Who Am I?

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Feb 23, 2018


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Who am I ?" Chapter 3

Scott was awakened from his nap when the phone rang. Moving away from the warmth of the male Greek God beside him he went to answer his phone. "Hey Doc." Scott said. "Have you molested him yet ?" Marshall laughed. "Give me more credit than that." Scott said. "Hell he would never know it if you did. Those are strong pills for a reason. How is his temperature ?" Marshall asked. "Let me check it. It did get at least a cup of broth down him and the pills." Scott said. "I knew you could handle it." Marshall said. "His temperature is one hundred one point four." Scott said. "Good. I expected it to be higher but that's good. Just make sure you try to get as much fluid in him as you can when he wakes up. I don't want him dehydrating. Have you started working his arms and legs yet ?" Marshall asked.

"I figured he needed the rest." Scott said. "Better to do it while the pain meds are working. We don't want him to get stiff. Well not his arms and legs anyway." Marshall laughed. "Funny man." Scott laughed. "Hey it isn't often I get to pick on my favorite gay patient." Marshall laughed. "Jealous ?" Scott asked. "Not me. I already have one problem in my house and she wears a three karat diamond. " Marshall laughed. Marshall was in his mid sixties and was about as big around as he was tall. He wore coke bottle glasses and had a crooked mustache. Scott had offered before to fix that mustache for him. "Why ? It gets on my wife's nerves so I will keep it just like it is." was always the answer.

"Ok handsome. Time for some exercise." Scott said. Scott started by lifting the man's legs one at a time. "Mmmm. So strong and hairy. I bet these things can help you pile drive some lucky woman." Scott whispered. Scott had enjoyed massaging the man's arms and legs. His cock had gotten hard many times and he had given up on trying to keep it from leaking everywhere. "Out for at least eight hours huh ?" Scott thought.

Scott climbed onto the bed naked and straddled the man's waist. Setting back he moved so that the man's cock was between his ass cheeks. He slowly began to lightly rub up the man's stomach, chest and up to his shoulders. "Oh you frisky thing you." Scott whispered as the man's cock grew to a fully hard state in between his ass cheeks. "Well if you like this handsome just wait until bath time." Scott whispered.

Scott got up off the man. During his massage he could have sworn that he felt the hard cock flex and strain against his ass ring. Scott had gotten a warm cloth and wiped the pre cum from the man's stomach. Scott looked towards the ceiling. "Forgive me universe and forgive me handsome." he said before he lowered his lips and kissed the hard cock.

Scott lightly licked around the head of the cock before taking the mushroom head into his mouth. He smiled to himself realizing that it was not his imagination about the cock flexing as the cock flexed and strained in his mouth. Moving a little further down he had taken all he could at the moment. Placing his hand on the remaining shaft he pulled his mouth back. "Damn Bro. Too long and too thick for my mouth but I can practice." Scott said as he stroked the cock a couple of times. A drop of pre cum appeared in the slit of the cock. "Can't waste that buddy, sorry." Scott said as he stuck his tongue out to collect it. "Baby if you like that just wait until bath time." Scott whispered.

Realizing he needed to move before he molested the man Scott got up and walked around the edge of the bed. Leaning over he lightly kissed the man on the lips. "Sleep peaceful my prince." Scott said before growling and heading into the great room.

Scott lay on the couch and closed his eyes. He could still feel the man's hair and muscles on his finger tips. He reached down and began to lightly stroke his raging cock. To his amazement he was still leaking enough that he did not need bottled lube. "Yeah baby it's all yours." Scott whispered. As he stroked more he lifted his legs and lightly tapped his ass ring with his other hand. "Yeah baby stretch that bitch wide open and pound the hell out of me." Scott moaned. Scott's hand began working faster on his raging cock. "That's right fuck me hard. Damn you are so big and so long. You are going where no man has gone before." Scott moaned. Not paying attention to how close he was Scott's eyes shot open as his cock began to erupt. The first shot landed on his chin and the next few landed in a trail from his neck to his stomach. "Damn. I have not cum that hard in YEARS." Scott whispered as he lowered his legs and relaxed on the couch leaving his own seed to dry in the chest and stomach hair. "If only, Chris." Scott whispered.

A knock on the door brought Scott out of his afterglow. Standing he realized his current state. Covered in his own seed and naked. Quickly running to the master bathroom and taking a damp towel to wipe himself off and grabbing his robe he headed to the door. "Hey Scott. Just came by to check on your patient." the deputy said. Scott hoped the deputy did not see how bad he was blushing. "Come on in." Scott said.

"Have a seat I will be right back." Scott said. Scott quickly went back into the master bedroom and pulled the sheet up over the man. He took the thermometer and placed it in the man's mouth. "One hundred one point two" Scott whispered. Returning to the great room. "Sorry. I was just about to take his temperature so I could write it down for Doc. " Scott said not wanting to say that he rushed in to cover the naked man with a sheet.

"Has he woke up ?" the deputy asked. "Not really. He was awake enough for me to get some broth in him and some more pills. Have you found out anything ?" Scott asked. " We don't know anything yet. He doesn't fit any missing persons reports and there has been no reports of a conflict or fight near by." the deputy said. "He wasn't really awake enough to speak so I don't know anything either." Scott said.

"We have a few options. Marshall said that he would be more or less out of it for a couple of days so when he starts coming around we will see what he says. If not, after a couple of days we will take his prints and put them in the system and see what comes up." the deputy said. "You think he may be a criminal ?" Scott asked. "Not ruling it out but I really think he was robbed and beaten." the deputy said. "You mentioned fingerprints." Scott said. "All states require fingerprints for driver's licenses and state identification cards. If he has either we may can find out that way." the deputy said. "Didn't think about that." Scott said.

Scott and the deputy talked for another couple of minutes. "I just wanted to come and check on you guys. They are saying there is even harder snow coming so I knew it would be tough to get up here by car." the deputy said. "I appreciate you coming by. If I get any information if he wakes up I will call the station." Scott said. "Here I had rather you call me direct. This is my card and if I don't answer just leave a message." the deputy said. "Thanks and be careful out there in all this mess." Scott said as the deputy walked out the front door.

Scott prepared a fresh pot of coffee and sat in front of the television to watch the weather predictions. The timer went off in the kitchen signaling that there was only a couple of hours before his patient should be waking. Not sure of how the medicine would work Scott decided to start checking two hours before the man should wake.

Like clock work about two hours later the man began to wake. Scott was able to get him to drink more broth and also some water in between rest periods. As before the man's hand went between Scott's legs and held on just below one of his ass cheeks. At one point the man seemed restless and was trying to speak. "Just whisper. Don't try to talk." Scott said. Leaning close to the man's lips the man whispered "Pee". "Oh I understand. Do you want to try to stand ?" Scott asked.

The man began to move a little on the bed. Scott pulled his feet around so that they were on the floor. Reaching over he pulled the man up so that he was sitting on the side of the bed. Reaching under the man's arms and pulling the man to his chest caused Scott's cock to twitch. As he got the man to his feet the moans got louder and the man began to loose his balance. As the man lost his strength he fell back on the bed pulling Scott down on top of him.

Scott was able to get his arms out from around the man's back. As he stood he belt that held his robe had lost the fight and his robe was wide open. " Wait right here. We can fix this." Scott said as he headed to the kitchen. Searching the cabinets he found his stack of plastic cups from take out orders. Quickly back to the bedroom he stood beside the bed. "I know this is not what you want but I am going to pull you back up and we will use this cup." Scott said. The man slightly nodded o.k. showing that he knew what Scott said.

Scott pulled the man back up so that he was sitting on the side of the bed. "If you can support yourself for a minute with your arms the we can get this done." Scott whispered. The man placed his arms to his side to support himself but lay his head on Scott's shoulder. Scott took the cup and placed it in front of the man's cock. "Hold on. I am not molesting you but I need to hold your dick while you pee so we ring the cup. The man just moaned in agreement. Scott's palms were sweating as he held the cock so the man could pee. This beautiful man with a beautiful cock had given him permission to touch it. "Alright buddy. Ready when you are." Scott said.

The man had emptied his bladder and Scott quickly moved into the master bathroom to flush the contents of the cup and rinse it for future use. Back in the bedroom the man had began to slump some. "If I help support you do you think you can sit up for a while ? We need you up some so that you don't get sick when you can get up." Scott said. The man moaned in apparent agreement.

Scott got onto the bed. The robe was causing problems so he removed it. Sitting behind the man he spread his legs the best he could around the man's hips. Reaching around the man's chest he pulled him back so that the man's back was resting against his chest. The man moved his hands and placed them on Scott's bare hairy legs. He lay his head back so that it was resting on Scott's shoulder. Scott wrapped one arm around the man's chest and the other around his stomach to steady the man.

"I know it may hurt some but I need you to take the deepest breaths you can. I don't want you getting pneumonia." Scott said. The man moaned again and started trying to breath deeper. One deep breath he moaned and winched. He brought one hand up and put it over Scott's lacing his fingers in Scott's fingers. "Baby I am so sorry that someone did this to you but I promise we will get you well." Scott said. Scott froze and tensed up realizing that he had called him baby. The man must have realized it and squeezed his fingers in Scott's and used the hand on still on Scott's leg and lightly rubbed the hair. Scott was afraid to apologize hoping the man had not heard what he said.

After about thirty minutes Scott's back was really beginning to hurt. " I don't want to over do it. I am going to prop up the pillows and lay you back down. We need to get some more broth in you before it's time to take more medicine." Scott said. The man tried to lean forward but the pain in his ribs stopped him. "You let me do this. It won't be pain free but it will be much better.

Scott's heart began to sink once he had moved. He could still feel the man's muscular back against his chest, his hand on his leg, and his fingers laced in his. With the man's feet back on the bed they were able to get him comfortable. Scott quickly went to the kitchen and warmed some more broth. Scott was pleased when he was finished. The man had drank two cups of broth and a little over a cup of water.

Sorry my friend but it's time for more of the "I don't give a shit" pills so you can rest. I will be here when you wake up." Scott said. The man nodded his head and Scott got the pills. The spoon was not needed this time. The bruise on the man's jaw let Scott know that it was sore to open wide enough for the pills but the man suffered through it. Scott lifted the man's head and held it to his bare chest as he removed the pillows so the man could lay back. It will take a few minutes but all the pain will fade and you can sleep." Scott said.

Once the pills were down the man took a weak finger and lightly tapped his lips. "Want more to drink ?" Scott asked. The man moved his head saying no. He began to whisper. Scott moved down closer and turned his head so he could hear the man. The whispers stopped but the man lightly kissed Scott on the cheek. Scott blushed and lifted his head. He leaned over and kissed the man on his forehead. "You rest prince. I will get you well." Scott whispered. Scott had not even realized that he was still naked until he stood up and felt a drop of precum land on his foot.

The man moaned and patted his hand lightly on the bed beside him. "Are you uncomfortable ?" Scott asked. The man lay one hand off the bed and touched Scott's leg and lightly patted the bed on the other side of him. Scott walked around and climbed in the bed beside the man. The man pat the bed again. Scott slid closer until his body was close to the man's. The man lightly tapped his chest with his other hand.

Scott lay his hand on the man's chest and lightly rubbed. He froze again when he realized that in this position his low hanging balls were resting in the man's hand. "I am so sorry." Scott said and lifted his leg so that he could pull them between his legs. The man began to fondle them lightly with his fingers. Scott looked down and the man had opened his eyes and had a slight smile on his face. He lowered his leg leaving his genitals in the man's hand. Scott looked down and saw the massive cock was no longer flaccid but was at half mass.

"The doctor came and examined you. He said you would be alright but it will take some healing time. I promise I will do all I can to get you well." Scott said. The man's eyes were still half open and he smiled again and lightly squeezed Scott's balls causing him to leak a little more. Scott could tell that the medicine was starting to kick in some. "You will feel a lot better in a few minutes. The medicine is working." Scott whispered. The man pulled his free hand up and tapped his lips lightly again. "You want more to drink ?" Scott asked. The man shook his head no. "I don't think you can stay awake long enough to brush your teeth." Scott said. Once again he shook his head no and whispered. Scott moved closer to hear what the man had to say. "Kiss." the man whispered. Scott's heart stopped and he smiled as he leaned over and lightly kissed the man on the lips.

Scott lay his head on the man's arm until he could tell by his breathing that the medicine had him knocked out. He moved off the bed and stood once more and looked at the man. "He wanted a kiss. I called him baby and he didn't freak. He played with my balls." Kept running through Scott's brain. "Stop it Scott. He has a life. Probably a wife and kids. You can't, you can't fall for this man that will soon be gone." Scott kept telling himself.

Scott looked at the clock and realized that it was getting closer to his bed time. Going into the master bathroom he stood and looked at his naked body in the mirror. "He is asleep. If that medicine does it's trick then he won't think I am a total perv." Scott thought.

Scott cleaned himself well as all good bottoms do. Stepping into the warm water of the shower he began to realize how much of his stress was washing away. Lathering himself he was careful to not play with his hard cock to much since he had plans for it later. "He needs a bath." Scott said as if a light bulb had gone off in his head. Rinsing himself well he stepped out of the shower and quickly dried himself off. "I can give him a sponge bath." Scott said smiling as he looked in the mirror. "What he don't know won't hurt him." Scott whispered and smiled at himself in the mirror.

Next: Chapter 4: Who Am I 4

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