Who Am I?

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Mar 23, 2018


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Who am I " Chapter 7

Scott was up early the next morning. They had to be at the doctor's office at ten so he wanted to make sure that Chris had a good breakfast. The two men had talked in bed the night before until Chris' medicines kicked in. Chris could tell very little about his life but he had gotten a good bit of Scott's history before falling asleep. Scott did not sleep well because his mind would not slow down. Chris fell asleep spooned to Scott's back. His semi hard cock was nestled between Scott's ass cheeks and his left hand cupped Scott's low hanging balls.

Scott smiled and his heart warmed as he saw Chris walking into the kitchen. Still rubbing his face and head to wake himself up. Scott licked his lips as he saw the large flaccid cock and low hanging balls sway back and forth as the man walked. "Morning sunshine." Scott said. "I woke up alone and was not happy." Chris said and smiled. "Hopefully you will be after you have your breakfast." Scott laughed. Chris walked up and wrapped his arms around Scott. Leaning down he lightly kissed Scott on the lips. "Not so unhappy now." Chris said and smiled.

Breakfast was done and Scott convinced Chris to take a shower alone while he cleaned the kitchen. Once the kitchen was done Scott went in for a quick shower. His shower was not quite as alone. Chris stepped into the shower and began to lather Scott's body. "You are suppose to be getting dressed." Scott laughed. "i would but you liked me being naked so much you hid my clothes." Chris laughed. "Oh shit. They are in the laundry room." Scott laughed. "That's alright I have enjoyed being naked and having you stare at me." Chris laughed. "So you saw that ?" Scott laughed. "Hard to not see you stare at me while I was staring at your amazing body." Chris laughed.

Chris dressed in his tattered clothes. His shirt was torn on one side with a couple of buttons missing that had been ripped off. His khaki's had dark stains in a couple of places and one knee was torn. "I really look like going out in public." Chris said as he stood in the great room with his arms stretched out and looking down at his clothes. "That's alright. We will fix that shortly. Time to go." Scott said.

As they drove down the mountain in Scott's truck he stopped and showed Chris where he had found him. "I have no clue as to how I got here. Hell I have no clue who I am." Chris said. "Don't stress out about it. We will find out who you are. I promise." Scott said as he reached over the console and lay his hand on Chris' leg. "I see why you chose this place. It is absolutely gorgeous here." Chris said. "Well I was lucky. The house was bank owned." Scott said. Scott stopped on the road further down the mountain to show Chris where he had all the trees cut so that the view he had was revealed. "Paradise on the mountain." Chris whispered.

Scott pulled out on the main road but then turned into the store that he had walked to when he found Chris. "Come on. New clothes time." Scott said. "I can't. I don't have a wallet or credit card or anything." Chris said. "That's alright because I brought mine." Scott said. "I can't let you do this." Chris said getting nervous. "Listen to me. I am not rich but I am nowhere near broke either. I will be completely debt free in less than two years. I have a good income and I still have all the money from the sale of my house and land. This is not Neiman Marcus either." Scott said as he pulled his keys from the ignition.

Bo was behind the counter as the men entered. "This must be our community mystery guest." Bo said. "Hi I am Chris." he said. "Chris ?" Bo asked. "Well we are calling him Chris until he gets his memory back." Scott said. "Well nice to meet you and welcome to the neighborhood. You couldn't have picked a better one to find you." Bo said. "We need jeans, slacks, shirts and all that other stuff." Scott said.

Bo and Chris were busy looking at jeans and khaki's. Scott walked over to the clearance section. Since it was winter all the shorts and t shirts were on clearance. Scott grabbed a couple pair of running shorts, four t shirts and two low cut tank tops. Back at the counter Chris had picked one pair of jeans and one pair of khaki pants. He also had one button up shirt and one polo. Scott picked up the pants and looked at the brand and the sizes. "Did these fit ?" Scott asked. "Oh boy did they." Bo said and smiled. Scott walked back over to the pants section. Minutes later he had two more pair of jeans in different designs and two pair of casual pants. He turned and walked back to the shirt section. When he returned he had two button up shirts and four more polo shirts. "You can't do all of this." Chris said.

"What else do we need ?" Scott asked as he looked over the choices he had made and proud of his finds. "I asked about underwear but he said just looking at them turned his stomach. They do me too so I don't wear them. The boys need their freedom. " Bo said. "Throw in a pair of tighty whities just in case they are needed." Scott said. Bo began to ring up the clothes on the counter. Scott took a pair of prewashed jeans and cream colored polo shirt. "Go change into these. We will wash the others when we get home." Scott said as he pulled the tags off the clothes.

Chris walked out of the dressing room and Scott almost fainted. "Holy fuck." Scott whispered. "Told you they fit him too good." Bo whispered. Scott looked down and saw the dress shoes. "Nope." Scott said. Chris looked up with a surprised look. "What size shoe do you wear ?" Scott asked. "Not sure." Chris said. Chris took his shoe off and looked inside. "Fourteen." Chris said. "Fuck." Bo whispered and Scott gulped trying to swallow. "I know we have some. They always send us large sizes and we can't sell them." Bo said quickly leaving behind the counter.

Returning to the counter he had two pair of deck shoes, a pair of semi dress shoes and a pair of tennis shoes. "Try these on." Scott said pulling out one of the deck shoes. Chris put the shoe on and walked around the front of the store. "Feel great." Chris said. "Ring all these up and if they don't fit we will bring them back." Scott said. "This is too much Scott." Chris said. "Nonsense. You need clothes and shoes. Oh we need a belt too." Scott said as he headed to the belt rack.

The back seat of the truck looked like they had been Christmas shopping. "Baby this was too much. I promise I will pay you back." Chris said as he leaned over and kissed Scott. "It's just money. Don't stress about it." Scott said as soon as hte kiss ended.

Their next stop was at the Sheriff's office. The deputy met them in the lobby and took them to the back. They chatted for a while. Chris was still not able to remember his name or how he got there. The deputy named near by cities to see if any rang any bells for Chris. Scott could tell that Chris was getting frustrated. "Have their been any missing persons reports ?" Scott asked. "Not any that match his description. We can take his finger prints and run them through the system at state headquarters but that may take a few days." the deputy said.

Chris allowed them to take his photo and his finger prints. They moved back into the lobby to leave. "Wait right here. Let me ask him something about another matter." Scott said as he caught the door before it closed. He walked back to the office that the deputy was in. "Do you think he is a criminal ?" Scott asked. "No sir at this point he seems to only be a victim." the deputy said. "Well let me tell you this then. If you EVER treat him like a criminal again like you just did I promise I will make your life a living hell. Do we understand each other ?" Scott said. "Sir you need to calm down." the deputy said. "No you need to do the job you are paid to do." Scott said.

The Sheriff had been coming down the hall and heard the confrontation. "Is there a problem here ?" he asked. "Yes there is. I have a man that was beaten and left to die in the woods staying at my house. I bring him in here and this incompetent deputy treats him like a criminal. I have seen easier interrogation tactics in television." Scott said. "Is this true ?" the Sheriff said looking at the deputy. "Well sir we need to get this case closed. He doesn't have answers." the deputy said. "Have you ever fucking heard of amnesia you twit ?" Scott said. "Does he have amnesia ?" the sheriff asked. "According to Dr. Marshall he does." Scott said. "Good enough for me. You need to apologize." the Sheriff said. "If you think I am going to let him come back in here and face him after that you have lost your mind." Scott said. "Oh he will be very nice about it I promise." the Sheriff said. "NO. I only wanted him to know that if he EVER acted like that again I would make it my life's mission to make his life a living hell." Scott said. "Don't worry sir. If he does it again I will be the one to make his life a living hell." The sheriff said.

Scott calmed himself quickly before he returned to Chris. Once in the truck Chris turned and looked at Scott. "I heard you back there. You didn't have to do that." Chris said. "He was just wrong and I was not about to let him get away with treating you like that." Scott said. "Thank you." Chris said. "For what ?" Scott sked. "For everything. Plus I can't say for certain but I think I would remember if I had ever had anyone stand up for me like you did back there." Chris said. "Well I care abo .... I care how people are treated." Scott said catching himself. "I care about you too and I learned something today." Chris said. "And what is that ?" Scott said. "You are not only sexy as hell but mean as cat shit when someone attacks someone you care about." Chris said. "Oh you think I am sexy ?" Scott laughed. "Yes and what a way to change the subject." Chris laughed.

The next stop was at he doctor's office. They sat and chatted as they waited to be called. Chris had already had a trying morning. He sat and held Scott's hand as they waited. The nurse opened the door and called for Chris to go back. Scott sat still as Chris got up. "He said you too Scott." the nurse said. The nurse led them to an exam room. Marshall was walking down the hall as they entered the exam room. "How are you two today ?" Marshall asked. "Much better Marshall." Chris said.

"Here put on this gown and I will be back after I listen to Mrs. Parker's pain of the day." Marshall said. Scott turned to walk out with Marshall. "Not you. He still looks sore. He may need help getting that gown on." Marshall said pushing Scott back in the room and closing the door. "Yeah I need help." Chris said grinning.

Scott would lean over and look and smile up at Chris. "You are not funny." Chris laughed. "Well that gown is sexy on you. Not enough cloth to cover up the goods." Scott said. Chris laughed and tugged at the gown to try to cover his cock and balls that seemed to want to slide off the edge of the table. "Don't do that on my account. I enjoy the view." Scott laughed. "Plus the uncomfortable look on your face is kind of cute." Scott laughed.

Marshall entered the room and began his examination. He sent Chris down the hall to x ray his ribs just to make sure there were no fractures. The nurse bought the x rays in just as Marshall was finishing the rest of his examination. "Well mister you look to be fit as a fiddle. Your ribs on one side are just heavily bruised. As freely as you can move your jaw it seems it is just bruised also. I got the results back from the blood samples that I took the day we found you. It is all good. There are nothing there to be concerned about including STD's ( sexually transmitted diseases ). " Marshall said.

Marshall listened to his lungs and his heart beat one more time. "So I am clean ?" Chris asked. "Clean to play." Marshall said causing Scott to blush. "Now I still need you to take it a little easy for a few days. The amnesia is probably caused by the trama and hypothermia. Do you remember anything other than you like men ?" Marshall asked. "Marshall." Scott said. "It's a good thing that he remembers that. If he could not remember things such as that or how to feed and clean himself then we would need to do a brain scan." Marshall said. "I remember some things but not my name, what I did for a living or where I lived." Chris said. "Those are good enough for right now. It will come back but it may take a while. Might be today or could be next month. The mind has it's own way of healing." Marshall said.

Marshall and Chris talked about what to expect in the coming days. "So what is your final assessment Doc. ?" Chris asked. "Well my friend just take it easy for a few days and you will be as good as new." Marshall said. "So no swinging from the rafters huh ?" Chris laughed. "Well you may want to keep it either floor or bed level for a week or so but if you are referring to sex then your restrictions are lifted. Plus Scott is a fit specimen and all his blood work as been clean too so it is up to you two." Marshall said. "Marshall." Scott said again. "I just love picking on my favorite gay patient. Well my favorite two now." Marshall laughed.

The two men were in the truck about ready to leave. "Where to now ?" Scott asked. "Home James." Chris laughed. "I need to stop by the grocery store since we are this close." Scott said. "Sure you don't want to wait until tomorrow ?" Chris asked. "We can if you want to." Scott said. "Now is fine. I just really don't feel like a long grocery shopping trip." Chris said with a sad look. "It may take ten minutes. Then I won't have to come back to town." Scott said. "If that means I will have you all to myself in paradise then grocery shopping we will go." Chris said.

Scott was surprised but pleased when Chris picked up a couple of items. He started to put them in the cart but realized apparently that he had no money so he placed it back. Scott reached up as they moved on and placed it in the buggy. Scott felt even more sure that Chris knew what he liked including his taste in men when he picked up an eight pack of Diet Pepsi bottles before placing it back on the shelf. The lady at the check out was flirting heavily with Chris. Scott just smiled as the two carried on.

The groceries were squeezed in with all the clothing bags in the back seat of the truck. "Did you see how that cashier flirted with me ?" Chris asked. "Hell I saw half the men and women in the store stop and stare. As sexy as you look in that outfit I am surprised more did not flirt with you." Scott said. "Well the one I wanted to flirt with me hasn't flirted a bit." Chris said. "It's not too late. We can go back in and find them." Scott said trying to act serious. "You are too funny. Let's go home." Chris said and laughed.

Chris asked questions about the subdivision as they entered. Scott stopped at the guard house and introduced Chris to the guard. "Gated community huh ?" Chris said acting impressed. Keep going straight and you find all the lawyers, architects and doctors. Turn to the right here and you are on the poor side of the mountain." Scott laughed. "Poor side." Chris said. " Go on up around the next curve and you will see all mansions, not small houses like mine. I just got lucky." Scott said. "Oh so you got lucky ?" Chris laughed. "Yes mister I have. A few times in my life to be more accurate." Scott laughed.

Scott grabbed the refrigerated groceries first when he got out of the truck. "You take those and put them away and I will bring the rest in." Chris said. "Just leave the clothes bags in the laundry room so I can wash everything before you wear it." Scott said.

Chris followed Scott in with the rest of the groceries. When he returned with the first load of clothes bags Scott was a little startled. He stood and looked at Chris. "What ? You said when you came in the door you lost your clothes. So I am just following house rules." Chris said as he walked into the laundry room. Chris had stripped naked except his deck shoes and was making trips into the garage to unload the truck.

"Your little buddy is out there barking at you." Chris said. "I almost forgot about Charlie." Scott said. He quickly took some of the left overs out of the refrigerator. "I will pour this over some of the dog food for him." Scott said. "Here I will do it. Where is the dog food and how much ?" Chris asked. Scott stood in the doorway and smiled as Chris quickly made his way across the yard naked with the food for Charlie. They were both surprised as Charlie slowly moved towards Chris with his nose high sniffing the air. Chris was cautious not to move quickly. Charlie came within inches of Chris and sniffed again before moving on to the fresh bowl of food.

"That was intense." Chris said as he came back into the garage. "It was sexy too. I wish I had my phone so I could take a picture." Scott said. "Sexy ?" Chris asked. "The sexiest man alive, naked all but his shoes in my driveway. What is not sexy about that ?" Scott said.

"Oh so I am the sexiest man alive ?" Chris said as he lay the bowl on the table in the garage and began walking slowly towards Scott. "Won't get any argument out of me about it." Scott said. "Well the sexiest man alive has plans for the other sexiest man alive." Chris said with a smirk. "Well give me a few minutes and I will get out of here so you can have your way with this sexy man you are talking about." Scott said smiling. Before he could move from the doorway Chris had pulled him to his chest, wrapped his arms around him, licked one of his fingers and as soon as his tongue passed Scott's teeth the wet finger slid inside Scott's ass ring.

Next: Chapter 8: Who Am I 8

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