Whole Hearted

By Brian D.

Published on Jan 7, 2005


DISCLAIMER: This story involves sex between 2 consenting teenage males. If this subject offends you, DO NOT read this story. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people is purely coincidental. If you shouldn't be reading this, then don't. Story is copyright protected by author. Do not distribute without permission of the author.

Whole Hearted


Brian D.

Chapter 1

Here we are in June. School is over and my best friend is moving away. Devin is, and always will be, my best friend. I had known him from the time he and his parents moved into the two story house next door. His dad got transferred to the Dallas, Texas area with his job. Devin and his mom stayed here until the end of the school year so he wouldn't have to adjust to a new school in the middle of the year.

That was two whole weeks ago. Since then, I haven't been my usual self. Sure, I had other friends, but they were ones that couldn't relate to what I was going through. Being a gay teenager is hard these days. I couldn't spend the rest of my days in high school being harassed. That is all about to change though. I am Jarryed (pronounced Jared) and I'm 15. I stand 5'7" with brown hair, blue eyes, and weigh 120lbs soaking wet. I live in North Tonawanda, NY.

It was a Friday when I first saw him, June 25, 2004 to be exact. I was awakened at 11am with the sound of air brakes clamping down on a semi truck. I got out of bed and went downstairs. After going into the kitchen to grab an apple, I stepped out onto the back patio. There was a sight that made me just stare with my mouth hanging open. There he was, standing in the backyard of my best friend's former house. He was looking at the inground pool. I said "hi there" and he must have jumped about a foot in the air. He turned and said "hey." After standing speechless for what seemed like an hour, I walked over to the chain link fence. "I'm Jarryed, and you are?" "Aaron" he replied. "Nice to meet you Aaron, welcome to the neighborhood". "Thanks", he said. I thought to myself that he wasn't happy moving here just by the tone of his voice. "If you want to hang out a little bit later, I would be happy to" I said. Aaron replied "cool, talk to you later" just as his mom called him into the house. I watched him walk back into the house. My heart was skipping 3 beats at a time. I felt like I was on cloud 9. That cute lovable ass, those green eyes, and sandy blond hair.

When I got back in the house, my mom asked me who I was talking to. I told her that we got new neighbors. "Wow, it didn't take long for the house to sell" she said. Not knowing what to say, I walked away into the living room. I turned on the TV to see what was on. She sensed something was wrong, but left me alone to myself until I was ready to talk about it. After flipping through the channels and finding nothing to watch, I turned off the TV and went back up to my room. I turned on my computer and Yahoo Messenger. I immediately got an instant message from Zack.

Zack: "What up, dude?"

Me: "Nothing much, got some new neighbors."

Zack: "Cool, any cute girls?"

Me: "Don't know, I only seen one kid and he's about our age."

Zack: "Oh, want to hang a bit later?"

Me: "Sure, what did ya have in mind?"

Zack: "I was thinking of calling some peeps and get a baseball game going."

Me: "What time dude?"

Zack: "1pm at the baseball field behind the school."

Me: "Cool, see ya then."

Zack knew about Devin moving away. He wanted to get me out of the house and get my mind off of losing my best friend. I logged off messenger and popped in my Dirt Track Racing Sprint Cars CD. After easily beating the computer cars in season races, I exited the game. I got up and took a shower. Coming back into my room, I turned on my stereo and popped in a CD of music that I had burned. Pink's Get This Party Started playing. With the bass beating, I was dancing around getting dressed for the day's activities. After listening to a few more tunes, I went back downstairs and headed outside.

"Hey Aaron" I said. "Hi again, could you help me carry this box into the house?" asked Aaron. "Sure" I replied and went over to help Aaron out. After carrying the box into the living room I asked Aaron "Do you play baseball?" Aaron answered "Hell yea, I was on my school team last year." "One of my friends, Zack, messaged me earlier about getting a pick up game going" I stated. "I better go ask my mom if I can play" as Aaron raced off to find his mom. He returned in a minute with his mother hot on his heels. Extending her hand she said "I'm Mrs. Maxwell". Taking her hand, "I'm Jarryed, Jarryed Christoff, I live next door. It's nice to meet you Mrs. Maxwell." Aaron then spoke "Mom can I go play baseball with Jarryed later on?" "I guess you can go, but be back here by 6pm. Your dad will be coming home and we have to get the bedrooms set up." Aaron and I then left to go meet up with Zack.

On the walk over to the school, I asked Aaron where he moved from. "Pittsburgh" he replied. "Cool, why did ya move up here?" "My dad got hired by HSBC Bank in downtown Buffalo" he said. From that moment, I knew how the house sold so fast. The people at the bank make some pretty decent cash. "What position do you play?" I asked. "Second base" he said. "Awesome, I play shortstop, bet we can turn some double plays today" I stated. We continued our chit chat until we got to the ball field where Zack was waiting. "Yo Zack!" I quipped. "Jarryed" he quipped back and moving in to slap my shoulder. "Who's your friend?" he asked. "Zack Kelly, meet Aaron Maxwell, they just started moving into Devin's old house" I stated. Zack shook hands with Aaron and said "Hi, dude, welcome to North Tonawanda." Aaron replied "Thanks." After the boys started throwing the ball to get loosened up, the other guys started showing up. The game started up around 1:30 that afternoon.

The weather was quite hot for late June. It normally doesn't get into the 90's this early. All the boys were sweating like crazy. After a fun filled afternoon, Aaron and I left for our respective houses. On the way home, I was noticing glances from Aaron. I felt that all too familiar hardening in my shorts. I just hoped that Aaron didn't notice. What I didn't know is that Aaron was secretly undressing me with his eyes. "Hey, I want you to meet my mom", I said. "Alright then, if we are going to be friends, I guess that is a good start" Aaron stated. Walking to the front door, I invited Aaron in. I announced my presence by yelling "MOM I'M HOME!!!!" From the other room I heard "ok, honey". "Mom, I want you to meet someone" I stated. With that, Mom walked into the hallway. I said "Mom, this is Aaron Maxwell, he just moved into Devin's old house today". "Nice to meet you Aaron" Mom said. "Nice to meet Mrs. Christoff" Aaron stated. "How do you like NT so far" she asked. Aaron replied, "It isn't too bad. It could be a lot worse though." My Mom said "Dinner will be ready in about an hour Jarryed, I need you back here in 45 minutes though." "Ok" I retorted. Aaron asked "If dinner isn't going to be ready for an hour, why does she need you back here in 45 minutes?" "It's my job to get the table set for dinner" I said. "Oh" he said. "Want to come up to my room for a little bit" I asked. Aaron got a huge smile across his face as he said "Coolness."

We walked up the stairs leading him down the hall to my bedroom. Once again, I got that feeling that someone was watching me. I opened the door and heard say Aaron say "Whoa! you got your own computer and 32" TV?" "Yup" was all that I could muster up to say. I walked over to the CD player and pressed play. Hey Ya started playing and Aaron went crazy. "This is a bomb of a tune" he mentioned. At the end of the song when they sing "Shake it, shake it, shake it like a Polaroid picture", Aaron started shaking his ass. I started busting a gut! Aaron looked at me with those gorgeous green eyes and said "You know already don't you?" I asked back, "Know what?" "That I like boys. If you don't want to hang out anymore, I understand." His face turned bright red from the embarrassment. "Now why would I want to stop hanging around with you? I had no idea, but I am glad you came out to me. It took me awhile to figure things out for myself, but I am gay too." Aaron quipped, "No way!" I said "Way!" and he started chuckling. Now I'm thinking to myself, should I tell him about Devin and me? I will save that for another day. He might be wondering why I mentioned Devin a few times. Only time will tell if he catches on.

Dinner was right on schedule at 6pm. I showed Aaron out the door and said "I'll talk to you later." Aaron said "Nice game today Jarryed." "Thanks, you too, nice catch in the 5th inning." Aaron made a spectacular diving catch on a popup into short right field. Dad was home promptly at 6pm. He came in the house and washed up for dinner. Sitting at the table he said "Jarryed, what did you do today bud?" "I met our new neighbor's son and played some ball. His name is Aaron. He's a pretty cool kid. He moved here from Pittsburgh. His dad got a new job at HSBC Bank in Buffalo." "Lindsay dear, have you met the new neighbors yet?" my dad asked. "No I haven't Tom. I baked up some goodies to take over later to break the ice." my mom said. "Good idea there honey." my dad said. "You know me well Tom, I am the first one to usually welcome new people into the neighborhood. After dinner gets cleaned up, we can go over and meet our new neighbors." After the dinner mess was cleaned up Mom, Dad and I went over to the Maxwell's.

I knocked on the door and Aaron answered. "Hi Aaron." "Hey there again Jarryed, come on in and I will get my mom and dad down here." I watched as Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell came downstairs and joined Aaron, my parents and I in the family room. My dad spoke first. "Hello there, I'm Thomas Christoff, this is my wife Lindsay and my son Jarryed" as he shook Mr. Maxwell's hand. Mr. Maxwell then introduced his family. "I'm James Maxwell, this is my wife Jennifer, and my son Aaron." Lindsay spoke next saying "Jennifer, this is for you" as she handed her the package of goodies. "Thank you Lindsay, such a nice welcome present." The parents continued getting to know one another while Aaron and I went up to his room.

The room was a disaster area. Aaron had boxes all over the place. His mattress and box spring was lying up against the wall. His bed frame was sitting on the floor. "You want to help me get my bed set up?" Aaron asked. "Not a problem at all." "Anything to help you out." I said. Aaron started laughing at my little "helping out" statement. I couldn't think what he was laughing about until I realized what I had said. My face turned a bright red. With an evil grin, I started raising my eyebrows up and down. Aaron seen this and started laughing even louder. I said "You're a horn dog, aren't ya?" Aaron nodded his head yes. After getting his bed setup, it was hot in the bedroom so Aaron opened up a window and started taking his shirt off. The higher the shirt got, the more my dick started to swell. After he removed his shirt, I was speechless. This boy worked out. His biceps and chest were defined. He had the slightest treasure trail leading into his shorts. "Dude, you are hot" I said. He eyes were gazing right into mine as we moved closer and closer. I was getting lost in those green eyes when I felt something touch my lips. I was snapped back to reality as he started kissing me. It was a short kiss, but the taste of those lips was something that I would remember forever. He backed away and game me a quizzical look. That is when my instincts took over. I placed my hands on the side of his face as I moved in. My lips met his. I had my eyes closed and felt his tongue at my lips. I opened my mouth and let his tongue in. He was so hot, if I didn't mention it before. After kissing for what seemed like hours, we broke apart. We went over to his bed and sat down. What he asked me next still blows my mind away. "Jarryed, I know that we just met, but do you want to be my boyfriend?" Without hesitation, I kissed him again. While we embraced, he was sliding his hands up the back of my shirt. In a matter of 10 seconds, he had ripped my shirt off me. After we separated, he said "I take that as a yes." I was too speechless to even say a word. It felt like I was floating. We exchanged Yahoo Messenger screen names and phone numbers. I heard my dad saying, "Jarryed, we need to go and let the Maxwell's finish unpacking." Hearing that, I leaned in and gave Aaron another passionate kiss. As I stood up, he said "I love you Jarryed Christoff." I gave him another quick kiss and said "Not as much as I love you, Aaron Maxwell."

Back at my house, Mom and Dad were talking about how nice the Maxwell's were. I learned that Mr. Maxwell was an account executive and Mrs. Maxwell would be working at the local hospital. Mom and Dad caught on something that I was just too happy about. Mom asked me "Is there something that you are not telling us Jarryed?" I went and did it, couldn't hide anything from my mom. It's funny that mothers always have a way of knowing what their sons or daughters are thinking. "Mom, Dad there is something that I need to tell you. I have thought long and hard about this the past couple of years. Knowing that you would eventually figure it out, I am just going to say it. I am gay. No ands, ifs, or buts. That's why I was so sad to see Devin leave. He was my boyfriend." Mom and Dad were going to say something at the same time and Mom said, go ahead Tom. "Son, I am glad that you told us. It doesn't matter to me who you are. I am still your father, and I am going to love you like I always have." I had tears starting to flow down my face as my mother started wiping them away. "Jarryed, you are a special boy. I have always known. You and Devin were just too close to be best friends. I could tell by the way you looked at each other that there was more. I am happy you told us. It just makes us that much more proud of who you are." Mom said. We had a family hug then.

After the little family coming out, I went back up to my room. I turned on the CD player. I looked out my window and was amazed to see Aaron looking out his window into my room. He just smiled and waved. Starship's Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now started playing:

Looking in your eyes, I see a paradise This world that I've found is too good to be true Standing here beside you Want so much to give you, this love in heart That I'm feeling for you

Let 'em say we're crazy, I don't care about that Put your hand in my hand baby, don't ever look back Let the world around us just fall apart Baby, we can make it if we're heart to heart

And we can live this dream together, standing strong forever Nothing's gonna stop us now And if this world runs out of lovers We'll still have each other Nothing's gonna stop us Nothing's gonna stop us now

I'm so glad I found you, I'm not gonna lose you Whatever it takes, I will stay here with you Take it to the good times, see it through the bad times Whatever it takes is what I'm gonna do

Let 'em say were crazy, what do they know Put your arms around me baby, don't ever let go Let the world around us just fall apart Baby we can make it if were heart to heart

Those lyrics made all the worries in my heart just disappear. My window was open and Aaron was just looking at me, smiling to his heart content. He had heard the whole song. I smiled back and he just nodded his head like he wanted this to be our first song. I smiled and winked and said I love you to him in sign language.

That's the end of chapter 1. What did ya think? I think it sets the tone for the rest of the story. By no means will this be an all happy story. Every relationship has its ups and downs. Comments and suggestions can be emailed to shadowman_26@yahoo.com Flames will be ignored. I will try and respond to the mail that I receive. Remember, this is my first time writing a story. See you in chapter 2.

Next: Chapter 2

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