Published on Apr 25, 2018



Thomas burst into the room. "Come-on man we're late" he said and then stopped.

On the bed was his friend, Simon, totally naked, legs spread, muscles bulging. His eyes were closed and his hand was furiously stroking his erection.

"Shit man, almost there" Simon said

"Hell I did mine when I got up" Thom said.

"Me too, this time is gotta, shut the fukn door" Simon gasped. His closed eyes didn't see Thom rubbing his own crotch.

He had seen Simon jack off before and Simon had seen him do it too.

"Oh fuck" Simon got even more excited as he always did when his friend was there watching. They had splattered each other with their sperm especially when they were just starting.

"Shit, go for it man" Thom said in a near whisper.

"Come on join in" Simon said, now his eyes open saw Thom rubbing the front of his shorts.

"We're late man, come on do it" Tom urged.

Simon seemed to obey as his stomach tightened along with his bulging pectorals. His hips lifted and the streams of his body making arched high each time landing on his face, chest and shoulders. Again and again the fluids shot out of his penis.

Thom looked around for a rag and finding his friends discarded underwear, grabbed them. He tossed them at Simon's body.

"Wipe it up man, we gotta go"

"Can I put some clothes on first?" Simon laughed as he wiped the sperm from his body and his still drooling penis.

"If you must"

It was a short walk to class.

"So man what got into you this morning? Hell I jacked as soon as I work up" Thom said

"Me too. But sometimes I just gotta keep doin it. Feels better each time" Simon said.

"Fuck man, I bet you're done."

"When we get back I'll show you" Simon nudged "If I don't drain myself in the boys room a few times first"

"Bull man you drained everything, I saw it" Thom

"I bet you I can cum all day long and still have enough for us later" Simon said "hell I jacked twice during the night last night"

"That means you jacked four times already?"

"After I went to bed. Man its hard again now" Simon proclaimed.

Thom looked and saw his friend was right. The crotch in Simon's shorts was tented.

"I told you. I bet I could do it every time my dick gets hard" Simon said

"OK I'll take that bet" Thom said "I bet you cannot keep cumming every time that thing gets hard" His own cock was enlarging just talking about it. "And if you lose, you'll suck my cock after class"

"What do I get if I win?"

"What do you want?"

"I want your sweet butt" Simon said

"Fuck you"

"Now fuck YOU. I've been wanting to try it and you'll love it"

"How many times?" Thom said

"As many as I want" Simon said

"OK every time you get a boner to the boys room and I'll come too or text me and I'll show up"

"What if you can't, how do I prove it?"

"Text Donnie. I'll tell him. He likes watching anyway" Thom said


"Yea, last summer he was always over using the pool and saw me jackin once. After that, hell I think he's a perv"

"More than us?" Simon asked


"Ok here's the bet, every time my boner gets hard I text your and Donnie. Meet one of both of you in the john and I jack"

"Gotta be every hour" Thom countered

"Hell might be more than that, I gotta jack now" Simon grabbed his crotch and laughed when some other students they passed reacted.

"You love an audience" Thom said

"Hell you love watchin" Simon said "But I'll show you some other fun later"

"Hey there's Donnie. Donnie come here" Thom began to tell Donnie about the bet.

The bell rang.

"Hey guys come one, round one" Simon said and ran towards the door along with all who were responding to the bell.

The bathroom was emptying as Simon, and then Donnie & Thom nudged their way inside.

Simon went to the end of the row of stalls and left the door open.

His cock was already out and in his hand by the time the two joined him.

"Shit, you weren't kidding" Donnie said

"Keep an eye out" Thom said

"Fuck I wanna see, you keep watch" Donnie said

"Won't take long." Simon grunted

"Shit you always that fast?" Donnie said as streams of white fluids shot from Simon's penis into the toilet.

"Naw, didn't have time to really enjoy it but god had to ... "Simon caught his breath.

"Come on we're all late, just say you had diarrhea or something" Thom left followed by Donnie and Simon.

"Both of you?" the Professor asked as Simon and Thom gave the same excuse. "Oh sit down" he proceeded.

"Remember every hour" Thom whispered to Simon.

"Remember what happens when you lose" Simon smiled. The thought of putting his cock in Thom's round firm butt already began to excite him.

The lecture went on and on.

"When the bell rings" Simon texted, "Second floor, east john"

They had time. The next hour was scheduled as study hall for Simon and Donnie. Thom has a class so he could only see Simon start stroking.

Simon lifted his shirt and grabbed his nipple. It hurt. Donnie watched silently at Simon's open shorts, his pubic hair and the long cock that seemed to get larger each time Simon pumped it.

"Wait" he said before Thom left "I want to see my prize"

Thom laughed and pulled his shorts down to reveal his butt. "You'll never get it"

Donnie laughed and reached letting the tips of his fingers touch Thom's butt skin.

"Oh I'll get it and more" Simon grunted.

The bell rang and Thom dashed away "let me know"

Donnie sat next to Simon "so what's the bet and Thom's butt thing?"

"I get to fuck him as many times as I want" Simon said

"You guys do that stuff?"

"Not yet" Simon said

"Shit" Donnie texted Thom saying Simon had been successful shooting and then asked if Thom loses can he watch.

"I won't lose" the returned text said.

Donnie showed the screen to Simon and he chuckled.

"I bet you he'll lose"

"What if you lose?" Donnie said

"I gotta suck him" Simon said

"So you're a winner either way" Donnie said.

"You done it?"

"Kinda" Donnie said admitting for the first time.

"So when I win, will you suck him while I fuck him?"

"What do I do if you lose?"

"I won't"

"But what if?" Donnie was serious

"What do you want?"

"OH yea it's time again" Simon texted and left the room.

Donnie saw the text and followed him.

Thom was already there when they entered the bathroom. His cock was out and he was jackin.

"Hey it's supposed to be me" Simon said as he crammed into the booth.

Donnie watched the two of them jacking. He wanted to bend over and take one of the cocks in his hand or mouth. But this was their show and he watched. Donnie had watched guys masturbate for years.

The first time was a cousin during a summer visit. Then to his surprise his Uncle jacked shooting all over his face and shirtless torso.

After that he wanted to watch others, friends, men he met at the Y and it seemed the more he did it, the more often he found guys willing to show off. Sometime his body was their target other times he just watched.

And the experiences made his own private sessions even more exciting. Then Thom not only complied after Donnie and he went swimming but seemed to want to show off again and again.

"OK "Simon said and his bared stomach rose and fell with each stream. Thom grunted. Donnie reached and tickled his friend's balls.

Simon stared.

"It helps" Thom said "sometimes" revealing that he and Donnie had not only watched but found ways to make it more exciting.

Thom spewed and immediately pissed into the toilet.

"Wait save that" Donnie said stripping his shirt off and dropping his shorts.

"You're not gonna believe this" Thom said as Donnie sat on the toilet. Thom aimed his cock and resumed pissing all over the smooth body target Donnie offered.

"You too" Donnie huskily whispered as he began to masturbate.

"Shit you two are kinky" Simon replied

"Come on, I gotta get back" Thom said still holding his penis though the flow of piss had stopped.

Simon began to drool then stream his piss all over Donnie's body.

Donnie meanwhile was stroking his erection furiously.

"Don't stop" Donnie said

"How about this?" Simon began to pump his half hard cock, making it grow.

"Already, you gotta cum on me man" Donnie begged

"I don't believe this" Thom said watching his two friends jacking.

"Here you go" Simon announced as two spurts of cum shot out.

Donnie cursed and his own cum flowed out of the tip of his boner and flowed down in his fist.

"Gotta go" Thom left in a hurry.

"Shit man thanks" Donnie said

"We gotta get together" Simon said

"I go use his pool on weekends" Donnie said taking his underwear and using it to wipe his body dry of the piss and cum.

"Good to know" Simon said "and the day ain't over yet"

"You never told me what you'd do if you lose the bet" Donnie said while dressing.

"I won't"

"But what if you do"

"I won't" Simon laughed and left the stall followed by Donnie.

Another period found Simon performing for Thom. They hid downstairs in the boiler room. It was well known as a place guys would go to smoke, jack or whatever. The janitor ignored them.

"Besides he owes me a favor" Thom said. Simon wanted to know what the favor was but he concentrated on the chore ahead.

"I may not "he said "but I did it twice last time"

"We never said how many times, just every time you got a boner" Thom said "and you got one while we were talking about Donnie and me.

"Yea you jacking each other in the pool was hot" Simon said "Why didn't we do that?"

"It wasn't my idea. We were swimming and he threw his shorts on the side. Hell I thought we'd get caught skinning dipping like that"


"It was night"

"What about your folks?"

"My Dad was there. He's seen me do it so I guess he just ignored us"

"Jacking off?"

"No I mean you know swimming naked. I don't think he knew about that. Shit you're hard"

"Yea, thinking about coming over to swim, I wonder if I can fuck you cheeks underwater" Simon grunted.

"You're gonna loose" Thom dared his friend.

Donnie's hands were on his waist and tugging his shorts down. "What the fuck are you doin? Dad will catch us"

"You're hard man" Donnie said his hand discovering Thom's excitement. He grabbed Thom's hand and put it on his own erection.

"Come on" they moved closer. Thom could feel the heat of Donnie's body. The pool water didn't seem to affect either one of them as they concentrated until their swirls of sperm floated in the water.

Simon came once.

"That's all" Simon said catching his breath.

"It's getting hard isn't it?" Thom said "Remember each time you get hard"

"I know I know" Simon said

"And either Donnie or I will be able to tell"

"I know, but there are only two classes left and your ass is mine" Simon said stuffing his spent penis back in his pants.

Thom wasn't with Simon in the next class but Donnie was. Thom texted "Make sure he gets hard"

Donnie knew what to do occasionally distracting Simon from the Professor's lecture.

"Shit man can't wait to get you in Thom's pool"


"I want to see if you can cum underwater"

"Hell I can do it anywhere" Simon said

He felt Donnie's hand on his crotch.

"What if I do this?"

"Not fair"

"You listening?" the Professors loud rebuke stopped Donnie's attempts.

The text read "What if I promise you can do to me what you want to do to Thom but in the pool?"

Simon had already thought about that especially after realizing that Donnie wasn't the quiet conservative kid after all.

"Have you done that with him?" Simon returned texted.

"Naw but saw it on line, just wondered"

"Yea been looking too. Lots of stuff there to try, if you're game"

"You know I am"

Simon's crotch was hard stimulated by images he remembered from the middle of the night stimulated videos on the laptop. There were naked guys, tied up, chained, golden showers, orgies, outdoors, indoors.

"Ready?" he asked and stood making signals to the Professor who nodded.

Donnie watched and cupped Simon's smooth ball sac as he aimed his phone camera so Thom could watch too.

"You're smooth" he said

"Shave" Simon said as he pumped keeping the images in his head that had stimulated him.

"You do it?"

"Yea" he grunted

"Maybe I should" Donnie said moving his hand to his own hairy balls.

"You'd look good totally smooth" Simon said

"If you lose you have to shave me" Donnie said "everywhere"

"Deal" Simon said as his body tightened "oh yea" the sperm shots were long and several. Even when Donnie thought it was over, another stream emitted into the toilet.

"God man your body must be a factory" Donnie said

"Hell right" Simon said reaching over to Donnie's open fly and going inside. He fumbled and lifted out the boys cock.

"Your turn" Simone jacked Donnie silently.

Donnie aimed the phone camera at their action and let himself be milked.

"OK we better get back"

The final class bell rang. Simon, Thom and Donnie were all in the class.

They sat on either side of Simon and when they thought it was safe felt to see if there was another erection in his lap.

"I don't think it's gonna happen" he said

Thom chuckled. Donnie's fingers moved under Simon's shorts touching the still not hard penis. He stroked.

"What are you doing?" Thom texted

Donnie responded "I want to see him fuck you"

The class required their attention and almost at the end, Donnie's fingers found the erection.

"He's been doing it every period" Thom said to the guys watching in the bathroom. Donnie added "more than once too"

And as the two had become three, four and more Simon performed. He was shirtless now, his shorts on the floor, making him virtually naked.

Simon liked being watched and made sure he flexed muscles, tightened them, grunted and cursed, and in his mind thought of his goal. He wondered if all the masturbation would drain him of enough to finally fulfilling the goal of screwing Thom later.

As he aimed his hard cock upwards streams flew high and arched landing on the toilet. Comments of admiration and curses were heard.

"You say he's been doing that all day long?" "Hell he's a queer" "Fuck man I can do that" "My girlfriend likes to watch me do it too"

The group became just the three and the bell sounded ending the day of classes.

"OK you win" Thom said

"Need to rest a bit but then butt boy you're mine" Simon said patting Thom's butt.

"Where?" Donnie asked

"My place, Dad's working out of town, the place is ours"

"The pool too" Donnie added

"Shit man you both are mine" Simon said

"And you are ours" Thom said

"So who actually won the bet?" Donnie asked as they put their backpacks on for the walk to Thom's house.

"I think we all did" Simon said.

"We'll see" taunted Thom who had been thinking of getting fucked for the first time all day long by his best friend Simon.

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