Whored Out

By Rob

Published on Sep 2, 2023


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We were all exhausted. As Mark's cock started to soften, it slid out of my ass. Greg kissed me tenderly. Then he disengaged himself from our huddle. He slid down, moved his head over my hips and took his brother's cock into his mouth. He held it there until he was sure there was no more cum dribbling out. Then he came back up beside me and shared his prize with me.

"Fuck me, bro. I hope this isn't a goddamn dream. I've wanted your mouth on my fat cock since we hit puberty. I never imagined that it would be covered with my cum and your boyfriend's ass juice. You boys are full of surprises; but I can't process anything else tonight. And the fact that I'm going to sleep with my dick against your ass, Colin; I have definitely dreamed about that before. Now would one of you turn of the lights? I need some goddamn sleep."

For the second time tonight, I was roused from my sleep by a cock nudging its way into my ass. It was the same cock both times. I had been sleeping sandwiched between identical twin brothers. My partner Greg was in front of me. I had my face nuzzled against his back and one arm around his waist. My cock was pressed against his butt. It had been cycling from hard to soft for the last three hours; but it hadn't appeared to wake him. Behind me was Greg's brother Mark. Mark had loaded up my ass before we all fell asleep about 1am. All three of us had been exhausted after a sex-filled day. We all crashed hard.

The first time I was roused by that cock at my ass was about an hour ago. I had been awakened by pressure on my well- fucked hole. Mark had been sleeping with his arm draped over me. Accompanying the nudge on my ass, was a hand gently twisting my nipple. With his earlier load still in my ass, he had no problem pushing all way the into me. I don't know that he cared whether my partner woke up or not; after all, he had already fucked me once in front of him. But rather than an aggressive fuck, he just gently rocked his hips back and forth. After a few minutes, the pressure on my nipples stopped. Then his hand slid down to rest on my belly. Then the hip movement stopped. He had fallen asleep. His cock stayed inside me and I dozed off, as well. I woke briefly when his cock slipped out. Then I was out again.

This second time, he seems wide awake. He penetrated me in one quick stroke. Just to make sure his brother didn't sleep through it this time. Mark reached past me and gave Greg a gentle swat to the side of his head. He started to bite at my neck and groan like he had earlier in the evening. Then he started to push me down onto the mattress. I rolled onto my stomach, he moved his knees between my legs and let loose with some hard, deep thrusts.

"Jesus, Mark. How many times are you going to fuck him? Colin has to go into the office in the morning. I have to work. You've got a job, don't you? Are you trying to prove a point?"

"I love this perfect round ass, bro. I've been jerking off for four years thinking of this ass. Now I've got free rein, I'm going to make up for lost time. Besides, Colin loves the way I fuck him; don't you Col?"

"I fucking love you in my ass, Markie. I also love it when Greg fucks me. You realize you have the same dick, right?"

"Yeah, but my brother doesn't have my moves, Col. I'm guessing he's romantic and gentle. This one is going to be quick and rough. I'm just gonna use your slutty cunt to get off again. Maybe my boy-scout brother can learn a thing or two."

With that, Mark put his spread hand on the back of my head and forced it into the mattress. He drew his cock all the way out; just poised at the opening to my hole. His other hand slapped my ass hard enough to leave a welt; then he was off. He plunged in with one hard stroke, then back out again. At a breakneck pace, he fucked me like a piston. This was selfish fucking. He was just using my hole; and I fucking loved it. After a few minutes, he lifted his hand off of my head. Now with his hands on the mattress on either side of my shoulders; he started to slam into me over and over. After all the fucking of the last few days, this is the one that I was going to feel the next day.

I turned my head enough to see my partner Greg beating off like a mad man. He was panting and groaning. I'd never heard that sound come out of him. The sight of his own brother brutalizing my wrecked hole was taking him to a new height. Then Mark raised up and crashed down onto my back. He pushed one arm under my neck and grabbed me in a choke hold. It was all hips now and he started to moan and swear as I struggled to breathe.

"I'm gonna fucking cum. I fucking own this ass. Greg, this is how you fuck a greedy cunt. You gonna cum with me, bro? Ten more strokes? Count 'em down, cuck. I want you to shoot your pathetic load on yourself while I knock up your lover."

Greg was out of control. The visual got him going; but his brother's verbal barrage pushed him over the edge. He started to gasp; quick short breaths. The cum flew out of his cock like a cannon. It splattered across his chest and belly. As his sperm was still airborne, his brother gave one final shove and started to pulse his load into me. I was grateful the assault on my ass had stopped; while at the same time, wishing it had gone on even longer.

Mark raised his upper body off of my back; keeping his cock lodged deep inside of me. He reached over to his brother's stomach and wiped up some cum with his fingers. He brought the glob up to Greg's open mouth. My lover sucked the jizz from his brother's hand. Still asserting his dominance, Mark gave his brother a gentle slap across the face. Greg moaned and another dribble of sperm oozed out of his cock. His reaction reinvigorated Mark, who's hard dick was still in my ass. He started to make short hard thrusts into me. As he did, the load he had justy deposited sloshed and make a sucking sound. Then he abruptly pulled out and leaned back to admire what he had done to my hole.

"Look at that fucking gape. It looks fucking awesome, Col. That's the prettiest stretched out cunt I have ever seen. I can see right up your ass, baby. And that ass is full of my DNA. I'd latch my mouth onto your hole and suck some out to feed your boyfriend; but after all this fucking, it's not exactly the cleanest hole I've seen. It's still fucking beautiful, though. You and I make a good team. You and that ass of yours wore me out."

Mark leaned down to give me a quick kiss before lying down next to me with his arm over my chest. My boyfriend took his hand off of his softening cock and slid it across this belly and chest, smearing his load as he did. He leaned in and gave me a kiss. He looked exhausted.

"I'm too old for this shit. We can still get a couple more hours of sleep before the alarm goes off. That is, if my brother can keep his dick out of your ass for that long. Are you okay, babe? Can I get you anything?"

"I'm great, G. Honestly, my ass feels like I took on the whole team. I fuckin' love it; but I really better go to the bathroom and clean up a little before we crash again."

I slid out from under Mark's arm. As I crawled over Greg to get out of bed, Mark gave me a hard swat on the ass. As I got up, I had to clench my cheeks. I could feel Mark's cum trying to ooze out of me. I made it to the toilet just in time. I cleaned up and made my way back to bed. What I saw there made me smile. Greg had taken my spot. He had scooted back against Mark. As the little spoon to his alpha brother, he gave me a sheepish smile while I crawled in next to him. Mark had draped his arm over him and was now quietly snoring. I nestled myself in next to my lover and quickly dozed off.

The next thing I knew the alarm was going off. My lover's morning piss-hardon was pressed along the length of my ass crack. The room smelled like sex; plus the sweat and morning breath of three men. As the other two woke up, Greg's cock pressed harder against me. Looking behind me, I saw it was due to the fact that his brother was humping against him and pushing him into me.

"Not now guys. I set the alarm to give us just enough time to get cleaned up and out of here. Get your morning boners into the shower. I'll hurry and start some coffee."

As I made my way to the kitchen, I looked back to see Mark still grinding on his brother. He had him in a headlock while he gripped his balls to hold him in place.

"Really guys! Move it. Don't make me be the goddamn adult!"

Reluctantly Mark loosened his grip and they both stumbled toward the bathroom. By the time I got in there, the shower was running and they were dealing with their morning hard ons by spraying piss at each other under the shower stream.

"You're both fucking crazy. I'm not surprised by you Mark; but G, I didn't know watersports was your thing. I would've jumped at the chance had I known."

"He started it. After he let his spray loose on me, I was just trying to keep up."

I squeezed in between them and emptied my aching bladder on both of them; then the shampooing and lathering commenced.

Once we were dried off, the brothers grabbed their coffees and started to get dressed. Mark grabbed last night's clothes, tossed his underwear to me with a wink and then slid into his suit pants commando. Greg stopped me when I went to the dresser for underwear and socks.

"I promised someone you'd be wearing your black jockstrap under your work clothes today, baby. You also need to get your collar, nip suction cups and a butt plug out of your toy drawer and throw them in your suitcase. I can't believe the shit you have in there; but I guess it's time I got familiar with it, eh?"

"Greg, I'm leading the on-site group today. When am I going to have time to play? Whatever you have planned, I hope I don't get fired!"

"It's gonna be fun, baby. All I can say if you're going to like one of your surprises right off the bat. Your second surprise might make you mad at first; but just trust me. Evan had a hand in planning that one. At any rate, they've promised us pics and maybe even a video or two."

At that Greg and Mark high fived and finished getting dressed. We made arrangements for Mark to come stay overnight later in the week. I threw the things in my work bag, as ordered. I had slipped on a cock ring under my jock. It all felt decadent under my office clothes. I wondered what the fuck was in store for me today.

It was good to be back in the office for a day. Working from home was fun at first; but it was good to see everyone. Well, everyone except Danny. He had started here a few months before I did. He was always kind of stand-offish. Then when I was made leader of our group, he threw a fit. He tried to sway the others to his side; but in the end, they supported me. I didn't miss having to avoid him everyday. But today, even Danny was surprisingly nice to me. He's a very good looking guy. Too bad he's been such a dick.

After our morning session, my boss called me over as everyone was going in to lunch. He was full of praise for the way I'd organized things. He seemed chummier than usual. As I started to follow the others, he pulled me back.

"As a reward for your hard work, I have lunch ready for the two of us in my office. You've proved to me that I made the right decision promoting you, Colin. Grab your things and meet me upstairs."

Then seeing the others were out of earshot, he leaned in and whispered,

"You'd better have that fucking jockstrap on, son."

I should've fucking known. Howard, my boss, owned the company. I've always thought he was a good looking man; but more in a dignified-grandfather way. He was in his early sixties and his belly showed his love of good food and wine. He wore expensive suits in the older full-cut classic style. More than once, I had noticed the bulge down his left leg of his trousers when he sat down. I can't say I wasn't curious; but I never imagined that I would get a close up look at what was hidden behind that expensive wool. He had been married for nearly forty years. My day was full of surprises.

I grabbed my bag and bounded up the stairs. As I came out of the stairwell, the elevator doors had just opened and Howard was getting off. He gave me a look that stopped me in my tracks. If he had ever looked at me with that kind of lust before, this new development wouldn't have been so shocking.

"Oh, I like an eager boy, Colin. Did you just run up the stairs? I find it hot that you want this; though part of me was hoping I'd have to force you a little. Maybe you could play along, eh? Make me earn my prize? After all, I'm a fat old man. Older than your father, no? I'm also not trimmed and groomed like you younger guys. That pretty boyfriend of yours probably shaves his chest, doesn't he?"

"No, sir. I mean, yes he trims it; but he doesn't shave it smooth."

"It's Greg, isn't it? Your boyfriend? I understand he likes you showing that pretty ass of yours to other men. It is a pretty ass, Colin. I've admired it since you started working for me. I should tell you, I never would have made a move on my own. I assumed you were happy together. But, if this is what he wants, it would be rude for me turn him down."

He opened the door to his outer office and nodded at his assistant, whose desk was just outside his door.

"Margie, I hope the caterer has everything set up. Colin and I have some personal matters to go over while we have our lunch. If something comes up, please just deal with it like you always do. We don't want to be disturbed."

Not waiting for an answer, he ushered me in and closed the door behind him. Lunch was laid out on the conference table. Unsure how this was going to play out, I waited for a cue. He had said he'd like me to resist. I just waited for him to take the lead. He walked around his desk and pulled his leather chair over to the side. He let out a little grunt as he sat down. He spread his legs wide and the bulge I had noticed before was definitely bigger than I had ever seen it.

"Colin, I'd like you to undress for me. You can just put your clothes on the sofa behind you."

"Howard, I don't think we should be doing this. I know your wife. You know my partner. Maybe we should just enjoy our lunch and talk this over."

"Don't you ever tell me what to do! Now take off your goddamn jacket and put it on the sofa. I'm not going to tell you again."

I hesitantly started to remove my coat. I knew the outline of my hard cock was going to be visible when I took it off.

"Fuck the role play, Colin. We don't have time. Get the jacket off now. Then bring me your bag. I understand it contains some of the things you play with. Things that you don't tell your boyfriend about. Give me the bag and then let's see how fast you can get naked. I can't fuck you with your goddamn pants on."

I threw my jacket on the sofa and placed my bag on his desk next to him. I kicked off my shoes and lost the shirt and pants in record time.

"Fuck! This is going to be the highlight of my week! Take off your socks; but leave the jock on. It's not doing you much good. Your boner is peeking out the side; but I want to see those straps framing your ass when you turn around for me. Now, Colin. Don't make me wait."

With the socks off, I turned away from him. I reached behind me to smooth out the straps on either side of my cheeks.

"That, my boy, is a perfect ass. Leave your hands there and pull those cheeks apart for me. Let me see the hole I'm going to destroy. Jesus Christ. You're fucking perfect!"

With my asshole on display, I waited for my next orders. I didn't have to wait long.

"Okay, sexy Colin. Come over here and let's see what you have in your bag."

He pulled out the collar first. It brought a broad smile to his face. He motioned for me to kneel down. Then he strapped it tight around my neck. He grabbed my nipple and twisted it hard. He looked at the suction cups and shook his head. Instead he reached over to the bottom drawer of his desk and rummaged around. He finally produced a pair of nipple clamps with a chain between them. He pulled out the butt plug and laid it on the corner of his desk.

"I like the clamps better. I don't want to worry about the suction cups popping off. This chain gives me something to hold onto if I want to pull. And I will want to pull. We won't need the plug until there's something keep in your ass, will we?"

He quickly attached the clamps. He seemed to enjoy it when I winced each time. He then unbuckled his trousers and pushed them, along with his silk boxers down to his ankles. His cock was only partially hard. It was wide and uncut. It was surrounded by a forest of black and gray hair. He took it in his hand and eased back the foreskin as he started to apply pressure to the chain between my nipples. As he tugged me forward, I opened my mouth as wide as I could. His cock filled my mouth and then began to grow even wider. With one hand on the chain and the other on the back of my head, he pushed in further until I started to gag. Then I jumped as I felt another pair of hands cup my ass.

Comments and feedback are most welcome. I like to know if you got hard from reading my story. I'll personally respond to all emails Cheers, Rob


Next: Chapter 13

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