Whole Hearted

By Brian D.

Published on Jan 12, 2005


DISCLAIMER: This story involves sex between two consenting teenage males. If this subject offends you, DO NOT read this story. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people is purely coincidental. If you shouldn't be reading this, then don't. Story is copyright protected by the author. Do not distribute without the permission of the author.

Whole Hearted



Chapter 3

As I was finishing loading the dishwasher, Aaron was at the front door right at 7pm as I had told him. "Hi Aaron, come on in. I have been waiting for you." I had some spastic evil look on my face.

"Cut it out you goofball. It's payback time for what you did to me this afternoon."

Overhearing what Aaron had said, my Dad asked "Payback for what?" My Dad was out golfing all day long and didn't know what happened. "Just exactly what did you do to Aaron Jarryed?"

"Well here's the story Dad. We were cleaning the pool. Once we finished, I asked anyone up for a swim? Aaron started running at me full steam. I side stepped him and he went flying into the pool. After running around the deck with him chasing me, he got me cornered near the filter. I let him have his way as he pulled me towards the pool. I saw an opening and swung around and flung him into the pool again."

"Is that how it happened Aaron?"

"Yes sir." Aaron spoke.

"And here I thought you did something devilish Jarryed" as my Dad started laughing.

"Dad, come on, you're embarrassing me. It's bad enough that I have to watch my back now with Aaron gunning for me." I said smiling.

"Sorry bud, but it's just too funny."

My dad is not that old. He is 37. Mom and Dad married young. Lovers right from high school into the local community college. As soon as they got out of college, they were hitched. Dad works for an accounting firm in Buffalo. He says he is a CPA. I just call him a certified pain in the ass. I'm a good student. Always carrying at least a 90 average. Yes, that puts me on the honor roll. Great way to spend a morning at school getting out of classes is in the Honor Roll Breakfast each semester. My teachers have nominated me for the National Honor Society and Who's Who Among American High School Students.

"Are you done laughing Dad?"

"Ok, I am now, what did you need?"

Oh how about a million bucks, but knowing Dad, I would get lectured to heaven about money. I don't want that to happen in front of Aaron. "Do you have anything for me to do before I go up to my room?" I asked.

"I don't have anything for you right now, you're free to go."

"Let's go Aaron, the net and music is calling our names." I said racing up the stairs.

Running up the stairs I felt Aaron's hand searching for my own. We stepped into the room and closed the door. My parents knew to knock if my door was closed. But after having told them last night about my being gay, they just may open the door. I could care less. I'm so in love with the person standing right before me. I fired up my computer. After turning on Winamp I pressed play. Air Supply of all music started playing. I didn't care much for the group, but the song was something else. Even The Nights Are Better.

"Shall we dance my love?" I asked.

"Anytime you want baby." replied Aaron.

I, I was the lonely one Wondering what went wrong Why love had gone And left me lonely

I, I was so confused Feeling like I'd just been used Then you came to me And my loneliness left me

I use to think I was tied to a heartache That was the heartbreak But now that I've found you

Even the nights are better Now that we're here together Even the nights are better Since I found you Even the days are brighter When someone you loves beside you Even the nights are better Since I found you

You, you knew just what to do Cause you had been lonely too And you showed me how To ease the pain

And you did more Than mend a broken heart Cause now you've made a fire start And I, I can see that you feel The same way

I never dreamed that there'd be someone to hold me Until you told me And now that I've found you

We wrapped our arms around each others waists and swayed to the music. By the time the song got to the chorus, we were lip locking like tonight was our last night on Earth. I moved my hands down to Aaron's ass. As I was softly cupping his 2 orbs, he let out the slightest of moans. His moaning kept getting louder and louder as I continued massaging his ass. "Oh God Jarryed, that feels so nice." he said.

As the song finished playing, I led my lover over to my bed. As we laid down on the bed, our kissing resumed. Our hands were running all over each others bodies. As Aaron's hand was running down my chest, I started gasping for air. His hands knew exactly where to touch. I had bolts of electricity running through me. As he neared my waist, he stopped to look at me to see if he could continue. I nodded my approval as his hand found my rock hard dick. He was stroking me through my shorts. I was bucking my hips to let him know that what he was doing felt good.

Suddenly my door swung wide open. Both of us looked in horror towards the door. Zack turned and ran down the hall. Oh shit, not now, just what I need, as I was thinking about what Aaron told me earlier. I ran out the room towards him. I yelled out "Zack wait!" He stopped dead in his tracks.

Turning to me he said "I'm sorry dude, I shoulda knocked first. Your parents just told me you were up in your room with Aaron."

"You're not mad at me for being g...g...gay? I stammered.

"No chance Jarryed. You must think I have blinders on. I knew about you and Devin. I was waiting for you to tell me. I didn't want to make any prejudicial statements."

"I don't want to talk in the hall, come back to my room." I stated.

The walk seemed to last forever, but it was only 15 feet. We entered the room and turning to Zack I asked "Were we that obvious?"

"Yea u guys were. But I was looking right at you guys when you gave your subtle hints."

"Does anyone else know about me?"

"Most of our class does. But if they were gonna say anything, it woulda happened already. There is one exception though. You know Jon Davis by chance?"

"Yea, he's that football jock that thinks he is better than everyone."

Zack went on saying "I overheard him the last night at Mickey D's saying that Jarryed Christoff was gay, that he has plans to do something about it."

"Now you tell me, 24 hours later" I screamed.

"I tried to call you earlier but your parents said you were at Aaron's. I had the family shit to do today. Just got home no more than an hour ago. I rushed right over here."

"Oh crap, what am I gonna do. I can't stay in the house all summer.

"We got a couple ideas about how to handle him." Zack stated.

Aaron was sitting on the bed looking at us. I could tell something was on his mind. This was a serious look. From what I seen in his eyes, he didn't want to go through what happened to him again. I went over to Aaron. I sat beside him and put my arms around him pulling him tight into me. He was shaking uncontrollably.

"I can see this is making Aaron uncomfortable." said Zack.

"Yea it is dude. He moved here to get away from shit that happened to him."

"I'm sorry Aaron, I needed to tell Jarryed. It couldn't wait. I don't want to see him get hurt. I have been his friend ever since the 2nd grade."

"I thought that by moving here starting a new life and keeping hidden, I wouldn't have to go through this kind of shit again. It's bad enough that my life was ruined once." Aaron said.

"If I have anything to do with it, no one will hurt you or Jarryed."

Aaron was living his nightmares again. How can people be so damn violent? Maybe if they were in our shoes, they may see things differently. We cannot choose our sexualities. They are determined from an early age. My parents did nothing out of the ordinary. I was raised as a typical boy would be raised.

"Aaron, I have known Zack a long time. I trust his word. Even though you guys just met, can you find it in yourself to trust him?"

"I will do anything for you Jarryed. I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Don't worry guys. I won't be the only one looking out for you. Most of the guys we were playing baseball with will be watching too. I gotta run, cya later" Zack said.

I walked Zack outside. "Thanks dude."

"We'll be watching." Zack stated as he got in his car and drove off.

Running back upstairs to my room, I ran into Aaron coming down. "Where you going?"

"Coming to find you, I got lonely sitting up there."

"I was out of the room for a minute and you were missing me?"

"You got it babe, that's how much I'm in love with you. Now about this Jon Davis guy."

"What about him?"

"What are you planning on doing about it?"

"Nothing right now. Now where were we at?" I said giving him a look of lust.

"Right here" was all he said as he started kissing me again.

We found our way back over to the bed picking up right where we got interrupted. He found his way back down to my dick again. This time though, the instant he touched me, I went rock hard in an instant. I was working my hands down to his shorts also. I found my prize waiting. We both reached inside each others boxers at exactly the same time. It was getting hot in the bedroom. Pulling my hand back out of his pants, I started removing his shirt. Slowly I worked my way down to his belly button. As I raised the shirt, I started planting kisses all over his abs, then moving up to his nipples. I gave them each a little twist. I sucked on each of his nipples for a minute or two. Aaron was moaning the whole time. He was making me so hot. As the shirt got halfway off his head to where I could see his lips, I stopped. Holding the shirt over his face, I devoured those luscious lips. I kissed him hard and deep. As my tongue entered his mouth, he started sucking ferociously on my tongue. I finally lifted his shirt off his face. Now it was his turn. Aaron copied exactly what I had done to him. I was moaning just as much as Aaron was. "I want to see you naked Aaron."

"I love you so much Jarryed, but I am not ready to go that far yet. I'm sorry."

"It's ok, I get a little obsessed over things, including you."

Smiling, Aaron replied "You're not obsessed. You are just madly in love, just the same as I am with you."

"Aww, that is so sweet. If I hadn't told you earlier, I love you."

"I love you too."

"Whole heartedly until the end of time." I said smiling from ear to ear.

There it is again. Whole heartedly until the end of time. I guess that was my way of saying I love you forever. We had feverishly made out for the last couple hours. We worked up a little appetite with all the hot and heavy kissing and groping. We walked downstairs hand in hand. As we walked past the living room my Mom said "Jarryed and Aaron, could I talk with you two please?"

"Hold on a minute Mom, we need to get something to drink."

I opened the fridge door and grabbed a couple of Dr. Pepper's. Walking back into the living room I said "What did ya need Mom?"

"Well this is for both of you to hear. Your father and I have been talking. Since the Maxwell's are new to the area, we were thinking of going up to Niagara Falls tomorrow for a picnic. We're going to ask James and Jennifer to come along. Make a day out of it. Go do all the sight seeing stuff and head over to Clifton Hill on the Canadian side. What do you think?"

"Awesome Mom!!!"

"Aaron dude, have you ever seen Niagara Falls?"

"Only in pictures and on TV."

"You think your parents would want to go along?"

"I think so, they need a break from all this unpacking. Let me call them and see what they say"

Aaron dialed his number. Even though they live next door, Aaron was too infatuated to leave my house. With only hearing one side of the conversation and seeing how excited Aaron was, I knew that his parents would be coming along.

"Mom, can I stay over here tonight if it's ok with Mr. and Mrs. Christoff?"

"Let me ask Jarryed's Mom, can ya hold on second?"

Putting down the phone, he was literally was jumping out of his socks.

"Mrs. Christoff, I don't want to burden you, but is it ok if I stay the night here?"

"Sure Aaron, we have a spare room for you."

"Cool, thanks Mrs. Christoff"

"Mom, not a problem with his parents." stated Aaron.

"Love you too, see you in the morning." he said hanging up the phone.

"Dude, were gonna have a blast tomorrow." I said.

"Jarryed, do your parents know about us being boyfriends?" Aaron whispered.

"Not yet they don't, but I think its time that we told them."

Walking back into the living room, I had seen that my Dad was in the room. I spoke first. "Mom Dad, there is something that I need to tell you?"

As my parents looked at me with a concerned look. They sat there and looked at Aaron and me. We were holding hands and without hesitation, I leaned in and planted a kiss right on Aaron's lips.

"Aaron is my boyfriend."

"Don't they make a cute couple Tom?" my Mom asked.

"Yes, they sure do. But I want you guys to know that there will be people who will try to hurt you. They don't understand what the feeling of love is. I am as much in love with your Mom Jarryed as the day I met her in high school. In fact, she is even more beautiful now than she was back then."

"Oh Thomas, you still now how to make my heart melt. I'm happier now than ever before since our son has found love again."

"Aaron, you will always be welcomed in our home." my Dad said.

"Thank you Mr. Christoff. I am glad that Jarryed has shown his true self to me. To me, that is more important than anything. I trust Jarryed. I now know that he trusts me by telling you about us."

"That's my boy. Not a selfish bone on his body. He will treat you right. Always and forever, he will be a friend." said Mr. Christoff.

"You boys run along now, I'm sure you don't want to sit down here watching Jerry McGuire with us" my Mom said.

"Um, thanks for the offer, but I'm not into the chick flicks." I said.

Aaron was starting to crack up saying "He's into me."

"You got that right baby. Let's go back up to my room and leave these two lovebirds alone."

Mom and Dad started laughing at my statement. They knew I was right. I haven't seen my parents this happy in a long time. And to think it was all me. I have found a life partner, I hope, in Aaron. Walking back up to my room, I put my arm around Aaron's waist. He turned his head and kissed me while walking up the stairs. Getting back into my room I asked "What do you want to do now?"

"Don't know, but I want to ask you something. Do you have any idea why your mom won't let me sleep in the same room?"

"MY parents are old fashioned know what I mean? It's not everyday that your parents find out you're gay. But they are just like everyone else's. They are still protecting their son."

"Protecting you from what?" Aaron asked.

"How many parents do you know that will let their boyfriends sleep in the same room? Not many and I can guarantee that. They don't want their 15 year old son having sex."

"I am not ready for that as I told you earlier."

"I know you aren't, but for the time being until we can talk to them, I think it will be best to do as they ask. We don't need to create rifts that will cause us not to see each other."

"Do you want to watch a movie? I am not talking some chick flick like my parents were watching either."

"Sure, what do you got?"

"How about 'Get Real'?"

"What is it about?"

"It's a British flick. A gay teenager who is in the closet falls in love with a jock. They have to keep their relationship secret. I think you will like it. Here's the DVD, get it loaded in the player and I'll go get us some more drinks. Want any popcorn?"

"Nah, thanks for asking though."

As the movie was playing, Aaron cuddled up next to me. I felt so good to hold him. When the scene comes around where John goes into the bathroom to beat up Steven, I could feel Aaron tremble. As it turns out, he was hitting his duffel bag against the locker. When John's friends come in though, John lets Steven have it. At the movie was nearing the end, it was a real tear jerker. I have seen the movie a few times. It takes guts to do what Steven did.

At midnight, my parents came up and checked on us. It was right in the middle of the movie and Aaron was cuddled up next to me. "We're going to bed boys. Don't stay up all night. And Aaron, the guest room is right down the hall to your left."

"OK, thanks Mrs. Christoff."

My parents didn't say a word about us being cuddled up together. They may be ok with my sexuality, but when it comes to the actual sex, they may not be as comfortable. It was nearing 1am when the movie finished. I leaned my head down and kissed Aaron again for the umpteenth time that day. Trying to decipher the taste of his lips was weird. Can't figure out exactly what it is.

I uttered "Hey baby, I'm getting tired."

"Me too, it's been a long day."

"I'm gonna go get ready. Need to brush my teeth and take a piss."

"Shit, my toothbrush is at home."

"I got one here you can use. This way whenever you stay here, you'll have one."

As I finished up in the bathroom, it was Aaron's turn. While getting undressed, Aaron came back into the room. I only sleep in my shorts, so it was no big deal. He came over and pulled me close kissing me again. This wasn't going to be a long make out session. Both of us were pretty tired. As we embraced, he pulled back just a little and said "I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight baby, see ya in the morning."

"I wish I could stay in here tonight." "Me too, but I don't want to get on my parents bad side."

"Alrighty, I can deal without you beside my side for tonight. Goodnight sexy."

The next day both families spent the entire day up at Niagara Falls. Most of the day was spent on the Canadian side as there is much more to do over there. They spent a good 3 hours on Clifton Hill going through all the wax museums and other points of interest. During the heat of the afternoon, they rode on the Maid of the Mist and went behind the Horseshoe Falls. Coming back over the American side they toured the Cave of the Winds, went to the base of the American Falls, and Devil's Hole. They had dinner that evening at the Hard Rock Cafe. It was 9pm and the lights on the falls had just come on. It was so beautiful. I forgot how much there is to do. I live 20 minutes away, and it never occurred to me that I have one of the 7 world wonders in my back yard. On the ride home, I guess I fell asleep because I woke just as we were pulling into our driveway. I kissed Aaron goodnight saying "See ya tomorrow."

"I love you, thanks for the great day."

"I love you too baby."

___________________________________________________________________________ An interesting arrival on Zack's part. What are Jarryed and Aaron going to do about Jon? What does Jon have in store for the boys? Jarryed and Aaron have taken their relationship up another level. The love is growing stronger and stronger each day. When will Aaron be ready for the next step. Jarryed is patiently waiting for that day to happen.

Comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism always helpful at shadowman_26@yahoo.com See you in chapter 4.

Next: Chapter 4

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