Who Needs Selena

By Michael Young

Published on Jan 19, 2014


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. The author claims no rights to any of the copyrighted material mentioned in this work of fiction. All copyrights belong to their respectful owners, and in this case, Dej Jam Records, and Justin Bieber, as well as his production people. This story contains celebrities that are above the age of eighteen. The written sexuality of these celebrities may be false of inaccurate. This story was written as a fiction, and it should stay that way.

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Justin Drew Bieber sat in his own tears, misery. He had been dumped, and he didn't know how to live any longer. Jelena had been around for almost a year, and things were going good. At least that's what he thought. He didn't know what went wrong, but he loved Selena. He really wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, but it was obvious that she had other plans. Justin pressed his back into the softness of his mattress, and he wailed. He was alone at his house, so he could cry as much as he wanted. All the public knew was that it was a breakup. They didn't know about the countless hours Justin spent wallowing in his misery. The tears fell from his eyes, and he didn't know how to stop them. He wanted love. He wanted Selena back. He wanted to know what caused them to breakup, but Selena was holding out on him. Like any girl in a relationship, Selena wouldn't explain. It was "I'm done with you and we're over" and that's the only thing she said to Justin. No explanation, reason, or anything like it. In seven words, an eleven month relationship was over.

With tears running down his face, Justin closed his eyes. He wanted to think about something else. He wanted to try to imagine something that was happy moment. He tried, but the only thing that came to his mind was the first date he and Selena had gone on. He remembered it perfectly, despite his trying to forget it. Selena had made it perfectly clear that she wanted to him to forget everything about their relationship. She was moving or had moved on, and Justin was heartbroken. Justin's eyes opened, and that's when he realized that the music had stopped. He had all of his tracks from his next album, but there were two songs that got to him. He knew they got to him, but he couldn't stop playing them. It was true, there was a reason for recovery, and he wasn't a heartbreaker. Justin just wanted the love of his life back, but he wasn't going to get her. Justin had to find a way to move on, but he didn't know how. The only person he knew how to love was Selena, and with her out of the picture, it was impossible for him to love anyone else.

Roller Coaster started through the speakers of the portable docking station, and Justin rose from the bed. He knew what each and every word meant, but he didn't have anyone to send him on a Roller Coaster Adventure. She was gone, and now he was lonely. Lonely overseas and lonely memories. His live was falling apart without Selena, and he couldn't explain why. Justin brought his hands to his eyes, and he wiped the tears away from his eyes. He wasn't a little bitch or a pussy. He was Justin Bieber, and he could have any girl or guy he pleased. He was a top notch celebrity, and he was worth well over a hundred million dollars. There were millions in his back account, and he decided that he was going to spend a few of them. He didn't care what his finance team had to say about it. Justin was felling the way fat people felt when they were bored. Instead of being bored and eating, he was heartbroken and was going to shop. Justin stood from the bed, and he watched himself on the mirrors that were placed around his room. He liked to look at himself when he jerked off.

Justin saw himself in the mirror, and for the first time, he felt sorry for himself. His face was stained a deep shade of red, and his hair was a mess. He looked awful, and he knew it. Justin raised his hand to his hair, and he pushed it done before twirling his fingers through it. He didn't feel like actually combing it, so throwing it down was enough. Justin looked at his clothing selection, and he knew he was fine. He wore his black, grayish leather jeans, and they sagged so hard that half of his ass was hanging out. Everyone in the general public would be able to see the black boxer briefs underneath, and that's what Justin was going for. He wanted to expose his ass a little. He wanted to catch a breeze from the back end. Justin stared into his face, and he saw the redness to is eyes. It looked like he had gotten high off of pot or something, but he knew it was from tears. There was no way to fix his eyes, so he threw on a black pair of aviators. No one needed to see his eyes, and they didn't need to know that he had been crying over Selena. He wasn't a bitch. Justin stepped towards the wooden desk that housed his MacBook, and he threw his phone into his pocket along with his car keys. It was rare that he ever went anywhere without his security detail, but today was one of those days. He didn't feel like calling them up, and he thought they could all use a break.

In seconds Justin found his way to the black sports car that rested in his garage. He opened the door, and he quickly fell into the black leather. He pressed the key into the ignition, and he pushed the garage door open. He shifted gears, and he pushed the car backwards, into the road. Justin switched gears again, and he pushed the car though Calabasas. It was a nice neighborhood, and he couldn't think of a better place to live. Justin turned a corner, and with him moving at such high speeds, he was on the highway in minutes. He knew he was going to spend money, but he didn't know where he was going to go. He didn't know what he didn't have, but none of that mattered at the time. Justin wanted to blow at least a million, and he didn't care where he spent it. Time ticked away as Justin sped down the highway. He was coming into Hollywood. He turned onto Rodeo Drive, and he saw where he wanted to spend money. Justin slowed, pulled into a parking spot before getting out. He pulled the keys from the ignition, checked his wallet, grabbed his cell phone, and he was out of the car.

The sun was shining down onto his body, and he felt the heat cooking him inside of the leather he wore. He knew it was hot, but he had to uphold his reputation. He wasn't going to let a little heat bother him. Justin closed his car door, locked it, and he quickly grabbed the dropped crotch of his jeans. He was inches past his own crotch, but since the pants sagged so low, he had to hold them up with something. Justin walked forward. He was in front of the Versace store. He continued forward, and he stepped into the air conditioned store. The first thing he saw was the new arrivals rack, and he immediately started to grab any and everything. He didn't care if it didn't fit or if he did. Colors weren't an issue either. He just wanted to spend money. He wanted pleasure in swiping the black platinum card that was burning a hole inside of his pocket. Justin tore through the clothing, and he dumped it all into a cart that was beside him. Of course it was a high end cart, but that didn't matter. Justin stopped away from the rack, and he gripped the cart. He pulled it outward, and he pushed it through the door, grabbing, gripping everything that he could. By the time that he was done, his cart was full, and he ended up getting a second one.

Justin pushed both carts along to the checkout line, and he felt tears coming to his eyes. He didn't know what it was, but they were just there. The woman in front of Justin moved along, but Justin didn't notice. His entire body had frozen, and tears were dripping from his eyes, hitting the floor. The cashier stared at him with confusion. She knew who he was, but the way he was frozen was what confused her. Celebrities had always come in, but never had she seen any of them cry in the middle of checkout.

"Sir," she tried to call out.

Justin continued to stand still, with a sad look on his face. He was clueless as to what was happening. The only thing that he could focus on was Selena. He wanted her back. He didn't care what he had to do, but he wanted her. Justin finally came out of his trace, but when he did, he ran out of the store. He left the carts there, and he just ran back into the summer sun's rays. Justin unlocked his car, and he took the driver's seat. He pulled the phone from his pocket, and he dialed Selena's number.

One ring. Two rings. Three, then four. The phone continued to ring until Justin got Selena's voicemail. Justin ended the call, and he pressed his head into the comfort of his seat. He threw the phone onto the passenger seat, and he allowed himself to cry. Justin Bieber, international superstar, was sitting in his car with tears falling from his eyes over a girl. Justin removed the glasses from his face, and he closed his eyes. Tears were still falling from them, but he didn't know why. He had long accepted that he and Selena were done. He was over that when he left his house, so why was he crying now?

Justin opened his eyes, and he picked up the phone that was in the seat. He unlocked it, and he moved through his phone before stopping on a picture of Nolan Funk. Justin stared at the picture, and he couldn't keep his eyes off the bulge that was inside of the Versace briefs he wore. It finally hit Justin. He was crying because he didn't know what he wanted. He was telling his brain he wasn't gay, but his heart was telling him he was. Justin looked at the image, and he felt something come over him. Justin tried to look away from the picture, but he couldn't. He continued to stare at the bulge, and soon, his pants were tented. Justin felt his erection tenting up, and he knew he couldn't sit still anymore. Paparazzi was everywhere, and they did not need to know that he had gotten hard over a picture of Nolan Funk. Justin pulled his keys from his pocket, and he pressed them into the ignition. In seconds the car started, and he drove towards his house.

The car pulled into the garage, and Justin quickly ran into his house. He was throbbing, and he didn't have time to waste. Moving so fast, he left his phone inside of the car. He had his laptop for jackoff material though. Justin ran upstairs from the garage, and he stepped through his living room. He was in the privates of his house, and every window was covered, so he was good. He could take his time getting upstairs, or he could settle from the porn that he stashed under the floor boards. Justin walked around the couch, and he stopped then he saw tips of brown hair sticking up from the couch. That's when Justin heard it. Now the sounds of moans, screams were apparent. Justin ran around the couch, ready to battle whoever had broken into his house, but he stopped when he saw Nolan. He felt lost for words, not only for his exceptional beauty, but he was wearing the signature black briefs that he modeled for Versace. Justin felt his eyes being drawn to the bulge, and he felt drool coming out of his mouth.

Nolan turned towards Justin, and he smiled. He had snuck into the house the minute Justin left, and he instantly found Justin's stash of porn. It was safe to say all guys think the same. Nolan stared at Justin as the drool came from the younger boy's mouth.

"Damn. Am I that hot," Nolan said letting his hand cup his crotch.

Justin moaned, and he just stopped forward. He was enticed on Nolan's crotch. That's what he wanted, and he was going to have it. Justin stood inches away from Nolan's body, and he pulled the red high tops away from his feet before getting rid of the black jeans. He threw them onto the floor, and he fell on top of Nolan's body. Nolan had been watching porn, but he wasn't hard. He was soft. Justin felt the softness of the cock when he pushed his body downward, and he couldn't help but press his lips to Nolan's mouth. Justin licked a line across the entrance, and Nolan quickly opened his mouth. Nolan raised his tongue, and he battled with Justin's for dominance. Justin let Nolan win, and he allowed the tongue to enter his mouth.

Nolan's tongue quickly pressed, licked against everything inside of Justin's mouth. Their tongue, bodies were moving in perfect sync. With his tongue in Justin's mouth, Nolan let his hands fall to the cloth covered ass of Justin Bieber. Nolan gripped the muscled ass with a tight, hard grip, and he felt Justin's body pressing deeper into his. Nolan continued his attack on Justin's mouth, and he pushed his tongue down Justin's throat. It was a romantic gesture, and Justin quickly got the picture. The two boys continued to kiss and grind into each other for minutes. It seemed they were going to go forever until Justin pulled away from air. Justin stared into the chocolate eyes of Nolan, and he dropped down to Nolan's neck. Justin took the soft skin into his mouth, and he kissed and suckled the skin for what seemed like forever. Justin pulled away when he knew there was a purple mark on Nolan's skin. Leaving a hickey on Nolan's neck, Justin continued downward. He kissed his way over the protruding Adam's apple, and he stopped when he made it to the two pert, hard nipples that were begging to be sucked, pinched.

Justin kissed the right one first. Two fingers had the left one, pinching softly but hard. Justin licked across the nipple, and its tenderness sent pleasure through his body. Nolan still had his hands on Justin's ass, and that wasn't helping the erection that wanted to tears its way from the confines of Justin's underwear. Justin sucked the right nipple before quickly switching. His fingers were now pulling on the right, wet nipple while his tongue went to work on the left. It was impossible for Nolan to stifle the moan that tore from his throat. He was horny, and the magic Justin was working was pleasing him to a point of no return. Nolan felt the blood rushing to his crotch, and he moaned when he felt it grinding against Justin's with a much needed friction.

"Su...uuuck me," Nolan moaned.

Justin looked down at the older boy and he smiled. "Thought you'd never ask."

The nineteen year old singer pulled away from Nolan's nipples, and he kissed is way down to Nolan's crotch. There was an obvious tent, and Justin immediately wrapped his hand around the cloth covered erection. He moved his hand up and down for a while before he dropped his mouth to it. He took the head into it, and he coated the underwear in a thick layer of saliva. Nolan's cock was throbbing, and the hot breath of Justin's mouth wasn't helping. Nolan moved one of his hands away from Justin's ass, and he brought it to his head. Justin had the head in his mouth, but Nolan quickly forced more of his covered erection into Justin's mouth.

"Excited there tiger?" Justin asked with a seductive tone.

Nolan just moaned. Justin sucked the cloth for a while before pulling it out of his mouth. He stared into Nolan's eyes as his hands pulled the underwear down, and he eyes quickly darted to the hard, throbbing, thick seven and a half cock that that tented Nolan's undies. Justin gripped the tool with his hand, and he quickly rolled his tongue across the head of it. He got a taste of the precum that had collected there, and it sent a horniness through his body. Justin skipped the middle man, and he quickly started to take the cock into his mouth. He made it halfway down the seven and a half inches before he started to bob. He sucked, bobbed hard. There was a slurping sound that was made, and it drove Nolan crazy. He had not been inside of Justin for five minutes, but he felt the need to force his hips upward. Nolan closed his eyes, and he fucked Justin's mouth with his dick. He forced his hips upward, and his hips pushed Justin's mouth downward.

Justin's lips eventually made it to Nolan's pubs, and he could smell the musk that made Nolan the man he was. Justin sniffed the funk, and he got hornier. His mouth was full of Nolan's precum. Justin continued to bob on the cock, but the minute Nolan's hand moved away from his head, he dropped down to the hairless balls that hung under the thick cock. Justin took them both into his mouth, and he coated them in a thick layer of precumed saliva.

"Fuck Bieber," Nolan moaned when he felt Justin tongue touch his scrotum.

Justin smiled at his work, and he licked across the balls. Justin sucked them for a while longer before pulling off of them. He kissed his way back up Nolan's body, and he stopped when he found Nolan's lips. He pressed his lips to Nolan's, and he allowed him to taste himself.

Nolan's hand moved back to Justin's ass, and he began to pull the waistband back. He wanted Justin out of the underwear, and there was no other options. Nolan gripped the underwear with a tight grip, and he pulled the cotton off of Justin's body. Nolan grabbed hold of Justin's ass, and he felt the hard seven inch cock pressing into his own throbbing erection. Nolan gripped the ass cheeks, and when Justin pulled away from his lips, he flipped the boy into a 69. Nolan took the seven incher into his mouth, and he licked a line from the tip to the base. Justin had a hairless crotch, but Nolan could smell his scent. He knew it was artificial, but he didn't care. Nolan licked back up the cock, and he moaned around it when he felt Justin's tongue creeping to his back entrance. That gave Nolan an idea. He pulled away from Justin's cock, and he stopped when he saw the cute, tight, little hole that was waiting for him.

Nolan pressed his tongue onto the hole, and he licked a line across it. Justin's body jerked, and he continued. Nolan pressed his tongue deeper onto the hole, and he felt it entering Justin. He licked along Justin's inner walls, and he couldn't stop. Nolan felt Justin tongue moving to his hole, and he could stifle the moan that fell from his mouth. They were eating each other, and it was sending them both over the edge. Nolan gripped Justin's body, and he quickly changed so that Justin was above him. Nolan pressed his feet onto the floor, and he made sure his cock was up. He pressed his hands onto Justin's waist, and he guided the pretty boy down.

"Awww God Fuck," Justin moaned when the pain hit him.

He knew it was going to hurt, but he didn't think it'd hurt this bad. Justin closed his eyes, and he tried to think happy thoughts. His mind was torn away from that when he felt a hand wrap around his cock. It stroked it up and down before falling to his balls. Justin moaned at the pleasure that shot through his body, and instantly the pain was gone. Justin sat on Nolan's cock, and he quickly picked himself, and fucked the cock that was below him. Justin moved like a bull, and he didn't stop. He felt the cock going deeper and deeper inside of him, and it brought a smile to his face. Justin stopped and let the cock fall from him, but he turned around, and he quickly placed it against his stretched hole. Justin leaned down, and he pressed his tongue to Nolan's lips. He licked the skin, and he tasted Nolan's precum, and it made his cock throb.

Nolan began to force his hips upward, and he felt the friction that he needed. He pushed deep within Justin, and that's when he lost it. He felt the cum sliding out of his cock, and he couldn't stop it. His thick shaft throbbed and oozed the cum from his tip to the insides of Justin's body. It took a while before Nolan stopped shooting, but when he did, he pulled Justin's cock towards his mouth. He pushed Justin's mouth to his softening cock, and he bobbed on Justin's cock. It didn't take long for Justin to crack. He moaned, and a thick glob of cum shot from his cock, into Nolan's mouth.

The two boys rested a while before either of them decided to speak or move. Nolan stood from the couch, and he stared, smiled at Justin. He had fallen asleep, and he was beautiful. Nolan grabbed his underwear, and he left the scene, bearing three words.

"Who Needs Selena?"

Next: Chapter 2

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