
By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Nov 23, 2005




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



"There you are!" came the gruff voice from over my head.

"Huh?" I looked up. "I mean, yes, sir?" I said.

My grunt of surprise was due to the fact that I had been sitting so long in that damned bus station seat, I was about to fall asleep. The "yes, sir" sprung from just finishing basic training. I was now waiting for my bus to take me home for a short leave before shipping off to my assignment as a new member of the Armed Services.

My sleepiness was also borne of the fact (aside from the fact that it was now after midnight!) that the Army believes that, during basic training, you don't NEED any sleep. I was about three days' minus on sleep and snatched a nap whenever and wherever I could. It took a lot to wake me up.

But this guy did. Damn, he was a rough-looking customer. One thing I'd heard about in basic training is that there are men who want to take on a soldier, test their mettle. A nexus of a few too many beers and the presence of a uniform such as the camouflage tank-top and my green dungarees and black boots was like a red cape to a bull.

Blue jeans and a black leather jacket over bare chest, above that was a scowl leering out of a bearded face, a set of crooked teeth making a nasty smile.

"I said, there you are." he said again.

"Yes, sir, here I am." I said.

"Come on, then." he said to me.

"What?" I said, startled.

"Are you arguing with me?" he snarled. "I said come on, damn it!"

I had three hours until my bus would show up (the disadvantage of my parents living way off the beaten track, the bus only ran once a day), so I shrugged and said, "Well, let me stow my stuff in a locker, then, sir."

"Hurry up, God damn it!" he grumbled.

"Yes, sir." I put the gear in a locker, turned the lock and took the key, stuck it in my pocket. I would be able to re-open the locker when I put in a dollar's worth of quarters, more if my stuff stayed more than 4 hours' time. It was meant for brief safekeeping of belongings only. But I'd be back before then.

Wherever the hell this guy wanted us to go.

He led me down the stairs. Hell, we were heading for the men's bathroom, for God's sake. What the fuck was this? Did he have some buddies down there to beat the shit out of me?

Well, I was pretty sure of my ability to take care of myself, and I would beat out of there soon as I realized what was going on. So I kept following this guy, wondering what had brought all this on. I'd been sitting quietly in the station and he walked up to me! It didn't fit the usual story of having a drink in a bar....

The restroom was dead quiet, not surprising when you know it was like two o'clock in the morning. Even a bus station is quiet that time of night. Anybody traveling was up where I was doing what I'd been doing...trying to sleep in a chair not designed to let you sleep while you waited for a bus where you'd do the same thing once you got aboard.

So when we got inside the restroom, it was like entering a cavern, the only sounds were our feet on the tile.

We were alone, and I was relaxing somewhat, when he turned around. "All right, now get down on your knees."

"Sir?" I said.

"I said to get on your knees!"

I hesitated...why would he want me on my knees in a restroom? (a dumb first thought, maybe, but I was fresh out of a backwoods high school and the military basic training)...and he snarled and a hairy paw of a hand reached up and grabbed me by the back of my neck.

"Get down, I said!" he growled.

And he shoved me forward with his hand on my neck, hard. Dumbfounded, I went down easy enough, and when I landed, he caught my head in both hands and ground my face into his crotch.

"Hn-nnh-hnn-hnn!" he grunted as he rubbed his smelly Levi's into my face. "Damn it, kid, you're mine now, God damn it! Come on, get to chewing on that, fucker!"

I was a trained soldier now. I could have fought him off, could have resisted.

So why wasn't I?

His hands pulled me tighter up against him and I couldn't breathe! Just a small amount through my nostrils, and that scent was loaded with the smell of him. God, when had this guy taken a bath last? Such a deep funky smell.

"Shit, man, you're such a fucking lump!" he growled down at me. "You belong to me, you little shit! Now you get to working that mouth on my crotch or I'm going to beat the fucking shit out of you!"

Something in me subsided at that threat. It was as if my military training, six weeks of being ordered about by everyone who felt like it had done something to my will. I'd just been ordered to gnaw at this guy's funky jeans.

And my mouth obeyed him. The taste of his groin was heavy, most of the flavor was that of denim but there was more there, something...animal.

"Yeah, God damn it, you gnaw that fucking crotch you motherfucking little bastard, you shithead, you goddamned turd!" he groaned.

The feel of his crotch was changing. Firming up. He was getting a hard-on. He ground that part of his body into my mouth, wanting me to chew at it, I began to try to make him actually feel my teeth on his shaft, make him wince in pain, if I could get a grip on it, I would be able to pinch a chunk of it between my teeth, but the jeans were too tight, they defeated it, I only got a couple of slender threads on my tongue for all my trouble.

"Huh, huh, eh, yeah! Uh!" he grunted. "Damn it, boy, now you're going to suck it, you hear me? I'm going to let you suck my dick. You're going to like that, won't you, you little shit, you dumb fuck, you're going to like it, won't you?"

"Yes, sir." the voice came out of me, tiny as a mouse. Timid as a kitten. Meek as a wild animal backed into a corner.

"Then take it out for me." the man panted. "Get my pants open."

I reached up and my fingers worked at his fly. Buttons, steel buttons, they were stiff and resisting, the jeans so tight.

"Come on, damn it, get them open!" he snarled, and I worked my hands harder, the extra effort caused those stubborn steel buttons to yield, they came loose and then more, and then I had a warm whiff of that crotch. God, the essence of man! Pure essence in that aroma, it exuded from his fly and poured out onto me.

He growled at me, "You dumb prick, get it the fuck out! Gahhh!" he took charge of it himself, his hands went to his crotch, those fat grimy fingers caught hold and tugged and his cock came out. God, a big one! The smell of it gushed into my face as he got it free, and it was now outside his pants and the hand waggled it at me.

"Come on, you little bastard, you shit, give it a kiss first, kiss that slimy funky head of it."

Another order, a soldier is trained to obey, I moved without thought and my lips touched the tip of the glans, it was shiny with salty precome and it sparkled as I reached up and then my lips were over it and the saltiness soaked into my skin and my lips were salty-tasting, and I licked at them as I moved back again.

"Yeah, now, take just the head of it into your mouth." He ordered me. "Just the fucking head, you got it, you just take the fucking head into your mouth, you little freak!"

Again, the habit of obedience had been drilled into me, even here, even now, the command was paramount, obedience was assumed. I opened my mouth and complied, the glans was heavy with the raunch of unwashed skin, odiferous and skanky on my tongue, but I closed my mouth upon it.

"Now, suck on it, just like it was a fat lollipop, you jerk." the man snarled. His chest was heaving up and down with his lust, it made him seem like a wild beast, looming over me. I was at his mercy, should he choose, he could rend me with his claws. The fact he had neither fangs nor claws didn't matter, the essence was there.

I suckled his plum-fat cockhead and he moaned in appreciation as I did so, none of which made him sound softer, it was the rumble of the lion in his mastery, the mumble of the sovereign on his throne.

"Gah, now, suck it on down. Take as much as you can right now, and you take it down and you keep it down, you hear me?" I hastily obeyed, stuffing the thick cock down my gullet, feeling it pulse angrily as I swallowed it down, a living man-snake coiling down my throat. I mastered my gag reflex the same way I had mastered my ability to suppress a sneeze, the body was ordered and it obeyed. The essential element of a soldier was to train his body to obey a command from outside with the same basic compliance.

"Ah, yeah, the entire motherfucking cock, you took it all, you bastard." the man grunted in satisfaction. "Hold it there, now, I want to feel this monster pud down inside of you."

I rolled my eyes upwards at him, and was rewarded by a smile from those yellowed, crooked teeth of his, a mean man can be pleased, same as a drill sarge can give you praise, it is hard-won and small in size, but so, so sweet.

I held it though my breath was totally cut off by his cock, and though it throbbed inside my throat, so much I wondered if he would reach his climax like that, choke me with his jizm.

But he relented and said, "Now, now that I have my cock all nice and warm with your throat juices, now you start working it for me. Nice and slow at first, I'll tell you when you can go faster, you fucking cunt!"

I pulled back, my lips holding on tight to that fat dong, and the nasty taste of his raunchy stale sweat was awakened by my saliva, it seared its way through my taste buds, declared its presence with every motion. But I held on and when the cockhead was all that remained inside me, I held onto that and moved back, sending that long pud back into me.

"Uhhhhhhhh! Uhhhhhhhh! Uhhhhhh!" he sighed and that sigh reverberated through the empty restroom, sounding like the forlorn call of a whale, or the call of a gorilla through the mists of the jungle, the sound rippling through my body. Every sound was timed not by him but by me, for it mimicked every move I made, every pull out, every push down, it was echoed by his sound, in and out of his mouth, the sound matched my movements.

His cock, God, his cock, it was like a living thing apart from this man, it was taking over my mind, it was mastering my soul! I wasn't taking it out of me when I let it slide out to just the cockhead, it was still down inside me, it was more than inside me, it was drilling up into my brain, down into my heart, it was taking over me!

I could live like this forever, down on my knees, worshiping this thick pud, it could be my life's work, the eternal motion of my mouth upon his cock. My hands moved unobtrusively to my pants, and took out my own cock, stroked it as quietly as I could. I had done it like this throughout training, the careful strokes under the cover, the quiet completion of the act, not even a groan escaping my lips, for that would betray me to my comrades, earn their derision.

"Faster now." he panted. "I about ready to blow it! Get that body of yours in gear, work it now, really work it! Let me see how fast you can move, you Goddamned piece of crap!"

Yes, faster, the command was faster. I'd heard that order so often, the obedience was easy, pump up your muscles and move them in the same fashion as before, just in a more rapid tempo, everything in its place, concentrate on keeping it all in its order, and the body will move as fast as you wish.

"Ah, uh, gah, yeah, suck me, you fuckhead, you piece of shit, you goddamned cocksucking bastard, you suck me, uh, gah, uh, uh, guh!" he groaned. "Shit, the best fucking blowjob I've ever had, you little shit, you're sucking me any time I call you, you hear me, any fucking time!

I kept up my movements. Call me? How would he do that, with me headed for an overseas assignment. Probably Germany, maybe Japan. No way to suck his cock way over there!

"Ah, gah, gah, uh, here it comes, you take all of it, damn you, damn you, uh, guh, uh, uh, GUH, UH, HUH-NH-NH-HUH, GUHHHHHH!"

And that growl of his pleasure was ringing about both of us, and the blast of his wads down my throat were like the bite of a snake's fangs inside me, hot salty jets sunk into my tender inner flesh, splashing my tonsils with hot salty jizz, making my throat burn, marking itself upon my body, inside, it was branding me as belonging to him.

His animal groans of lust were still ringing about me, filling my ears, filling my senses, filling my brain, my universe was encased within his satisfied, exhausted utterances, and I, with my careful pulling of my cock, again earned my soft, unobtrusive completion, and my climax danced into my brain with the soft steps of a cat upon the bedsheets, the presence of delight and yet the essence of decorum as my come squirted out and splashed upon the unforgiving tile floor between the man's legs.

"AH, hah, hah, hah, ah, hah, ah!" the man sighed and his hands reached for my shoulders, and for a moment, a single, brief moment, he was weak and I supported him, and then the moment was over and his clutch on my shoulders became tighter, and he was subduing me.

"You came, you little shit!" he said as he saw my spent cock in my hand. "I didn't tell you you that you could come, did I? You fucking shit! I told you when you called me that I would tell you when you could come! If you could come! You didn't listen to me, did you?"

I called him on the phone? "I didn't call you." I said. And I understood. "You must have been...you thought that I...oh, hell!"

"What?" He was dumbfounded.

I had to laugh. "I'm not the guy you were looking for. He's probably still up there waiting for you."

"Shit!" he snarled, and he moved away from me like I was contagious, stuffing his cock back into his pants, master no longer, only a man who had messed up a public sexual encounter by grabbing a stranger!

I let him get well ahead of me and then I got up, used the sink to wash my face and lips. A bit of his come was still there, I tasted it when I wiped at my face. A last taste of him.

Then I went back up to the waiting room. A young man was up there, wearing much the same as I was, camouflage tanktop and Army fatigues, black boots, even the mostly-shaved head. The man of my encounter was nowhere to be seen.

I went over and sat down next to him. "Hey." I said to him.

"Hey." he said.

"You waiting for someone?"

"Yeah." He confirmed.

"Well, I regret to inform you that a mistake has been made tonight." I said. And I broke the news to him. He could call the guy again, set up another encounter. Me, I had a bus to catch in another couple of hours.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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