Who Am I?

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Mar 2, 2018


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Who am I ?" Chapter 4

Scott got a large pot from the kitchen and filled it with warm water. Carrying it back to the bedroom he placed it beside the bed. He went into the master bath to get towels and a wash cloth. His niece had given him some masculine bath oils so he poured a small amount into the pot with the warm water. He tucked two long towels under each side of the man and kept one to dry him with.

Washing his arms and his legs first, Scott paused before washing the man's cock and balls. "I promise you my prince that I am not a perv but I just have to do this." Scott said. Scott opened the bedside drawer and pulled out his favorite dildo. Lubing it well before inserting it into his ass he looked down at the handsome man and moaned. Getting down on his hands and knees he took the warm rag and began to lightly was he now semi hard cock.

Scott could not resist and leaned over and took part of the cock into his mouth. The cock began to grow in his mouth. It took Scott a few minutes slowly moving up and down the cock but smiled inside when he realized that he had finally taken the ten inch thick cock down his throat. As he moaned he felt the cock head flex in his throat. He moved back off and watched as the cock came loose and slapped the man on his stomach.

"Sorry baby but I could not resist." Scott whispered. Scott watched as the cock flexed searching for the warm tight space that it had enjoyed. Scott put the cloth back into the water and realized that it had become chilly. As he went to stand he had to quickly catch the dildo to keep it from escaping his ass.

Fresh warm water from the bathroom with more oil in it, Scott held the dildo in place Placing his dildo filled ass over the man's waist he ran his hands lightly up and down the man's chest pretending he was riding the large cock. Scott's mind was going wild and his cock was strained as he looked down on the most handsome man he had ever seen.

"Fuck this. You wanted a kiss. You will have to forgive me later." Scott said as he quickly got off the man's waist. He pulled the dildo out and tossed it on the floor. He quickly grabbed a condom from the nightstand and opened it. A couple of minutes later frustration took over. The condoms were standard size and though he tried he could not seem to get it onto the man's cock.

Scott tossed the condom on the floor. "Enough of this." he growled. Scott applied some water based lube to the man's cock. Getting back on the bed he directed the hard member to the loosened opening of his ass. Scott gasp in pain as the inflated head popped through his ass ring. Staying still until the pain subsided, Scott began to slowly lower himself onto the cock. After four or five minutes he let out a deep moan as his ass cheeks spread wide around the base of the man's cock. "Your wife, if you have one, will have to forgive me later." Scott whispered.

Scott dipped the wash cloth in the warm water and rang the access out. Staying as still as possible until his body adjusted to the largest item ever put inside it. Leaning forward to wash the man's arm pits, Scott moaned as the cock slid partially out of his ass. Leaning back the cock smoothly went back in until he was riding the man balls deep. Moving forward to the other arm, Scott moaned again and moved his ass up and down on the cock. Once he was finished both arms he leaned over and kissed the sleeping man on the lips. When his lips touched the man's the cock flexed inside him.

Scott lay lightly on the man's chest and moved his hips so that the cock was moving in and out of his ass. Scott began to speed his motion as the strong veins of the cock began to rub against his prostate. "Of fuck baby. Fuck this ass. Fuck it hard." Scott almost shouted before leaning over to kiss the sleeping man again. Realizing that his orgasm was getting close, Scott sat back up and stopped his motion.

Dipping the wash rag once again he leaned forward and began to wash the man's chest. Lightly washing it and taking special care to wash the now hardened nipples almost caused him to shoot his waiting load. Scott leaned over and lightly licked and then nibbled on the man's nipples. Making sure that he paid both nipple equal attention. He began moved his ass slowly again as he leaned up and kissed the man on the lips again. Scott sat up quickly impaling himself fully on the cock. "Of fuck, oh fuck, what have I done." Scott thought. The man had a low moan come from his body and it began to shake. The cock deep in his ass grew even bigger. It was too late to stop it but feeling the warmth of the man's seed begin to shoot deep inside his ass pushed him over the edge. Scott quickly placed his hand over his cock and forced into the man's stomach as his own orgasm took over.

Scott had placed his hand over his cock to keep it from spraying all over the man's chest and face. As his ass ring tightened and loosened around the man's cock it was strain and flex inside him. Scott leaned over to kiss the man one more time. He quickly became very ashamed of what he had just done. As he began to lift his ass off the man's still hard cock he became even more ashamed. When he felt the large head just inside the ring he lifted slowly trying to compensate for the loss of the plus to keep the man's load inside him.

Scott quickly took the wash rag and placed it against his ass ring as he went to get up. He did not want to leak any of the man's deposit on the sheets to show even more guilt. Quickly going into the bathroom he got more warm water and returned to wash the man's cock and balls. He also wiped the sheen of sweat off the man's chest that had appeared.

The pot was emptied and the rag rinsed before Scott left the bathroom. He walked over and pulled the sheet up to cover the man. The man was fine it was his shame that caused him to cover him. He grabbed his deodorant and put a small amount under each of the man's arms. "One last one." Scott whispered as he leaned over and lightly kissed the man.

Scott cleaned up the floor and the towels. He carried the cups and pot back to the kitchen and quickly washed those and cleaned the kitchen. He turned the television off and made sure the house was locked before heading back to the master bedroom.

Scott took a quick rinsing shower. He had thought about cleaning himself but just could not bring himself at this point to release the man's seed that was still deep inside him. As he smiled thinking of the seed still in him he began to feel even more guilty than before. "You can't do that again Scott. It's not fair to him." Scott kept telling himself. He lightly washed his ass ran his finger around the sore and swollen ring. "Damn he was huge but I got it in there." Scott thought.

Before laying down Scott checked the man's temperature again. It was down to ninety nine degrees. "Maybe it will all be gone in the morning baby." Scott whispered before lightly kissing the man's lips. Scott decided to lay next to the man and spoon his side for a few minutes. He had considered sleeping in one of the guest bedrooms but he just needed to be close to the stranger for a few more minutes.

Sliding in the bed beside the stranger, Scott pulled the covers over the two and placed one leg over the man's legs and placed his hand on the man's chest. He lay his head on the man's shoulder for one last snuggle but began to doze off.

A slight cough shook Scott's head and woke him quickly. The man was shivering. Scott moved even tighter against the man's body and began to rub his hands all over him trying to help warm him up. The man shivered for only a couple of minutes before settling back down. Scott had realized that he had fallen asleep and had not left the bed. "I will get you settled baby and then I will go to bed." Scott whispered.

Three hours later Scott woke to a hand moving up and down his back. Realizing that he had fallen asleep again spooned against the man he was afraid to breath. A low whispered "fuck" came from his lips when he realized that his hand was resting on the man's hard cock. Scott moved slowly to remove his hand and his leg from the man.

As he moved his head he looked up to see the beautiful man's eyes open and he was smiling at Scott. "I am so sorry. You had chills and I was trying to keep you warm." Scott said trying to get away from the man's arm. "I am not complaining." the man said in a raspy voice. "How are you feeling ?" Scott asked. as he pulled himself away from the man and slid a little in the bed.

The man went to turn and moaned. "What the hell happened ?" he asked. "We were hoping you could tell us. I found you in the snow. You had been beaten and were bleeding." Scott said. "When I first woke up I had just thought I got lucky but did not know where I was." the man said. Scott blushed thinking about the man getting lucky but didn't even know it.

"My name is Scott. This is my home." Scott said. "Nice to meet you Scott. I am.... I am... My name is... What is my name ?" the man said with a concerned look. "Don't stress. You were beaten pretty badly. I am not sure how long you were out in the snow but this is the first time you have really been awake since you got here." Scott said. "How long have I been out ?" the man asked. "I found you yesterday morning so it hasn't been that long." Scott said. "My name has to be in my wallet or on my phone." he said. "The deputy figures that you were robbed and beaten. You had no phone or ID on you. Scott said.

"I have to know who I am." the man said. "It will come back. It hasn't even been twenty four hours. "This is frustrating." he said. "I am sure it is. Tell you what. You look like Chris Meloni from Oz so if you don't care we will just call you Chris until you regain your memory. I like that better than hey you." Scott said and smiled. "Chris it is for now then." the man said with a slight smile.

"I hate to ask directions cut I really need to piss." Chris said. "Right through that door. I will turn up some lights." Scott said getting out of the bed and turning the dimmer partially up. Chris moved and sat up on the side of the bed. He seemed to have trouble getting the strength to stand. Scott walked around and reached out both hands. Chris took his hands and stood beside the bed. He stumbled for a second and Scott quickly wrapped his arms around him and pulled him to him. Scott's head came to rest just under the tall man's chin. Scott had to will his cock not to grow as he felt the man's muscles in his back shift to help him balance.

"You will get your strength and balance back. Let me help you." Scott said. "Not into piss are you ?" Chris said and tried to laugh. The pain in his ribs stopped that quickly. "Sorry. If that's your scene then you are on your own. No offense if you are but it's not for me." Scott said. "I might have been dreaming but I seem to remember someone holding my dick so I could piss in a cup. Was that you ?" Chris asked. Scott froze almost causing the man now called Chris to loose his balance. "Um, you could not stand so I had to do something." Scott said. "Thank you." Chris said

Scott helped Chris to balance himself with one hand on the wall while he took a piss. Once again Scott begin to feel weird and guilty. His mind raced to remember if he washed the man's dick well enough to get the lube off it. His mind also raced wondering if the man remembered that, what else might he remember.

After draining his monster Chris placed a hand on the counter and moved over in front of the mirror. "DAMN" he said. "It's not as bad as it looks." Scott said moving towards the naked man. Chris moved around so that he could see all the bruises. "No wonder my side hurts so bad. That looks nasty." Chris said. "That will heal. The only cuts you had were on your head but Marshall took care of those." Scott said. "Marshall ?" Chris asked. "He is a doctor and friend that lives here on the mountain." Scott said. "Mountain ?" Chris asked. "Yes you are on a mountain near Bryson City North Carolina." Scott said.

"Do you have some mouth wash or something. My mouth feels like I have been chewing sand." Chris said. "Sure." Scott said. Scott turned and got a new tooth brush from the cabinet. Chris brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth. Scott followed suit in the adjoining sink. "I think enough exercise for now. I am getting a little light headed." Chris said. Scott put his arm around Chris and guided him back to the bed. Chris had his arm around Scott with his palm and fingers resting just above one of Scott's ass cheeks.

Scott hated to put Chris back in the bed because as the man slumped Scott could feel his finger moved up and down the top of his ass cheek as they walked. "He is not moving his hand. Stop that Scott. He is about to pass out. He couldn't move his hand if he wanted to." Scott thought.

Scott sat Chris on the side of the bed. When Scott moved his arms from under Chris', Chris reached up and pulled Scott's body against the side of his face. One arm was around Scott's back and the other was gripping a firm ass cheek. "Thank you." Chris said. "Come on baby. Let's get you back in bed and under the covers. "Ah fuck. I just called him baby again and he was awake." Scott thought.

Scott had gotten Chris comfortably back in the bed. "Can I get you anything. It's another four hours before you are suppose to take your medicine." Scott said. "I'm chilly again." Chris said patting the bed beside him. "You don't have to do that." Scott said and lowered his head in shame. "I know I don't but I miss the body warmth." Chris said and smiled.

Scott got in the bed and slid close to Chris' side. "I am a little more chilly than that." Chris laughed. Scott moved back up and placed his leg over Chris'. Scott was careful to make sure that he held his hips back. When they had woken his cock and balls were pushed tightly against the man's side. Chris had reached his arm around and was resting on one of Scott's ass cheek. Taking that hand he pulled Scott's body tight up against his. "Much better." Chris whispered.

"I hope you don't mind." Chris whispered. "I didn't want you to think I was a perv." Scott said. "Well I am comfortable with this. I don't think you are a perv. You seem to be a God send." Chris said. "Oh I am far from a God send." Scott laughed. Chris pulled his hand over and lifted Scott's chin. He moaned as he tried to lean down to kiss Scott. Scott lifted his head to make it much easier on Chris. Chris kissed Scott lightly and then moved further and moved his tongue along Scott's lips coaxing his teeth to part. Scott's mouth responded and a sensual French kiss was the result.

Chris lay his head back and took a deep breath in exhaustion. "You know you don't have to do this. I will take care of you anyway." Scott whispered. Chris took Scott's hand and moved it down under the cover and placed it on his now rock hard cock. "If I didn't want to then this would not happen." Chris said leaving his hand over Scott's on top of his cock. "Nap time." Chris whispered. "Sweet dreams." Scott whispered.

Scott lay there with his heart swimming as the man lightly rubbed his hand on his hairy ass cheek. "He kissed me. I think he was flirting. Is he straight ? Who is this dream come true ?" Scott thought as he listened to the man know known as Chris breath. Scott's mind was racing so fast it took him a while to fall back asleep.

"Yes, yes Chris. Pound my ass." " I am going to duck you hard baby and make my little Scott a happy man." Chris whispered. "Oh please. Your dick is so big. Stretch me open baby and make me scream." "I am going to stretch my baby wide open and plant my seed deep inside him." "DING DONG" "What ???" "DING DONG". Scott opened his eyes and realized that he was only dreaming that he had his arms and legs wrapped around Chris' body as he fucked the hell out of him. "DING DONG." "Ah shit, it's the door bell. This better be damn important to interrupt my dream." Scott thought as he unwound himself from Chris and grabbed his robe.

"About time you turned the man loose and opened the door." Marshall said. "Good morning to you too." Scott said. "How is our patient ?" Marshall asked as he walked in and Scott closed the door. "His fever is about gone. He woke up in the middle of the night and I helped him to the bathroom." Scott said. "One or two ?" Marshall asked. "Excuse me ?" Scott said. "Did he piss or shit Scott." Marshall said with a weird look on his face. "Oh, he had to pee." Scott said. "Good. Kidneys seem to be working. Did he say anything ?" Marshall asked. "We talked a little bit." Scott said. "Well what's his story ?" Marshall asked.

Scott walked over to the coffee pot. As he prepared the coffee he told Marshall about the conversation and about the fever and chills during the night. "He doesn't know his name." Scott said. "Not surprising. He took at least one good lick to the head. A little amnesia is to be expected." Marshall said. "Will he regain his memory ?" Scott said in a low voice as he put the coffee grounds in the machine. "Probably so Scott and we will cross that bridge when it happens. Scott please tell me you have not fallen for this guy." Marshall said. "Don't worry about me. I will be alright." Scott said. "I was afraid of this. You already have." Marshall said. Scott did not comment he just continues to prepare the coffee maker.

Next: Chapter 5: Who Am I 5

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