Whored Out

By Rob

Published on Sep 30, 2023


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"How about this, G? When we get back from the gym, you can call Jorrie and see if he wants to bring his sexy black ass over here for dinner? Then I can call our favorite restaurant and see if Justin's delivering tonight. He's got quite the crush on Jorrie, you know. I told him we'd have them both over some night. They may both be total tops; but between the four of us, I'm sure we can work something out."

"That's why I love you, Col. Always coming up with ideas. How about this? Four naked friends; four cell phones. Video from every angle to share with they guys down at the gym!"

Jorrie doesn't get fucked. It's a crying shame. He ass was on display and it was fucking perfect!

I'm trying to watch the incredible scene playing out on the coffee table. However, I'm trying to watch at the same time as I'm sixty-nining Justin on the sofa. I love having Justin's balls in my face; but they do keep blocking my vision. This youngster's big nuts hang low. I know I'm lucky to have this college stud kneeling over me. I should be giving him my undivided attention. In my defense, he is as captivated by the action next to us as I am.

Earlier Greg called his best pal, Jorrie, and invited him to dinner. Now his best pal Jorrie is on his hands and knees on the low table. Greg is behind him eating his beautiful black muscle ass. Always willing to educate, Jorrie is talking him through it.

"God that feels good! Now use your hands to pull my cheeks apart. You've gotta make room to get your tongue in there are far as you can! Fuck yes! Dig deeper, bro! I never thought you'd be munching on my hole, G!"

Greg's face was smeared with spit. It was also getting red around his mouth from rubbing on his friend's hairy ass. He leaned back to get a good look at that fine, brown booty.

"You licked my ass the other night, Jor. Or have you forgotten?"

"Totally different, G. We were just getting you ready, so my man Justin and I could breed your sub cunt. Totally different! We were slyly prepping you to be our personal pussy. Showing you how good a tongue can feel on your pucker. Knowing you'd be wanting more."

"Well, it definitely worked. You two tore me up. I was open and dripping by the time you were done with me."

"That's enough talking! Shut up and get your mouth back on my ass, bitch! We were slicking you up to take some dick. What you're doing right now is showing some respect for your Alpha. When we ate ass, we were getting ready to use you. What you're doing is proving what a submissive fag you really are. You need to learn to worship me, G. You hid behind that 'top' act of yours long enough. You'd better be thanking Colin for realizing what you needed. Without him, you'd never have admitted what a pussy you are."

Justin stretched out his legs and straightened his arms. In that push-up stance above me, he started to fuck my face hard from above. His lips had felt so good on my chubby cock. Now that they were gone, I moved my hand down to jack off as he plowed my mouth. He only allowed me a few strokes before he went into a one-handed push-up so he could have one hand free to swat my fist away.

"Haven't you been listening to Jorrie! Focus on my cock, man. I should be the only thing that matters to you right now. Leave your dick alone or I'll pull that cage off of your boyfriend's shriveled dick and lock you up! Your pleasure can wait."

Justin was learning fast. After Jorrie said he could make it tonight, I had called Justin to let him know. He had a huge crush on Jorrie from the other night. He wasn't working at his dad's restaurant tonight; but said he'd gladly pick up our takeout and bring it with him. Especially if it meant he'd see Jorrie naked again. Justin was a top. He knew Jorrie was a total top, as well. Even knowing that, he was so infatuated with the muscular black stud that if Jorrie tried to fuck his ass, he'd probably give it up.

Jorrie had different plans for the evening. He'd been firm and in the control the other night. He knew Greg needed coerced. So Jorrie had taken charge; but he did it with persuasion and tact. Now that he understood Greg's need to submit, he was going to see far he could go. Jorrie also knew how much I love to be dominated. Surprised at how easily Greg gave in the other night, Jorrie's plan was to go full alpha on the two of us. When Justin showed up with our dinner, Jorrie had taken him aside and told him to follow his lead. Justin was a good looking kid with a nice dick; but last time he had been sweet, even grateful for the chance to fuck Greg. Tonight, Jorrie was going to teach him a thing or two about domination. He was going to teach him how to own a subs hole. Some guys want to be treated like a slut. Some guys are destined to serve. He wasn't going to let Greg off the hook easily.

"You can do better than that, Greg. I'm not convinced you want it bad enough. Justin, let me borrow Colin for a minute. I know what he can do with that wide tongue. Col, get over here and see if you can teach your boyfriend how to worship an alpha ass."

At Jorrie's request, Justin raised up and let me crawl out from under him. My face and chest were covered with saliva from his face fucking. I didn't bother to wipe it off. Greg moved aside and I zoned in on that perfect chocolate ass. I brought my face in close. With my nose in his crack, I inhaled deeply. It smelled every bit as good as I remembered. Then moving quickly so he wouldn't get impatient, I reverently kissed the hole I was being offered. I started in biting and nibbling around the puckered muscle before taking a broad swipe with my tongue; going all the way from his taint to the top of his crack. Time to zero in an that incredible, hairy hole.

"Fuck, man! Fuckin' A! Watch and learn, G. Your boy is treating my fucking ass like an altar. Christ! I could have you eat my ass all night, Col. Let's feel that long tongue swipe again. Clean that dirty, hairy ass crack."

"I moved my tongue with determination. Pushing in hard with my tongue and licking from his bull balls all the way up. After multiple passes, I dove into that tight hole as far as I could. Jorrie was moaning and shaking now. I wanted him to know how grateful I was for the opportunity to kiss his ass.

"Good boy! That is exactly what I'm talking about. You know how treat your man. You make me fucking proud, Col. You have so much to teach that pathetic partner of yours. Show him how you do that long tongue swipe again. Fuck yes! Once more, baby!"

I was drunk on his praise. I've always admired Jorrie. From the first time Greg introduced us, I have fantasized about a moment like this. The reality was so much better than the fantasy. My own dick was dripping knowing he was pleased with my performance.

"Okay, baby. You did good, boy. Why don't you let Greg have a couple more licks while you and Justin move the phones over by the bed? We've got the cocksuckers and the ass eating on video. Let's see if we can't record some breeding now."

We had set up our phone cameras before we had all started making out earlier. We'd need to edit the different angles together later. We already had some great footage of Greg and I sucking cock, side by side. I was thrilled that it was time to fuck now. With my phone on the dresser, I propped it up on a book to get the best view. Before I was done, Justin came up behind me and closed one hand around my throat. I could feel his steely dick poking me. He tightened his choke hold and used his other hand to give me a hard downward slap on the ass. When he saw my reaction, I heard him chuckle. Maybe he did have a bit of a sadist in him, after all. He let up on my throat and I drew in a breath. Then he closed his hand around my neck again and smacked me hard. He kept going this time; delivering a stinging slap on the way down and again on the way back up. After several cycles, my reddened cheeks were really beginning to sting.

When he'd had enough, he took his hand off of my throat and pushed me roughly on to the bed. I hadn't heard Jorrie and Greg move in. They were standing beside the bed locked in a kiss. At six foot and muscled, Greg is not small; but Jorrie is taller and more jacked. He was holding the back of Greg's head tightly with one hand. His other hand was at my lover's ass. Jorrie had two fingers curled and was frigging the hole he was getting ready to use. As I watched, he added a third finger; eliciting a moan from Greg.

Not willing to wait anymore, Justin swiftly moved up between my legs. He lifted my ankles up, then looking down at me, he spit in my face. When I gasped, he did it again. The noise made Jorrie turn and give Justin a thumbs up.

"Keep your legs in the air. Show me that pussy, baby! You like watching Jorrie fingering your boyfriend's cunt, don't you? Is that why your little clit is hard and leaking? Finger yourself, baby. Let me see you spread that hole for my big dick. I fucked your man the other night; but I've been dreaming of sinking into your pretty pink hole!"

"Justin, you sexy fucker! I knew you had it in you, man! Hearing your trash talk is boning me up, stud. I was going to hit Col's hole first; but you've got that ass nice and red. Slam that raw dick up his cunt. Make him squeal, stud!"

Thankfully Justin had played with my ass a little when we were on the sofa; because he was going to do whatever Jorrie wanted him to do. I'm not sure if this fuck was for his benefit or mine. Honestly, I think he just wanted to show Jorrie what he was capable of. Fuck, did I ever squeal. He dropped a wad of spit on my puckered hole and rammed his bare cock all the way home in one go. He pulled back slow and then rammed again. Then he was off. This is the kind of out-of-control fuck you'd expect after your top had built up steam; but he was pounding me without mercy right out of the gate.

He had his eyes closed at first, like he was concentrating on plowing hard without coming too soon. When he opened his eyes, he looked down at me. When he saw that I had my eyes locked on him in admiration, he gave me a look that was more sneer than smile. He kept up his pace while he brought his hand down and cupped the side of my face. Even though I anticipated where he was headed, I wasn't prepared for the extent of the impact when he lifted his palm and slapped me hard across the face. When I cried out, he began fucking me even harder.

"Jesus, Justin! Maybe I underestimated you, buddy. You're a mean son of a bitch! Plus you look hot as fuck when you take control. We're gonna have to tag-team more often. I fuckin' love to watch you in action!"

Jorrie's praise was not lost on Justin. The youngster would do anything to get the black alpha's attention. Jorrie had moved in closer as he spoke. He still had his fingers in Greg's hole and was dragging him along with him. When he got within reach, he threw his other arm around Justin and mashed his mouth against his. I could swear I felt Justin's dick get even harder. The pounding I was taking might kill a newbie; but I'd taken so much cock lately, he was giving me exactly what I needed. With his arm over his shoulder, Jorrie reached down and twisted Justin's nipple hard. Justin threw his head back. All this attention from his idol was driving him crazy. I thought he was going to come. Instead he pulled back, letting his slick cock exit my hole. He was admiring the gaping mess he'd made of me.

Watching his trainee in action, Jorrie was caught up in the moment. He pulled his fingers out of my boyfriend's ass and with one hand pushed Greg's head down onto Justin's slimy prick. That made Justin growl and start to fuck Greg's mouth mercilessly. With my partner bent over to service Justin, his ass was up and on display. Jorrie took advantage of the position. He didn't shove in as hard as Justin had; but he did bury his huge dick in one long stroke. Greg started groaning and shaking. Justin pulled his cock out of my lover's mouth. As Jorrie railed my boyfriend, Justin looked on in awe. He put his hand on Jorrie's shoulder to steady himself. When Jorrie turned his head to him, they once again started to make out like mad.

As Greg adjusted to the cock in his ass, he stretched out his neck to take my dick in his mouth. I brought my hands down and passionately ran my fingers through his hair, just like he used to do when I would blow him. He had never been that keen to suck me in the past. If he didn't stop soon, I was going to nut. Justin saved the day by suggesting it was time for a switch.

"Hey, mind if I get in that ass, Jorrie? It was the first hole I ever raw dogged. I want to feel those ass lips again before you have him all stretched out. Your cock is twice as thick as mine, Jorrie. Shit, it's as thick as my fist!"

"You got it, stud. I'm eager to get inside that sexy fucking cub, anyway. Watching you rail him like a mad man hit me like a snort of poppers. He's gotta be the hottest piece of ass I've ever had. How about it, Col? You ready for me to breed that talented pussy of yours?"

"I'm all yours, Jor. You know you can have me anytime you want.

Jorrie pushed Greg's ass forward, letting his long dick slide out. Justin's eyes were locked on it. Any other time, I'm sure he would have bent down for a taste; but he was trying his best to stay in alpha mode. He rolled Greg over and shoved him up on the bed so he was lying next to me. With my lover on is back, it put his locked-up cock on full display. Justin looked at Greg as he reached over and slapped at the chastity cage. Greg grunted at the pain; but that just seemed to encourage Justin. He started to tap roughly on his balls. Greg had been leaking so much precum that the cage was slimy and wet. Justin wiped his fingers across the metal device and brought them up to Greg's mouth.

Once they were licked clean, he slid four of his fingers into my partners gaping hole. When they slid in easily, he pushed a bit harder to see how far he could go. He curled in his thumb and started to rotate his wrist. Jorrie's fat cock had Greg's hole opened and relaxed. Justin had never gotten his whole fist inside anyone before. You could see the determination on his face. He was right up to the widest part of his knuckles. When he realized he couldn't safely go any further without lube, he resigned himself to save the fisting for another day. He aimed his cock at my boyfriend's hole and glided in. Even as open as Greg's ass was, Justin was amazed at the way the ass walls were gripping his prick.

While Justin fucked my lover, Jorrie was already pounding me hard. I could definitely feel how much thicker his cock was. There was no doubt that Jorrie was in charge; but he seemed to be rewarding my submission with an even mix of passion and force. He had praised me. He had called me a 'good boy'! Now he was kissing me deeply as he went to town on my ass. He was saving his harshest and most demeaning words for Greg. He and Greg had been friends and equals since junior high. But Jorrie seemed to know what his best friend needed.

"Greg! Open your mouth. I want to see your hot, college-jock-alpha drool some spit into your mouth. Justin, show him how much power you hold over him. What kind of pathetic bitch would willingly take another mans phlegm in his mouth? I'll bet it will make his dick hurt, trying to bone up in that cage."

Of course Justin proceeded to let a long stream of saliva hang off his lip and drop into Greg's eager mouth. He was still railing him roughly. When his rocking movements made some of the spit splatter on his bottom's face, he used his open palm to smear it around. Then remembering Jorrie's praise after he had slapped my face, he pulled his arm back and reconnected his palm with my partner's face with a resounding smack. Then to stifle Greg's moan, he leaned in with one hand clamped around his throat. He put his weight into it as he continued to drive his hips into my man. It wasn't until Greg started to struggle and pull at his wrist, that he relented and let him gasp in some air.

"Justin, my man. What a fuckin' stud! He's not going to forget who used him tonight! He's bound to be begging you to dick him down after this. How does that hole feel, stud? I hope I didn't stretch him out for ya? Is he making your dick feel good, bud?"

"Feels fucking great, man. I thought he'd be all stretched out; but it feels amazing, so open and wet. In fact, I'm getting pretty close to blasting. Guess I have to work on my endurance, eh? You look like you could go all night!"

"Not true, my friend. I'm right there with ya. I can hold out as long as I keep my tongue out of Colin's mouth. But when this boy meets my kisses, it's like I'm fucking my equal. It feels like he's sucking my soul right out of me and drawing me inside him. This fuckin' sexy cub would be so easy to fall in love with."

"If you're about ready, I'm going to stop holding back. My balls are aching over here. Let's see if we can breed these two at the same time. How about it, mister locked-up-clit? Are you ready for some alpha college nut up inside you? You want to see how far I can shoot my cock snot up into your guts? Fucking answer me!"

As he screamed the last three words, he slapped Greg's face even harder than before. Greg was totally out of it. After the impact, he muttered his response.

"Please.......please.....please come in me. Please breed me, Justin."

Jorrie had my head in his hands. No trash talk now. It was like we were one. He kept us connected, mouth to mouth; as he growled and started to pump me full of his seed. After Greg's plea and the sound of Jorrie's growl, Justin lost it.

"Jesus! I'm fucking coming in your hole. Keep looking at me! Don't look at them! Look at me! Can you feel it? I'm breeding your cunt again! I breeding your open hungry cunt. I'm blasting my babies up your hairy, hungry cunt!"

Those were the last words before he fell on top of Greg; panting and heaving. Jorrie was now resting his full weight on me. His lips hadn't left mine. I'd felt the spasms as he transferred his DNA to mingle with mine. I found myself wondering what it would be like to spend the night alone with him; or maybe even a weekend. But as we lay exhausted in a heap, as our breathing returned to normal, the dom/sub roles were slipping away. There were still some strong friendships here. Some things could still return to normal. Reveling in the feel and smell of these sexy men, I looked down and smiled when I saw Jorrie tightly holding the hand of my lover, his best friend.

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Next: Chapter 21

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