Whored Out

By Rob

Published on Sep 4, 2023


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He pulled out the collar first. It brought a broad smile to his face. He motioned for me to kneel down. Then he strapped it tight around my neck. He grabbed my nipple and twisted it hard. He looked at the suction cups and shook his head. Instead he reached over to the bottom drawer of his desk and rummaged around. He finally produced a pair of nipple clamps with a chain between them. He pulled out the butt plug and laid it on the corner of his desk.

"I like the clamps better. I don't want to worry about the suction cups popping off. This chain gives me something to hold onto if I want to pull. And I will want to pull. We won't need the plug until there's something to keep in your ass, will we?"

He quickly attached the clamps. He seemed to enjoy it when I winced each time. He then unbuckled his trousers and pushed them, along with his silk boxers, down to his ankles. His cock was only partially hard. It was wide and uncut. It was surrounded by a forest of black and gray hair. He took it in his hand and eased back the foreskin as he started to apply pressure to the chain between my nipples. As he tugged me forward, I opened my mouth as wide as I could. His cock filled my mouth and then began to grow even wider. With one hand on the chain and the other on the back of my head, he pushed in further until I started to gag. Then I jumped as I felt another pair of hands cup my ass.

Howard, my boss, kept his hand firmly on the back of my head. My eyes were watering. I choked as his cock continued to thicken and lengthen in my mouth. This forced blow job was requiring my full attention. I had no time to worry about the unknown person behind me. He was rubbing his cupped hands around my cheek; feeling the roundness. Then I felt a finger trace from the patch of hair above my crack all the way down to my balls. Then the finger traced the same pattern again; this time stopping when it reached my hole.

"Now there's a man hole that has seen some traffic lately. Jesus Fucking Christ does that look tasty. No question, this cunt has been recently used. This will do nicely for my lunch, sir. I can't thank you enough."

Of course, I knew the voice; but I really didn't care, as long as he was serious about rimming my ass. The assault on my mouth continued. I could feel the uncut head pushing at the back of my throat. I was trying to breathe through my nose; but it was pressed into the hairy pad of fat above this magnificent cock. Howard gave a hard shove and I felt him enter my throat. Unable to catch a breath, I choked and coughed, sending snot out of both nostrils. If this is how I was going to die, at least I'll be doing what I love.

I felt Danny pull my cheeks wide apart. He started with a long swipe of his tongue along the length of my ass crack. Then the finger teasing me again. I could feel his breath on my exposed hole. Then I felt his tongue spear into me. He may be a jerk; but this boy has serious ass-eating skills. He covered my pucker with his mouth and began to suck. Then his tongue wiggled around the opening. Then with his tongue flattened out, he made wide swipes. He was lapping at my ass like a labrador lapping water from a puddle.

"Danny, my boy. Every time your tongue lathers up that hole, his sucking intensifies. Keep it up, dumbshit. You're just lucky to be in the right place at the right time. I would've picked a better man to get Colin opened up for me; but then I thought, who would he least like to fuck his ass. That would be you, boy. Should I tell him that you're just a pussy boy for me and my friends? How you thought that would give you leverage for that promotion? You're only on the payroll because your ass opens wide enough to accomodate me. Now get some slobber in that hole and get him ready for a real man."

The boss's advance man hawked up a big glob of spit. I felt it land in my crack above my hole. Then I felt his cock smear it down to the target. He was in with one hard shove. He was trying to hurt me; but even though he wasn't small, this had to be the least intimidating cock I'd encountered in the last two days. The forceful breach felt good. I moaned around Howard's cock. His hand on my head wasn't holding me now. He was rubbing my head and making rhythmic jerks on the tit clamp chain. He knew I was eager to swallow him. I wanted to make him proud.

"Okay! That's enough, Danny boy. I want you to put that butt plug in your mouth. Get it nice and wet, pop it in Colin's pretty hole and get him turned around. If you can keep your mouth shut, you can stay and jerk off while you watch me fuck him. I want to get some pictures, too. We've got everything on video so far; but Evan said the boyfriend would like some close up shots."

"Can't I come in him? I thought I was going lube him up for you, sir."

"You're lucky you're in the room, fuckhead. Have you forgotten what happens when you don't do what I tell you? Now get my phone out of my suit jacket. You can still beat your meat if you think you can handle the camera one handed."

He must not have forgotten what happens when he doesn't obey; because he quickly pulled out of me. The butt plug slid in easily. He pulled me up off of my knees; helping me turn so my ass faced my boss. Howard stayed seated in his big leather chair. With one hand on my hip and one hand holding that bludgeon of a cock upright; he eased me back to sit on it. Danny steadied me as Howard located my hole, placed his cock at the entrance and pulled down on my hips. If Danny's dick was the skinniest I'd seen lately, Howard's probably took the prize for width. His length was respectable; but it was like sitting on the proverbial fire hydrant. Luckily, my hole had been getting its exercise lately. I'll admit there was some pain; but he kindly let me sit for a minute once he had bottomed out.

"Let's see those leg muscles do their thing now, son. I'm going to let you do the work to start out with. I know it's not the prettiest slab of meat but you'll be hard pressed to find one girthier. Just up and down now. Let yourself adjust to it. Goddamn, if that is not the silkiest ass I ever sunk into. I hate to think we wasted four years when I could've been stretching out that cunt. When Evan told me he had railed you, I was jealous. I told him to get me a piece of the action."

Howard started to tip back. He reclined his chair as far as it would go, pulling on the chain with one hand as the other hand slid to my throat. Danny was circling us with the camera. My movement was limited; but Howard continued to rock his hips. When he had me lying back on his chest, his motives became clear.

"Danny, get your mouth down there. We need more spit. Lift up Colin's big old balls and get your mouth right on his ass. Fuck yeah, boy. Run that tongue along my shaft. We're gonna need all the saliva you got."

Danny brought that wide tongue in to swab us down. He had to clear his throat a few times to bring up more spit. The more he slobbered, the better my ass felt stretching over that fat cock.

"That's enough now. Before we switch positions, why don't you give Colin a taste of your cocksucking skills, Danny. It'll give him something to think of while he's writing up your performance review in December."

As Howard laughed at his own joke, his belly shook and I could feel it right in my ass. Danny did have some pretty good skills; but Howard was ready to move on.

"Okay, Colin. Just bend over the side of the desk there. Lay your chest flat. Fuck, what a pretty sight. You could drive an Oldsmobile up that shit chute now. Pull those cheeks apart. Danny give me a squirt of real lube now. It's time for some deep hard fucking."

I underestimated Howard when we started the fuck in the chair. I thought it was the easiest position for him, less exertion on his part. After all, he was an old guy. But now with some Astroglide in my hole, my fat old boss showed me he still had some moves. With all his weight behind each thrust, he pounded me hard. Sweat started to drip on my back. Danny tried to ease up to the desk to feed me his cock while I was getting fucked. Howard swatted him away.

"I told you that you could jerk off, dumbshit! Nobody said anything about getting your skinny cock sucked!"

Danny obediently stood back and worked his dick. Howard went into overdrive. In this position, his low hanging balls slapped against mine with every thrust. My cock was rubbing between my belly and the desk. Then he reached around me and released one of the clamps. I started to howl as the blood rushed back into my nipple. He quickly covered my mouth with his hand and released the second clamp. Once I quieted down, he moved both hands to my pecs and rubbed my injured tits. I couldn't hold out anymore. I started to come. My orgasm had snuck up on me. As I spurted, my ass muscles contracted, pushing my boss over the edge.

"Sweet fuckin' ass. Milk me, son. Here it comes. I'm breeding you boy! You feel that? Holy mother of god!"

After what seemed like a dozen spurts, he pulled out and stumbled back to drop into his chair. He was panting and sweat was running down his face. Danny seemed to know the drill. He moved over to kneel between Howard's legs and started to swipe that wide tongue around his boss's cock until it was clean. It took him a while to catch his breath.

"Well, boys. It looks like the lunch hour is up. I hope you weren't hungry, Danny. Get dressed and get back downstairs. Colin, you're excused from this afternoon's work group. We're not done with that fat ass of yours. You'd better get that plug back in your ass. Evan should've been here by now. I promised him you'd have a gut full of sperm when he arrived."

Danny was pissed that the fun was going to continue without him. He knew better than to argue, though. He handed the phone to Howard and started to pull on his clothes. As my boss scrolled through the new pics, he motioned me back over to his chair. He had me lay across his lap. I assumed I was going to get spanked. Instead, he just cupped my ass in the palm of his big hand; growling as he rubbed my cheeks. He gripped the handle on the butt plug. Rather than pull it out, he gently fucked my hole with it.

As Danny opened the door to get back to work, we heard Evan's booming voice.

"Margie, how are you? Is that fat old boss of yours in? He should be expecting me."

I turned my head to watch my bull stroll into the room. Evan was a big man. Handsome, successful and hung like a mule; he exuded confidence. I didn't know until today that he and my boss were friends. He took one look at me spread across Howard's lap with my ass in the air and beamed.

"What a fucking sight! Well, was I right about that ass, Howie? Have you ever slid that big dick of yours into a finer hole? Does that plug mean you've got him overflowing for me?"

Still at the door, he opened it a crack and looked back into the outer office as if waiting for something. After a few seconds, he swung the door wide to make way for one of the buildings security officers followed by a muscular Black cop. The cop took one look at me over Howard's lap and his hand dropped to his crotch. He was rubbing a sizeable bulge. The Latino security guard was on his phone. He took a pic of me and then started to text.

"I hate to come visit empty-handed. I struck up a conversation with these two gentlemen downstairs in the lobby. I promised them a peek at the world's most fuckable ass. There it is gentlemen! What do you think?"

"I didn't realize you were talking about a guy's ass. I've never even thought about fucking another dude."

"That bulge you're rubbing looks like you're not ruling it out. There's a first time for everything, officer."

"I've been trying to get my girl to try it. Says I'm too damn big."

"Well, you'll be glad to know that Colin would never say that to you. Would you, Col?"

The cop was kind of nerdy looking from the neck up. From the neck down, he had the body of a god. You could see the outline of his cock in his uniform. It almost reached his hip. Still texting, the security guy whispered something to Evan that made him burst out laughing. He also adjusted himself. Average height and lean, if you ignored the polyester security uniform he looked like a telenovela star. The cop moved in to get a closer look. As he did, Howard slipped the plug from my ass. I could feel cum dripping out.

"Somebody already fucked him? Holy Christ! Is all that nut from one guy."

Howard seemed pleased that this sexy black officer appreciated the size of his load.

"Just one guy. That was all me. What do you think? You want to try it. You won't need any lube; that's for sure. Or does fucking with another guys jizz freak you out?"

"I've tag teamed girls with my buddy before. Honestly, I kinda like sloppy seconds. Are you sure he's okay with this? Hey buddy! They're not forcing you to do this are they?

"No officer. Not forced at all. I'd love to have you fuck me. How do you want me?"

"Can you lay on the desk? Legs on my shoulders? I love when the pornstars do that!"

I got up from Howard's lap and sat on the edge of the desk. I would have sucked him first; but he didn't seem interested in preliminaries. By the time I sat down, he had his uniform pants at his feet. I raised my legs and he grabbed my ankles and moved into place. He was moving so fast I didn't get a good look at his cock; but after Howard's, I figured I could handle it. He placed his head at the entrance to my cummy hole. In one slow stroke he pushed all the way in. Then he froze.

"Just a sec. Woooo. I'm just going to hold it there for now. Christ, I almost came sliding in with all that nut churning around my dick. Feels fucking amazing. Better than any pussy. Are you okay? I don't want to hurt you; but if it's okay, I'm just going to go for it. This isn't gonna take long."

He pulled all the way out; then gave a hard shove to bottom out in my ass. Then he was off. Not wild; but strong, powerful, controlled strokes. Each time he pulled back, a little cum would escape and run over my balls. He only fucked me for few minutes before his control faded. Obviously getting close, he started to hammer into my ass. He'd been staring straight ahead; then at the last minute, he looked down and made eye contact with me. That pushed him over the edge. He didn't utter any words as he came. He just kept looking at me, panting and grimacing until his balls were empty.

Evan was the first to offer his congratulations.

"Damn, officer. That was an impressive performance. I hope it was as good as I promised. If you want a repeat, I'm sure Colin would be glad to give you his number."

Thoroughly drained now, the cop didn't bother to wipe up. He tucked his long, soft, cum-covered cock back into his uniform and zipped up. He leaned down and to my surprise, gave me a kiss on the forehead. He grabbed a pen from the desk and jotted down my number. Then he looked at the clock and panic set in.

"Fuck was that hot! Thanks, man. Tony, I'd like to stay and watch you take your turn; but I'm already gonna be in deep shit. I've gotta go."

"That's okay, man. It was hot as fuck watching you; but I've got something planned. I'll see you tomorrow and tell you all about it."

What he had planned was to fuck me in one of the upper floor hallways. He'd texted the other security guys and let them know the floor and wing. Tony must've had porn star ambitions. He wanted to fuck me under one of the closed-circuit cameras so all his co-workers could watch. He said there's less traffic on the fourteenth floor; but it would not be without some risk. He said he'd fucked some of the cleaning staff up there; but always at night after everyone had left. In fact, he had a favorite camera and knew where to stand to get the best angles. As he was explaining it, another text came in.

"Yeah baby! One of the guys in IT is linking us up with the security camera feeds in the neighboring buildings. We could get a couple dozen viewers. My big dick is going to be famous! Only thing is, for all his hard work, IT guy wants to have a go at that ass. Some of the other security guys are putting their names in a hat. Are you up for it?"

"Might as well. Just tell them no rubbers; and I want a copy of the video for my boyfriend."

"Are you shittin' me? You're taking loads from strangers and you have a boyfriend? What is he, a cuck?"

Comments and feedback are most welcome. I like to know if you got hard from reading my story. I'll personally respond to all emails Cheers, Rob


Next: Chapter 14

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