Who Am I?

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Mar 16, 2018


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Who am I ?" Chapter 6

Scott was busy putting the final touches on his supper menu. His mind had raced all day. "He has kissed me multiple times. He seems to be flirting with me. ALL signs say he is gay and interested, but is it just that I am desperate for him to be interested. Also there is the fact that when he gets his memory back he will be going back to his life. Where will that leave you ? Get a grip on everything Scott. You can't get lost in this guy." Scott kept telling himself.

The pork chops were done so Scott put them in the warmer to stay fresh. Scott stood at the sink looking out the window trying to decide how he needed to proceed without falling for Chris even further. He was so lost in his thought that he did not hear Chris walk up behind him in the kitchen. "Something smells delicious." Chris said as he wrapped his arms around Scott from behind. "Shit" Scott said and jumped. "Sorry if I scared you. Chris said pulling Scott tighter to his chest and placing his chin on Scott's shoulder.

"I have to be more careful with you. You are quieter than a church mouse." Scott laughed. "I wasn't trying to be quiet but it looked like you were off in a world of your own. Is everything alright ?" Chris asked. "Who me ? Yeah everything is fine." Scott said. "Not quite." Chris said. "What's wrong ?" Scott asked. Chris reached down and slipped his hands down the inside band of Scott's shorts. After pushing them down Chris ran his hands around the sides of Scott's ass cheeks.

Next he ran his hands under the edge of Scott's t shirt and began pulling it up over Scott's head. Once the shirt was removed Chris pulled Scott's naked body back against his. One arm was across Scott's chest with one of his nipples trapped between Chris' fingers. The other hand rested across Scott's pubes with his pinky finger resting against the base of Scott's cock. Wiggling his hips a little as he pulled Scott back tight, his semi hard cock parted Scott's ass cheeks allowing his large cock to rest between Scott's ass cheeks. "Much better. Now everything is fine." Chris whispered in Scott's ear.

"Are you feeling better after your nap ?" Scott asked. "I feel much better. Not going to say I feel normal yet but a lot better than earlier." Chris said. "I am glad to hear that. Are you hungry ?" Scott asked. "Starving." Chris said and ground his cock in to the crack of Scott's ass as he lowered his hand and ran it across Scott's flaccid cock. He kissed Scott on the neck and lightly squeezed Scott's hardened nipple in between his fingers. Scott moaned and leaned back into Chris' chest. "You like pork chops ?" Scott whispered. " Among other things." Chris said. Chris removed his hand from the front of Scott's leaking cock.

Placing his fingers to his lips he licked the precum from his fingers. "Mmmmm... Best appetizer on earth." Chris whispered. "Alright mister. You go sit at the table and I will put the food out." Scott said. "Do I have to move ?" Chris moaned swaying his hips taking Scott back and forth with him. "If my supper gets ruined you will be in big trouble." Scott laughed. "We don't want that then do we ?" Chris said as he released Scott long enough to turn him around and lean down for a quick but passionate kiss. Chris reached between them as they kissed and collected more of the leaking fluid on two of his fingers. Still holding Scott close, Chris took the two fingers and put them in his mouth. Closing his eyes he moaned as he licked the liquid from his fingers. "I always like to taste dessert before I eat." Chris said before one last quick and passionate kiss.

Chris and Scott both sat at the table in the kitchen. "I don't know if I liked this before but I think I could really get use to this." Chris said. "Get use to what ?" Scott asked. "Eating naked." Chris said. "I usually strip in the laundry room as soon as I get home and I don't dress again unless the door bell rings of I am going back outside." Scott said. There was an odd silence as they prepared their plates. Scott looked up and saw a huge grin on Chris' face. "Sorry I guess that was too much information." Scott laughed and blushed.

"Oh no. I hope that you won't change that routine because I am here. Speaking for myself I really enjoy the view." Chris said. "Make you a deal. I will continue as long as you do the same. I enjoy the view too." Scott said and blushed again. "Your house, your rules and I will be glad to comply." Chris said and smiled.

"This meal is out of this world. You should not have worked this hard for me." Chris said. "I hate to admit it but this meal was very simple. I was afraid to do too much because I don't know if you have any allergies." Scott said. "I don't think I have an allergies but I will say. If you didn't put much effort into this then I can not imagine a meal that you put a lot of effort in to. I eat like this too much and I will get fat." Chris said.

"Well I need to put a little meat on your bones." Scott said. "I like the sound of your meat on my bones." Chris said. "Smarty. I was talking about fattening you up a little." Scott said. Chris looked down at his own cock. "You hear that buddy. He said we need to fatten you up." Chris said. "I don't think you need any help in that department." Scott said and blushed again.

Chris sat back and rubbed his chest and stomach. "That was delicious. You really out did yourself." Chris said. Chris lightly rubbed his jaw. Scott was fairly sure that his jaw was sore from the chewing. "You go into the great room and get comfortable. The remote control is on the coffee table. Would you like some coffee ?" Scott asked as he went to stand. "You cooked all of this. I will do the cleaning." Chris said. "I always clean as I cook and it will only take a hand full of dishes in the dishwasher and it's done. You go rest. I don't want you to ware yourself out before bedtime." Scott said. "Oh so I need to save my strength for bedtime ?" Chris said and grinned. "I know one thing. you are a big flirt." Scott laughed.

As Scott went to pick up Chris' plate he felt a hand go between his legs. Looking down at Chris there was a huge smile. Chris' hand covered one of Scott's ass cheeks with his thumb deep in the crack. "Oh believe me. I haven't started flirting yet." Chris said and taking his free hand land lightly tapping his lips. Scott leaned over for a passionate thank you kiss for the meal.

Scott brought a fresh cup of coffee into the great room and handed it to Chris. He could tell that Chris was trying to get comfortable. His side, head, and jaw had to hurt but he was trying his best to cover it up. "I am going to bring you some water and a pain pill." Scott said. "I don't want to go back to sleep." Chris said. "The pain pill is mild. It's the other pill that knocks you out." Scott said. "If you promise." Chris said and rubbed his side.

Scott took his time cleaning the kitchen so that the pain pill would have time to start taking affect. When he returned to the great room with a cup of coffee for himself Chris seemed to be a little more at ease. "I thought you said it would only take you a couple of minutes." Chris said. "Well I wanted you to have peace and quiet so the pill would start working." Scott said. "I thought nurses were suppose to stay with their patients." Chris said smiling. "Well I am no nurse." Scott said laughing. Scott has a large and deep seated sectional couch in his great room. The two end unit have recliners and there is a separate recliner across the room. Scott sat down a couple of feet away from Chris. Chris had found a movie on the television and asked if Scott approved. Chris began to move around a little in the seat. "Are you alright ? So you need something ?" Scott asked. "A little chilly." Chris said and smiled. "You want a blanket ?" Scott asked.

Chris stood up and moved over and held his hand out for Scott. Scott took his hand and Chris pulled him to his feet. Chris leaned over and lightly kissed Scott before moving him to the side. Chris lay down on the sectional on his side. He then took his free hand and rubbed the couch in front of him and pat it lightly. Scott just smiled and lay down on the couch in front of Chris. Chris put one arm under Scott's neck and draped the other over Scott's waist and pulled him tight against his body. "Better now. Only blanket I need." Chris said.

Scott's mind went into hyper drive. Chris moved them around so that his semi hard cock was resting in the crack of Scott's ass. His fingers lightly ran up and down the front of Scott's body lightly twirling the hair. Scott would moan every now and then because Chris would reach further down and lightly stroke Scott's growing cock before moving back up his body.

At certain points Chris would move Scott around so that he was on his back. He would prop up on one elbow and lean over and kiss Scott. He ran his hand down over Scott's cock and balls and coaxed Scott to part his legs. As he slowly kissed Scott running his tongue all through Scott's mouth his hand slipped down and slid between Scott's ass cheeks. Using some of the precum that Scott was leaking Chris began rubbing his finger around Scott's ass ring. He would smile as Scott would moan and arch his back.

Scott put the brakes on the make out session. "Marshall said we could not do this yet ?" Scott said. Chris lowered his head and lay it under Scott's chin. "Did he say how long ?" Chris asked. "He called while you were asleep and wants you at his office in the morning. I am sure we will know more after that." Scott said. "In the morning huh ?" Chris moaned. "Look Chris or whatever your real name is. You don't have to do this. You don't owe me this for taking care of you." Scott said with a hitch in his voice.

"You are a super sexy man. You have a heart as big as the state. I assure you that there is no pity in what I am doing." Chris said. "When you get your memory back you may not even be gay." Scott said. "I don't really think a bump on the head can change your sexuality. But if it did , right now I am grateful." Chris said. "Well it is getting close to pill time. You need to get that shower before you take that pill." Scott said.

Chris teased Scott all the way to the bathroom. As he followed Scott he would lightly reach up and pinch one of Scott's ass cheeks. The shower was large with multiple spray heads. "You could get five men in this shower." Chris said and raised an eyebrow and looked at Scott. "Not going to happen. As far as I know there has never been more than one man or person at a time in this shower." Scott laughed as he programed in the water temperature. "Well we can fix that." Chris said. "What do you mean ?" Scott said. "I am injured. I may need someone to help me stand up and I really need someone to wash my back." Chris said.

"You are definitely a flirt." Scott laughed. "Is it working ?" Chris asked. "I will wash your back if that's what you want." Scott said. "Well that's not exactly what I want but the good Doc. has to let you know that I am capable of doing what I really want too." Chris said. "You have an appointment in the morning. You can ask him anything you want to." Scott said.

Scott grabbed the bottle of body wash. He poured some in his hand and turned towards Chris. Chris took Scott's hand and pushed it to his chest. "Me first." Chris said. Chris took his time and lathered Scott's chest first. Chris smiled and looked into Scott's eyes as he lowered his hand and began to massage Scott's growing cock. Scott closed his eyes and moaned.

Scott felt a small draft and opened his eyes. Chris had gotten down on his knees and watched the soap rinse away from Scott's cock and balls. Leaning forward he took the mushroom head of the cock into his mouth. Taking his time he licked his way slowly down the shaft pulling more and more in as he went until his nose landed in Scott's wet pubes.

Chris pushed Scott's legs further apart. He reached between Scott's legs and began running his fingers up and down Scott's ass crack. As the tip of his fingers touched the ring he would lightly apply pressure to the ring. Scott began to push back on Chris' fingers. Chris pulled back off Scott's cock and lightly rubbed his jaw. "Please stop Chris. It's not worth it. Your jaw has to be sore." Scott whimpered. Chris took his free hand and began to jack Scott's cock as he leaned over and kissed the mushroom head.

"Oh ... Oh... Chris please. You don't have .... Uhhh. I'mm cummmm.... " Scott began to shout. Chris quickly opened his mouth and took the cock back inside just as it started to erupt. Chris sucked the erupting cock further into his mouth while running his tongue around the sensitive, flaring head. Scott placed a hand on the shower wall trying to steady his legs while Chris quickly finger fucked him while his cock erupted. "DAMN you taste good." Chris said as he stood and quickly kissed Scott. This was the first time he had ever tasted his own seed from the mouth of another man.

"I was afraid that the finger may have been too much." Chris whispered. "Oh no. The finger was right up my alley." Scott whispered. "i kind of got that feeling but I had to make sure." Chris said. "Make sure of what ?" Scott whispered. "I am not a bottom. I even hate the finger for prostate exams." Chris said. "Don't worry. I love the finger. I have never been a top and never wanted to be." Scott whispered. "You get more interesting by the minute." Chris said before kissing Scott again.

Chris pulled Scott hard against his body. His now raging cock was trapped between the two. Chris began to grind his body against Scott as they kissed. Reaching around Scott again he easily slipped two fingers inside Scott's ass. Scott moaned into Chris' mouth through the kiss.

Scott pushed back from Chris and got down on his knees. "Baby be careful. There haven't been any men that have been able to take all of that down. Very few could take it as bottoms." Chris said. Scott opened his mouth and took the mushroom head in his mouth. He could feel Chris' knees quiver as he licked around the underside of the head. Scott smiled to himself thinking. " You just don't know sexy. I already know I can handle this piece of meat on both ends."

Within a minute Chris' eyes shot wide open when he felt Scott's tongue touch his ball sack and felt his nose in his pubes. "Oh my fucking God. You took it all." Chris said in amazement. He reached down and lightly ran his hand along Scott's bulging throat. "Fuck baby. You did it. That is me in there." Chris said. Scott pulled back and when he went back down balls deep he began to hum. Chris almost lost his balance and began to lightly rub the hair on Scott's head. "Holy fuck baby, that is amazing." Chris whispered. It only took a couple of minutes before Scott could feel Chris' cock begin to grow and start to strain and flex in his mouth and throat.

"Ahhh .... FFFFfffuuuuuucccckkkkkkk." Chris shouted as his cock began to spray Scott's throat and then the last two bursts were at the back of Scott's tongue. Chris held onto Scott's head as his body shook and it seemed that every muscle in his body strained and contorted. Chris quickly pulled Scott to his feet and pinned him against that back wall of the shower and kissed him with a passion that Scott had never had. Not even with his former partners.

They both re soaped quickly and rinsed off. After drying they both stood in front of the large mirror. "Do you have any idea just how sexy you are ?" Chris asked. "Not even in the same league as you." Scott said and blushed. "You are so innocent it makes you that much more sexy." Chris said. "Well I have to admit. There is a movie star that I have perved over for years and dreamed of touching. You could almost be his twin. The gruff of the mustache and goatee is a bonus." Scott said. "You like the facial hair ?" Chris asked looking in the mirror turning his head side to side and lightly touching the hair. "I love it." Scott said. "Well you are welcome to perv on me anytime you want too. You passed the oral exam and hopefully the good Doc. will give me the o.k. to try the internal love box test." Chris said.

Scott left the bedroom and went to get Chris' pills. "Do I have to ?" Chris whined. "Want me to tell Marshall tomorrow that you are not following his directions. It may set you back a few days in recovery." Scott said. "Give me those damn pills." Chris laughed. Scott headed back to the kitchen. "Where are you going ?" Chris asked. "I figured you needed to get comfortable so you could fall asleep. I need to turn the lights out too." Scott said. "I will stand right here until you get back." Chris said. "You need to lay down." Scott said. "Not without you." Chris said.

Next: Chapter 7: Who Am I 7

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