Who Killed Koch Robin

Published on Dec 31, 2015


Who Killed Koch Robin 7

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DO NOT read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. I have made no effort to portray safe sex practices. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

I had told my superiors about Rooster and his connection to King Cole. They had the key players under observation. They knew Rooster was not a leader of men and they knew about the payment. The Chief had told King Cole they were tracing the payment through the organization looking for the person who had authorized it.

King Cole had been shocked, but he was a good actor. His daughters also heard of the direction of the investigation. They were more than shocked. They seemed to believe he had authorized the hit on his son to get rid of the potential embarrassment of having a gay son. They took that really badly and went off to stay with an Aunt.

King Cole's show was wild and unscripted, and his specialty was "speaking from the heart." The financial and business aspect of his operation was anything but informal. Forensic accountants went over every detail. I knew the head of our group, Murry Markowitz. He was both detailed and obsessive about finding problematic financial transactions. He looked like a Bulldog and shared the tenacious characteristics of the dog. Finding secret accounts was his hobby.

He found the secret account that paid Rooster in half a day. King Cole said he knew nothing about it, but when he saw the chain that linked it to Rooster, by way of Clinton, he turned white and almost fainted. Whether he was shocked it was discovered, or he was uninvolved, was not clear.

The next day began with a headline in the paper, "King Cole Stops Broadcasting." He was retiring and giving up the show and public life. His entire staff was given severance pay and fired.

Clinton and his men had vanished. King Cole was in seclusion. I had mixed feelings about him. He could have authorized the hits, but he was basically a con man. Taking an elderly man's life savings was one thing; killing him was another. Treachery and deceit are the con man's tools; they rarely resort to violence.

It seemed to me that the exposure of Junior's affair with Koch would had damaged the operations gay conversion income, but was hardly a fatal blow to the operation. It was rolling in cash. The profit margin was astronomical. The made tapes for a few bucks and sold them for hundreds.

Small Caribbean islands with no extradition treaties have one nice feature other than sandy beaches and good weather. You can't walk there. You can e-mail cash transactions, but not people. If Clinton and his henchmen were trying to get out of the country, we were waiting.

Clinton was the most likely paymaster for the murder. He had siphoned off cash to a private account. It was a complicated financial deal but not too complicated for Markowitz. Once he found that, he discovered there were other accounts with considerable assets all with Clinton's name on them. These accounts did not appear in King Cole's books, and King Cole's name was not one of the allowable signatories on the accounts.

Apparently, King Cole's subcontractors, such as the video producer, paid Clinton separately. The name of the producer, Apex Productions, rang a bell. The Ballet had the same video producer. After a few calls to the Ballet, it turned out that the man in charge of Apex, Dudley Wells, was a close friend of Koch Robins. Koch had been a patron of the arts and he was loaded. Liz had worked with Dudley and gave his name to Koch. They had connected. If Dudley were to mention the kickbacks to Koch, and Koch mention the scheme to Junior, it could have been bad for Clinton. I doubted that King Cole would been forgiving about being conned, especially since Clinton was making a quarter of a million a year in salary. If Clinton killed Dudley, the kickback would dry up. Killing Koch had no down side, especially for a man who liked violence.

I called Dudley and went to see him. He had a large studio apartment in a loft in downtown. His work was impressive and focused on ballet and athletes in action. Dudley was cagy. I suspected his relationship to Koch was not entirely platonic. They apparently had been friends with benefits before the connection with Junior Cole. I told him that he wasn't in trouble, but I needed to know if he had told Koch about the scheme.

He finally admitted he had. He complained that the renewal for the contract was coming up and Clinton wanted more. Dudley had told Koch the amounts involved. Koch had been shocked. Dudley was a good looking man and I think he was used to getting his jobs due to his skills, with maybe a blow job thrown in to seal the deal. Clinton did not care about his professional skills; he wanted cash.

Our accountant, Markowitz, told me the secret accounts amounted to more than a million. That meant that Dudley wasn't the only person paying kickbacks. I felt relieved. We finally had a motive for killing Koch. Clinton would have lost everything if his side business deals were known.

That evening, I was surprised when Joel knocked on my door. He wanted to talk. Now that everyone in the King Cole operation was fired, he felt better. He thought he was just the first in a wave of dismissals. I asked him if he knew anything about the financing of the operation. He told me that Clinton did all of the nuts and bolts of the business.

"I was surprised that Dudley disliked Clinton so much. Dudley was the video provider," he explained. "Of course, everyone disliked Clinton one way or another. Clinton told me that most people dislike the financial man. That came with the territory. Dudley hated him."

"Did you mention that to Clinton?" I asked.

"No, but Clinton suggested that Dudley was ripping him off," Joel continued. "My wife works for a big accounting firm. She told me that King Cole's accountants were not well regarded. She said that she doubted that Clinton knew the true financial state of the operation anyway. I told Clinton about that and he said my wife's firm was old fashioned. They were living in the last century." As he talked he was glancing at my crotch. I noticed and he saw that I noticed.

"Sorry about that," he said. "Owen said you might be interested in a little play."

"You are interested? I thought you ran the gay conversion part of the operation?" I asked.

"I'm not really gay," Joel replied. "I do like sex with men."

"I thought that was almost synonymous," I remarked.

"I don't love men, I just like the sex part," he said. "It was great the other day. I loved have a cop cock in my ass. Can we do it again?"

Somehow five minutes later we were both naked. As before Joel had a pre lubricated ass. He opened wide for me and all but dilated his ass. I went in deep with no effort on his part to keep me out. Once I was in, he clamped tightly on my cock. We had a little tug of war, he tried holding me in, I was trying to get out for another thrust. Of course, he lost every time, but it was good since my cock was stimulated by the sex play and I got in deeper with each push.

I was a little worried I was rearranging his internal organs, when his ass began to spasm and he shot off. He forgot he wasn't gay for a few minutes. He was on his back, so I continued thrusting and pinched his tits. That induced additional ejaculations, I kept things going for five or six minutes and then I popped, filling his rectum. He shot off one more time when I did that.

Perhaps he wasn't gay, but his cock and rectum sure were if hands free ejaculations were any indicator. It seemed as if his entire body was involved as he twitched and moaned. He went home.

I met with Donna Koch the next morning. She came with her mother and a lawyer. He was Benny Isaacson, a top of the line criminal lawyer. She was under control but pale and nervous.

"Please note that Miss Koch is here of her own free will. I have been over this situation and do not believe there is any legal liability. There is a great deal that might be considered embarrassing and scandalous. I hope that this will not be made public, with the exception of anything that could be useful to finding the murderer of her brother," Benny said.

Benny was a smart man and tended to be reasonable. His typical clients were prone to bad judgement, but rarely hardened criminals. Donna would be the prefect "bad judgement" client.

"We investigate crimes, not scandals," I said. "I can promise nothing, but it is our policy to spare the victims of crime from scandal. The Koch family falls into that category."

"We understand," the lawyer said. "We appreciate that consideration."

Donna began talking. She was jealous of her older brother. He was a good student and easy to get along with. He had no problem making friends, gay or straight. Donna wanted more attention, and found that by being and difficult she could get more attention. She went on for an hour. She certainly took every opportunity to bad mouth her brother. That was a bad habit and she probably didn't realize she was doing it. Bad mouthing her brother was second nature to her. Now that he was dead, she recognized these feelings as being irrational, but it was way too late.

She selected friends by finding people who could offend her family. This was a test. She felt if she liked them, her family should like them. If they didn't, this proved they didn't really love her. Each new friend was worse than his or her predecessor. She didn't recognize the evolution from rude and crude to criminal.

Rooster was the most outrageous of her harem of boyfriends. She had seen his criminal tendencies as an attractive part of her effort to offend her family. She could not tell the difference between playacting Bad Boys and the real thing. Rooster had met Robin and had talked about how much he hated fags. Robin had not risen to the bait and left. She had told Rooster about his inheritance. Of course, from her point of view she deserved it.

In her mind, that he received the inheritance before she was born was just a technicality. There was still a touch of bitterness in her voice about this. I think that she may have been damaged goods regardless. The interview when on for two hours.

As the interview broke up. Benny slipped me a note, saying he would talk with me later. He was at my door that night. We were old friends and he was a helpful man. I had met in high school; we had been on the wrestling team together. That had converted into a mild sexual connection. We were fuck buddies who helped each other out once and awhile. As a lawyer he slipped me useful information.

"You may have noted that Donna isn't brain surgeon material," he said. "She isn't exactly stupid, but she is so self-absorbed, she can't see clearly. They are sending her to a clinic. She didn't knowingly participate in her brother's death, but she contributed to it. Rooster was paid by someone else. He saw Donna as pure gravy. She is pretty and has oodles of money. A normal man would realize that being married to her would be pure hell. Rooster comes from a difficult family situation. I don't think pure hell would bother him. It would be like being home with his Mom and Dad. Beating a man you hardly knew to death wouldn't bother him either."

"Is the shock of Robin's death enough to change her lifestyle?" I asked.

"I doubt it. She is so self-absorbed. The Clinic deals with that sort of problem; her parents hope it will help," Benny said. "I have doubts."

"Technically she has everything going for her, she is a sad case," I said. We talked a little longer.

"I was wondering if you still helped men in need?" he asked. "I've run into a blip in my love life."

"You have a love life?" I asked in mock surprise.

"No, you know that as well as I do," he replied. "You know my mother died three months ago. She was in a home with Alzheimer's. You remember she was the nagger in chief of my youth. Now that she is gone, I've been lonely. Why I would miss the nagging, I do not know."

Benny was short squat and hairy everywhere except for his head. He was built like a gorilla, but was intelligent. That was his secret of success. He looked like a goon and he thought like a gifted scholar. I remembered his mother; she was like a radio set to the nagging station. It must have seemed unnaturally quiet to Benny with her dead.

We had a good time. Benny had provided my first blow job, and he was the first to take my sperm. He didn't like it, but it was a good way to hide the evidence. We both knew that we weren't babe magnets. Man sex was better than no sex.

I was the first to take his cream. I firmly believed in being evenhanded. I didn't want to do it, but he had done me so many times, he deserved it. Benny was incredibly grateful. It wasn't good for me; it was spectacular. He was fully loaded and the flooded my mouth with his steamy sperm. This was the first inkling that I liked men; it wasn't just a phase I was going through. I wasn't experimenting, I was enjoying.

Given his druthers, Benny would have loved to be with a handsome beach bunny. He had told me that he knew he wasn't attractive and he didn't make enough money to buy one. I was as good as it got for him.

Luckily, it got better for Benny and me. Expediency turned into friendship. He was a top and loved to fuck, but he was willing to do just about anything I wanted. In a suit, he looked like a troll. Naked he was still a muscle man. His specialty was what I called the friendly fuck. His cock tapered at each end. It was easy to take and easy to keep in. He jiggled it and for me the widest part of his cock coincided with the location of my prostate.

It was comfortable, but it didn't seem exceptional. Somehow, after fifteen or twenty minutes, I usually had a spectacular orgasm. My orgasm triggered his climax. He would flood my rectum with his seed. I felt him shooting deep. We both relaxed and sometimes I would wake up a half hour later with his cock still in me. I would squeeze it with my sphincter, and Benny usually ejaculated a few more times.

This time the sex was intense from the beginning. This time I fucked him. His sphincter was naturally tight and once I was it served as a natural cock ring. I tend to be self-lubricating, and his ass was warm and comforting. He was not a natural bottom, but once I was in he didn't want me to pull out. I stayed still and he worked his ass to provide stimulation. After ten minutes, I would feel my juices bubbling and I would shoot off. He would pull away, roll me mover and then fuck me from the rear.

He promptly shot off and then he licked his drooling sperm from my ass. This was something new. I rolled him over, slipped my cock into his ass again and we kissed. That was definitely new for me. I was surprised I did it and even more surprised when I began to ejaculate a second time. I think we were embarrassed at the intensity of the feelings. He went home, but I think we knew it might happen again.

The next morning, I had a call from the hospital. The Rooster was in bad shape. We had that rarest event, a death bed confession. Apparently Rooster liked his buddies. He confessed to the crime and they became accessories to the crime, not principals. The money for the crime came from Clinton's slush fund but was delivered by one of his goons.

We believed Clinton was in Florida, looking for a boat to take him to his cash. We were wrong about that. Two days later we found he was in Florida looking for a plane. Sadly for him, he found a plane and a pilot willing to take him. The pilots who do those flights aren't the most reputable and the plane crashed. It was Clinton and his henchmen. Remarkably the pilot had been shot before he crashed. It seemed to me you would hold off killing the pilot until after you landed. Elroy and Carlton were with Clinton on the plane.

That night Junior and Mac came to see me. Junior wanted firsthand information on his father. He didn't like his father, but he didn't think he would go so far as to murder to protect the cash flow. I explained what we knew. He had no problem believing that Clinton was involved. He also knew that Clinton hired the auditors for the company accounts. It all made sense. Junior became emotional when he realized that his connection to Koch had caused his friend's murder.

After sorting things out, the three of us ended up in the bedroom. Mac mentioned he had never been in a cum filled ass before, not to mention an ass filled with cop cum. This was more than a broad hint.

Junior was more than willing. It was my second time in Junior's ass and I enjoyed it. I shot off quickly and when I pulled out, Mac was waiting. Mac's entrance seemed to almost electrify Junior. Mac seemed excited too. Junior's ass and my sperm did the trick for him.

Mac and I alternated fucking Junior. He had good stamina, and with each penetration I went in deeper. Junior was eventually wide open and receptive to both cocks. It wasn't love for me. but it was fun. I suspected it was different for Mac and Junior and that Mac was well on the way to replacing Koch in Junior's affections.

Next: Chapter 8: Who Killed Bishop Mandrake 1

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