Who Was That Guy

By chuck scott

Published on Mar 26, 2005


All of the usual disclaimers apply B offensive topics, timid readers and such. Be aware, this is pure fiction. In real life, safe sex should always be practiced.

Nothing much happened in the days following my encounter with the circle of guys cocks and the unknown man. My days were pretty routine. I went to school, played my usual after school sports then did homework and went to bed. It was strange how the normal touching and groping that I had come to expect, and even enjoy, had stopped. But, why? Prior to the encounter, I had gotten used to being a free feel for all of the gay boys in the crowded halls between classes. They would come up behind me and grab my cock. I even began wearing very baggy pants so they had the room to give me balls a good bouncing. It also had become normal for me to give hand jobs after gym class as we showered or got dressed. Now none of that was happening.

Something had increased the stares and looks everyone was giving me. And I mean everyone. It was like I had a sign on my back, "Look but don't touch."

It reached a point where I had to know what was going on, so I went up to Mark after History class. Mark had been the one who was the most forceful with me as I was getting broken in. He also had been the one who most liked to use me on an day-by-day basis. I must have sucked him off at least four times a week. Many times he'd bring a few friend along for a follow up suck. So it only seemed natural to ask him first.

"Hey Mark," I said to him as we left the class room, "you ready for the test this Friday?"

"Yeah," he said in a low voice. "It shouldn't be too hard."

I smiled at the word he used, hard. Was he dropping hints or just making innocent conversation. Either way, I took it as an opening. "Speaking of being hard, how are you doing."

He laughed, then turned away.

"Mark, don't you feel the same about me anymore? Don't you want to get together?" As I heard myself almost begging him to fuck me, I felt like such a flaming faggot. Is this what I had become?

"No man, it isn't like that," Mark said. "I haven't had the time."

"Haven't had the time for a quick blow job? I don't believe that. Something's going on. What is it?" By that time, we had reached his locker. With the locker door open, it blocked the view everyone had of us who had been walking down the hall. So, I grabbed his cock. He was rock hard with his cock pressed up against his stomach. I knew I was turning him on.

"Mark, let's go into a stall in the bathroom, I can take care of that hardon for you. It won't take long. Remember, you told me many times I could give the best blowjob you'd ever had."

Mark looked around, then stepped away, his arms extended, his fingers splayed in front of him. "It will take care of itself. Now, get the fuck away from me."

"Why, what's going on? Tell me."

"Look, man, I can't. I shouldn't even be talking to you. If I get caught..." He stopped, slammed the locker door and rushed down the hall.

My days were like that, until Saturday.

Like most Saturdays, I rode my bike to the mall to be there when it opened. I had a pocket full of change for the video games. I had been there for about fifteen minutes when I heard Mark's voice. I got hard as I heard him making conversation with a couple of guys down the row of machines. I didn't look up, just listened. Then, he touched me on my back.

"Hey, Tommy. I think I owe you an apology for the other day."

"It was kinda weird, but that's okay."

Mark looked around, then leaned over to whisper in my ear. "Listen, Tommy..."

His breath in my ear was driving me crazy as he talked.

"...you were right about giving the best blowjobs. You know how to drive me out of my mind."

"Thanks, Mark. But, you actually taught me what you liked me to do."

Then he got even nearer, whispered even lower. "Listen, my van is outside and it has dark windows. I really need to see you. I can feel that I'll have to cum several times, but as good as you are, that won't take long. Let's go."

I liked that he hadn't asked me to go out to suck him off, he told me I was going to do it. My God, I thought as we walked to the parking lot, I was a slut, nothing but a fag slut. And I loved it.

So we weren't obvious, I got in back and Mark got in front and drove to a different part of the lot. Before we parked again, Mark told me to undress. I did. After we stopped, he came back in back. "Wow, you're already naked. You're a good boy." He reached out and gave my nipples a hard pinch and twist. He hadn't done that before and I almost came at the bolts of electricity shooting through my body. I groaned.

"Now, I want you to take my pants off," he ordered, then added with a nasty grin, "slowly."

I was almost shaking with excitement as I undid his pants and pulled them down. Then slowly, as I was told, I hooked my fingers under the elastic of his pants and pulled. His magnificent cock, long, thick and already leaking precum, popped out.

"Oh, Mark," I said, "I'm so glad you turned me. I had never known the true magic of a cock before you. Thank you."

A sharp slap to my head told me I was talking too much. So I impaled my face on his cock and began pumping. Moments later, Mark took over and began fucking my mouth. Than was what I really loved, my mouth and lips being used as a pussy. His balls were slapping againstchin as he worked me over.

Within seconds, I had my reward. He shook. His cock throbbed and hot cum exploded out of his beautiful head. I slurped and got it all down.

"Thank you, Mark. Does this mean we are back to the way it had been?"

He stared at me in a way I had never seen anyone stare before. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pill. "No, it doesn't mean that. Now, you have to take this."

"Take what." I pushed his hand away.

With that, he slapped the side of my head, hard, very hard. Tears welled up, but I knew I had to do what he'd told me. So, I swallowed it.

"Now just sit back and wait."

As I watched Mark put his pants back on, I suddenly felt like I was spinning downward into an ever deepening well, looking up at the circle of light of a receding opening. Then blackness.

I felt no time pass and as quickly as it began it was ending. The darkness remained, but I was aware of sensations and soft voices. Then I realized I was blindfolded. My guess was that Mark had taken me back to the unknown man. Remembering what had happened last time, I was excited. As I woke up a bit more, my heart almost exploded through my chest. I was terrified when I realized I was suspended from the ceiling by two ropes tied around my wrists. I also had two ropes tied to my ankles, holding my legs wide apart. And, I was naked and totally exposaed.

More sensations flooded over me as my mind cleared. I was being felt, sucked, bitten and probed by several sets of hands and several mouths. Voices were speaking in low whispers. Finally, my mind cleared completely and I realized the full extend of my situation. As I took a survey of what was happening to me. I had a mouth on each of my nipples, sucking and biting . I had someone sucking and biting my cock and a different person doing the same to my balls. And, I had fingers up my ass, digging and spreading as they finger fucked me.

"Thomas," the unknown man's voice came from behind, "I'm so excited to have you again. I have quite a day planned for us."

"What's happening to me?"

A fist to the back of my head reminded me of the many rules. This one, no questions "I don't want to have to hit you, Thomas, but you must say and do only what I tell you to do. But, since you are just waking up, I will answer this one question. You are going to be our toy for the day. We are going to use you as we please. Some of it may hurt, but nothing will damage you."

As if to bring home that point, the person sucking on my balls, slapped them. I groaned, which produced a round of cheers and giggles.

The person sucking my cock didn't stop as my balls were being slapped, nor did the two nip suckers. An almost overwhelming combination of sexual sensations and sharp pain sent me over the edge. Deep in my balls, the feeling began to grow. I shook and then exploded into the mouth. I tried to fuck the mouth, but that only got me another fist to the head.

After I was spent, they took me down and spread me out on a bed, face down and spread eagled. The mattress reeked of sweat, cum, piss and shit. The ropes on my hands and feet were tied so I was held in place. A glob of some kind of lubricant was spread over and into my ass. Then the non stop assault began. Man after man, cock after cock, fucked me. So many and so often I lost count. At one point, I either fell asleep or simply passed out from fatigue. The spray of several streams of piss on my head and face brought me back.

When several minutes passed and no new cock entered me, the unknown man spoke. I could tell he was right in front of me. "My darling boy, Thomas, once again you have done a delightful job. I can't tell you how excited I was to see you being used like this. I have a difficult time cumming, but you were so sexy that I managed twice. My friend, Albert, came in you four times."

My hands and feet were untied. I was rolled over onto my back.

"Oh, Thomas, you are so beautiful," the man said. Then he began sucking my nipples. He ended up kissing me genlty on the lips. His tongue played around my lips, then explored deep inside me.

I was just getting excited when two men, guided me off the bed and onto a concrete floor. A hose sprayed water over and into every inch of my body. When I was clean, a hand reached into my mouth. It probed my cheeks and my tongue. The fingers reached into my throat. I gagged. Then I felt a pill on my tongue. The fingers made me gag and swallow. Minutes later, I was sitting in Mark's van, back in the mall parking lot.

Until my head cleared all the way, he and I sat and talked.

"Then really like you. I know because I used to be their favorite."

"Who is the man?" I asked.

"Can't say."


"Well, I'm not. If you learned too soon, I'd be in big trouble. When the time is right, you'll find out. But, Tom," Mark grabbed my arm. He had a serious expression, one I hadn't seen on him before. "Don't refuse him. When he wants you. Go to him. Do what he wants. To say yes, will leads to amazing things. To say no, will be very ..." Mark sighed, then, "Just don't say no."

Then he slip the van door open and let me out. My bike was right next to us, so I rode home, just in time for dinner.

Again, several days passed without anything happening. One evening, I had to get some things for a science project, so I rode my bike to the mall. There was a crowd around the central skating rink, watching a local group put on a show. I moved in to watch.

As more people closed in around me and I was surrounded. A hand reached from behind and grabbed my cock.

"Mark," I said, "I thought you couldn't do this."

The hand unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock, right there in the mall. Mark was getting daring, but I didn't stop him. As long as we were surrounded, no one would know. He had just begun stroking me when from behind, it was the unknown man's voice. He was whispering in my ear. "It's time you know, Thomas. After you cum, you may turn around."

The thrill was so intense, I came almost immediately. The woman in front of me would have a hard time explaining the massive amount of cum on her dress, but I didn't care. He let go of my cock and I slowly turned. I didn't know which one was making me shiver more, the thrill of getting an handjob in the very public center of the mall or because I was finally seeing who it was who had turned me into his sex toy, fag slut and personal cum hole. Which ever, I was shaking so much I could barely stand.

As I turned, I looked down at his hand, which was still holding my now soft cock. I moved my eyes up, past his gray sweatshirt and to his face.

"My God," I gasped. "You!"

Okay, now this is where it gets interactive. Let me know who you want it to be. E-mail me at nwbare2003@yahoo.com and let me know. In a few days, I'll take the first choice and let you know how it turns out.

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