Who Am I?

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Feb 16, 2018


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Who am I ?" Chapter 2

Scott's heart melted sooner than the man's icy blood. "Don't do this Scott. You can't do this." he kept telling himself as he lightly wrapped his arms around the larger man's hairy chest. Scott could feel the man's breath less labored as his skin began to turn from a weird ash color to a well tanned.

Marshall continued to clean the dried blood from the man's face and head. "Not bad. I will put a liquid bandage on this on his head. It will try to bleed again as he warms up. The man began to stir a little and moan. Scott moaned too as the man ground his back into his chest. Moments later the man stopped stirring and seemed to be out again. Marshall and the deputy were back in the bedroom. Scott watched the door for their return as he ran his hand lightly up and down the man's chest. Taking a chance he ran his hand down and rubbed across the large flaccid cock and balls that had almost gotten frost bitten. Scott quickly moved his hand back up as he heard the doctor headed towards the door. Scott was not sure but he could almost swear that the cock twitched at his touch.

Marshall sat on the side of the tub and put a digital thermometer in the man's mouth. Pleased that it was now reading ninety eight degrees. "I called and cursed the snow plow guy out. I told him that if he didn't have this road plowed by the time an ambulance could get here that he would not get paid for plowing the rest." Marshall said. "Damn it can't be." Marshall asked. "Can't be what ?" Scott asked. "Now that his color is back he looks just like that actor.... umm. uhh.. you know.... he was in those movies and shows. I think it was SUV and one called Oz" Marshall said. "Christopher Meloni ?" Scott said as he felt his cock grow a little more just from the thought. Scott moved the man so that he could see his face. "Holy shit. They could almost be twins." Scott said. "Could it be ?" Marshall asked. "No way. This guy is every bit of six foot two. Meloni is maybe six foot at the most. This guy is thicker and has more chest hair plus he is packing quite a bit more." Scott said. Marshall cocked and eye brow and smiled at Scott. "Hey. You look at tits and asses. I look at hairy chests." Scott said and laughed. "Only chests ?" Marshall asked. "You want a more anatomical description ?" Scott asked. "I get the point." Marshall said and laughed.

Scott lay back and closed his eyes after the doctor left and lightly ran his hands over the man's chest and stomach. The man had to live in a gym. He had the muscle tone of Chris but was larger and taller. "This is the closest I will ever got to Christopher Meloni so I just want to hold him." Scott thought. The doctor entered the room with the paramedics. "He has been back up to temp. for about forty five minutes so we can get him out and on the bed so you can examine him too." Marshall said.

Scott helped to lift the man up. He had to smile and Marshall laughed as the paramedics turned the man to pull him out backwards and his cock moved across Scott's face. Once on the bed the paramedics examined him from head to toe. "It looks like he was apparently robbed, beaten and left to die." one paramedic said. "Nothing seemed to be broken." Marshall said. "My assessment is that he is just banged up very bad. He may have a concussion but that is too soon to tell." the other paramedic said.

Marshall and the paramedic took Scott out into the great room. "We can't get the ambulance up here. We had to lug our gear for about a mile. I don't really see where he needs to go to the emergency room but that is up to you." one paramedic said. "He will not be able to walk around for a couple of days. What do you want us to do ?" Marshall said looking at Scott. "I don't know how to take care of him." Scott said.

"I will give you some meds and instructions. I am just over the hill. You can call anytime and I will be right over. I can tell you what to expect so that the changes don't scare you." Marshall said. "If you think I can handle him then he is welcome to stay here." Scott said.

Marshall gave him three different pills. One was an antibiotic, the second was a pain pill. "Now this pill he will need. You can only give them to him every sixteen hours. It will make him sleep for eight but then he needs to be awake or partially for eight, Then he really needs to take another one so that he can completely rest and begin to heal." Marshall said. "This will knock him out for eight hours ?" Scott asked. "The mountain falling would not wake him after he takes it but he needs to be awake to eat and take in fluids in between doses. Plus he needs to move around so that his muscles don't seize up." Marshall said.

The deputy took Scott's number and assured him that he would call with any information that he could come up with. "Are you going to be alright ?" the deputy asked. "Let's just hope he is not a mass murderer." Scott said. "Well he won't be able to lift more than a cup of coffee for a week so I think until then you are safe." Marshall said.

Scott stood in the door as he watched the men make their way down the hill in the snow. Closing the door, he turned and walked back to the door of the master bedroom. Laying in his bed was the most beautiful naked man he had ever lay eyes on.

Scott went out onto the porch to drain and clean the hot tub. He figured that his guest may need it later to help with soreness so he needed to get the blood and dirt out. Watching his guest laying on the bed from the door he removed his robe because the terry cloth was rubbing his now hard cock. The hot tub was sanitized and was refilling.

Scott walked up to the side of the bed before heading to the kitchen. Placing his hand on the man's forehead to check for fever before lightly running his fingers over the man's chest and down to his belly. "Stop here Scott. It's not fair to him." Scott thought as he turned and left the room.

Scott smiled and hummed to himself as he took out some beef and chicken to make beef broth and chicken broth for his guest. He knew that with the meds and the pain it would be difficult for him to wake enough to eat a meal. Scott was no chef but he had cooked for himself since he was a teenager so he knew his way around a kitchen.

Returning to the master bedroom Scott took a deep breath as he looked at the man. He knew that he needed to pull the covers up over the naked man but he was enjoying the view too much. Crawling slowly onto the bed, Scott lay naked beside the man. Scott placed his cheek lightly on the man's arm and lay one leg over the other man's hairy legs.

Scott closed his eyes as he took in a deep breath. "He smells so damn good." Scott thought. Scott's heart was beginning to fill to quickly. He lightly ran his left hand over the man's torso and down across his stomach. Scott closed his eyes and felt himself blush as he ran his hand further and lightly rubbed the man's flaccid cock and balls. To his surprise the cock begin to fill slightly.

Scott came back to earth and realized what he was doing. Moving his hand back he moved so that he was on his knees beside the man. "Forgive me world but I can't resist." Scott whispered. Scott leaned over and lightly licked the tip of the man's cock and then kissed the mushroom head. He sat back up and looked over the man's body before leaning over and lightly kissing him on the lips. "Sleep well my handsome prince and get well." Scott whispered before getting off the bed and pulling the covers up over the man.

Scott had been busy in the kitchen for a couple of hours when his phone rang. "Hey Doc." Scott said. "How is our patient ?" Marshall asked. "Still sleeping. I covered him up good so he would stay warm and I have made beef broth and chicken broth." Scott said. "I need to come to your house when I get sick. My wife tells me I need broth and then tells me where to go buy it." Marshall laughed. "Call me and I will make you broth." Scott laughed.

"Do you have a thermometer ?" Marshall asked. "I have one of those digital ones." Scott said. "I need for you to take his temperature." Marshall said. "Want me to call you back ?" Scott asked. "That or I can just hold on." Marshall said. "Well just hold on then." Scott said. Marshall told him a few other things that he needed to expect and also watch out for over the next twenty four hours while he got the thermometer and coaxed the man's mouth open to put it inside.

"Um Doc, it says that his temperature is one hundred and one." Scott said. "That's expected. So you have a stethoscope ?" Marshall asked. "Sorry Doc. Those are above my education level." Scott said. "Place your ear on his chest and see if you hear any wheezing or gurgling." Marshall said. Scott lay his ear on the man's chest. He closed his eyes and breathed the scent of the man in almost forgetting about the phone. "Earth to Scott." Marshall said causing Scott to remember what he was doing. "Doc I can't really hear anything." Scott said. "Note to self. Never ask a gay man to place his head on another man's hairy chest." Marshall laughed. "The roads are clearing so I will run down there and check on him. He should be waking pretty soon." Marshall said.

Scott lay the thermometer on the night stand and went into his closet. If the doctor was coming he knew that he had to dress. A pair of warm up pants and a t shirt would have to do. Usually Scott spent his time at home naked. Once he was dressed he went back into the kitchen to taste test both broths. In less than ten minutes he heard the doorbell ring.

Marshall and Scott talked for a few minutes in the great room before heading into the bedroom. Marshall checked the man over again. "There is a little rattle in his chest but that is to be expected. Be prepared when you get some liquids in him that he may be nauseated for a couple of minutes. After that it will be a concern." Marshall said.

Marshall tried to wake the man. There were a couple of times that the man opened his eyes just a little but would not wake up. "He should come around shortly but he won't be fully awake. Try to get him to speak. Ask him if he hurts anywhere and ask him what his name is." Marshall said. "You trust me to do all of that ?" Scott asked. "Scott I trust you more than any hospital or nurse to take care of him." Marshall said. "I just wish I knew who he was and what happened." Scott said. "We will find all of that out when he wakes up. Right now we don't need him to be awake for long though. His body needs the rest to start healing. I do need you to move his limbs around some. Lifting his legs and arms to keep his blood circulating. With that drool running down your chin I don't think you will mind." Marshall said laughing. Scott reached up and wiped his mouth. "I am not drooling." Scott said. "Well your eyes are." Marshall laughed.

Marshall tasted the beef and then the chicken broth before he left. "Damn Scott. I may fake being sick if you will make me some of both of these. This stuff is fantastic." Marshall said. "Have you heard from the deputy ?" Scott asked. "He called and asked if I knew when he might be awake. I told him that it may be a couple of days before he could carry on a conversation with him." Marshall said. He told Scott to try to get the man to drink a little broth and take the pills when he woke a little.

As Marshall opened the door he turned to Scott. "Another front coming in and they say another four or five inches of snow this afternoon and tomorrow. This is some shit weather for sure." Marshall said. "I have not even turned the television on." Scott said. "His fever does not need to be sweated out so take the covers off. Just let me know if it rises above one hundred and two. If it does call me and I will come back and check him out. Other than that just keep him warm and comfy and not sweating to death under all that cover." Marshall said.

Scott closed the door and went back into the bedroom. Smiling to himself he pulled the covers back to expose the naked man again. "Doctor's orders my friend. Not sure if the orders were for your sake or mine." Scott said and laughed. The man seemed to squirm and moan a little.

About an hour later Scott was sitting naked in the window seat in the master bedroom with another cup of coffee. He watched as the snow began to fall again adding a fresh blanket over the surrounding mountains. Scott was lost in the thoughts of how glad he was the older man came with the installation crew for his HVAC. Without his comments Scott probably would have never imagined removing the trees would open up one of the most beautiful mountain views around.

Scott almost spilled his coffee as he heard his patient moan and begin to stir. Scott quickly put the coffee down and went and knelt beside the bed. "Hey buddy. Everything is alright. You are going to be fine and you are safe." Scott said. His heart skipped a beat or two when the man extended his hand and rested it in the hairy cleft between his breasts. "Don't try to move. I have some broth. Let me get that and hopefully it will help you feel better. " Scott said as he quickly stood.

Returning with the broth Scott quickly grabbed his robe. If the man opened his eyes he did not want a naked man to traumatize him even more. "Alright we need to prop you up a little so you can drink some broth." Scott announced. The man apparently understood and helped as much as he could while Scott propped pillows behind him. The man's hand slipped under the robe and between Scott's legs. His fingers rested just under one of Scott's ass cheeks and Scott's low hanging balls rested on the man's arm just above his wrist.

Scott took another deep breath and moved back further down the bed. The man's hand remained. Scott leaned over and lifted his head so that he could take a sip of the broth. After the third sip the man became slightly nauseated. "That's alright I will clean you up but first we need to try to get some more of this broth in you." Scott explained. The man was able to sip about a cup of the broth before his strength gave out. "The doctor has been to see you and he has two pills that you need to take. I don't know how easy this will be but we need to do this. Can you help me try ?" Scott asked. The man opened his eyes for the first time and as Scott looked into them his cock began to leak. The problem was that the first drop landed on the unsuspecting man's arm.

Trying to get the pills in the man's mouth was not going well. Scott remembered how he use to get pills into his niece and nephew. There was a noticeable loss of the man's hand as he headed to the kitchen. Coming back he placed the two pills in a spoon. The man was able to open his mouth for Scott enough to get the spoon in so that he could place the pills at the back of his mouth. A couple more sips of broth and the pills were down but the man was completely exhausted. Scott pulled the pillows out from behind his head and lay his head back. The man reached his hand back out and it landed in the hair on Scott's chest and he knelt beside the bed. Scott could not speak but only smile as the man looked into his eyes.

"I promise you everything will be alright." Scott whispered. The man did not speak but lightly rubbed his hand on Scott's chest for a second before closing his eyes and going back to sleep. Scott left the man's hand there until he knew that he was asleep again and his knees were starting to hurt. Standing up he went and got a warm rag to clean the man's chest from where he had gotten sick. Scott rinsed the rag four times but was enjoying what he was doing too much. Realizing that the man would be out for about eight hours he removed his robe and crawled in the bed beside him and spooned up against his side. He picked the man's arm up and lightly licked the drying precum from the man's arm.

Next: Chapter 3: Who Am I 3

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