Who Knew?

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Aug 10, 2007



Their backs propped against pillows stacked against the beds headboard, Ryan and his best bud Gary watched the DVD movie that flickered on the television screen in Ryan's bedroom. Having already seen the movie, Gary was actually paying more attention to his very good looking friend than he was to the movie, a fact that Gary was totally unaware of. Recently Ryan had caught himself spending an inordinate amount of time scoping out Gary's lean athletic young body, as well as having somewhat unorthodox thoughts regarding his long time friend.

The two had first met back when they had entered seventh grade, a milestone that marked their entrance into junior high school, and they had quickly become fast friends, a relationship that was further broadened by the discovery that they lived only a couple of blocks apart. The two were currently high school sophomores, with Gary recently having celebrated his sweet sixteen birthday, while Ryan was still a few months from his own, at fifteen. While Gary had a few months of age over Ryan, their physical development was pretty much on a par, each boy standing at about 5' 10", and weighing a lean 140, or so.

Ryan was the more athletic of the two, having continued his interest in playing baseball into high school, after having played in both little league as a youngster, and then in the pony league as a thirteen year old, prior to entering high school. He now was the star first baseman for the school team, as well as being a more than fair member of the swim team, his best event being the 100 meter fly, as well as competitive diving. As a result of his high level of physical activity, Ryan had early on developed an athletes lean, and solid body, his muscle definition leaning to the sinewy side, with firm pectorals, and defined abs. His arms were solid, with well defined biceps, and tight forearms, the lower portion showing a light growth of fine, sandy colored hairs, while the upper portions remained smooth, and nicely defined. Both the baseball, and the aquatic sports had rendered his legs well muscled, with somewhat prominent bulges at the thighs, and calves, and, like his arms, the lower legs were sprinkled with fine and light toned little hairs, while his thighs remained smooth, and hairless. He was movie-star good looking as well, his somewhat chiseled face very handsome, if still somewhat boyish, with dark and brooding eyes topped by thick, and soft looking eyebrows. His hair was thick, and somewhat wavy, a soft light brown in color that tended to bleach lighter in the sun, and the near constant exposure to the heavily chlorinated water of the many swimming pools that he frequented.

Fortunately for Gary, his position lying along side Ryan on his bed required that he look across Ryan's reclined body in order to see the television, and he was seizing the opportunity this angle afforded him to make a close inspection of the lithe, and boxers clad body of his friend. He let his gaze drift over Ryan's smooth chest, and he lingered some on viewing the small, dark nipples that had recently intrigued him, particularly since he had discovered a definite sensitivity in his own small nubbins, a finding he had stumbled across during recent jerkoff sessions wherein he had let his fingers explore the dark tissue, surprised at the resulting zing he had immediately felt deep in his plump balls. Gary stared at Ryan's well developed pec's, and idly wondered if his friends nipples being touched might deliver some similar pleasurable sensation to his own balls, a likelihood that he was all too aware he had spent far too much time considering of late; that, and several other considerations regarding Ryan's very nice body that had been occurring frequently.

Gary let his gaze continue to drift lower, settling on the boy's smooth tummy, and he took note of the tiny cave of his navel, and the faint trail of soft appearing little hairs that distended from it to dip inside the boxers he wore. His eyes following the narrow treasure trail, Gary clearly saw the lumpy outline of Ryan's penis, and the bulge of his ball sac pushing out at the soft material, and he unconsciously licked his soft lips, imagining not for the first time just what Ryan's cute dick would look like all hard, and how it might feel sliding it's thickness into his mouth. He had, of course, seen Ryan's penis countless times, given their endless sleepovers, and the countless occasions of them skinny-dipping at the dammed up stream out in the wood behind Gary's house, but he had never actually seen him hard, other than a few times when watching his swim meets, when Gary was almost positive that Ryan had been sporting a boner inside the little hide-nothing Speedo's the team wore. As Gary continued to stare at his friends tempting bulges, he came to the realization that, for reasons he didn't quite understand, he definitely wanted to play with Ryan's cock, and to suck it, all the way to making him cum in his mouth, so that he could realize the experience that he had thus far only witnessed on the internet while viewing several gay sites that he had mined out in the late night quiet of his room.

Ryan was rapidly loosing interest in the movie, the story, nor the acting, coming anywhere close to justifying the glaring praise that had been heaped upon it's dust jacket, and he slowly became aware of Gary's watching him, that strange little feeling of being stared at creeping into his awareness. He turned his head slightly, rolling his eyes away from the TV screen to glance at Gary, and he was almost certain that he had caught him staring at his dick, or at least at the soft cotton boxers that hid it. Their eyes met briefly, and Gary looked away, a look of pure "busted" crossing his cute face, and Ryan chuckled softly, then, returned his attention to the boring movie, saying nothing. Gary felt his cheeks grow warm, knowing he was blushing at being caught checking out his buddy's stuff, and he tried to think of something to say to cover his tracks, but his thought processes were still filled with his desire to touch, and suck Ryan's cock.

He sighed, and propped himself up on one arm, turning partly sideways, then reached out, and lightly punched Ryan's upper arm with his fist. Ryan rolled his head sideways, and looked at Gary, and gave him a minor scowl, then, turned back to the movie, not that he was much interested any more, but he was curious about whatever it was that Gary was up to. Gary waited a few seconds, then repeated the action, again lightly punching Ryan's arm with his fist. Ryan didn't react at all this time, so Gary did it again, and then once more. Ryan grunted, then turned his head again, and said,

"What the fuck dude...?...I'm watching a movie here, okay?"

Gary smiled, nodding his head, and waited until Ryan had again focused on the TV, then, punched his arm again.

A touch more irritated now, Ryan half-turned again, and glared at Gary, saying,

"The fuck, Lamo...what's up with that...?...punching my arm...?"

Making no verbal reply, Gary stuck his tongue out at Ryan, then, reached out and punched his arm again, harder this time, and then did it again, harder still.

"OK asshole...that is fucking IT...your little ass is mine now, for sure!"

With that, Ryan suddenly rolled all the way over, and grabbed Gary's shoulders in his strong grip, then rolled him over, and away from him, then sharply slapped him on his tight little butt several times, hard enough to cause Gary to cry out in pain. Ryan rolled onto his back again, and said,

"That's what happens to bad little boys, dude...now just chill, and let me watch this stupid movie!"

Gary rolled up onto his side, and quickly reached over to pinch Ryan's dark little nipple, sharply, causing an immediate reaction from Ryan, who quick-as-a-flash sprung up, and wrapped his arms around Gary's body, bear hugging him, as the two began rolling around on the bed, now into a full-out wrestling match. The boys grappled, arms and legs flying, and entangling, as they each strived to subdue the other, and after mostly destroying the bed sheets and blankets, rendering the lot into a tangled mess at the foot of the bed, they called an unspoken time-out, and again settled back against the headboard, panting with exertion. Gary sucked in much needed air, his eyes watching Ryan's smooth chest rising and falling as he did the same, then, let his gaze drop to Ryan's boxers, where he clearly saw the pulsing erection that poked severely at his small boxers. He had been very aware of his own cock going hard during the wrestling, his senses keenly aware of his friends nearly naked body, and his scents, and strength, but he was somewhat surprised to realize that Ryan had apparently had much the same type of reaction to the heavy body contact.

The bedroom was suddenly eerily quiet, the muted sound of the television, and their labored breathing being the only sounds, and Gary now openly stared at his friends obvious erection, as he slid out his tongue to lick his lips. Ryan stayed rock still, watching Gary stare fixatedly at his pulsing erection, and he saw the pink tongue slip out, then pass over Gary's lush mouth, and he began to sense an eerie feeling prickling at the tiny hairs at the back of his neck. Dropping his eyes, he quickly glanced down at Gary's boxers, and immediately realized that he too was completely tenting the soft material with what appeared to be a good sized erection, and he lifted his gaze to meet Gary's eyes. Gary stared into Ryan's dark eyes, his heartbeat now reverberating as a dull thud in his ears, and without word, or conscious thought, he slowly, nearly like slow-motion, extended his trembling arm toward Ryan's tented crotch.

Ryan was barely breathing, his eyes locked onto Gary's slowly moving hand as it advanced toward his throbbing cock, and he gasped loudly, as Gary calmly closed his fist around the rigid shaft of his cock, and squeezed it firmly.

"Dude...!...what the fuck you doing...?....Jesus...!" barked Ryan, making no further effort to stop his friend from openly fondling him, as he stated down over his torso in disbelief.

Gary continued to stroke his friends rock hard penis, the thickness of it surprising him some, and he swore to himself that he could actually feel the heat emanating from the pulsing appendage, in spite of the thin cloth that protected it from his grip. He slid his closed fist up the length of the wide shaft, and let his extended thumb pass across the knob-like head of it, and he made a soft groaning sound, as he sensed the wetness there, realizing that Ryan was, in fact, as turned on by this as he was. Rolling his eyes up, Gary met Ryan's startled gaze, and held it, as he calmly stated,

"Not really sure...but...I AM sure that...I wanna...play...with it...Dude...?...fuck....please...?"

Ryan never blinked, his body reacting fully to the physical inputs of Gary's hand stroking his raging erection, in spite of his emotional confusion, even misgivings, as he completely surprised both himself, and Gary, when he calmly nodded his head, and muttered in very nearly a whisper,

"Shit...this is so fucked up...but yea, dude...fuck yea...go for it...Jesus...and hurry up, okay...?"

His heart hammering, and the roar growing louder in his ears, Gary quickly seized the waist band of Ryan's boxers, and tugged them downward, as Ryan lifted his slim hips off the bed. The boxers slid neatly down Ryan's taut thighs, and Gary mindlessly threaded them off his feet, as his wide eyes focused on Ryan's now naked cock, where it lay pulsing, long and thick, against his neat pubic thatch. He licked his lips once more, letting the vision of Ryan's erection, and the plump pouch below, etch into his memory. With a quick glance up at Ryan's slightly astonished face, Gary moved his hands to Ryan's thighs, placing a palm flat on each one just above the knees. Ryan groaned, and closed his eyes, as Gary began slowly moving his hands upward, his hungry gaze locked onto this targets. Reaching the tops of Ryan's thighs, Gary let the fingers of one hand lightly graze over Ryan's scrotum, his senses reeling at the silky feel of the light growth of tiny hairs that dotted the silky sac, and then trailed just the tips of his fingers over the small ridges of crinkly skin at the base of the plump pouch, as his other hand, for the first time ever, closed around the naked cock of another boy.

Ryan's taut body jerked in reaction, as though the touch of Gary's hands had been cold, and he let out a deep groan, as Gary's gripping fist began moving up and down the length of his aching cock, while his other hand gently cupped, and hefted his balls. He popped open his eyes, and looked down across his heaving chest, and tummy, then groaned again, as he focused on his best friend slowly stroking his rigid cock.

"Oh...my...God...!" he muttered, "fuck Gary...Dude...that is....SO fucking...good...!"

Gary glanced up, relief washing over him at hearing Ryan's favorable reaction rather than receiving the slap to the head that he had actually been anticipating, and he exhaled deeply, finally releasing the breath that he hadn't been aware he was holding. He mustered a sheepish little smile, then returned his full attention to rubbing the cock, and balls, that he had long been wishing for, without totally understanding why. Man, Gary thought to himself, he is fucking big, and thick...way more than I expected...soft, he isn't half of this...and man...it feels so...awesome...amazing...to be finally touching him like this...and best of all, he likes it...oh God...shit...I'm fucking gay...I mean, like, this IS totally so gay...fuck...no...if I was totally...gay...I'd be, like...sucking him, right...?...all those gay boys online do that...this is just like I'm jacking off...only it's his cock...suck it...?....hmmm....no way....well...fuck...maybe just, like, a little...?...will he...freak...?...hit me...?.....awww, fuck it...I'm gonna...fuck, yea.... I GOT TO...it just looks so....so...fuck...so suckable...!

Ryan watched in utter disbelief, as Gary began leaning over his mid-section, his head dipping, so that his soft hair fell down across his forehead, as he inched his face closer to Ryan's tingling crotch, so close now that Ryan felt the boy's warm breath blowing on his throbbing cock, and his balls...holy shit... he thought, is he gonna....ohhh, shit...he IS..., he silently screamed at himself, and then gasped loudly, as Gary, all in one smooth motion, wrapped thumb, and finger to encircle the base of his cock, lifting it, and then swiped his wet tongue over the oozing head of his cock several times.

Damn...is he ever juicing...Jesus...it's all over the place...wet and...what...?...slippery...and the head is...so fucking smooth...wow...tastes kinda nice, too, this...stuff...precum...yea...fucking thing is like licking...what..?...glass, maybe...yea...it's that smooth...oh wow..thought Gary, his mind spinning, fucking WOW...!

Jesus, that feels amazing...him licking me like that...and that warm breath...wet tongue...fuuuuck...do it Gary...fucking do it man...come on...fuck that's good....come on bud...suck it...suck....my...fucking....cock...Ryan silently urged his friend, his body wound like a loaded bear trap, his muscles so tight his biceps bulged with tension, and his tight abs formed tight ridges across his abdomen, as he mentally willed Gary to take his drooling cock into this mouth and suck it.

Gary backed off just slightly, his thumb and finger tightly circling the base of Ryan's rigid cock, and he stared at the angry looking appendage, and the smoothly circumcised head glistening wetly with the traces of his saliva, and Ryan's freely oozing fluids. He paused only seconds, as he savored a dull ache along his jaw bone, and he was keenly aware of his copiously flowing saliva, as he anticipated slipping his mouth over this incredible instrument, much like he would savor the first taste of his favorite food. Without a seconds worth of hesitation, and actually feeling eager to complete his newly embarked mission, Gary inched closer, and smoothly slid Ryan's thick cock into his mouth as far as he could take it. He quickly adjusted, using his tongue to wash along the smooth underside of the penis that filled his mouth to capacity, as he loosed a flood of saliva into his mouth, then began rhythmically moving his head to glide his drooling mouth over his best friends amazing cock, his mouth seeming to somehow know just the right amount of suction to add to the smooth up and down movement of his head.

Oh man...damn...what a great cock...so wide, and long...fat, even...that glassy smooth knob hitting my throat...tastes amazing...hell, he even smells amazing...fuck yea...I am definitely loving this...thought Gary, relishing the dull ache in his jaw caused by the thickness of the fleshy missile he labored over.

FUUUuuck....I'm gonna fucking explode...man...nothing is supposed to feel this good....oh man...fuck...how did he...where did he...know this shit....Jesus, it's good...amazing....hot as hell....SO fucking...hot...Ryan's feverish brain screamed at him, as he lifted his head, and gazed down at the totally incredible sight of Gary's head bobbing over his cock. He dropped his head back to the pillow, and gave himself over to the unbelievable sensations that coursed through his tightly wound young body, forcing silent all conscious thought, other than the overwhelming pleasure that steadily emanated from his groin, his balls, and his cock.

Finding his rhythm, Gary worked over Ryan's cock, dropping lower a few times to lap at his silky pouch, and gently suck on his heavy balls, always returning to again engulf the wide, and throbbing cock into his warm, wet mouth, as if he had been born to it. He sensed that Ryan was rapidly building to his release, as his slim hips began a steady bucking back and forth, matching his head movements perfectly, as his balled fists hammered at the mattress, and he added more suction, and pace, eager now to experience the ultimate, his best friends nectar exploding into his mouth. Up and down he went, his movements fluid, and smooth, as he slid his hand down to enclose Ryan's scrotum, and tug it gently, probing the balls within into submission, wanting them to give up their precious fluids to his sucking mouth.

Ryan emitted a steady cadence of low groans now, his fists hammering the bed, as his hips bucked uncontrollably, thrusting his spasming cock into Gary's hot little mouth, and he released a loud, deep roar, as his balls suddenly pulled up, and erupted. His cock bucked in Gary's mouth, swelling even thicker, then bucked once more, as barrage of warm, thick, cream suddenly spewed repeatedly into Gary's mouth, flooding him so suddenly and completely that he gagged momentarily, then regrouped, and eagerly swallowed each successive offering as if he had done it forever. He was totally surprised at both the stunning volume of the discharge, and the actually pleasant taste, and most especially the creamy texture of the slightly nutty flavored batter that sprayed across his tongue in repeated volleys, and he felt vaguely disappointed when the ejaculation ended, and reduced to much weaker lingering dribbles that just oozed from the slit. Sensing Ryan's sudden hyper-sensitivity following his intense eruption, Gary reluctantly eased the now wilting, and well drained, cock from his somewhat battered lips, taking one last swipe with his tongue across the bulbous head as he released it. He pushed back from Ryan's wide splayed legs, then scooted up the bed to retake his place along side the still panting Ryan, and then ran his tongue through his mouth, savoring the creamy remnants that lingered there, and the tart aftertaste of his friends thick semen. He looked at Ryan, who met his gaze with a look of pure astonishment, holding it for a moment, before breaking into a wide grin, as he slowly shook his head side to side, and said,

"Damn Dude...who knew...?...I mean, all these fucking years...you and me...wow...who fucking knew you were so good at that....damn!"

Ryan blushed prettily, grinning, as he sheepishly replied,

"Actually...I sorta think maybe I knew...but...well...I wasn't so sure that you would want to find out...you know...?...not something you suggest to your best bud every day...but yea...for sure...I knew...!"

Ryan studied the still very flushed Gary a moment, then reached out to ruffle his soft hair, as he smiled, and replied,

"Yea, I suppose you must have known...but dang, Dude...you really coulda let me in on it earlier, you know...?...now we got a lot of lost time to make up for, right...?"

Gary chuckled, blushing sheepishly again, as he nodded, and said,

"Yea huh....Oh...DARN...!"

The End Storyguy22@yahoo.com

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