Whored Out

By Rob

Published on Aug 27, 2023


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As Colin got up to show out his guests, Greg's phone chimed with an incoming text. Colin picked up the phone and tossed it to his lover; but not before noticing that the message was coming from Greg's twin brother, Mark. Mark was Colin's mystery breeder from this morning. Colin didn't know it had been his brother-in-law until just a few hours ago. Greg looked at the text, shook his head with a smile.

"It's from Mark. I'm surprised he waited this long to rub it in. He says, "Hey Bro! We don't hang out enough. The celebration dinner with my partners is wrapping up. I think I'll come over and spend the night with your boyfriend. Colin and I will take the bed. Where you sleep is up to you. If you think you're up for it, you can sleep in the bed with us. If the sight of your alpha brother's cock scares you, I guess you can take the couch. I'll be there before midnight. Clean up my boy for me, will you?"

After the others had gone, Greg helped me change the sheets on the bed before we hit the shower. It's not that unusual for us to shower together after we've made love; but over the last thirty-six hours, our showers have been kind of like a ritual. Greg pampered me after he and Cubby fucked me yesterday. Then after Evan left last night, Greg actually ran a bath and washed and babied me. Tonight, I returned the favor. Greg looked like he did after he ran the marathon last year. Dead man walking. I started the shower; then turned to brush my teeth and take a piss while it warmed up. When I turned back around, Greg was sitting on the shower floor with his back against the wall. He had his eyes closed as the shower spray rinsed away the sweat and cum. I grabbed a wash cloth but then stopped and looked at him. I couldn't tell if he was sad or just tired.

"Are you okay, G? Guess they were pretty rough on you tonight."

"No, I'm good. I'm just thinking. Come down here with me, babe."

I got down on my knees next to him and started to gently scrub him clean. He reached over and flicked my nipple, knowing it never failed to get my attention. Then he pulled me onto his lap. He just looked at me for a few minutes; then pulled me in for a kiss.

"You know, this is just happening so fast. I really haven't had time to process everything. I'm not backing out, mind you. Just trying to make sense of it all."

"Greg, I want you to know that tonight wasn't my idea. I never imagined that your ass was going to be a target. I can't help but feel responsible, though. Your sure you're okay?"

"That's just it, Col. I'm having to rethink everything. Truth is, getting fucked feels awesome. Even if I started out by getting thrown in the deep end, once I got used to it; it felt fucking amazing!"

"You're preaching to the choir, G!"

He laughed and pulled me in to kiss me again. Then Greg got to his feet and brought me up with him.

"Come on, babe. Let's get cleaned up. Company's coming, ya know."

Once we were rinsed and dried, we just pulled on gym shorts. Greg sat up to the counter, watching me while I heated up some of the takeout that Justin had brought earlier. He was watching my every move. It was cute; but it wasn't like the old Greg.

"Are you thinking about how sexy I look when I use the microwave? The picture of domestic bliss?"

"Colin, I could watch you all day. You're so damn sexy. Maybe you just didn't notice me watching you before. Okay, this is probably going to come out wrong. I'm not sure how to phrase it. In the past, after we'd made love; I used to watch you moving around the apartment. I always thought the same thing. I thought, my baby has my cum inside him. I'd think, I just shot my wad inside that perfect man and now he's just walking around, fixing dinner, reading a book, watering the plants, and my load is still in him. It made me happy. It made me feel like, somehow, I was your protector. I was your man."

"That's so sweet, G. You still are my man. But fuck, baby; why didn't you ever say that out loud? In a way, I was thinking about it too. I used to play a game to see how long I could keep you inside of me. I loved the way it felt. I loved knowing that part of you was soaking in and becoming part of me. And I have always thought of you as my protector."

"So early on tonight, while Justin was fucking me, I'll admit it hurt at first. But baby, by the time he was getting ready to cum; I was mad at myself for waiting so long to try it again. For all this time, I've been wrapped up in projecting this manly image. Don't take this the wrong way, Col; you know I love you. You know that in my mind you're up on a pedestal. Somehow, I stupidly thought that the real man is always on top. I let my foolish machismo deny me all the extra pleasure I could have been having."

"I know, right? Those are just stupid stereotypes. In my mind, who fucks who is not about who's the manliest or the strongest. We fuck because it feels good. That's what these changes we're making are all about. Those past times I ask you to let me try screwing you, it wasn't about taking your power away from you. In my mind, I just wanted you to try it. You never gave me a reason. I never considered that you might have had a bad experience with it."

"It wasn't anything traumatic. It's just that the one time I did try it, I hated it. My freshman year at college, I was on the cross country squad. One of the guys was straight; but he said he was curious and he was always asking me questions. He was good looking; and I thought he was even hotter because he was straight. Anyway, we had a few beers one night in his dorm room and started to make out. We took turns blowing each other. Then he decided he wanted to try fucking me. He had a big dick and he had never fucked an ass before. He was pretty rough and it hurt like hell. He thought it was great, of course. We fell asleep on his bed afterward. Then his roommate came home and found us. The three of us talked. The roommate was cool with it; but then he wanted a turn. I told them they'd have to practice on each other because I was never taking it up the ass again. Jorrie is the only person I ever told."

"Sorry that happened, baby. But do you think that's why you've always been so careful when we fucked. Were you afraid of hurting me, they way he hurt you?"

"Maybe. I know I paid more attention to the guys I fucked after that; gauging their reactions to make sure they were enjoying it. It's when I started to think of it as lovemaking rather than fucking. In my mind fucking was rough and solely for the top to get his rocks off. To me, lovemaking meant that it could be enjoyable for both of us. I wanted my partner to be satisfied."

"I should have told you this earlier. Sometimes I thought you were too gentle. I wanted you to get rougher with me. Now it all makes sense. So what about when you watched Marco fuck me? He was rough; but you liked to watch him."

"It was so fuckin hot. The first time I saw the two of you together, I realized that no matter how rough he got; you liked it. In fact, the rougher he was, the more you squealed. When I realized he wasn't hurting you, it was hot to see you so worked up."

"He does know how to push all my buttons; but I was even more turned on because you were watching. I don't want to push you, G. I don't want you to cross a line you think you'll regret. It's just that when Mark gets here, it will make it better for me if you think you can watch. Do you think you can deal with seeing your brother fuck me?"

"The way things have been going lately, seems like I can deal with most anything."

When Mark arrived we relaxing with a glass of wine. I didn't have to be to the office until ten the next morning. Since it was getting late, Greg had texted Evan to say we were waiting for his brother to show up and he might be in late, as well. Evan responded: No problem. You can come in whenever, as long as you bring me pics!

It was good to see Mark. We'd always gotten along great. It seemed odd to watch the two of them together. They may be identical twins; but Mark has added more muscle as he's gotten older. He's starting to let his beard grow out. I thought it made him look even hunkier. They were both remarkably at ease; considering what had happened earlier in the day and what was sure to happen next.

Oddly, we hadn't discussed why he was there or even mentioned this morning's encounter. I was sitting between the two of them. Mark was telling us about his promotion to partner at his firm, when he abruptly turned to face me. He put a hand on each side of my face, looked me in the eyes and gave me a gentle kiss.

"Do we need to talk about the fact that my dick was in your ass this morning? Did you tell my brother that you sucked my cock clean after I came inside you? Did you tell him I fucked you better than he ever could?"

"We haven't really talked about it yet."

"You're fucking with me, right. This morning, Evan calls me and asks if I want to fuck you. I told him I always have, and that I joke with Greg about it; but that I would never do that behind his back. Then Evan tells me it's Greg's idea. He tells me that you won't even know who it is. He tells me that you just take random loads now. So I come over and fuck that beautiful ass. I leave it dripping with cum. You lick me clean. And you haven't even talked to each other about it?"

"That's pretty much it. I didn't even know it was you until Jorrie told me later. Here's the deal. I just like to get fucked, Mark. Then I discovered that it turns Greg on to watch other guys fuck me. What did you do with the pics you took this morning? I assumed you sent them to Greg."

"No. Evan said to send them to him. I just know I want copies of them. It was fucking hot! So as long as we're all on the same page, I'm not going to question what's going on between you two. I just know I've had a long day. Sounds like you have, too. How about we all go fuck so we can get some rest?"

I took Mark's hand and pulled him up and toward the bed. He stopped me; turned and reached out his other hand to his brother. After a brief pause, Greg took his hand and the three of us slowly made our way across the room. When we got to the bed, I dropped the shorts I was wearing. I started to help Mark with his suit jacket. I looked at Greg to make sure he was okay. He winked at me and then reached over and started to loosen his brother's tie. Pleased that we were both going to wait on him, Mark just smiled. When we got down to his slacks, I knelt to unbuckle his belt and undo his fly. Then he leaned on his brother as he stepped out of his pants and I slid his socks off. Lastly, I pulled down his boxer briefs. Freed from its confinement, his cock pointed toward the ceiling.

I pulled down the covers and plopped down in the middle of the bed. Mark climbed in on one side. We looked at Greg. With a shrug, he let his shorts drop to the floor. He was not fully hard; but it was well on its way. Then he slipped in on the other side of the bed. At first Greg watched as Mark started to kiss me and pull at my nipples, and then reach down and start to rub his finger on my hole. Seeing this, Greg slid down and started to lick my ass. Gently at first. I could feel him licking around Mark's finger. Then his brother slid two fingers into Greg's mouth. Greg got them wet and Mark pushed them back inside me.

As Mark continued to make out and open me up, Greg slid up and started to grind on me from behind. When he thought I was adequately loose, Mark rolled me on my side facing my boyfriend. Greg took over the kissing. Mark moved into place to enter me. Unprompted, Greg reached around me, took his brother's cock in his hand and guided it toward its intended target. Mark started to growl.

"I can't believe you just did that, bro. I'm not going to lie; when I felt your hand around my dick, I was afraid I was going to shoot before we even got started here. Whatever is going on between the two of you, it is turning me the fuck on."

With that, Mark started to push all the way into me. Greg let go of his brother's dick so it could slip into the hilt. Mark started to move his hips, fucking in and out slowly. He reached around me and squeezed my nipple. Greg had placed his hands on my shoulder to steady me as his brother claimed my ass. Then I felt his hands slip past me. He was holding Mark's shoulders. As Mark picked up speed, his hands slid over to Greg's shoulders and around his neck creating a three-man hug. I could feel my partner's hard cock rubbing alongside mine. Mark fucked me with slow strokes, then fast and then back to slow. I lost track of time cocooned between these two men who grew in the same womb. Did they wrap their arms around each other there? Or is that even possible. Mark brought me out of my daydream with a bite to my neck.

"This might be the best fucking thing that's ever happened to me. Why didn't we do this before, bro? You were probably double-teaming guys with Jorrie though, right? Fuck, I'd like to be in a bed with that man. You guys ever fuck together? Now I'm never going to get that image out of my mind!"

"Oh god, no! I'd never even seen Jorrie fully hard until earlier tonight."

"Wait! Did you guys fuck Colin together tonight? Fuck, I would've paid to see that, bro."

Greg hesitated. Maybe wondering if he were really going to be able to say this out loud.

"No, Markie. Jorrie fucked me tonight."

There was a sudden increase in pace and intensity as Mark started to slam into my ass.

"Oh fuck! You're going to make me cum to soon, bro. I heard Jorrie has like a gigantic dick. Just swinging soft in his gym shorts it looks huge. When did you start taking dick, bro? And Jorrie? You took Jorrie's huge cock up your ass?"

"I started tonight, Markie. You should have skipped the business dinner. First I got fucked by a hot college-age delivery guy. He opened me up so I could take Jorrie. Then Evan showed up and bred me for the finale."

"Holy fuck! I'm coming. Colin, I'm coming in your ass again. Fucking this sweet, perfect ass. Take it, stud. I'm breeding my brother's boy!"

Mark held his hips tight against my butt. He groaned as he unloaded in me for the second time today. Greg spit on his hand, reached down between us and jerked our cocks together. In less than ten pulls, he started to cum. Feeling his cum spurting triggered me and I blasted my load to add to the gooey mess. We stayed locked together as our panting fell into synch.

"Jesus Fucking Christ on a bike! I don't know if we can ever re-create that; but I'm going to try every chance I get. That was fucking amazing. Maybe next time it'll be you in the middle, bro!"

We were all exhausted. As Mark's cock started to soften, it slid out of my ass. Greg kissed me tenderly. Then he disengaged himself from our huddle. He slid down, moved his head over my hips and took Mark's cock into his mouth. He held it there until he was sure there was no more cum dribbling out. Then he came back up beside me and shared his prize with me.

"Fuck me, bro. I hope this isn't a goddamn dream. I've wanted your mouth on my fat cock since we hit puberty. I never imagined that it would be covered with my cum and your boyfriend's ass juice. You boys are full of surprises; but I can't process anything else tonight. And the fact that I'm going to sleep with my dick against your ass, Colin; I have definitely dreamed about that before. Now would one of you turn of the lights? I need some goddamn sleep."

Feedback and comments are greatly appreciated. Nifty authors don't have access to viewer statistics. The only way we know if we succeeded in getting you hard is if you let us know. I personally answer all emails Rob83401@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 12

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