Whored Out

By Rob

Published on Sep 14, 2023


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Get some rest boys My place tomorrow night at 7 The guest list is growing Everyone will want a turn Be ready for anything.

The room is dark. Well, the room was dark when Greg slipped the blindfold on me. I'm lying on my back near the edge of the bed. I have leather restraints cuffed to my wrists and ankles. Just before he slid the blindfold in place, my boyfriend of nearly four years clipped the cuff on my right wrist to the restraint on my right ankle. By the time he repeated the process on my left side, my knees were sharply bent and thighs spread wide. Now with both knees in the air, my lubed ass is vulnerable and open. I can hear muffled voices and music coming from the other room; however, here in the dark envelope of this room, all I can make out is Greg's breathing. I'm not sure how long the two of us have been waiting like this.

I heard the door open and the outside noise spilled in. Then it closed. I could hear breathing. Then the sound of a zipper going down. A large hand groped my jock; and then his thumb slid roughly into my hole.

"Fuck. What a beautiful cunt. So are you the boyfriend? Is this your man all trussed up like a turkey waiting to take my big dick?"

"Yes, sir."

"Why don't you get down here and slobber on this big old piece of meat, son? Hurry up! There's a line out there, ya know."

I felt Greg get up from the bed and could only assume that he was on his knees in front of this stranger. Greg hadn't sucked dick much until this week. From the sounds the guy was making, he must have been doing okay.

"Okay, that's enough. I want you to go over and sit on that chair. Flip on one of the lamps. I want you to be able to see me fuck your boy!"

The entry was quick and a little painful. With his cock still inside me, he grabbed my hips and pulled me right to the edge of the mattress. As I felt his hips against my butt, I could feel the zipper. He still had his pants on. He leaned down and kissed me. There was nothing romantic about it; it felt like someone staking a claim. He put one hand on my chest and the other on my throat. He pulled back and slammed into me hard. Soon he fell into a rapid, long-stroking rhythm.

"Fuck is that a sweet hole. I don't know what kind of man sits by and watches his partner get used; but I'm not complaining. To each his own. This first load isn't going to take long. If the lines not too long, I'll come back later when this hole's full of sperm. I love a sloppy fucking cunt."

True to his word, he quickened his pace, tightened his hand on my throat and then pushed his cock all the way in and held it there. He groaned as he pumped the first load of the night into me. He pulled out and I heard him snap his fingers. I could only assume Greg was back on his knees, cleaning the stranger's cock. Then I heard the sound of the zipper again. Then he was gone.

The guest suite in Evan's apartment had looked like any other bedroom when we had first come in. Or I should say, it looked like any other spacious and elegantly decorated bedroom. Evan had guided us through to the adjoining bathroom; pointing out the facilities and instructing me to get cleaned up. He had said I should be "ready for anything". He then took Greg to the guest room next door for his preparations.

When I came out of the bathroom, clean inside and out, the bedroom had been transformed. Blackout drapes closed. A large black neoprene play sheet covered the bed. On one side of the bed was a portable but very solid sling frame. Eddie was just securing the sling to the supporting chains. On the other side of the bed was a chair and a padded, leather covered saw-horse contraption that made me get instantly hard. I'd always wanted to get fucked on something like that.

I'd met Eddie and his partner Cadan a couple of nights earlier. They'd met Evan when he was enlisted as a bull for Cadan; but it wasn't long before Eddie was eagerly submitting to him as well. Eddie was a little older than me; but I still viewed him as my competition. While Cadan was lean, tall and toned; Eddie had a compact muscular frame with great legs and a tight, firm ass. He also had a bit of a belly; not unlike myself. I knew Evan's preference for a muscle cub bottom.

"Wow. You moved all this in here quick. What can I help with, Eddie?"

"I think that's about it. I left the toy trunk by the elevator. I just need to wheel it in and we're all set. Besides, you're not supposed to help. You're the guest of honor tonight. You and Greg, I mean. Cadan is helping him get ready next door. It wasn't going to well when I checked on them last."

"I don't get it. Greg said he was ready to try anything tonight. What's Evan making him do?"

In answer to my question, Eddie pulled down the front of the leather jock he was wearing. A shiny steel chastity cage was padlocked in place. Eddie's larger than average endowment was pressed down to a nub. A ring went around his scrotum and penis to hold the cage in place. His balls looked like they were being smashed between the two halves of the device.

"Oh fuck! I don't think Greg has even seen of those before."

"That's exactly how he reacted. Cadan was trying to be helpful; but Greg was pretty resistant. At least he was until Evan came in and told him to put the damn thing on. Your boyfriend has a big dick. Cadan had to resort to some ice in a towel to get him shrunk down and locked up."

Back in the dimly light room, less than 3 minutes passed before the door opened again. I couldn't place the voice but he sounded familiar.

"The last guy wasn't in here long. Said he dumped a big ass load in you, though. Oh, hey Greg. Fuck, Evan said you both had blindfolds on. Anyway, now that you've seen me, I guess we can be civil, eh? After all, you want your boy fucked; and I have experience fucking your boys, don't I?"

I knew he sounded familiar. Rob is the guy that Greg caught fucking his last boyfriend in the alley behind the bar one night. They'd only been together for a few months. Greg had always talked about it like it was no big deal.

"Sorry, Greg. I shouldn't have said that about fucking your boys. That came out wrong. I meant that to be funny. I'm probably as nervous as you are. Would you rather go in the other room while I fuck him?"

"No, Rob. Honestly, I'd rather watch. It's been over four years. The relationship was tanking before you showed up. No hard feelings."

"You're a good guy, Greg. Besides this is different, right? I mean, you're bigger than me, better looking than me and I was told you have a bigger dick. You want me to fuck him, right? That makes it even hotter for me. You want to watch me bareback your boy?"

"Rob, quit worrying. Yes, I want you to fuck Colin. He wants you to fuck him, too. That's why you're here, isn't it."

"Are you gonna stay over there in the chair? Evan said you might want to suck me first; then guide me in. I've kinda been looking forward to that part."

Rather than answer, I heard Greg get up and move over to the end of the bed. Then it was quiet. It was taking too long. I wished I could raise up the blindfold a little. Then I heard the unmistakable sound of sucking followed by kissing. I knew Greg's makeout moan and Rob was groaning right along with him. I thought I heard clothes coming off, then:

"What the fuck is that? Jesus Christ, Greg. You are really getting into this aren't you? I've only seen those in porn."

"Hey guys! Greg. Rob. I'm still here. What's going on?"

The blindfold was pushed up onto my forehead. Rob's shaved head made him look a little older than he really was. He had a neatly trimmed beard and a small steel ring through his septum. He took a few seconds to look at me; then he took my head in his hands and started to kiss me deep. He kept up his groaning as he humped against me. Greg stood there with his jock pulled just below his balls, watching. Rob fumbled to unhook the restraints where the were attached to my ankles. Then he helped me sit up. He wanted me to watch as he checked out Greg's locked cock.

"It's supposed to keep you from getting hard, right? It looks like your dick is trying to bust out of there."

"Never had one me until tonight. It does kind of hurt when I start to chub up."

Rob ran his fingers around the edge and up under Greg's balls. You could see his dick strain to get hard.

"It's fuckin' hot, Greg. Sorry boy, I don't even know your name. Can you flip over on your belly? Legs off the end of the bed here? Fuck! Look at that hole. Fuck, man!"

Rob pulled my ass cheeks apart and saw the last guys cum. He leaned in and made one quick swipe with his tongue over my hole.

"I couldn't resist that. Don't tell anybody I did that, huh? Eating a strangers jizz. It seemed wrong but I had to try it. Look what it did to my fucking dick, though. Greg, you better aim me into that hole before I drop this load on the carpet."

He was not quite as big as the last guy; but he felt great sliding in. He took his time at first. Long full strokes. Then I heard kissing again. When I craned my neck to the side, I could just see Greg and Rob in a liplock while Rob slowly plowed my ass. I was glad the blindfold was off. The visual was a real turn on. Rob was fondling Greg's caged genitals with one hand; the other hand was on my hip. As he continued to pump into me, he moved his hand around to my boyfriend's ass. Greg gasped and I assumed Rob and had inserted a finger in him.

"Fuck! Your ass is lubed, too? I would kill for a chance at that hole. I might have to come back later for that; but I'm nearly ready to pop. Oh fuck, guys! This is so goddamn hot. Greg, get your head down by your boyfriend's hole. I wanna pull out so I can see my first spurt. This is just like being in a fucking porno."

Greg kneeled at the edge of the bed. After several more strokes, Rob pulled free and rapidly stroked his cock. True to his word, his first spurt splashed on Greg's face and my balls, then he shoved all the way back in to finish emptying his balls. When he was drained, he let his dick slide out of my ass and into Greg's waiting mouth.

"Jesus! That was the hottest thing I've ever done. I'd love to play with you guys again sometime. Just the three of us? I think we could have a lot of fun."

The door opened again and two guys came in the room.

"Hey buddy. You're taking too long in here. The other guys are getting antsy. Evan told us there are two holes to fuck. Cadan and Eddie have us both primed and ready to pump."

Rob gathered his clothes and went into the bathroom to get dressed. Still on my stomach on the bed, I saw one of the new guys walk past me and flip off the lamp. He was massive. He was wearing a tank top stretched tight across his upper torso. He was naked from the waist down. I just glimpsed his hairy muscle ass before the room went dark. Behind me, the other guy had immediately buried his face in my ass. This guy was not shy about eating a stranger's load out of my hole. This wasn't a quick swipe of the tongue either. This pig was aggressively working his tongue deep into my rectum.

Hairy muscle ass climbed onto the bed and eased me up onto my knees and elbows. He was positioning me so he could fuck my face while his buddy dealt with my ass. He wasn't kidding when he said he was primed. He slowly fed me his hard, fat shaft that was already dripping precum. When the head of his cock hit the back of my throat, he held it there until I gagged. He pulled back, just enough so I could get some air, then slapped me hard across the face. At the sound of the slap, Greg moaned.

"Do you like that, fuckhead? Do you like it when I slap your boyfriend? You get off on hearing him gag? Get up here and help him, fag. Get your mouth on these bull nuts while your boyfriend sucks my cock!"

I felt the bed shift as Greg hurried into place. He laid on his back with his head next to mine, so he could get access to those hairy low hanging balls. The guy at my ass slid two fingers in me. While he roughly frigged them in and out with only spit for lube, he pulled my cock back under me so he could suck on the head.

"Jeez, Spike. Slap him again, would ya? His shit chute turned into a vice when you hit him the first time. You are not gonna believe this ass, buddy. We got here at the perfect time. He's got a couple loads greasing his hole; but he's not stretched open yet. This is gonna be fuckin' sweet!"

I felt his wide blunt head at my hole. He ran his hands up my back and gripped my shoulders.

"Ready Spike? Now!"

As the muscle guy's palm firmly slapped my face, the guy at my ass speared me in one stroke. Maybe afraid he had hit me too hard, muscle guy bent over and licked my cheek before forcing his tongue into my mouth. As his body shifted, Greg got pushed behind him.

"Tongue up my ass, boyfriend. Your nut licking wasn't worth shit. Let's see if you can do better back there."

I thought this guy was going to eat me alive. He'd suck my tongue out of my mouth until it hurt. Then he let me suck his tongue back into my mouth. He had his mouth open wide; covering my mouth and lips. Then he was chewing on my lips and he let out a sudden moan.

"Fuck yes, pussy boy! Eat that hole! Now we've found your true calling. You like having your tongue up inside a real man? Me and my buddy here are total tops. We don't douche before we go to a gangbang. How is it, fucker? You like how a man's natural hole tastes?"

Meanwhile the guy in my ass was going into overdrive. Still gripping my shoulders for leverage, he was plowing hard. This was the best fuck of the night, so far. He was rough and aggressive; but he had quickly hit a pace he could probably keep up for a long time. These were the kind of fucks that bottoms wish would go on forever. Then keeping one hand on my shoulder, he let the other drop under me so he could latch onto my tit. He yanked on it hard and I felt my ass muscles contract.

"Goddamn, Spike. This little slut likes it rough. I just gave him a titty twister and now he's trying to milk me with his ass. He's an even better piece of ass than your boyfriend; and that's saying a lot."

"Shut the fuck up, would you? He's the last person I want to be thinking about right now. Okay, that's enough with the ass munching. Get over here and lie down next to your partner."

Greg hurriedly came around and positioned himself next to me. My eyes were adjusting to the dark now. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought there was someone watching. The last guy to fuck me had gone into the bathroom to get dressed when these two fuckers came in. He was standing just outside the bathroom door now. He was jerking on his dick that was poking out of his fly. I welcomed the extra set of eyes on me. As hairy muscle guy came over and got between Greg's legs, he spotted the voyeur as well.

"Fuck! You scared me at first, buddy. If you're gonna watch and beat off, you better get in here closer man. Come over here. I like the idea of being watched."

As the guy moved closer, muscle guy started to slide into Greg's ass. Happy to have a close up audience; he raised his arms and flexed as he plowed into Greg's ass.

"Man, this ass was all lubed and ready for me. Tight as fuck, though. Yeah, go ahead and moan, pretty boy. Let me know how good my dick feels to you. You like that big, alpha cock in your tight cuck hole? Fuck yeah, moan louder! And you, peeping tom, if your going to stand there and watch; maybe you could feel me up some. Show me how much you like those muscles."

This was now in the territory of sensory overload. The guy in my ass was a master; pounding me while he worked my nips. Greg's top was fucking hot to watch and even hotter to listen to. I could tell by Greg's moans that he was loving the dick and the trash talking. The voyeur was now an active participant, worshipping muscle guy's arms while he leaned in to chew on his tit. There was an overpowering smell of sweat and ass and testosterone in the room. The two active fuckers were in sync now; matching each other thrust for thrust. I turned my head in time to see them making out as their climaxes neared. Then my fucker pulled away.

"Fuck, Spike! Are you getting close? Let's see if we can cum together, man! This hole is milking my fat cock like you wouldn't believe. I'm nearly there!"

"Jesus. I've got a newby ass here, bro. Fucking pretty boy is like plowing the straight musclehead at the gym. He's fucking tight and his hole's hungry. I can go anytime; just give me the word. You on my tits! Chew on 'em, fucker!"

They screamed in unison as they flooded our holes. My guy held his hips still and his cock pulsed in my hole. Greg growled as his breeder loaded him up. Just when I thought it was all over, I felt splatters of cum as the voyeur sprayed over the five of us. Before any of us could catch our breath, the door swung open and the room was flooded with light. The men who had been waiting in the other room came pouring in the door. In various stages of undress, most had their cocks in their hands. Over the din, Evan's voice bellowed.

"Okay fuckers! We're way behind schedule here. Five minute break. Then I want Greg in the sling. Colin, your going to be on the fuckbench. Cadan and Eddie take the bed. So stretch, get a drink, whatever you need. Colin, right now I need to piss like a racehorse. Meet me in the shower. Now!"

Comments and feedback are most welcome. I like to know if you got hard from reading my story. I'll personally respond to all emails Cheers, Rob


Next: Chapter 16

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