole. A dribble of cum left from our first fuck dripped down onto the bed. My presentation made, I quickly fucked my way back into this perfect ass. Greg's head dropped to his chest. He spoke in a defeated whisper.

"Raw. You're fucking him raw."

"It's what he wanted."

"Did you know we used condoms the first six months we were together? Did he tell you that? We waited until we knew we loved each other. We waited until we could be tested. How long have you known him? How long have you been fucking the love of my life?"

Instead of answering him, I pulled Colin closer. I licked at his neck and then lightly bit an ear. I cupped my hand around his neck, partially cutting off his air as my hips went into overdrive. As he choked, his ass ring clamped around my dick. I couldn't hold back much longer. I loved this fucking ass. I loved this beautiful cub. My cock was pistoning into him now, lubricated with my cum and our sweat. Having Greg so close to us, watching us, was ratcheting up the intensity. I knew he could smell our sex. It pushed me over the edge.

"Greg! Greg! Look at me."

As we locked eyes one more time, I could feel the sperm racing up from my balls. I forced Greg to hold my gaze. Then I starting shooting round after round of cum deep into Colin's guts.

"Watch us Greg! Don't you dare turn away. Colin, I'm breeding you again cub. Can you feel it, baby? Can you feel me pulsing? I'm coming so deep inside of you."

I dropped my hand and wrapped it around Colin's dripping dick. A dozen rapid strokes and he started to cum. Just as I finished emptying my balls into his beat up hole, he blasted cum everywhere. It sprayed across Greg's face. Across the bed. I could hear cum splatter as it rained down on the room. Before Colin's intense orgasm had ended, Greg let out a pitiful moan. He fell back onto the bed next to us, as we watched his spontaneous orgasm create a rapidly spreading wet spot from inside his slacks.

Totally drained, I let my softening cock slip from Colin's hole. It was followed by a stream of cum and god knows what. I turned Colin's head to mine and kissed him. We were both exhausted. I held him as we both slid down onto the bed next to his boyfriend. Then Colin leaned over to Greg and kissed him passionately on the mouth. He swiped that wide beautiful tongue across his nose and gathered up some of the cum he had sprayed on him. Then he was back at his lips, sharing the load. Then Colin pulled back and watched as I knelt and brought my slimy prick up towards Greg's face. He tensed up and at first I thought he would turn away; but then he slowly parted his lips. He extended his tongue and wrapped it around me, pulling my cock into his mouth.

I reached out and held his head between my hands. With my cock still in his mouth, he looked up at me. As I took in his face, the defeated look he had before was fading away. I used one hand to wipe away a glob of his lovers cum that was dripping down his forehead. I brought my fingers to my mouth and licked them clean. He seemed to be looking up at me with something akin to devotion. He really was a very handsome man. I could see why Colin loved him. Then against all odds, I felt my cock start to chub up again. Before it got too hard, I pulled back and let it slip out of his mouth. We were all in desperate need of a break. He continued to look up at me with what I can only describe as longing. Then I impulsively leaned down and kissed my lover's boyfriend.

When the kiss ended, I looked over at Colin. Even in his exhausted state he was beautiful. Noticing his awkward position, I realized his wrists were still cuffed. I retrieved the key from the nightstand and unshackled him. I rubbed and massaged his wrists. He started to reach up toward his chest but I pulled his hand back down. I carefully removed the suction cups. His nipples were red and swollen. In turn, I took each into my mouth and gently sucked on them as the blood flow returned to normal. I collapsed with my head on his chest. Then it was quiet. There was so much to discuss; but we all stayed silent until our breathing returned to normal.

It was Greg who finally broke the reverie.

"This isn't right. This isn't who we are."

"Greg, You just shot so much cum in your Calvin Klein boxer briefs that it soaked right through your pants."

"Oh, so you've already been through my underwear drawer?"

"Just a lucky guess. Greg, when was the last time you came without touching yourself? You came hands free, dude. Are you going to try and tell me you weren't turned on?"

"I don't know. I was just so shocked when I opened the door. I never dreamed I'd walk in on something like that. When the initial shock wore off, I started to notice things. He seemed like he was in another world. He acted like he does with Marco. Colin doesn't act that way with me."

"And why do you think that is, Greg."

"I don't know. I just know I don't want to lose him."

Colin rolled over so he could put his hand on Greg's chest. He lifted up his head so he could look into his boyfriend's eyes.

"You're not going to lose me, baby G. Not as long as you're willing to work through this with me. I never want to hurt you."

"You don't think it hurts seeing you giving yourself to another guy?"

"What about Marco, babe? What about Will? What about your reaction to seeing me with cubby today? Each time, you get harder and more excited. You can't deny that, G."

"I guess I see them fucking you better than I can. When you're with Marco, you make noises you've never made with me."

"I love you, G. I'm always going to love you. Getting my ass fucked by Marco is so exciting for me; but I'm also more turned on because I know what it does to you. I want other men to fuck me, baby. I believe you want other men to fuck me, too."

Greg turned his head away. After several deep breaths, he turned back. He had tears streaming down his face. Colin laid his head on his boyfriend's chest. It was a touching moment. I didn't want to intrude.

"I love you Colin. I want you to have everything you need. Everything you want. Does that make me less of a man?"

"You can't look at it that way, baby. It means you might become a different kind of a man. Earlier you said it hurts to see me giving myself to another guy. Maybe that's the key. I'm not going to be giving myself to other men. Your my partner. You love me. What if you are the one giving me to other men. What if you help find them for me. You'll be the one getting me ready for them. There are a lot of details to work out; but sometimes, maybe you will reclaim me after they have left. I still love that beast of a dick, baby G. How would you like to slide it into my ass, knowing it's still flooded with a stranger's cum."

As Colin had been laying out the ground plan for their possible future, he had been unbuckling his boyfriend's belt, unzipping his fly and releasing his cock. I was impressed. Still sticky and gummy with his hands-free load, it again stood tall and proud. It was indeed a big dick. I moved to Greg's side. As Colin swung his leg over Greg's hip, I hawked a generous gob of spit on the head and spread it on the shaft. I held it upright as Colin slowly lowered himself down. As his ass lips started to open, more of my cum began to trickle out of his hole, further lubing the way. When he had impaled himself fully, Greg began to sob as he thrust his hips up.

"That's Colin's cum, baby. We put it up there just for you. God, it feels so slick. Do you feel it, G? Colin's seed in my hole. Your big cock still slimy with your own sperm. Do you feel them churning together inside of me?"

It was all to much for me. There should have been nothing left in my balls. I stood above them as Colin continued to raise up, then drop down to meet Greg's upward thrust. I couldn't wait for them. As I watched Colin teach his cuckold boyfriend how to reclaim his ass, I sprayed one more load over them. I felt like I was christening the beginning of something big.

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Next: Chapter 4

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