Who Owns You

By J Ramos

Published on Dec 6, 2017


Being in the same room as that goon makes me want to immediately bash my head into the nearest wall.

He won't stop looking at me, I can feel his eyes burning a hole into my soul but I won't give that oath the satisfaction of even having me glance in his direction. Was he possibly the most gorgeous guy I've ever laid my eyes on? Of course, and the fucktard knew that very well. I hate everything about him. I hate how that dirty blonde hair of his falls over his face and he just carelessly lets it sit there, I hate how he's chomping on a fucking meatball sub during our group meeting and most likely his body won't gain a single calorie from it, I hate how he stays the dumbest shit and these other idiots will fawn at every word like he's fucking Aristotle. I hate, hate, hate lazy, entitled, privileged shits like this one. None of the work for all of the reward.

Thankfully it's a mutual hatred.

He's made snide remarks regarding my vastly superior intellect, he hates how I don't bow to him and treat him like some common object that can be found anywhere, he hates how good my ass looks too (well, that was an assumption), he hates that I'm his opposite, his equal, and his superior.

"Oh my god! Who gives a shit? Can we just get this shit done so I can fucking go home?!" Alright, I didn't mean to blurt it out but I really couldn't take any more of the brown-nosing.

"You seem upset."

"What an astute observation, your highness."

"No need to be catty. We're all trying our hardest here, sorry we don't meet your impossibly high standards."

"I didn't expect any of you to."

"Right back at you."

I want to gut him like a fish. Well, after I suck him off.

We eventually finished the project and as the others were leaving I could feel him glaring at me, like he always does. Usually I just ignore but at this point I am fuming. And that does not happen to me, people do not get me out of my element like he does, people are objects to me. Toys for me to play with.

"What happened in your life to make you such a cunt?"

I paused for the second. Surely that question wasn't posed to me.

"No, Levi. It's at you."

"Well, TJ, my life is none of your business. We are not friends, and I have no obligation to shower you with love like everyone else you know."

"That is true, you really don't have to. But you also don't have to be a demon all the damn time."

"You done?"

"Actually I'm not done! I-"

Enjoy talking to the empty chair then. I smoothly walked out of the library and made my way to my dorm. I could still feel those bright blue eyes fixed on me. I won. Quelle surprise.

"Great presentation, guys!"

And of course we somehow got a round of applause for this bullshit. I swear, throw some fancy colors and big words on some slides and people go insane. I made my way out the classroom as we didn't need to stay once we were done and enjoyed my fabulous weed pen right in the hallway.

"You don't even have the decency to do that outside?"

I think my eyes did a full rotation that's how I annoyed I was.

"You don't even have the decency to not speak to me."

"Jesus Christ."

"It's Levi but the message was clear."

"Oh, who knew there was some humor in that black void you call a soul."

"Why are you still here?"

"Why are you such a bitch?"

"Don't worry about it. Go away you fucking buffoon."

"You really need to relax. I can help."

At this point he was uncomfortably close to me. Close enough that I could feel strands of my hair moving as he breathed onto my neck. He towered over me, both of his hands on the wall above my head, his abs rested on mine, his legs twirled with mine, I wanted to die.

"Fuck you, TJ."

"No, no. Fuck you, Levi. Fuck you today, tomorrow, and every other day I see you. Fuck you! In this hallway, in your dorm, in your car because that's what you want isn't it? I will fuck you so hard each time you crawl your miserable ass out of bed all you'll think of me as you limp to whatever hotdog cafe you're in the mood for to deliver some of that dreary poetry you do. So hard you'll wake up in the middle of the night with your fingers in your ass hoping it'll even come close to the pleasure I gave you. So hard that I'm literally the only person on your mind. As if I wasn't already."

I stood there quietly shaking, not a single word rang false. I hated him more than anything on this planet because I knew he had me figured out the moment I saw him and yet I've been studying him since freshmen year back when we were in high school (we're now college seniors) and I still couldn't figure him out. That doesn't happen to me. I was madly attracted... in all honesty I developed an obsession. I made fake accounts of girls to talk to him, I hung on every word he ever spoke in my presence and processed them like a maniac and never figured out the reason behind them. It drove me insane.

Worst part is that I'm sure he knew all of that. But he did nothing with it! All he did was torture me with nonstop flirting with other people, his constant show boating, I swear he was sent here by aliens to make me actually lose my mind.

"Cat got your tongue, Levi?"

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

"I always deliver."

"So why am I still waiting?"

I don't know why I did that. He's winning, he has me exactly where he wants me.

Or so he fucking thought.

Each time he went in for a kiss I made sure he would regret it. His lips were a puckered red, I already left scratches on his neck and cheeks too. It wasn't one sided, though. He gripped me by my throat each time he crashed his lips into mine and had me crushed into the wall to the point where my breathing was noticeably strained. And yes we were still in the hallway right outside our class, I didn't give a shit about that. If we did have an audience I wanted them to see who was in control.

I wiggled my way out of his grip and pushed him face first into the wall. Ripped his pants right down to his ankles and momentarily gasped in awe at how chiseled his lower body was. And his dick was so big I could see it on the verge of ripping free from his underwear from the back. He would wreck me if given the chance, too bad that won't happen.

I took a few steps back, took another hit of my pen and walked away. He grabbed me by arm and tossed me against the window, my cheeks flush against the glass. I pushed my ass onto his crotch and that's what got him. In the reflection I could see his eyes roll back, he wanted me. I slid from under him and rested against the wall.

"You seem upset," I stated in that smug tone he had given me before with the same statement.

"I'm fine."

"Still waiting on my delivery, TJ."

"It'll come when it's good and ready."

"Oh, so never, then."

"You're the one that won't stay fucking still."

"You're the one that can't make me stay still."

I made my way out the building and I knew the ball was back in my court where it belonged.

The music was blaring in my room, it was my attempt to block out my thoughts. Obviously it wasn't working. Each song made me think of TJ, I yearned for the bastard. I hated myself for it. I wanted him to kick my door in and absolutely ravage my ass. I want him to own me. I want to feel his cock wreak havoc on my tight hole, most guys can barely last more than a few minutes with me but I knew he'd be the one to really put me in my place. I knew he'd be the one to make me regret all the shit I talk, I knew he'd be the one to have me hooked. He's always been the one. It makes me fucking sick.

Turn that trash down! What kind of mad person would refer to Crystal Waters as trash?

"Go fuck yourself!" I screamed swinging open my door. "I'd rather fuck you."

I wanted to punch myself in both of my kidneys.

He pushed me aside and just like that my music was hushed. I stood there just observing me and he did the same. He had a sick smile on his face, I wanted to slap it off.

So I did.

That's when I found myself slammed onto my own bed with a knee in my back and my hair being yanked as if he wanted to rip out each strand one by one. If you thought I wasn't rock hard in this moment then you're just as dumb as TJ.

"You won't be satisfied unless I put you in a hospital will you?"

"Again, empty promises. Can you get your knee out of my fucking spine?"

"Only if I can put something else in you."

"Do it."

Oh, I've never had someone yank my pants off in one fell swoop. It was kinda hot. He cupped my ass with one hand while still pulling on my hair with the other. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been dreaming about this for years. But still, I felt like put in enough work for it yet. I leapt myself forward and removed my shirt like I was the most dainty princess in all of the land. There I was, completely naked for someone who I've shown nothing but a burning hatred for. His stupid smirk made me want to puke, he looked so pleased with himself.

I straddled his lap and decided I'd be nice, for a short period of time. Our lips met in the softest way possible, my tongue slid across his top lip, my teeth dragged along his bottom lip and I rubbed at the marks I left on his neck from earlier. I took his messy hair into both of my hands and licked at his battle wounds. His strong hands felt so good jiggling my ass, I twitched every time he ran a fan across my aching hole. His breathing was becoming more heavy as I moved my tongue up behind his ears, I guess I found a sweet spot. I made love to his damn ears, it was disgusting. But he loved it.

"What do you want from me, TJ?"

"All of you."

I reached under his shirt and marveled at how fucking cut he was. I pinched all over and nothing worked, this oath was a walking statue. I moved off his lap and stared at the window in my room. I wanted people to see this. It was a floor to ceiling window too. So I was facing him, ass pressed right against it, playing with some rope I had left over from a recent art project. He dropped his clothes and made his way over.

"Good boy." I said. "The best."


"You really are a piece of work."

I'll show you exactly what work was.

He pushed my body into the glass and our lips met again, this time more forceful, more energetic. His tongue felt so good in my mouth that my knees did buckle slightly, well, until I bit him.

"You want all of me?" I asked. "I'm sure I already have it."

"Oh yea? Take me then."

Oh wait a second.

That's right, he couldn't take anything when his hands were tied and bound behind his back. Poor idiot didn't probably didn't even realize I had the rope. I chuckled as he struggled to get out of it, his adorable face turning bright red, looking at me with a raw mixture of confusion, fear, and anger.

"I own you, TJ."

He stumbled ass backwards to the floor and I had him exactly where I wanted him. That dick standing rock hard at attention, it was waiting for me. I squatted down, facing him, and worked his monster between my cheeks. Teasing that wet head of his, he couldn't even imagine what I was about to do to him. I slid my fingers across his tongue and used that as the lube to get him ready to enter me.

I grabbed his dick, he was so hard it probably hurt. Good. I slowly worked my hole down to where all I had in me was his head. And then...


He looked lost. So back in his dick went, again just the head and again...


I would just take his head in, squeeze my hole as tight as I could and then pop I would immediately squeeze him back out.


His face was glowing red. This was hilarious to me, watching him squirm and shake each time I did it. I knew it was driving him wild, he probably thought he was going to march into my room and fuck me senseless. Oh honey, underestimated me quite a bit.

"Stop doing this!"

"Make me."

Oops, he couldn't. I had the rope tied into several different knots and it would take brute force to get out of it. I'm sure TJ could eventually do it, but he wasn't getting out of it before I had drained him dry.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

"Who owns you?"

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

His cock was throbbing now, begging for sweet release. Too bad my question had yet to be answered.

Pop! Pop!

"I asked a question."

"You fucking do."

This time I slid down all the way, I had balls deep and he didn't know what to do. I watched with pure pleasure as his face contorted, his chest heaved dramatically and he pumped, what was surely his biggest load, right into my ass. I've never heard such a deep, burly growl like the one that escaped his mouth and I loved it.

Then, I saw his hands jump to my neck.

Okay, I'm a little scared.

He was on his feet. My legs were thrown over his shoulders.

It was the first time I ever begged someone for mercy. I've been fucked pretty hard before but this was different, I felt like my insides were being rearranged. There was nothing but fury in his eyes. I think the sound of my ass slamming against his thighs just made him keep going really.

But really.

"Who owns you?"

"You do, TJ."

I couldn't feel my legs. I just lied there on the floor panting like a dog and trying to just get my vision straight. That was the most intense fuck I've ever had in my life, the scary thing is he could have easily done that all night. I tapped out four times. I tried to get his dick out my ass and run away. I even screamed until he shoved his underwear in my mouth.

He flipped me onto my back with his feet and we locked eyes. He looked a lot more compassionate and less psychotic now.

"Next time I won't be so easy on you, Levi."

I melted inside. He said next time.

Next: Chapter 2

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